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09-13 投稿



uneducated 发音

英:[?n?ed?uke?t?d]  美:[?n?ed?uke?t?d]

英:  美:

uneducated 中文意思翻译




uneducated 网络释义

adj. 无知的;未受教育的v. 未受教育(uneducate的过去分词)

uneducated 反义词


uneducated 短语词组

1、uneducated things ─── 没有受过教育的东西

2、uneducated person ─── 老粗;大 ─── 老粗

3、uneducated mother and children ─── 未受过教育的母亲和儿童

uneducated 同义词

untutored | unqualified | illiterate |ignorant | naive | uninformed | untaught | unschooled

uneducated 相似词语短语

1、undereducated ─── adj.受教育不足的;未受良好教育的;v.使少受教育;使未受良好教育(undereducate的过去式和过去分词)

2、miseducated ─── v.教坏;给……错误(或有害)的教育

3、reeducated ─── adj.接受再教育的;v.再教育(reeducate的过去分词)

4、unmedicated ─── 未用药的

5、dedicated ─── adj.专用的;专注的;献身的;v.以…奉献;把…用于(dedicate的过去式和过去分词)

6、re-educated ─── adj.接受再教育的;v.再教育(reeducate的过去分词)

7、educated ─── adj.受过教育的;有教养的;v.(在学校)教育;教导,训练;使(孩子)受学校教育(educate的过去式和过去分词)

8、-educated ─── adj.受过教育的;有教养的;v.(在学校)教育;教导,训练;使(孩子)受学校教育(educate的过去式和过去分词)

9、undedicated ─── 未指定

uneducated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“Such things happen when people are uneducated,” sniffed Maulvi Sayeed.“We don't oppose the system of tribal elders but they must follow the way of Islam. ─── “只有无知者,才会发生这种事情,”赛义德对此嗤之以鼻,“我们不反对部落长老体系,但他们必须遵循伊斯兰教方式。

2、As I'm an uneducated person, I can only put this bluntly. ─── 咱们是个大老粗,说话只会直来直去。

3、Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. ─── 他们见彼得、约翰的胆量,又看出他们原是没有学问的小民,就希奇,认明他们是跟过耶稣的;

4、In England only uneducated people show off their knowledge, nobody quotes Latin and Greek authors in the course of a conversation, unless he has never read them. ─── 在英国,只有没受过教育的人才会炫耀自己的学识,没有人在会话引用拉丁或希腊的作者,除非他从未念过他们的著作。

5、It's strange that an uneducated person is bald enough to carry out whatever in his mind;while a so-called civilized person tends to be indecisive and weaving. ─── 一个没知识没教养的人什么都敢做,一个有文化有德性的人会那么地左顾右盼、优柔寡断。

6、Now it is a well-known fact that children and uneducated persons among foreigners in China learn Chinese very easily, much more so than grown-up and educated persons. ─── 众所周知的一个事实,在中国的外国人中,孩子和未受教育的人学习汉语非常容易,比成人和受过教育的人要容易得多。

7、It turns out to be quite good, at least to my uneducated palate. ─── 这瓶酒不错,至少以我不太会品酒的味觉来看。

8、And "those people who think only of themselves,"Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, longtime president of Columbia University, said, "are hopelessly uneducated. ─── 哥伦比亚大学校长白德勒博士,他曾经这样说过:这种人是无药可救的,没有受过教育的!

9、Some uneducated and unskilled people earn their living by doing manual work. ─── 一些没有受过教育的和没有技术的人们靠体力活谋生。

10、I'd put him down as uneducated. ─── 我认为他没受过教育。

11、Uneducated peasants were mainly farmers and could hardly be expected to know how to keep a society together. ─── 我们不可能期望那些没有受过教育的农民去懂得如何来统辖整个社会。

12、The senator's suggestion that the men and women of our military are somehow uneducated is insulting and shameful,"Bush said. ─── 参议员的建议,认为男女我军或多或少受过侮辱和可耻的",布什说。

13、Actually, this problem should be everyone's concern since uneducated, unemployed citizens affect us all. ─── 事实上,每个人都应该关注这个问题,因为未受教育的、失业的公民影响我们所有人。

14、She is just an uneducated foul-mouth ill-mannered filthy smelly ugly tub of lard potbelly pig. ─── 主题: Well, komin, you have just had the experience of a perpetual lying bitch who knows nothing.

