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09-13 投稿



iceman 发音

英:[?a?s?m?n]  美:[?a?sm?n]

英:  美:

iceman 中文意思翻译



iceman 网络释义

n. 卖冰者;送冰人;善于在冰上行走的人

iceman 短语词组

1、last hours of the iceman ─── 冰人的最后时刻

iceman 词性/词形变化,iceman变形


iceman 相似词语短语

1、paceman ─── n.快速投篮手

2、ice men ─── 冰球运动员;冰人

3、isleman ─── 伊斯勒曼

4、Wiseman ─── n.怀斯曼(姓氏)

5、lineman ─── n.线务员;线路工人

6、icemen ─── n.卖冰者;送冰人;善于在冰上行走的人

7、fireman ─── n.消防队员;救火队员;锅炉工;n.(Fireman)人名;(英)法尔曼

8、faceman ─── n.工作面采煤工

9、ice man ─── 冰球运动员;冰人

iceman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was named Oetzi the Iceman and became a scientific sensation. ─── 在乾尸发掘后,随即送到科学家处研究。

2、Then there was journalist Rainer Hoelz, who filmed the recovery of the Iceman, and who died of a brain tumour. ─── 赖纳-赫尔茨,记者,曾用摄像机记录下这具木乃伊被发现的全过程。他死于脑肿瘤。

3、Ferrari announced a one-year extension in September, so the Iceman will remain behind the wheel for the Ferrari team through the 2010 F1 season. ─── 法拉利车队宣布将于今年9月与他再续签一年合约,因此在2010年F1赛季期间这位“冰人”仍可以手握方向盘为法拉利车队效力。第12345页

4、JAMES H.DICKSON, KLAUS OEGGL and LINDA L.HANDLEY share an interest in the plants that the Tyrolean Iceman may have used in his daily life. ─── 狄克森、奥格、韩德里都对冰人在日常生活中可能食用的植物感兴趣。

5、This time, Heavyweight Champ George Iceman Chambers is sent to a Russian Jail on trumped-up drug charges. ─── 这次,重量捣碎在捏造的药费用上乔治售冰者钱伯斯被送到一所俄国的监狱。

6、This paper analyzes the symbolic meanings of the name,characters and scenes in The Iceman Cometh and concludes that this play is a symbol of human being s existential predicament. ─── 本文从象征意义的角度对剧名、角色和场景进行分析,得出这部戏剧就是人类生存困境的隐喻和象征。

7、But since being found 14 years ago, five of the people who came in close contact with Oetzi the Iceman have died, leading to the inevitable question: is the mummy cursed? ─── 但自从14年前发现了这具冰川木乃伊后,曾参与发现和研究工作的5人都先后死亡。这不禁让人疑惑:“这是木乃伊的诅咒吗?”

8、There are millions of tifosi all over the world. Monza is crowded with Ferrari fans. What does the Iceman feel sitting in his car ? ─── 全世界有数不清的法拉利车迷,在蒙扎挤满了法拉利车迷,冰人坐在赛车里感觉如何呢?

9、The fourth death was that of Helmut Simon, the German tourist who spotted the Iceman in 1991 while on a walking trip with his wife. ─── 赖纳-赫尔茨,记者,曾用摄像机记录下这具木乃伊被发现的全过程。

10、The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in china soon,all of our chinese friend welcome ICEMAN to BeiJing to enjoy the match. ─── 3 2008年奥运会将在中国召开,中国的朋友欢迎冰人(ICEMAN)来北京观看比赛!

11、After dinner Katy would show him the new patch in her crazy quilt that the iceman had cut for her off the end of his four-in-hand. ─── 吃过晚饭后凯蒂会给他看她百衲被上的新布片,那是送冰人从他的活结领带末端剪下来给她的。

12、Konrad Spindler, head of the Iceman investigation team at Innsbruck University, died on Monday, apparently from complications arising from multiple sclerosis. ─── 数年来,施平德勒一直潜心于研究这具名叫厄兹的冰川木乃伊。

13、A stern man who sets very high work standards, Hong an has been given the nickname Iceman? ─── 方弘安有 冰人 之称,不苟言笑,要求特高。

14、Researchers now believe the prehistoric iceman was murdered. ─── 研究者们现在确认这位史前的冰人是被谋杀的。

15、Can you describe the tattoos on the Iceman and their significance? ─── 能描述一下冰人身上的纹身及它的含义吗?

