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09-13 投稿



insoul 发音


英:  美:

insoul 中文意思翻译



insoul 相似词语短语

1、insouls ─── 使有生气;牢记在心

2、insole ─── n.鞋垫;鞋内底

3、unsouls ─── 日落

4、insculp ─── v.在……上雕刻;雕塑

5、insouled ─── 使有生气;牢记在心

6、ensouls ─── vt.赋与灵魂;使牢记在心

7、insol. ─── abbr.不溶解的(insolubility)

8、unsoul ─── 不灵的

9、ensoul ─── vt.赋与灵魂;使牢记在心

insoul 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to ensoul things insensate ─── 使无生气之物富有生气[亦作 insoul]

2、 双语使用场景

3、The Buffalo kingdom is choosing to ensoul all cows raised for dairy products until humans wean themselves from the requirement of such nutrients to foster ascension. ─── 水牛王国正选择去赋灵予所有为牛奶制品而被饲养的母牛,直到人类自己断绝了此类营养的需要来培育提升。

4、Soul will also return to ensoul the land and nature kingdoms along with the waterways and ocean. ─── 灵魂也将返回来给大地、自然界王国和水域、大海赋灵。

5、Therefore attempting to ensoul humans, nature, dolphins or whales that have failed to embody the bare minimum of 1024 strands would be counterproductive to the ascent of soul. ─── 因此,试图给未能融入1024股的人类、大自然或海豚鲸鱼赋灵,将无法达到灵魂提升的预期目标。

6、Let us request that soul return unto the land and ensoul and ascend the vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes or grains. ─── 让我们请求灵魂返回到大地,并赋灵和提升蔬菜、水果、坚果、豆类和谷类。

7、human souls that have karma to learn and understand about imprisoning animals now ensoul all species in any zoo or aquarium. ─── 那些有业力来学习并理解囚禁动物的人类灵魂会给任何动物园或水族馆里的物种赋予灵魂。

8、Those of this nature belong to the earth mother and to the nature kingdoms that extended into human form to ensoul them at birth. ─── 有这些特性的人归属于地球母亲和在他们出生时赋灵予他们的自然王国。

10、Beloved, nature has chosen to not ensoul any food raised through non-conscious farming practices. ─── 至爱的人类,大自然已选择不要再给任何藉由无意识耕作方式来饲养的食物灌输灵魂。

11、Most kingdoms that are raised for fur such as mink, opossum, fox and beaver are choosing no longer to ensoul those species held in captivity. ─── 大部分王国被饲养来获得皮毛,如貂、负鼠、狐狸和海狸,它们正在选择不再给被关住的个体赋予灵魂。

12、As one blesses the milk cows or free-range egg chickens, one calls Buffalo and Hawk to ensoul the associated forms. ─── 当你祝福奶牛或自由放养的蛋鸡时,你呼唤水牛和鹰来给相关的形态赋灵。

13、All species are God Goddess in form, and our souls ensoul Earth. ─── 所有物种都是形体内的神/女神,而我们的灵魂们赋灵地球。

14、Hawk is choosing to ensoul all chickens bread in a free-range manner for eggs. ─── 鹰正选择去赋灵予所有以自由放养方式被喂的蛋鸡。

15、Over time and going back over 12 million years in history, Earth had allowed the False Intervention souls to ensoul seven species upon Earth. ─── 而这是怎么发生的?随着时间的过去,回顾12百万年之前,地球让虚假干涉的灵魂来赋灵了地球上七个物种。

16、Dolphin and whale souls often not only weave dolphin and whale grid work into the physical form, but also construct dolphin whale subtle bodies and chakras in the humans that they ensoul. ─── 海豚鲸鱼灵魂在所赋灵的人类身上,经常不仅给肉体编织海豚鲸鱼晶格层,也构建海豚鲸鱼的精微体和脉轮。


中文意思是n. 灵魂;心灵;某种人;(用于否定句中)一个人(也没有);灵乐;感受强烈感情的能力;(艺术、音乐作品或文章中的)热情,气魄;精神,精髓;(某地的)人们,人口(souls);(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质;(某种品质的)典范,化身;美国黑人文化(或种族尊严);鬼魂

adj. 激情黑人的,黑人文化的

She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.






soul也可作“精髓,精华; 中心人物”解,主要指集体的骨干或精神支柱或某事物最好的部分,引申还可作“典型”解,常与介词of连用。soul of在be后作表语时, soul前面通常要加定冠词the。

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