15、There is a sharp contrast between the educated and the uneducated. ─── 在受过教育的人与文盲之间有着明显的对比。

16、He is not so much intelligent as uneducated. ─── 与其说他不聪明,不如说他缺乏教育。

17、The Maoists' promises to rectify poverty and injustice initially found a sympathetic ear among the uneducated rural population. ─── 毛泽东主义者答应要消灭贫穷和不公正,这一开始就受到了未受过教育的农村居民的欢迎。

18、He was put down as an uneducated man. ─── 他被看作是没受过教育的人。

19、Conversely, women in developing countries are often uneducated, restricted to their roles as housewives and mothers, and have difficulty obtaining contraceptives. ─── 反过来,发展中国家的妇女常常未受教育,受限于做家庭主妇和母亲的辛劳,并且难以获得避孕药具。

20、China was too big, too poor, too uneducated for democracy, which would lead to chaos and civil war. ─── 中国太大太 穷受教育程度太低而不适合搞民主,民主将会导致混乱甚至内战。

21、How can an uneducated man praise God for the wonders of crystallization or capillary attraction or metamorphosis or quasars or stalactites? ─── 一个没有受过教育的人怎么能称赞如结晶体、毛细血管吸引、质变、钟乳石等上帝的奇迹呢?

22、an uneducated point of view ─── 无知的观点

23、By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. ─── 它令我们可领教到那些未受过教养的人的高见,好让我们与社会中无知的一群保持联系。

24、Educated persons prefer to live around educated rather than uneducated neighbors. ─── 受过教育的人乐于和受过教育的人而不乐于和未受教育的人比邻而居。

25、That committees will issue biased or uneducated advice, or that administrators will inappropriately use committees to bolster preconceived policy preferences. ─── 咨询委员会可能会给出有偏见的乃至无知的建议,或者行政官员有可能运用咨询委员会来支持自己预设的政策偏好。

26、After all, personal crisis - a sense of being isolated and the search for identity - is not a privilege of the poor and uneducated. ─── 毕竟,个人危机(被孤立的感觉和对身份的寻求)并非穷人和未受教育者的专利。

27、To me, those words sound so complicated for medically uneducated folks, including me. ─── 依我看,上面的那些对于非医学人士来说太复杂了,包括我在内。

28、a word,phrase,or manner of expression used chiefly by uneducated people ─── 主要是没受过教育的人用的词汇、短语或表达方式

29、15 Whether a general good taste in a people would not greatly conduce to their thriving? And whether an uneducated gentry be not the greatest of national evils? ─── 15吃普通的食物是否对人们的成长不是很有帮助?无知的贵族是否不是民族最大的不幸?

30、They used to be taken as inexperienced and uneducated negotiators with little to offer except a polite "thank you" to their benefactors . ─── 他们过去被认为缺乏经验、无知,除了对他们的施主礼貌地‘谢谢你’之外,贡献不了什么。

31、2. Higgins, as a kind of experiment, tries to make a lady out of an uneducated girl called Eliza Doolittle, who sells flowers in the street. ─── 作为一种试验,希金斯想把一个未受过教育、在街头卖花的姑娘莱扎培养成为一个淑女。

32、Later activists included women of all ages, women of color, rich and poor, educated and uneducated. ─── 后来各个年龄层,有色人种,贫穷和富有的,受教育和没受教育的妇女都参与了这个活动,

33、Only by painting my face like a clown could I attract the uneducated customers. ─── 我打扮得简直不像个人,这才招得动那不文明的人。

34、I understood from Edmond that she was the daughter of a simple fisherman, beautiful but uneducated." ─── 我听爱德蒙说,她是一个头脑简单的渔夫的女儿,人虽长得漂亮,却没受过什么教育。”

35、She thought he was very common and uneducated. ─── 她认为他很粗俗且无教养。

36、C.It's possible to store the mind with a million facts but remain uneducated. ─── 你脑中可能贮存着成千上万的知识,但是却依然无知。

37、6)He is not so unintelligent as uneducated. ─── 与其说他不聪明,不如说他未受过教育。

38、6.a nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups; ─── 不标准的方言是一种没有受过教育的说话者或者不热衷于社交的人所使用的语言;

39、The poor and uneducated did worst under these reforms. ─── 穷人和没受过教育的人在改革中表现最差。

40、On the other hand, if all the farmers were completely uneducated, their production would remain low. ─── 另一方面,如果所有的农夫都是文盲,他们的产量就不可能增加。

