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09-13 投稿



handcraft 发音

英:[?h?ndkr?ft]  美:[?h?ndkrɑ?ft]

英:  美:

handcraft 中文意思翻译




handcraft 词性/词形变化,handcraft变形


handcraft 短语词组

1、make handcraft ─── 制作手工艺品

2、handcraft shop ─── 手工艺品店

3、let handcraft ─── 让手工艺品

4、handcraft studio ─── 手工艺品工作室

handcraft 相似词语短语

1、handicrafter ─── n.手工艺;手工艺品(handicraft的变形)

2、handcraftman ─── 手工艺人

3、handcrafted ─── adj.手工制作的,手工艺的

4、handicrafts ─── n.手工艺(handicraft的复数);手工艺品

5、to handcraft ─── 手工

6、handcart ─── n.手车;手推车

7、handcrafts ─── n.手工艺品(handcraft的复数);v.用手工制作(handcraft的第三人称单数)

8、handicraft ─── n.手工艺;手工艺品

9、handcrafting ─── n.手工艺,手艺;vt.以手工做

handcraft 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They were much taken with Chinese handicraft. ─── 中国手工艺品深受他们的喜爱。


3、The rise of the city is intimately associated with the transition from handicraft to machine industry. ─── 城市的兴起是同手工业向机器生产的过渡密切相关的。

4、The pinafore displayed in this picture is hand-made by the handicraft center of the Combined Service Forces. ─── 图中这条围裙是联勤手工艺品厂出品的围裙,手工缝制,傅培梅说它又美观又实用。

5、We renamed our company in 2003 as Zhongcheng Steel Wire Handcraft Corporation which is an Sino-Macao joint venture. ─── 2003年改名江门市中成铁艺家居工艺有限公司,属中澳合资企业。

6、The handicraft has smelting and founding, spinning and weaving,lacquerwork. ─── 商业发展表现为商品种类繁多;货币的产生和发展;

7、Its main characteristics is a carton that single a carton handicraft feed to anticipat,Genneral curl carton applicably. ─── 其主要特点为单张纸板手工喂料,一般翘曲的纸板均可适用。

8、It also can be collected as an article collection, gift, handicraft product, souvenir etc. ─── 亦可作为纪念品,收藏品,礼品、工艺品等。

9、Apply to carving pattern in the handicraft. ─── 主要应用于工艺品的内雕图案,

10、There are several million industrial workers in China and several tens of millions of handicraft workers and agricultural labourers. ─── 中国有产业工人数百万,有手工业工人和农业工人数千万。

11、Can write on any surface, especially use for dressmaking, shoemaking, handicraft, embroidey, artificia flowers, etc. For temporary making. ─── 任何材质上书写,特别使用于制衣、刺绣、十字绣、纺织、手工艺等行业临时性书写。

12、Beijing handicraft products are cloisonne, jade, silk flower, and so on. ─── 北京特产工艺品有景泰蓝、玉器、绢花等。

13、I think the handcraft is quite coxcombry. ─── 太贫了,而且觉得工显得浮夸。

14、Furniture industry in village emerges the feature of handicraft industry times. ─── 农村家具产业基本呈现手工业时期的特征。

15、The product has series glass products such as cosmetics , handicraft article kind , candleholder kind , food kind. ─── 产品有化妆品类、工艺品类、烛台类、食品类等系列玻璃制品。

16、Our aim is specially making leather products with exquisite handcraft and offering excellent value to you. ─── 专业精工制作,为您提供物超所值的专业服务!

17、At the same time,only agricultural production can provide the handicraft industry with raw materials,laying the foundation for its development. ─── 同时,只有农业的生产,才能给手工业以原料,使手工业发展有了基础。

18、Our company specialized in handcraft, electrical and mechanical products, light industrial products. ─── 我们公司主要经营手工艺品,轻工业,机电产品。

19、Handicraft class was a required course for most primary school students in China. ─── 在中国的大部分小学里,手工课都是必修课。

20、Now you handcraft the view class that is defined by the flow and referenced by the JSP page. ─── 现在您已经手动创建了由流程所定义并由 JSP 页面所引用的视图类。

21、At this point in development, you could handcraft an extension built upon secret.c. ─── 在目前的开发阶段,可以在secret . c基础上手动构建一个扩展。

22、On which floor are the handicraft articles sold? ─── 工艺品在几楼?

23、The peasants produced for themselves not only agricultural products but most of the handicraft articles they needed. ─── 农民不但生产自己需要的农产品,而且生产自己需要的大部分手工业品。

24、These schools offer a wide range of courses, including handicraft and vocational courses. ─── 学校讲授的课程十分广泛,还包括有手工艺和职业技能课程。

25、We can select material so as to meet receive traditional refined handcraft and make the frame adapt to home or office decoration and treasuring up. ─── 在品质上,我们一直秉承中华民族传统精细的手工工艺制作,使之更适合各种家居办公装饰和珍藏。

26、A flower can be placed on the stage or one honour statuary handicraft. ─── 台上可摆一盆鲜花或一尊雕像工艺品。

