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09-04 投稿



goody 发音

英:[?ɡ?di]  美:[?ɡ?di]

英:  美:

goody 中文意思翻译






goody 网络释义

n. 糖果;身份低微之老妇;吸引人的东西;伪君子adj. 感伤的;伪善的;假正经的int. 太好啦n. (Goody)人名;(英)古迪

goody 短语词组

1、goody two shoes ─── 伪善者, ─── 伪君子; 单纯善良的少女自命清高、表现得与众不同的人;假正经的人; ─── 伪君子

2、jade goody net worth ─── 翡翠资产净值

3、on repeat goody ─── 关于重复goody

4、goody two ─── 好极了

5、goody two-shoes ─── 古迪的双鞋

6、goody bags ─── 促销袋(制造商为了推销而免费)的礼品袋

7、goody foody m goody foody m

8、goody bag n. ( ─── 厂家免费赠送的)礼包

9、goody foody slo ─── 美食slo

10、goody foody steak ─── 美食牛排

11、goody-goody n. ─── 伪善者, 道学先生 a. ─── 伪善的, 假道学的, 假正经的

12、foody goody ─── 美食佳肴

13、goody-two-shoes ─── 洁身自好的人;严于律己责他的人

14、goody-goodies n. ─── 伪善者( goody-goody的复数形式 ); 善于 ─── 伪装以讨好(家长或老师等)的人, 会巴结的人

goody 词性/词形变化,goody变形


goody 相似词语短语

1、Woody ─── n.(美)伍迪(人名);adj.(woody)木质的;多树木的;木头似的;n.(woody)阴茎勃起

2、foody ─── 美食

3、goldy ─── adj.金黄的;似黄金的;n.红额金翅雀;黄雀;n.(Goldy)(美、印、俄、阿、英)戈尔迪(人名)

4、boody ─── 笨蛋

5、goodly ─── adj.漂亮的;优秀的;相当多的

6、Moody ─── adj.喜怒无常的;易怒的;郁郁寡欢的;n.(Moody)(美、英、加、澳)穆迪(人名)

7、goodby ─── n.再见的标志(或手势);离别(等于goodbye);n.(Goodby)古德拜(人名)

8、doody ─── 排泄物;粪便;n.(Doody)人名;(英)杜迪

9、gooby ─── n.唾沫

goody 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition to giving you the opportunity to become a terror from the deep, the goody bag you receive will also contain an access code for an upcoming Blizzard beta test. ─── 另外我们还将给你一个成为一个来自深渊的统治者的机会,你所收到礼品袋还会包含一个我们即将发行的游戏测试版的验证码。。。

2、"Oh, goody; I hope she'll let me come." ─── “噢,好极了!我希望她会让我参加。”

3、Goody visited India to apologise for the distress her actions had caused and had hoped her appearance on, Bigg Boss, the India version of Big Brother would also help to make amends. ─── 古蒂前往印度访问,为其行为所引起的反感道歉,并希望她在“名人大哥大”的印度版“名人老大哥”节目上的现身有助于做出弥补。

4、She is always to pretend to be a goody two shoes when she go out with his friend and another person when she at home. ─── 她和朋友出去时总是装成好好小姐,可是和家人在一起是又是另外一个样子。

5、Mr. Lawson. Is something wrong? I got a voice mess getting older telling me to cma goody you could. ─── 劳森师长,有什么事吗?我收到一个音信,让我给你打个电话。

6、Jordan has beaten off stiff competition from Kate Moss, Heather Mills and Jade Goody to be crowned Celebrity Mum of the Year. ─── 美国艳星乔丹击败凯特·摩丝、系瑟·米尔斯和杰德·古蒂等有力对手,当选“年度明星妈咪”。

7、This Morning presenter Fern Britton came second in the poll, followed by Victoria Beckham and Jade Goody. ─── 英国《今晨》栏目主持人芬·布里顿位居排行榜第二,维多利亚·贝克汉姆和杰德·古蒂名列其后。

8、Introduce overseas advanced technology ,goody appearance ,logical structure , high efficiency ,operate simply. ─── 引进国外先进技术,造型美观,结构合理,效率高,操作简便。

9、Doctor Phil has a new book out, looks goodI'd be afraid Doctor Phil's diet might make bald. ─── 费尔医生写了一本新书,看起来不错,但我很担心,费尔医生的食谱也许会让我秃顶。