41、The boy is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. ─── 与其说这男孩无知,不如说他没受过教育。

42、A nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups,the common core of nonstandard words and phrases in folk speech- A.R.Dunlap. ─── 不标准的方言,是一种没有受过教育的说话者或者不热衷于社交的人所使用的语言,在人们演讲时不标准单词和短语的共同核心部分-A.R.顿拉普。

43、In the scenic spots, it is common that even the uneducated people can make a living simply by selling souvenirs, local specialties and so on, which relieves the pressure of local government. ─── 旅游业是获得外汇的最重要的渠道之一。此外,旅游业能促进餐饮业和交通运输业的发展。另外,旅游业还对国民收入和税收做出不可或缺的贡献。

44、The educated and uneducated people have to a large extent the difference. ─── 受过教育与未受过教育的人有很大程度上的区别。

45、I heard a deep commitment to serve the poor, the uneducated, the young students and the unused talents of people in Jerusalem. ─── 我听到关于服务穷人、未受教育者,年轻学生、未经发掘的人才等对耶路撒冷人民的深切承诺。

46、The foolish and the uneducated have little use for freedom. ─── 愚昧的人和没有受教育的人很少用到自由。

47、To the uneducated people the idea of finance is as uncomfortable as the idea of the law. ─── 对于没有受过教育的人来说,金融概念和法律概念一样叫人反感。

48、They used to be taken as inexperienced and uneducated negotiators with little to offer except a polite "thank you" to their benefactors. ─── 他们过去被认为缺乏经验、无知,除了对他们的施主礼貌地‘谢谢你’之外,贡献不了什么。

49、But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is as important as that of a professor . ─── 但是我们只要抽出一点点时间想想,就能明白一个完全没有受过教育的农民所创造的价值与一个教授的价值相比是同等重要的。

50、He is so uneducated that he can scarcely write his name . ─── 他未受什么教育,甚至不大会写自己的名字。

51、The uneducated person, on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or does it badly. ─── 另一方面,没有接受过教育的人,对一件陌生的事情,要么不会做,要么做不好。

52、Each prostitution, can help one uneducated child; become a mistress once, can rescue a hopeless primary school. ─── 卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学。

53、Scientific or technical advisory committees also have the potential for issuing uneducated advice by departing the confines of science. ─── 当技术专家非常挑剔的时候,科学或技术咨询委员会还会有偏离科学的边界,给出无知建议的可能.

54、A child educated only at school is an uneducated child. ─── 仅仅接受学校教育的孩子是个无知的孩子!

55、But I knew his uneducated guess was low.My company was worth much more. ─── 但是我知道他这个无知的估价太低了。

56、They claim the fellahin are too uneducated to change their ways. ─── 他们声称,农民们所受的教育非常有限,因此很难改变他们。

57、The typical addict is usually young, uneducated, and unable to earn a sufficient amount of money by honest means to support his habit. ─── 典型的毒瘾者通常都是些年轻、未受教育,以及无法经由正当管道赚取足够的金钱以支撑其吸毒习惯的人。

58、A nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups. ─── 不标准的方言是指未受教育的活着社会上不得势群体所讲的方言。

59、In other cases, advisory committees can prejudice the decision making process by issuing biased or uneducated advice. ─── 在另外的情况下,咨询委员会会通过给出有偏颇的或是无知的建议,给决策过程带来偏差。

60、In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys. ─── 在中国,只有文盲才吃火鸡。

61、He's rough and uneducated, but his heart is in the right place. ─── 他很粗鲁又没文化,可他心肠不坏。

62、But I knew his uneducated guess was low. ─── 但我知道他无知的估算过低。

63、The uneducated are fooled by others because they're illiterate.The educated are taken in by printed matter like your newspaper propaganda and lecture notes on training cadres because they are literate." ─── 不受教育的人,因为不识字,上人的当,受教育的人,因为识了字,上印刷品的当,像你们的报纸宣传品、训练干部的讲义之类。”

64、You can tell from his gross language that the man was uneducated. ─── 从他那粗俗的语言可以看出,这个人没受过教育。

65、The skirmish between the crafty but mostly uneducated hawkers and five of the world’s best known producers of designer goods is part of a much bigger fight over China’s vast counterfeit industry. ─── 一方是虽然精明但是没受过什么教育的小贩,一方是世界上最为著名的五大奢侈品制造商。双方的冲突其实不过是一场更大的全国范围内的打假活动的前奏曲。