27、Our factory specialized in producing all classes of an iron and wooden handicraft. ─── 仙居恒和工艺厂是一家各类铁制、木制的专业工艺品生产厂家。

28、It's been labeled as the folk craft exhibition hall of Canton with various handicraft articles on display. ─── 它现在被辟为广东省民间工艺馆,陈列着各种工艺品。

29、ZW4006 type miniature bench drills is light weight, simple structure and easy for operation. It is ideal tool for homework and handcraft. ─── ZW4006微型台钻重量轻、结构简单、使用方便,是家庭、手工作坊等用户的理想工具。

30、Mainly produces the new generation to imitate the cane to weave the handicraft. ─── 主要生产新一代仿藤编织工艺品。

31、Mainly produce each file handicraft product, lamps and laterns, headdress, acryl series decoration accessories. ─── 主要生产各档工艺品、灯饰、头饰、压克力系列饰品配件。

32、The nankeen handicraft is becoming more and more people's choice. ─── 土布工艺品正成为越来越多人的选择。

33、She bought this miserable handicraft from the old lady. ─── 她从那个老太太手里买下了这件粗劣的手工艺品。

34、Outstanding works win prizes for little initiates in the drawing and handicraft competitions. ─── 小同修在绘图及手工艺竞赛节目中表现优异而得奖。

35、Mechanical skills (handicraft) regarding the treatment of metal (bending, filing, polishing, embossing). ─── 具备对金属处理(弯曲、打磨、抛光、压花等)的机械技能(动手能力)。

36、The handcraft workshop already existed in the age of small-scale economy. ─── 小农经济时代已经有手工作坊出现了。

37、Material: stainless steel ,iron,copper. Used :mainly used in building, handicraft ,woven mesh , cor... ─── 发布者:朱晓霞所在地:河北石家庄市行业:五金、工具职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

38、For example: Chopsticks frame, bamboo chopsticks, wooden handicraft, screw handguard and so on. ─── 如:筷架,竹筷,木制工艺品,螺丝刀木柄等。

39、Soviet industries, when I visited Red China, were all handicraft. ─── 在我访问红色中国的时候,苏区工业都是手工业。

40、Aesthetic taste and the level of technic refrains the handicraft of Tujia brocade. ─── 审美眼光和技巧的高低制约着织锦工艺水平。

41、But I believe they are a kind of handicraft objects. ─── 不过我还一直以为那是一种工艺品呢。

42、Why are you silent? What is your handicraft? ─── 你为什么不说话?你的手艺是什么?

43、Unusual shapes,flamboyant colors,elaborate handcraft,and delicate design show its rustic pureness,free romance and ancient culture. ─── 其造型夸张,色彩艳丽,做工精简,智用灵巧,具有质朴纯真、自由浪漫、古风犹存的特征。

44、Products include ceramic frame series, crystal perfume necklace series and handicraft series. ─── 公司生产的产品有:陶瓷画框系列、水晶香水项链系列、纯手工饰品系列等。

45、Chinese handicraft articles are perfect in workmanship. ─── 中国的手工艺品制作精巧。

46、Our factory has advanced manufacture equipments, high-ranged management ability, fine handcraft and good quality. ─── 工厂拥有先进的生产设备,高层次管理水平,精巧的手工艺流程,上乘的产品质量。

47、Continue by minibus to Chiang Rai handicraft center. ─── 坐汽车就可以到达清莱的手工艺品中心。

48、Traditional handicraft techniques are being steadily improved. ─── 传统的手工艺技术不断革新。

49、For we can neither employ them in Handicraft, or Agriculture; we neither build Houses, (I mean in the Country) nor cultivate Land. ─── 因为我们既不能雇他们从事手工业,也不可能雇他们从事农业;我们不建造房屋(我指的是在农村),也不用开拓耕地。

50、As a devotional photographer, Zhang Yan is a very tough man in terms of the handicraft of photo making. ─── 作为一个不涉功利的摄影作者,彦彰对照片挑剔的宁缺毋滥。

51、Interests include handcraft, drawing, photography, animals and robots. ─── 喜欢手工艺、绘图、摄影、动物及机械人。

52、Handicraft gauze lanterns present the demeanour of the Tang Dynasty. ─── 工艺纱灯,唐代风采。

53、Manufacturers of all kinds of fashion belt,leather belt,handicraft belt,canvas belt,braided belt,rhi... ─── 发布者:彭芬所在地:广东广州市行业:纺织、皮革职位:跟单员工作年限:

54、The handcraft of your family even characterized the crest of your "hometown"! ─── ??家人的手工艺连??“家乡”最高点的特色也刻画出来了!

