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09-04 投稿



devastating 发音

英:['dev?steiti?]  美:[?dev?ste?t??]

英:  美:

devastating 中文意思翻译



devastating 网络释义

adj. 毁灭性的;全然的v. 摧毁(devastate的ing形式);毁坏

devastating 词性/词形变化,devastating变形

动词过去分词: devastated |动词第三人称单数: devastates |动词过去式: devastated |副词: devastatingly |名词: devastation |动词现在分词: devastating |

devastating 短语词组

1、devastating drake poses ─── 毁灭性的德雷克姿势

2、devastating synonym ─── 毁灭性同义词

3、devastating effect ─── 严重后果毁灭性影响

4、devastating house flood ─── 毁灭性的房屋洪水

5、devastating nuclear attack ─── 毁灭性核攻击

6、devastating consequences ─── 毁灭性后果

7、devastating rumble ─── 可怕的隆隆声

8、devastating definition synonyms ─── 毁灭性定义同义词

9、devastating impact ─── 毁灭性影响

10、devastating mean ─── 毁灭性的手段

11、devastating strike ─── 毁灭性打击

12、devastating enemy ─── 毁灭性的敌人

13、devastating flood ─── 毁灭性洪水

14、devastating floods ─── 毁灭性洪水

15、exerted devastating ─── 施加毁灭性的

16、devastating definition ─── 毁灭性的定义

devastating 相似词语短语

1、decantating ─── 倾注洗涤;洗液

2、degustating ─── vt.尝(味);品尝(等于degust);vi.尝(味);品尝(等于degust)

3、devastation ─── n.毁坏,荒废

4、devastations ─── n.毁坏,荒废

5、devaluating ─── vt.使…贬值;降低…的价值;减少…的重要性;vi.贬值

6、delectating ─── vt.使愉快,使高兴

7、decapitating ─── vt.斩首;解雇;使无效

8、devastatingly ─── adv.讥讽地;破坏性地

9、devastative ─── adj.破坏的

devastating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To add to the misery of the devastating strong earthquake, it was rainning that day in Sichuan. ─── 对遭受毁灭性强地震的人们来说,四川又下雨,无疑是雪上加霜。

2、To some degree, we may be able to literally explain away many devastating physical problems. ─── 从某个程度来说,我们也许可以真正地将许多破坏性的身体问题通过解释给消除。

3、Learn the moves, craft your strategy, and unleash devastating combinations on your opponent. ─── 学习的行动,工艺的战略,并发动毁灭性的组合对你的对手。

4、It was ill-conceived, unplanned and only just escaped from spiralling into an even more devastating civil war. ─── 印度的分割计划构想拙劣并且计划不周,只是没有让国家陷入一个危害更大的内战之中。

5、Elizabeth is a courageous for seeking love,devastating look,clever,stong, and qute , bourgeoisie girl . ─── 伊丽莎白是个勇于追求爱情、漂亮聪明、坚强可爱的中产阶级女子。

6、On first sight, the damage and the manufacturing mistakes look quite devastating. ─── 初步来看,油缸的损坏和制造的错误是非常严重的。

7、Jarod, denial is a very human response to a devastating loss. ─── 否认是人类对痛苦的失去的一种特殊反应。

8、But on the road ? from a 5-kilometer race to a marathon ? humidity is even more devastating to the unprepared runner. ─── 但是,对跑步的人来说,不管是5公里短跑还是马拉松,湿气的伤害更大。

9、"I think it is devastating," Nerad spoke to Bloomberg Television. ─── 他在接受彭博电视采访时说:“我认为这是灾难性的。

10、Since the devastating 'animal-rights'raid, the reassembly of data had gone far faster than expected. ─── 从那次灾难性的“动物权利”袭击以来,重新汇集资料的工作进行得比预计的快得多。

11、The most devastating statistic of them all: child mortality rates have skyrocketed while birth rates have declined. ─── 其中最具破坏力的所有统计:儿童死亡率节节上升,而出生率下降。

12、He designed a devastating decive which can detract people from the hurt of sunshine. ─── 他设计了一种强有力的设备,能使人们远离阳光的伤害。

13、Yan Sehu (Haizi) Once a crevasse on the downstream flood peak, the devastating disaster of not less than destructive. ─── 堰塞湖(海子)一旦决口会对下游形成洪峰,破坏性不亚于灾害的破坏力。

14、Since the devastating "animal-rights" raid, the reassembly of data had gone far faster than expected. ─── 从那次灾难性的“动物权利”袭击以来,重新汇集资料的工作进行得比预计的快得多。

