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09-04 投稿


dynamism 发音

英:[?da?n?m?z?m]  美:[?da?n?m?z?m]

英:  美:

dynamism 中文意思翻译



dynamism 短语词组

1、dynamism ceo ─── 动态首席执行官

2、dynamism defined ─── 动态定义

3、dynamism define ─── 动态定义

4、dynamism of a cyclist ─── 自行车运动员的活力

5、dynamism definition ─── 动态性定义

6、dynamism 3d ─── 动态3d

dynamism 词性/词形变化,dynamism变形

名词: dynamist |形容词: dynamistic |

dynamism 相似词语短语

1、dynamise ─── 活力

2、dynamises ─── 活力

3、dynamist ─── 物力论者;力本论者

4、dynamic ─── adj.动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的;n.动态;动力

5、dynamite ─── n.炸药;具有潜在危险的人(或物);vt.炸毁;adj.极好的

6、dynamos ─── n.发电机(dynamo的复数形式)

7、dynamics ─── n.动力学,力学

8、dynamize ─── vt.(考虑到通货膨胀的因素)增加(养老金、退休金等的)价值;使更有生气;使更有力量;使(药物)有效(等于dynamise)

9、dynamised ─── 力学

dynamism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In recent years, China's economic dynamism has brought with it a voracious appetite for energy. ─── 近年来,中国的经济活力使其对能源的需求日渐贪婪。

2、The dynamism is to be seen everywhere. ─── 到处可以见到蓬勃发展的景象。


4、An illustration of China's dynamism is that a new company is formed in Shanghai every 11 seconds. ─── 中国活力的一个实例便是在上海每11秒钟就有一家新公司成立。

5、They say that it suits him to be at a club such as Brescia, where dynamism is not expected and his occasional piece of brilliance is treasured. ─── 他们说他适合于在一个不崇尚力量的俱乐部,比如布雷西亚,在那儿他不经意间闪现的光辉能被人欣赏。

6、The end result, firmly sitting on 19 inch wheels, suggests power, strength and dynamism, like an animal ready to pounce. ─── 最终的结果,牢牢坐在19英寸的车轮,显示权力,力量和活力,像动物准备发动突袭。

7、Last month, I visited Shanghaifor the first time and, during the brief four-day and five-night stay, experienced first-hand the buzzing dynamism of modern Shanghai. ─── 上个月笔者首次到上海,在夜的短暂逗留中感受到现代上海的大都会动力。

8、The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism: Starting new companies must be made easier. ─── 应对自动化的挑战凸显出美国重振其日渐衰落的商业活力的必要性:必须让新公司的创办变得更容易。

9、But today, more and more British people are visiting China to see for themselves the new dynamism of great cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. ─── 今天,越来越多的英国人访问中国,亲眼目睹像北京、上海、广州这样的大城市的新活力。

10、What it lacks in dynamism it makes up for in placidity and a common national identity. ─── 它的平静和共同的国民认同感弥补了其活力的不足。

11、The article has also brought up the issue of ideological innovation with regard to the conditionality, dynamism and transformation of human resource development concepts; ─── 在政府的支持下,发挥部门在经济、技术、市场等方面的优势,通过创办经济实体服务农产的服务实体型;

12、6We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under the policies of reform and opening to the outside world. ─── 6我们都已强烈地感受到贵国在改革开放政策的引导下,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步。

13、In any country, global and local ideas interact with one another, creating a new dynamism. ─── 在世界的任何一个国家都存在全球和本土观念的相互作用,创造着新的动力。

14、For if their dynamism is evocative of Newt Gingrich’s mid-term revolution of 1994, so too is their zeal for small government. ─── 因为,假如他们的力量能够唤起1994年金维奇的中期改革,同样能够唤起他们对小政府的的热情。

15、The Petronas Twin Towers (the tallest twin towers in the world), skyscrapers, state of the art office buildings and luxury hotels reflect the dynamism of a successful economy. ─── 佩重纳斯双塔(世界上最高的双塔大楼),摩天大楼,最现代化的办公大楼、豪华酒店,都反映了一个成功经济的活力。

16、What if we could have one clean, well-structured menu which would combine the dynamism and code-ease of dropdown menus and do away with their main problems (not to mention degrade beautifully)? ─── 如果我们能有一个清爽的、能把功能和代码简单联系起来,并且抛弃他们的主要问题(不要提降低美观的要求)的良结构的菜单,那会怎么样?