10、She's a goody two-shoes. ─── 她假正经。

11、Once when Goody emptied an extra big bagful, there was a decided squeak; ─── 当糖果一倾倒完一特大袋,那里有一阵很明显的吱吱声;

12、according to the newspaper by the offical,he is the first goody man in the world,none of defect at all,even no navel. ─── 根据报纸上官方介绍,他是天底下头等大好人,浑身上下毫无缺点,连肚脐眼都没有。(宗福先

13、goody bag ─── n. 礼品袋,指小礼品袋,促销袋, ph. 【口】礼品袋

14、If ever, not all games have prizes, ensure that everybody gets their treats such as stickers, candies or goody bags at the end of the party. ─── 如果不是所有游戏设有奖品,确保人人都有自己的小礼包。

15、She is a Little Goody Two Shoes when she's with her family but when she's out with friends that's another story. ─── 她和家人在一起时真规矩(好得让人难以置信),可是出去和朋友相处,却又是另一个样子。

16、Roger rolls his eyes. “Dude, you're such a goody-goody. ─── 罗杰眼珠滴溜一转“老兄,你太虚伪了。

17、When Timmy and Goody Tiptoes came to the nut thicket, they found other squirrels were there already. ─── 当提米和糖果脚尖儿来到坚果丛,他们发现别的松鼠早就在那儿了。

18、Therefore the goody of the transparent lacquer is because of its half transparency. ─── 而半透明的精髓又正好显现在了漆画的半色彩上。

19、Oh, goody; I hope she'll let me come. ─── 哦,太好了,我希望她会让我来。

20、Your goody bag will include one of J! ─── 你的礼品袋中会包含一件J!

21、They have all the goody that a higher income bring ─── 他们拥有高薪能带给人的一切好东西

22、She said it was too early to know whether the Goody effect would lead to an increase in cervical cancer detection in England. ─── 她说现在判断Goody效应能否增加整个英国子宫颈癌的筛查比例还为时过早。

23、2.She's such a goody two shoes that all the men I know are afraid to ask her out. ─── 她真是自命清高。所认识的那些男人都怕请她出去,怕跟她交朋友。

24、And now Timmy and Goody Tiptoes keep their nut store fastened up with a little padlock. ─── 而现在,提米和糖果脚尖儿一直用一把小挂锁把他们的坚果贮藏室闩好。

25、the leading character; the hero; the heroine; the protagonist; the goody ─── 主人公

26、"Oh goody, there's some cake!" ─── "好哇,还有些蛋糕呢!"

27、You could also host a customer appreciation event and give out a goody bag with a special item. ─── 你还可以组织一次‘消费者答谢活动’,在活动中派发一些装有特殊礼品的小礼包。

28、Now Goody Tiptoes had set to work again by herself. ─── 现在糖果脚尖儿自个儿再着手工作。

29、We want no goody-goody piety; we have too much of it. ─── 我们不需要伪善的虔诚;伪善已经够多了。

30、"How shall you ever get them out again? It is like a moneybox!" said Goody. ─── “你究竟要怎样才能再把它们拿出来?它像个扑满一样。”糖果说。

31、Goody left Bigg Boss to return to the UK after discovering during filming that she had cancer. ─── 古蒂在拍摄期间发现自己患了癌症之后离开“名人老大哥”返回英国。

32、Industrial production and merchandise exports are in free fall, as consumers decide they do not need that new car or other goody right now (see charts). ─── 由于消费者认定,眼下不需要购买新车或其他好东西,工业产量和商品出口额正一落千丈。

33、GoodyGoody Gum Drops Ice Cream:Bubblegum flavoured ice cream with mini fruit flavoured jellies throughout. ─── 古蒂糖冰淇淋:泡泡糖口味的冰淇淋中加入果味软糖。

34、Pamela is such a goody two-shoes. She's always so sweet and innocent in front of the grown-ups. ─── 帕米拉真是个伪君子!她总是在大人面前显得甜美纯洁。

35、"You could squeeze in, through that little round hole," said Goody Tiptoes. "Yes, I could," said the Chipmunk, "but my husband, Chippy Hackee, bites!" ─── “你可以从这个小圆洞挤进去,”糖果脚尖儿说。“是的,我可以,”那只花栗鼠说,“但是我丈夫,东部花鼠奇比,会咬人!”

