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09-04 投稿



gunter 发音

英:[?ɡ?nt?r]  美:[?ɡ?nt?(r)]

英:  美:

gunter 中文意思翻译



gunter 短语词组

1、Gunter's chain na. ─── 冈特氏测链 [网络] ─── 冈特测链;英制链; ─── 冈特式测链

2、blame tim gunter remix ─── 责怪tim gunter混音

3、gunter line ─── 冈特线

4、Gunter Wilhelm Grass ─── [网络] 贡特尔·威廉·格拉斯

5、Gunter Grass ─── [网络] 格拉斯;葛拉斯;君特·格拉斯

6、marques guntergunter ─── 标记

gunter 相似词语短语

1、chunter ─── v.咕哝;抱怨(非正式);(朝某处)缓慢嘈杂运动

2、munter ─── n.活跃;活泼;adj.清醒的;活泼的

3、punter ─── n.船夫,用篙撑船的人;赌博者;n.(Punter)人名;(英)庞特;(西)蓬特尔

4、Hunter ─── n.猎户座;亨特(姓氏)

5、Gunter ─── n.甘特(英国数学家)

6、bunter ─── n.本特阶;触杆

7、blunter ─── 率直的;钝的;迟钝的;生硬的(blunt的比较级)

8、counter ─── n.柜台;对立面;计数器;(某些棋盘游戏的)筹码;vt.反击,还击;反向移动,对着干;反驳,回答;vi.逆向移动,对着干;反驳;adj.相反的;adv.反方向地;背道而驰地

9、grunter ─── n.猪;作猪哼者;n.(Grunter)人名;(法)格兰泰

gunter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunter ─── 半滑舌鳎

2、Gunter is returned very note the balance between protein and quantity of heat. ─── 冈特还十分注意蛋白质与热量之间的平衡。

3、She died in her sleep early Sunday, her friend Gunter Babler told the Associated Press. ─── 迪安的朋友GunterBabler告诉美联社说,她是在周日凌晨去世的,当时她正在睡觉。

4、Gunter Feldmann of Panzer Lehr, later a POW who learned English, recalled that “the first words I heard from an American were, ‘Goddamn it all, the bastards are still there!’ ─── 他回忆“我从美国人那里听到的第一句话是,‘真他妈倒霉,这帮杂种还活着!’

5、Now Raymond Gunter and Glen Bodner have tested three possible explanations. ─── 最近,雷蒙得.冈特和格林.博得纳已测试出三种可能的解释。

6、Gunter,B.& Wober,M.(1992).The Reactive Viewer:A Review of Research on Audience Reaction Measurement.London:John Libbey & Company Ltd. ─── 王英钰,硕士,中国传媒大学应用传播学受众研究方向2002级。

7、As well as the box, Capt Gunter brought back with him a collection of jade objects he took from the Summer Palace. ─── 除了这个盒子之外,钢特上尉还从颐和园带回了一些玉雕藏品。

8、One hundred years later, however, Gunter Dreyer of the German Archeotogical Institute discovered a tomb buried in the sands near Abydos, the Egyptian necropolis, or city of the dead, that he is confident is King Scorpion's. ─── 但是,100多年之后,德国考古研究所的冈特 - 德赖尔在阿拜多斯王陵发现了一座古墓,他确信这座埃及古墓,或者说死亡之城,是属于蝎子王的。

9、Now Raymond Gunter and Glen Bodner have tested three possible explanations. In all the experiments, students were asked to recall an occasion that made them feel anxious, fearful or distressed. ─── 最近,雷蒙得.冈特和格林.博得纳已测试出三种可能的解释。在所有的实验中,研究员要求所有的学生回想另他们感到焦虑、沮丧、恐惧的场景。

10、gunter graphic for subject system ─── 教学甘特图

11、Mr Gunter said several US reactors, including in Iowa and Nebraska, were built on faultlines. ─── 甘特表示,数座核反应堆(包括爱荷华州和内布拉斯加州的反应堆)建造在地震带。