17、Formula 1 is the perfect blend of precision, durability, cutting-edge technology and dynamism. ─── F1方程式是精确、耐久、尖端技术和动力的完美结合。

18、Last months, I visited Shanghai for the first time and, during the brief four-day and five-night stay, experienced first-hand the buzzing dynamism of modern Shanghai. ─── 上个月我首次来访上海,在四天五夜的短暂逗留中亲身感受到现代上海的生机动力。

19、On the basis of it, through building the dynam i c balance motion equation, the unbalance vector which can be eliminated by the d ynamic actuator is obtained. ─── 在此基础上,建立动平衡运动方程,求得不平衡矢量,通过动平衡执行机构消除不平衡。

20、I'd like youth to get a sense of the dynamism, the dynamic and challenge of a compassionate lifestyle. ─── 我想让年轻人们知道富有仁爱的生活方式是充满活力和挑战的。

21、staticism generating dynamism ─── 动起于静

22、By night, Ms. transmission tower and the lights on the Avenue des Korea Shab formed a splendid dynamism brilliant, each carouse with friends, how unique experience! ─── 到了夜晚,艾菲尔铁塔的灯火和香榭丽舍大道上的车水马龙形成一片璀璨的光辉,与宾朋举杯畅饮,何其独特的经历!

23、1.What theory of material dynam did you learn? ─── 1、材料力学中学过什么原理?

24、That’s why I have reached the conclusion that anguished people, whose inner dynamism is so intense that it reaches paroxysm, and who cannot accept normal temperatures, are doomed to fall. ─── 因此我得出一个结论,那些因受苦闷压抑,内体能量高度积压达到迸发极致的人,以及那些无法接受正常温度的人,终究是要消亡的。

25、Shanghai is an international metropolis full of vigor, dynamism and variety. ─── 上海是一座朝气蓬勃、满活力、姿多彩的国际化大都市。

26、It is to the benefit of all that global trade and capital markets have allowed East Asia's economic dynamism, including China's. ─── 全球贸易和资本市场给东亚包括中国的经济带来了推动力,这对大家都是有益的。

27、This diversity underlines the dynamism of our manufacturing sector. ─── 产品如此多元化,正好显示出香港制造业活力充沛,积极求进。

28、The creativity is powerful dynamism of advanced culture, the national spirit that implied in traditional culture is where our national life exists. ─── 创造力是先进文化的不竭动力,传统文化中蕴藏的民族精神是我们民族的生命力所在。

29、Keywords Listed agribusiness;Environment dynamism;Capital structure;Operating Performance; ─── 农业上市公司;环境动态性;资本结构;经营绩效;

30、Housing downturns have a strong dynamism, which is not easy to break. ─── 房地产市场低迷有一个强大的动力机制,打破它并非易事。

31、Meanwhile,advanced management,continuous innovations and good relationships with customers paved the way for Dynam's development. ─── 先进的管理,不断的创新,良好的客户关系是迪乐美发展的基石。

32、replaced by new monetarist, which sought to fight inflation by increasing supply and reducing demand, On one hand ,taxes were cut to increase economic dynamism. ─── 增加供应,减少需求来打击通货膨胀。一方面,减少税收增加经济活力;另一方面,增加利率减少货币支出。

33、In the golden autumn,I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to China West Forum 2001 in the ancient capital Xi'an,an age-old and mysterious city full of dynamism of the modern era. ─── 在美丽的金秋时节,我很高兴能在既古老神秘又充满现代活力的古都绵阳,迎来参加“2001·中国西部论坛”的各位嘉宾。

34、Responsibilities: Direct report to Planning DirectorAssist to set media objective, analyze market/consumer dynam...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海轩仕管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-19

35、Once again accelerate the building of the Shanghai city, Shanghai's economic development will inject further dynamism to the general public can get around easier. ─── 再次提速的上海城市建设,将为上海经济发展进一步注入活力,让广大市民出行更方便。

36、It must inevitably be virtual in character, as it can not be reduced to the reality of the text or to the subjectivity of the reader, and it is from this virtuality that it derives is dynamism. ─── 在特性上它不可避免地一定是“真”的, 因为它不能等同于“原文”的所谓“现实”,也不是读者的主观臆想;而正是基于这种“真”,作品才获得了其变幻的动态的生命。

37、Concurrently, Hong Kong should also strive to keep up its international cosmopolitan features: diversity, dynamism, and an expanded and global horizon for our people. ─── 同时,香港应致力保持国际大都会特色,就是保持多元化和活力无穷,以及保持香港人广阔的国际视野。

38、Discussions focused, in particular, on the dynamism of the creative industries sector and its potential to generate employment and promote trade and wealth creation. ─── 双方尤其讨论了创意产业部门所具有的活力及其在创造就业、促进贸易和财富创造方面的潜力。

39、Earlier this year the Company changed its name to National Dance Company Wales reflecting the excellence, pride and dynamism at the heart of all the Company does. ─── 今年初,该舞蹈团正式更名为威尔士国家舞团,这也体现出舞团自身的优秀、自豪与活力。