36、Check your goody bag for treats high in sugar or fat. ─── 请检查一下你的糖果袋,看看是不是全是高糖和高脂肪的东西。

37、Jade Goody faces an "uphill struggle" to rescue her career after a TV racism row, PR guru Max Clifford says. ─── 玉戈得面临"艰难"拯救了她的职业后种族主义电视台连续公关大师马克斯的Clifford说。

38、He's a real goody two-shoes. He'd never do anything that might get him into trouble. ─── 他那么个八面玲珑的人,才不会自惹麻烦呢。

39、Goody Tiptoes picked up the nut bags and went home. She made a cup of tea for Timmy; but he didn't come and didn't come. ─── 糖果脚尖儿捡起坚果袋后回家了。她为提米做了一杯茶;但是他没回来,之后也没回来。

40、goody two-shoes ─── n. 试图表现得比其他所有人都好的人

41、Sallie: OK, Miss goody two shoes. But where are we going to find a trashcan around here? ─── 萨莉:好的,好好小姐。但是在这附近我们从哪找垃圾桶啊?

42、She's such a goody two shoes. ─── 她真会装腔作势。

43、Goody! I like holidays. ─── 好啊!我喜欢假期。

44、She's such a goody two shoes that all the men I know are afraid to ask her out. ─── 所认识的那些男人都怕请她出去,怕跟她交朋友。

45、After taking care of his flowers, he goes for the bucket again. On his way, he sees a goody-looking baddy and a baddy-looking goody in action. ─── 他照顾完花之后就去找水桶,在路上遇到看起来像好人的坏人和看起来像坏人的好人在比武。

46、Be he one of the goody or one of the baddies. ─── 他是好人还是坏人。

47、endeavors. Her latest professional comeback came last autumn via another reality TV program. While on the set for this program, Miss Goody learned she has advanced cervical cancer. ─── 她继续在其他类似的节目中出现,并推出各种各样盈利的商业机会。她最后的一次上节目是在另外那个实况电视节目,当时在这套节目,G女士得知她已经得了宫颈癌。

48、Then Goody peeped in at the hole, and called down. "Timmy Tiptoes! Oh fie, Timmy Tiptoes!" And Timmy replied, "Is that you, Goody Tiptoes? Why, certainly!" ─── 然后糖果从洞里偷看,并往下面叫“提米脚尖儿!喂!呸!提米脚尖儿!”然后提米回答,“是你吗,糖果脚尖儿?唔,必定是!”

49、Oh goody, there's some cake! ─── 好哇,还有些蛋糕呢!

50、Timmy Tiptoes sat out, enjoying the breeze; he whisked his tail and chuckled "Little wife Goody, the nuts are ripe; we must lay up a store for winter and spring." ─── 提米脚尖儿坐到外面,享受着微风;他挥动尾巴和静静地笑“可爱的老婆糖果,坚果成熟了;我们必需为冬天和春天预先储备。”

51、Do not be Mr. Goody-goody. Be a bit naughty throw in unexpected and mischievous remarks to leave her wondering if you just said that. ─── 别做中规中矩的伪善先生,做有一点调皮的事情像是意料之外的好玩的言论去让她想知道是否你只是说说。

52、Expressive Art about Goody Keynote of Yu Dafu's Works ─── 郁达夫作品感伤基调的表达艺术

53、Goody nano-modified Paint win market with science and technology ─── 戈得纳米改性涂料以科技赢得市场

54、and next time Goody brought another bagful, a little striped Chipmunk scrambled out in a hurry. ─── 当下一次糖果带了满满另一袋来时,一只有斑纹的小花栗鼠匆匆地爬了出来。

55、Goody Tiptoes was busy pushing moss under the thatch "The nest is so snug, we shall be sound asleep all winter. ─── 糖果脚尖儿忙着在屋顶下铺压着苔藓。“这窝真是温暖,我们将在整个冬天里酣睡。”

56、The limited edition Dennis go kart comes as a custom-made kit of parts, that includes a 'MENACE 1' number plate and Beano goody bag, and runs on 'good old fashioned gravity'. ─── 详细检查了各电信运营企业的奥运通信保障工作方案和应急保障预案,并深入到通信枢纽楼、网管中心、重要综合布线等重点部门、重点部位进行了实地抽查。

57、The limited edition Dennis go kart comes as a custom-made kit of parts, that includes a ''MENACE 1'' number plate and Beano goody bag, and runs on ''good old fashioned gravity''. ─── 有了该软件后,您可以远程管理局域网内的所有电脑内的文件,可以任意上传文件到对方电脑上,也可以任意将对方电脑内的文件上传到自己电脑里。

58、Only use military units for goody huts. ─── * 仅使用军事部队进入村落小屋。

59、You know, raffle tickets or candy or some other goody to help "the cause" raise money? ─── 你知道,抽奖券或糖果或其他一些戈得帮助“事业”筹钱?