66、It is a mistake to use highfalutin language when you advertise to uneducated people. ─── 当你针对未受教育的人做广告,别用艰涩难懂的字眼。

67、" they called it "a device that when the subject is uneducated and uncomprehending, confers no more than a semblance of propriety on human experimentation. ─── 他们称它为“一种装置,当实验对象是无知的和无法理解时,协议只是人类实验在表面上是正当的。”

68、She thought he was very common and uneducated. ─── 她认为他很粗俗且无教养。

69、Study hard, or you'll be an uneducated man. ─── 努力学习,否则你会是个不学无术的人。

70、She had more respect for Michaelis, on whose name they all poured such withering contempt, as a little mongrel arriviste, and uneducated Bounder of the worst sort. ─── 他们一提起蔑克里斯的名,便盛气凌人地骂他是杂种的幸进者,是无教育的最贱的下流人,但是康妮却比较尊重他。

71、They are uneducated in the financial subtleties of credit transfer. ─── 他们缺乏有关信用转让在金融方面微妙作用的知识。

72、I'd put him down as an uneducated man. ─── 我把他看成是个没受过教育的人。

73、4. In other words, the population interacting with data-entry software is increasingly less tolerant of being treated like unambitious, uneducated, unintelligent peons. ─── 换句话说,与数据输入打交道的人越来越不能忍受被当做没有雄心、没有受过教育和不聪明的人来对待。

74、" The way they give statement as we are "Buta Huruf", uneducated, small kids, like a silly Bull. ─── 他们的言论好像当我们是“文盲”、没受教育、小孩子,像只笨牛。

75、Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets.We regard turkeys as human's best friends.In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys. ─── 与此同时,火鸡是我们最喜欢的宠物,我们认为火鸡是人类最好的朋友,在中国,只有最没有文化的人才吃火鸡。

76、A word, phrase, or manner of expression used chiefly by uneducated people ─── 俗语主要是没受过教育的人用的词汇、短语或表达方式

77、Its main innovation was that it dispensed with the conventional wisdom that touch meant a stylus and allowed the use of a grubby, greasy, uneducated finger instead as its main driving force. ─── 其主要的创新是,它打破了那种只能用触控笔进行操作的思维定势,可以直接使用肮脏、油腻、笨拙的手指。

78、Especially on your "Thanks giving" day.Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets.We regard turkeys as human`s best friends.In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys. ─── 另外,火鸡是我们最喜爱的宠物,我们觉得火鸡是人类最好的朋友,中国只有文盲才吃火鸡。

79、Judging from the indications here and there in his writing, it was more the language of the uneducated and the semi-literate than that of the intellectuals and political hacks. ─── 从他作品中的记述来看,他所熟悉的主要是那些文盲或文化水平不高的老百姓的语言,而不是文人和政客的语言。

80、uncouth; uneducated; ignorant ─── 愚鲁

81、Ignorance: n. The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed ─── 无知,愚昧没有受过教育、不知晓、未被告知的状态

82、14. Being uneducated is not so dishonorable as being unwilling to learn. ─── 无知并不可悲,懒学才更可耻。

83、I call Diana the last uneducated British girl and it really was the case. ─── 我呼吁黛安娜过去受过英国女孩,真的是如此。

84、And“ those people who think only of themselves,” Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, longtime president of Columbia University, said," are hopelessly uneducated. ─── 哥伦比亚大学校长白德勒博士,他曾经这样说过:这种人是无药可救的,没有受过教育的!

85、The uneducated are more to be pitied than blamed. ─── 无知比犯错更值得同情。

86、a nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups; the common core of nonstandard words and phrases in folk speech- A.R.Dunlap. ─── 不标准的方言是一种没有受过教育的说话者或者不热衷于社交的人所使用的语言;在人们演讲时不标准单词和短语的共同核心部分-A.R.顿拉普。

87、The humorist posed as a plain uneducated man ─── 幽默家故意装成没有受过教育的平民。

88、India considers its success in the space program as a matter of prestige for a poor country where millions are homeless and uneducated. ─── 印度希望通过太空项目的成功实施,为这个有着数百万流浪者和未接受教育者的贫穷国家,树立一个高大形象。

89、He was uneducated. ─── 他未受过正规教育。

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