55、Among them 5 produce finished product board, ligneous handicraft to export the nation such as Japan, Korea. ─── 其中有5家生产成品板、木制工艺品出口日本、韩国等国家。

56、The Inner-bottle painting is a traditional handicraft in Hengshui. ─── 内画鼻烟壶使衡水的一种传统手工艺品。

57、We specializes in quality crocheted, and knitted garment, handicraft and special embroidery garment. ─── 主要生产各种材料的机织、手工服装及特殊绣花服装,包括人丝手勾衫、机织衫、网布手摇衫等。

58、You can always just use the information provided here piecemeal to handcraft your NPCs, or if you prefer, ignore this chapter and do it all from scratch. ─── 你可以使用这里提供的资料的片断来打造你的NPC,如果你愿意,也可以跳过本章而自行制作NPC。

59、Museum of Handcraft Paper, Gaoligong Mountain, China / Trace Architecture Office. ─── 手工造纸博物馆,中国,高黎贡山/跟踪建筑事务所。

60、World handicraft development series seminar and so on many unit activities. ─── 世界手工艺发展系列研讨会等多个单元的活动。

61、"Chinese knot " is a kind of ancient, handcraft folk art with great application potential. ─── “中国结”艺术是既古老又有巨大应用潜力的手工民间艺术。

62、La Ba Qiong Da's handcraft workshop is a popular producer for silver cups and bowls - an indispensable item in Tibetan daily life. ─── 喇叭冲达的手工艺品店,制造受欢迎的银色杯子和碗、这是一项在西藏日常生活中不可或缺的物品。

63、Almost all of the valuable handicraft articles are there. ─── 几乎所有有价值的工艺品都集中在哪儿。

64、Art is not a handcraft but is emotional transition experienced by artists. ─── 2艺术不是手艺,它是艺术家的体验到的感情的传递。

65、What handcraft are there in China? ─── 在中国有哪些手工艺品?

66、Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft. ─── 安娜:剪纸真是精美的工艺品!

67、In the Delegation's view, equally important to Lesotho is the development of branding strategies for the handicraft sector. ─── 在代表团看来,对莱索托同样重要的是为手工艺行业制定品牌战略。

68、Clips, Clips or Clips are only some things, which belong to the area of activity of changzhou firm of jiangsu handicraft article imp &exp group. ─── 公司提供汽车附件和加紧圈、加紧卡以及卡夹范围内的可行性方案。

69、With a scattered handicraft industry, detailed and comprehensive planning is of course impossible. ─── 在散漫的手工业基础上,全部的精密计划当然不可能。

70、In ancient Greek religion, the goddess of war, handicraft, and wisdom, and patroness of Athens. ─── 在古希腊宗教里,她是雅典的守护神,以及战争、工艺和明智的女神。

71、Traditional handicraft industry product of the export of China does not decend 100 kinds. ─── 中国出口的传统手工业品不下一百种。

72、The supplies will come with the textbooks. Multi media material with songs, games, drawing, puzzle, dancing and handcraft, will be provided. ─── 学校自编教材,主要以多媒体教学为手段,通过儿歌,歌舞表演,游戏,手工,绘画,拼图拼字等形式

73、An object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin. ─── 古董由于年代久远而具有特殊价值的物体,尤指由于工艺,美观和兴起时期等方面受到重视的土产,家具或手工艺品

74、Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft. ─── 她的爱好是音乐、读书和手工。

75、Sky lantern had been used as a lantern to make a vow to the god, but now it has become one of the most popular handcraft in the festival. ─── 孔明灯本作为一种许愿用的灯笼,现已成为一种节日最创销的工艺品。

76、Our carpets were made of chinese pure wool by handcraft. ─── 我们的地毯是用中国纯羊毛手工织成。

77、Fortunately these clay figurines have become famous handicraft articles. ─── 不过,这些泥人却成了举世闻名的工艺品。

78、Mainly trade in Antique, Handicraft, Collection, Ornament etc., With an annual trade volume of severd hundred million yuan. ─── 主营古旧物品、工艺品、收藏品、装饰品,年成交额达数亿元。

79、The paintings on some porcelain pieces are free sketches of rich subject matter and constitute a special Chinese handicraft. ─── 在一部分瓷器上,画法自由,内容丰富,成为一种新型的有特色的画面和艺术品。

80、Furniture is both a daily necessity and a handicraft. ─── 家具是人们日常生活的用具,同时也是一种工艺品。

81、Teach with the materials compiled by school. A lot of multi media material, with songs, games, drawing, puzzle, dancing and handcraft. ─── 学校自编教材,通过儿歌,歌舞表演,游戏,手工,绘画,拼图拼字等多种形式进行教学

82、Overstriking the handicraft embroidered lines. ─── 加粗手绣线。

83、You can find a lot of beautiful handicraft articles there. ─── 在那儿您可以找到很多漂亮的工艺品。

84、You have very nice handcraft! More more more! ─── 你有很好的工艺品!更多更多!

85、Unusual shapes, flamboyant colors, elaborate handcraft, and delicate design show its rustic pureness, free romance and ancient culture. ─── 其造型夸张,色彩艳丽,做工精简,智用灵巧,具有质朴纯真、自由浪漫、古风犹存的特征。

86、The people of Hetian have turned to this handicraft in an impressive, distinctive way. ─── 和田人已把他们的这种手工艺发挥得淋漓尽致。

87、The crafts look beautifully and the usable ambiguity archery target one kind of handicraft. ─── 具有观赏性和实用性双重性质的一种工艺品。

88、You have a widespread agriculture and handicraft industry as well as some light and heavy industries using machinery. ─── 你们有广大的农业和手工业,也有一部分使用机器的轻工业和重工业。

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