16、KLAUS OEGGL, JAMES H.DICKSON and LINDA L.HANDLEY share an interest in the plants that the Tyrolean Iceman may have used in his daily life. ─── 奥格、狄克森、韩德里都对冰人在日常生活中可能食用的植物感兴趣。

17、Franco Rollo of the University of Camerino, Italy, has worked on ?tzi the iceman. ─── 意大利卡梅里诺大学的学者 Franco Rollo 是研究“冰人奥兹”的专家。

18、I'm like Iceman from "Top Gun." I don't make mistakes and always get the job done right and on time. ─── 我喜欢“壮志凌云”中的冰人。我不会犯错并且总能准时完成工作。

19、Perhaps most remarkable, this choreographed intervention would be accomplished without making any new incisions in the Iceman's body. ─── 可能最值得注意的是,这些精心设计的检查会在对冰人的身躯无任何切割的前提下完成。

20、First, the scientists took DNA samples from the iceman. ─── 首先科学家们从冰人身上提取了DNA样本。

21、The author of renowned classics such as The Iceman Cometh and A Moon for the misbegotten died, ostensibly of pneumonia, on Nov. 27, 1953 ─── 1953年11月27日,这位以诸如《卖冰人来了》和《私生子的月亮》等经典作品而出名的作家去世了,表面上是死于肺炎。

22、Was"tzi the Iceman"Killed in Battle? ─── “冰人奥兹”是死于战斗吗?

23、While other shooting guards on this list seemed to work hard for their points, the Iceman made scoring look effortless. ─── 与这份名单上其他的得分后卫不同,得分对于冰人来说,永远显得是那么的轻松。

24、In its frozen state, the Iceman's deep caramel skin had a dignified luster, reminiscent of a medieval figure painted in egg tempera. ─── 在冰冻的状态下,冰人焦糖色的皮肤散发出高贵的光芒。令人联想起画在蛋彩画上的一位中世纪的人物。

25、The iceman told Ivan the truth.His son’s birthday was coming up;his son liked drinking juice4 , so the iceman planned to buy a juicer for his son as a birthday present. ─── 原来,卖冰淇淋的人的儿子快过生日了,他的儿子喜欢喝 果汁4 ,他很想买一个果汁机送给儿子做礼物。

26、” As soon as the poster was put up, the ice buyers6 began to come to the iceman one by one.This made Ivan and the iceman as busy as bees. ─── 海报一贴出, 买冰淇淋的人6 就络绎不绝,伊凡和卖冰淇淋的人忙得不可开交。

27、Ferrari's 28-year-old Finnish'Iceman', twice before a runner-up in the title standings with his former team McLaren, finally reaped the rewards on Sunday with victory in the Brazilian season-ender. ─── 28岁的法拉利芬兰冰人,曾经两度在麦克拉伦获得过亚军,但最终在周末的巴西收官站上完美地获得了胜利。

28、One week left! Come on! I can't wait to see the red iceman! ─── 只剩一周啦!再熬一个星期,墨尔本的揭幕站就来了!期待红色冰人和迈凯伦赛车的精彩表现!