12、Giehyeon Lee, , a, Jerry M. Bighamb and Gunter Faurea a Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio 原始页: ─── 2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

13、Gunter still points out, the different point of protein and carbohydrate is protein production muscle, and carbohydrate provides energy for muscle. ─── 我觉得无论你是初学者还是有一定经验的练习者,都应该吃点红肉,只不过要吃瘦肉。”

14、So in 1620 mathematician Edmund Gunter of London marked a ruler with logarithms, which let his calculating colleagues find logs without a trip to the library. ─── 因此到了1620年,伦敦数学家甘特(EdmundGunter)在尺上标出对数,方便负责计算的同事不用再为了查找对数跑图书馆。

15、Talks will now be held with Liverpool and Aston Villa regarding the future of Paul Anderson and Isaiah Osbourne, while Forest will also look to take Chris Gunter from Tottenham. ─── 现在诺丁汉森林已经与利物浦和阿斯顿为商谈保罗-安德森和奥斯朋转会,同时诺丁汉森林希望签下热刺的克里斯-冈特尔。

16、von Ernst Brandi, Gunter Eifler, Franz Schmidt. ─── 作者声明: Adolf Gerhard Coenenberg, unter Mitarb.

17、My name is Gunter Liu,come from china. ─── 我的名字叫刘光涛,来自中国大陆。

18、The fine mordern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. ─── 这些精美的现代化建筑物是由KurtGunter设计的。

19、It has come from a direct descendant of Captain Gunter. ─── 它是来自钢特上尉嫡系子孙。

20、Gunter Grass ─── 格拉斯

21、When Gunter III died, the money was passed to his pup, Gunter IV - now arguably the world's richest animal. ─── “甘特三世”死时,钱传给了它的小狗“甘特四世”——它可以说是目前全球最富有的动物。

22、House, Juliane. Translation Quality Assessment: A Model Revisited[M]. Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag,1997 (the original model published in 1977). ─── 金堤.等效翻译探索(增订版)[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1998.

23、These modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. ─── 这些现代化建筑是由库尔特·冈特设计的。

24、Gunter rs chain ─── 测链

25、Do you know Gunter Parche? ─── 你知道GunterParche吗?

26、Gunter Pleuger ─── 冈特·普洛伊格

27、The fine modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. ─── 那些漂亮而现代化的建筑物已由库尔脱·根特设计出来。

28、Captain Gunter probably took the box from the Summer Palace as he saw it as the spoils of war rather than an act of theft. ─── 钢特上尉从颐和园拿走这个盒子,应该是作为一个战利品,而不是偷盗行为。

29、Germany's U.N. representative Gunter Pleuger says when faced with a decision, member states would have only two choices: the G-four plan, or the status quo. ─── 德国驻联合国代表冈特.普洛伊格说,联合国成员国在面临决定时只有两种选择,不是四国计划便是保持现状。

30、House, Juliane.Translation Quality Assessment, A Model Revisited[M].Germany: Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen.1997. ─── 朱志瑜.类型与策略:功能主义的翻译类型学[J].中国翻译,2004(3).

31、Two coastal villages, Kivalina and Shishmaref, have suffered from erosion that Gunter Weller of the University of Alaska?Fairbanks attributes to three factors, all directly deriving from warming. ─── 阿拉斯加大学费班克分校的魏勒表示,基瓦林纳与夕什马里夫两个海岸村庄已经受到侵蚀,原因有三,全都与暖化现象直接相关。

32、"The building have been designed by Kurt Gunter. ─── "中“设计”到底有没有完成,这句话有要怎么翻译?

33、[herausgegeben von Gunter Caspar]. ─── 作者声明: Hans Fallada ;

34、Levy and Barrie Gunter. ─── 作者声明: Mark R.