40、The performance is also the most interesting thing in the film, and when the Joker is absent, "The Dark Knight" loses most of its energy and dynamism . ─── 在影片中,表现也是最有趣的事,当J没在场,暗黑骑士也就失去了他他不分的能量和劲头。

41、international economic dynamism ─── 国际经济活力

42、The human based theory will provide spiritual dynamism and intelligent resource for the construction of rule of law in China. ─── 以人为本为中国的法治建设提供精神动力和智慧性资源。

43、The future for contour extracting field is forecasted,and the methods using neutral dynam... ─── 对轮廓提取方法研究进行展望,提出神经动力学方法是轮廓提取方法的发展方向。

44、inner dynamism ─── 内源动力

45、stimulus intensity dynamism ─── 刺激强度动力说

46、For all its dynamism, the tech world is a bastion of male wealth. ─── 从科技行业的所有动力来说,它是一个男性财富的基地。

47、The Development of 96-Test System for Measuring Dynam ic Derivatives at High Angle of Attack ─── 96型低速大攻角动导数试验系统

48、communicative dynamism ─── 交际动态论

49、Application of Oracle Web Server and PL/SQL on Dynam ic Web ─── Oracle Web Server和PL/SQL在动态Web中的应用

50、ARP protocol mainly implements dynamic mapping from network-layer's address to datalink-layer's address,however it has many characteristics like no sequence,no confirmation,dynamism,no safe mechanism. ─── ARP协议主要实现了网络层地址到数据链路层地址的动态映射,并且ARP协议具有无序性、无确认性、动态性、无安全机制等特性。

51、Taiwanese companies are just as active in the UK, creating jobs and adding to the dynamism of our economy. ─── 台湾企业在英国也同样积极,创造许多工作机会,也?英国经济注入新动力。

52、The optimum computation of flood prevention and powe r generation are implemented for three cascaded hydropower station by grey dynam ic programming and optimization results were obtained. ─── 利用灰色动态规划进行三级梯级电站的防洪与发电之间的优化计算,获得了最优解,并将其与一般线性规划求解进行了比较分析。

53、Study on the Dynamism, Basis and Mark of the Studying-type City Forming ─── 学习型城市形成动力、基础和标志的研究

54、But the main characteristic of America, the first and most enduring impression, is dynamism, energy aggressiveness, forward movement. ─── 但是美国的主要特征,即它给人的最初的最持久的印象,是充满活力,生机勃勃,不断进取,积极向上。

55、In the golden autumn, I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to China West Forum 2001 in the ancient capital Xi'an, an age-old and mysterious city full of dynamism of the modern era. ─── 在美丽的金秋时节,我很高兴能在既古老神秘又充满现代活力的古都绵阳,迎来参加"2001·中国西部论坛"的各位嘉宾。

56、The victory, he added, “gave a lesson of what we can achieve as Greeks when we really believe in something, are united and have self-confidence, dynamism and the method to pursue it. ─── 他又说,“胜利告诉我们,当我们希腊人真正的相信什么时,我们一定可以做到,因为我们是团结的,是自信的,有着追求的动力和方法。”

57、From Strategic Alliance to Ideology-based Organization: A Study on the Developmental Path and Dynamism of Shanghai Cooperation Organization ─── 从策略性联盟到意识形态组织:上海合作组织的发展路径及动因分析

58、Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. ─── 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。

59、If dynamism and pragmatism are two obvious positive features of contemporary China, the nightmares are equally evident. ─── 如果说蓬勃发展和实用主义是当代中国两个明显的积极特征,那么事情的另一方面也同样是不言而喻的。

60、China-EU relations are all-dimensional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging, exhibiting great vitality and dynamism. ─── 今天的中欧关系是全方位、多层次、宽领域的,充满了生机和活力。

61、The victorious multi-ethnic French champions of 1998 appeared, in those heady days of economic growth and new dynamism, to embody a fresh national spirit. ─── 回顾1998年获胜的多民族的法国队,当时的法国经济增长迅猛,活力四射,变化不断,体现了一种振奋人心的国民精神。


63、The diversity, dynamism, and progress of china under the policies of reform and opening to the outside word. ─── 中国在改革开放政策引导下,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步。

64、At the same time the government plans to move ahead with a plan to develop the country‘s basic telecommunications network in order to keep up with the “dynamism” of the mobile and fixed telecom operators, he said. ─── 同时,安政府也计划发展基础电信网络,以跟上动网和固网电信运营商的发展。

65、This is the Year of the Fire Pig, with the element of fire giving the already auspicious Pig year a greater dynamism. ─── 因为今年是“火猪”年,而五行之火还会给原本吉祥的猪年增添更多的兴旺。