60、Goody random mode ─── 古迪随机模式

61、The first little bird flew into the bush where Timmy and Goody Tiptoes were quietly tying up their bags, and it sang "Who's been digging up my nuts? ─── 第一只鸟飞入提米和糖果脚尖儿正在那里静静地把他们的袋子绑起来的灌木丛,然后牠唱“谁掘了我的坚果?

62、Goody Tiptoes passed a lonely and unhappy night. Next morning she ventured back to the nut bushes to look for him; but the other unkind squirrels drove her away. ─── 糖果脚尖儿过了一个孤单和不快乐的夜晚。第二天早上,她冒险回去坚果丛找他;但是其他不友善的松鼠赶她走。

63、This egg slipped out,too.Roo found the purple egg."Oh, goody!"he cried. ─── 跳跳虎发现了这枚绿色的蛋,兴奋地大喊道:"哟嗬嗬!

64、Ah, goody! Breakfast is ready. ─── 噢,太好了!可以开饭了!

65、They have all the goody that a higher income brings. ─── 他们拥有高薪能带给人的一切好东西。

66、And the metaphor is made flesh (or, at least cloth) in many plays and films where the baddy wears black and the goody white. ─── 这种比喻在许多话剧或者电影中更为露骨(至少在服饰上如此),坏蛋总是穿着黑的,好人穿白的。

67、Goody, Jack, 1999, Food and Love: A Culture History of East and West, Verso ─── 中译:杨惠君译,饮食与爱情:东方与西方的文化史,联经出版社

68、The volume of tributes marked Goody's transformation from a national disgrace to a national treasure. ─── 大量的赞美之词,标志着古蒂从国家的耻辱转变为了国家的珍宝。

69、You mean the Goody Bandit?Could be.The house belongs to Granny Puckett. ─── |你说点心盗窃团?

70、Oh, goody!Thought Bear, now I know what to get the moon for his birthday. ─── 小熊想了一会儿,回答说:“我想要一顶帽子。”

71、She's such a goody two shoes that all the men I know are afraid to ask her out on a date. ─── 她真是自命清高。我所认识的那些男人都怕请她出去,怕跟她交朋友。”

72、Dont give me that do goody good bullshit. ─── 戈得很好,给我做不该胡说.

73、Once when Goody emptied an extra big bagful, there was a decided squeak; and next time Goody brought another bagful, a little striped Chipmunk scrambled out in a hurry. ─── 当糖果一倾倒完一特大袋,那里有一阵很明显的吱吱声;当下一次糖果带了满满另一袋来时,一只有斑纹的小花栗鼠匆匆地爬了出来。

74、Goody has been a victim all her life: of her family's poverty, which meant that from the age of five she had to look after her mother, partially paralysed in a motorcycle accident; ─── 古迪在她整个人生中都是个受害者:她是贫苦家庭的受害者,贫穷意味着她从5岁起就得自己照顾因摩托车事故而半瘫的母亲;

75、The Gome store in Guangzhou, for example, closed its doors to normal customers when the team buyers showed up a fortnight ago and gave each of them a goody bag as they left. ─── 例如广州的国美商店两周前在团购者到来时,就对普通购物者关起了大门,在团购者离开时,还赠送给每个人一个购物袋。

76、Note: You will receive your goody bag when you pick up your badge. Not all items are guaranteed. Goody bag items may vary. ─── 当你带上奖章上你会收到礼品袋。并不是所有的物品都会包含其中。里面的物品可能是不同的。

77、We're giving away a free goody bag with every children's meal. ─── 每一客儿童餐我们赠送一袋礼品。

78、Next WoW expansion...Emerald Dream or will we bridge the gap to the continents and enter the Maelstrom, Jul Tiras, and all those other goody parts we've yet to see? ─── 下一个WOW资料片是否会加入翡翠梦境、大漩涡、库尔提拉斯或者是其它我们已经提到过(了解到)的地方?

79、I can now afford a new car, holidays abroad and lots of other goody ─── 现在我能买得起新汽车, 能到外国度假还能买很多好东西

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