35、Gunter Industrial Park ─── 甘特工业园

36、Postmodernist Concepts of Gunter Kleinen on Music Education ─── 克莱南的后现代音乐教育学思想

37、The fantastic modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. ─── 这些巨大的现代化建筑是由库尔特.冈特设计的。

38、To some -- especially, Gunter Netzer, the former player who is now a sort of Don Cherry of German soccer -- Ballack lacks the manly qualities to be a true German leader. ─── 有些人,非凡是球员出身的名宿内策尔,认为巴拉克缺乏某些东西,他成不了真正的德国领袖。

39、In The Tin Drum written by Gunter Grass, there was a person named Oscar who's unwilling to grow up. ─── 君特·格拉斯在《铁皮鼓》里,写了一个不肯长大的人。

40、The fourth official will be Gunter Perl. ─── 第四官员是甘特尔.珀尔。

41、Mobility experience: interviewing Gunter Henn, chief design of Audi Forum, Ingolstadt, Germany ─── 体验移动的空间:专访德国英戈尔施塔特奥迪广场主设计师京特·海恩

42、the delegation rs head, German U.N. Ambassador Gunter Pleuger ─── 代表团团长, 德国驻联合国大使冈特·普洛伊格

43、Salamone D J. Gunter E J. Balancing of a double overhung compressor with skewed wheels and a bowed shaft. In: Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, 2nd International Conference, C189/80,1981 ─── 朱世强,林建亚,等.超大型水轮机转子静平衡方法研究报告.浙江大学流体传动及控制国家重点实验室,1999

44、Gunter grows to muscle needs carbohydrate has a simple estimation method: "Begin, every pound weight eats 2 grams carbohydrate. ─── 冈特对肌肉生长所需的碳水化合物有一个简单的估算方法:“开始,每磅体重吃2克碳水化合物。

45、Now Germany's Nobel Prize-winning author Gunter Grass has revived the memory of the 9,000 dead, including more than 4,000 children—with his latest novel Crab Walk, published last month. ─── 如今,德国诺贝尔文学奖得主格汀特·格拉斯通过上个月出版的最新小说《蟹行》,重新唤起了人们对这9000名死者的记忆,其中包括4000多名儿童。

46、In a paper published last year, biologist Gunter Wagner of Yale University reported some work on the evolutionary history of a group of South American lizards called Bachia. ─── 在去年发表的一篇论文中,耶鲁大学的生物学家冈特·瓦格纳报告了一种名为“Bachia”的南美蜥蜴的进化史。

47、ZAVELBERG, Heinz Gunter ─── 海因茨·冈特

48、Dieter S, Gunter H, Norbert S, et al. Low seropreva-lence of helicobacter pylori infection in patientswith stress ulcerbleeding [J].Inernsive Care Medicine,2000,26(12):1832. ─── 谭明义,陈根成,唐纯志.大黄胶囊预防脑梗塞并发应激性胃溃疡的实验研究[J].广州中医药大学学报,2001,18(2):149-151.

49、Karl Kordesch and Gunter Simader, “Fuel Cells and Their Applications,” Wenheim.New York.Basel.Cambridge.Tokyo, pp.79.(1996 ─── 郑耀宗等人,“燃料电池技术的发展与推广,”能源季刊,第25卷,第三期,第158-180页。(1995

50、Pu Li,Harvey Arellano-Carcia, Gunter Wozny.Chance constrained programming approach to process optimization under uncertainty[J]. ─── 张莉,唐万生,宋军.概率准则下组合投资的整数规划模型[J].天津大学学报:社会科学版,2003,(2):126-128.

51、Gunter Wilhelm Grass is a leading figure in contemporary German literature with Danzig Trilogy as his masterpiece. ─── 君特·格拉斯(Gunter Grass)是德国当代著名的小说家。 他的小说艺术有独到之处。

52、Pirkle JL,Brody DJ,Gunter EW,et al.The decline inblood lead levels in the United States.JAMA,1994,10:284-291. ─── 卫生部文件.卫妇社发[2006]51号.儿童高血铅症和铅中毒分级和处理原则(试行).

53、Marina Gunter: Business Unity S.A. ─── 路听听听听听听听听听 Ms.

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