29、We had a great time laughing and talking together while we waited for the iceman to come. ─── 我们一边谈笑着,一边等待着售冰者送冰过来,玩得不亦乐乎。

30、Icicle formed from ice, ice curtains,bing pu , Ice, ice Buddha, ice bed, ice bell, iceman, ice Buddha and so on, strange, and so on. ─── 由冰形成的冰柱、冰帘、冰瀑、冰花、冰佛、冰床、冰钟、冰人、冰菩萨等,千奇百怪、不一而足。

31、The once familiar village iceman is now rara avis. ─── 从前大家熟识的乡村卖冰棒的小贩现在已很少见了。

32、Students of the NBA know George "The Iceman" Gervin had more to his game than just a pretty finger roll during his heyday in the league. ─── NBA的学生们了解“冰人”乔治格文更多的是他的比赛而不仅仅是他在联盟的巅峰时期漂亮的挑球动作。

33、Yao The Iceman Ming with the finger roll. ─── “冰人”姚明手指一抖(进球)。

34、We had to drag the garbage down to the corner, take the laundry out and bring it back, and meet the iceman away from home. ─── 我们已经把垃圾下面街角,把衣服,把它带回来,并满足冰人离家出走。

35、Rather, before death occurred and rigor mortis set in, the Iceman was turned on to his stomach in the effort to remove the arrow shaft. ─── 相反,在发生死亡尸僵规定,在冰人被打开他的腹部,努力消除箭杆。

36、The Iceman is much older than the Iron Age men from the Danish peat bogs and older even than the Egyptian royal mummies. ─── 丹麦的泥煤遗址中,发现过铁器时代的史前遗骸,可是冰人早多了,甚至比埃及皇室成员的木乃伊都早。

37、9.The once familiar village iceman is now rara avis. ─── 从前大家熟悉的卖冰棒的小贩现在已经很少见了.

38、Tantric master Wim (Iceman) Hof set another chilling Guinness World Record. ─── 维姆(冰人)霍夫创造了新的吉尼斯世界耐寒记录。

39、Researchers now believe the prehistoric iceman was murdered. ─── 研究者们现在确认这位史前的冰人是被谋杀的。

40、The iceman was full of surprise, “Really? ─── 卖冰淇淋的人非常惊讶:“真的吗?”

41、How wrong they were.Within a week the Iceman confounded his critics with a cool brace at home to Southampton.He never looked back. ─── 但他们都错了,在一周之内,博格坎普就在主场对阵南安普顿的比赛里用连续进球让那些批评者摸不着头脑。

42、Then there was journalist Rainer Hoelz, who filmed the recovery of the Iceman , and who died of a brain tumour. ─── 赖纳-赫尔茨,记者,曾用摄像机记录下这具木乃伊被发现的全过程。他死于脑肿瘤。

43、” Thus began a new incarnation in the engineer’s career: he became the “iceman”, as he is now popularly known. ─── 于是这位工程师职业生涯的一个全新阶段开始了:如同现在众人所熟知的那样,他成了“制冰人”。

44、Hristo Mitzkov ....Russian narc cop Sequel to the 2002 film. This time, Heavyweight Champ George Iceman Chambers is sent to a Russian Jail on trumped-up drug charges. ─── 到2002电影的结果。这次,重量捣碎在捏造的药费用上乔治售冰者钱伯斯被送到一所俄国的监狱。

45、Sequel to the 2002 film. This time, Heavyweight Champ George "Iceman" Chambers is sent to a Russian Jail on trumped-up drug charges ─── 这是2002年‘终极斗士’的续集。这次,外号‘冰人’的重量级冠军乔治因为被捏造藏毒而送到俄国监狱


1. 有些球员是根据队名取的: “蜂王”保罗(黄蜂队),“龙王”波什(猛龙),“狼王”(加内特),“雷神”(杜兰特)等

2. 还有的根据名字谐音的:Allen iverson 阿伦艾弗森,谐音Answer,所以叫“答案”;类似的还有史蒂夫弗朗西斯,谐音franchise,所以叫“特权”;安东尼外号叫“甜瓜”,是因为在美国的谐音为Melo

3. 根据国籍:“德国战车”洛维斯基,“法国小跑车”帕克,“阿根廷飞人”吉诺比利,“西班牙兔子”保罗加索尔

4. 场上打球特点: “小飞侠”科比,“魔术师”约翰逊,“闪电侠”韦德 ,“独狼”马布里

5. 长相:“大猩猩”尤因,“大睡魔”麦克格雷迪


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