66、Over the past couple of months, I've been hearing about Yiwu and the dynamism of Zhejiang's entrepreneurs from some of the savviest China watchers I know. ─── 在过去的几个月,我已经从我认识的好几位学识丰富的中国观察家那里听说了义乌和浙江商人的活力。

67、Last year Empoli was strong for its dynamism and it still is today, with Abate and Giovinco it kept the same characteristics. ─── 去年,恩波利是一支强大的球队,现在仍旧是,有阿巴特和乔文科保持着他们的特点。

68、The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism. ─── 应对自动化的挑战凸显出美国重振其日渐衰落的商业活力的必要性。

69、We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your polices of reform and opening to the outside world. ─── 在改革开放政策引导下的中国,气象万千,充满活力、不断进步,这些我们都已强烈地感受到了。

70、dynamism and speed ─── 动感与速度

71、And people are beginning to appreciate it's architectural qualities, for it's strength and dynamism. ─── 人们已经开始欣赏巴比肯艺术中心在建筑方面的特色和风格。

72、They extrapolate from the electronic image its evanescence, its dynamism, its virtual, metamorphic and above all its neurotic nature. ─── 他们在作品中抓住了电子图像消亡、变化、虚拟、变形和最多的神经机能的本质。

73、To add dynamism to the Ant tasks, Maven also uses the Jelly scripting language. ─── 为了给Ant任务添加动态性,Maven也使用Jelly脚本编制语言。

74、If we can make passing travellers and foreign talent identify with us and sink roots here, there will be added dynamism and vitality for our progress. ─── 一个社会如果能让过客、外来人才都认同、都乐意“归属”,一定会有充足的发展活力。

75、The youthful dynamism of America, and now of China and India, seems to be leaving the decrepit old continent in the shade. ─── 美国的青春活力,如今则是中国和印度的活力,似乎正使得衰落的旧大陆大为逊色。

76、The dashboard is flowing and airy, whilst the instrument cluster, steering wheel and low, body-hugging seats extend the feeling of dynamism. ─── 仪表板的流动和通风,虽然仪表,方向盘和低,身体拥抱座椅不仅扩大了活力的感觉。

77、Secondly,the efficiency,exclusiveness,synthesis,dynamism and relativity of enterprise competition should be taken into consideration. ─── 其次要考虑企业竞争力的效率性、排他性、综合性、动态性和相对性。

78、In 1972, a new version of IBM logo was introduced, the solid letters were replaced by horizontal stripe, suggesting “speed and dynamism”. ─── 1972年,公司采用了新版的IBM标志,原先的实心字符被替代为水平条纹,暗示着“速度和力量”。

79、It demonstrates moderating effect environmental dynamism imposed on ownership structure and corporate performance. ─── 国家股与公司绩效存在非线性关系;

80、The dynamism and resilience of emerging markets mean that America does not matter as much as it once did. ─── 多亏新兴市场的活力强劲,美国的这次危机不会像以前那样波及广泛。

81、CEO tenure and company invention under differing levels of technological dynamism By: Sibin Wu; Levitas, Edward; Priem, Richard L. ─── 不同技术动力层次中CEO任职期与公司创新之间的关系。

82、Greek Literature In Late Antiquity: Dynamism, Didacticism, Classicism ─── 古代晚期希腊文学:物力论、教训主义与古典主义

83、The Grand Square gives a lot of energy which demands to be used, internal dynamism, insistence, force. ─── 四分相带来许多需要耗费的精力,包括内在的精神力、制力、力。

84、"One of the soft-power attributes the US has been resting on is the dynamism of the US economy, the successful and aggressive nature of Wall Street," he said. ─── “华尔街的进取和成功一向都是美国雄厚的经济实力和软实力的来源,然而,这一切现在都开始粉碎了。”

85、Investment exchange between the two countries exhibit dynamism and promise. ─── 两国间的相互投资生机勃勃,前景广阔。

86、Last month, I visited Shanghai for the first time and, during the brief four-day and five-night stay, experienced first-hand the buzzing dynamism of modern Shanghai. ─── 上个月笔者首次到上海,在5天4夜的短暂逗留中感受到现代上海的大都会动力。

87、Keywords chemically induced dynam ic nuclear spin polarization;amino acid;vitamin B; ─── 化学诱导动态核极化;氨基酸;维生素B_2;

88、The rewards for the people of China are clear,most visibly in the dynamism and prosperity of Peking and the coastal cities. ─── 中国人民获得的酬劳是清楚的,特别是在北京和沿海城市的繁荣上。

89、Different instrumentality of external biology dynam towards the effect on the volar biology dynam of vertical jump ─── 不同外源性生物力学手段对原地纵跳时足底的力学影响

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