15、Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries . ─── 两个主要因素导致了夏季长江及其支流的特大洪水。

16、It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension. ─── 这是毁灭性的野蛮行径,完全没有方法可理解。

17、The fat probably won't get any thinner but the effects on the world's poorest and hungriest could be devastating. ─── 在高粮价情况下,胖子不可能变瘦,而世界上最贫穷最饥饿人群的境况却日益恶化。

18、Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean. ─── 溢油对海洋里的珊瑚礁有着毁灭性影响。

19、"It was devastating," Garriott says. ─── “我的计划打乱了,”加略特说。

20、The child's devastating problems are a source of untold heartache to the parents. ─── 孩子灾难性的问题是父母无数的痛苦的源泉。

21、An arcane spell caster is unjustly accused of starting a devastating fire with a badly aimed (or miscast) spell. ─── 25.有人污蔑一个奥术施法者,声称后者的瞄准不精确(或投掷错误)引起了一次毁灭性的火灾。

22、You look devastating in that new dress. ─── 你穿那套新衣服看上去漂亮极了。

23、Her smile was devastating. ─── 她的笑容令人倾倒。

24、If you neglect acting on the Word -- no matter how much you hear it -- when trouble comes your way, it may be devastating. ─── 如果你忽视行出这话---无论你听了有多少---当麻烦来到你面前,它将是毁灭性的。

25、After the devastating quake, many locals have put bottles in their house as a "forecaster" of aftershocks. ─── 在震灾后,很多当地居民都在家里放水瓶,作为余震“预报”。

26、Devastating broadsides are fired with a deafening roar and cannon balls tear through enemy ships and their crew. ─── 伴着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,毁灭性的炮弹齐射撕裂了敌人的船舰和船员。

27、She delivered a devastating speech. ─── 她发表了咄咄逼人的讲话。

28、Before the Smurf attack came into vogue, the SYN flood attack was the most devastating Denial of service attack. ─── 在Smurf攻击流行之前,SYN扩散攻击是最具破坏性的拒绝服务攻击。

29、Their impact on the indigenous population was devastating. ─── 他们对土著居民带来毁坏性影响.

30、It is a devastating or a beneficent force, just as we choose to make it. ─── 它具有强大的破坏力或者造福力,只是完全取决于我们怎么去选择。

31、He received devastating injuries in the accident. ─── 他在这次事故中受到致命伤害。

32、Deforestation to heat (up) lodges is devastating Nepal. ─── 对森林乱砍乱伐给小屋取暖正在破坏着尼泊尔。

33、The medical science of vaccination was a direct result of the devastating effects of smallpox. ─── 天花造成的严重损害也直接促成了接种疫苗的出现。

34、Osteosarcoma, which was known as a devastating disease in the past, now appears largely curable. ─── 以前认为是个绝症的高度恶性骨肉癌,目前可以说是已变成大致可治愈的疾病了。

35、The world should use the latest one, devastating though it is, to learn how to manage it better. ─── 全世界应该从最近灾难般的危机汲取教训,学会更好地管理资本主义。

36、Washington's new realism is more than a revision of the devastating neoconservative muscle-flexing of the Bush years. ─── 如今美国面貌一新的现实主义政策较之布什政府以武力开路的新式保守主义政策,不仅仅只是一个政策上的修改而已。

37、CNN ANCHOR: Well the U.K is suffering from floods, Southern Europe is facing a devastating heatwave. ─── CNN主播: 英国正在遭受洪水的侵袭,南欧却被炎夏的热浪席卷。

38、Security companies like ours uncover horrifying new threats and devastating new attacks, every day. ─── 保安公司,像我们揭露骇人听闻的新的威胁和破坏性的新的袭击,每一天。

39、If growth factors such as FGF can reduce the trend, they might be useful therapies for this devastating disease. ─── 如果FGF之类的生长因子可以降低这种趋势的话,也许就能有效治疗这类要命的疾病。

40、The farther forward the chin juts at the time of the blow, the more devastating will be the result. ─── 在打击的一瞬间对手的下颌越靠前,就越具有摧毁性的效果。

41、Third, shifting from devastating forests for arable land to returning farmland to forests. ─── 三是由毁林开荒向退耕还林的转变。

42、It is devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery. ─── 对于一位家长来说,眼睁睁地看着孩子经历痛苦太令人震惊了。

43、The spirit of China was inspiringly reflected after the devastating disaster. ─── 在这场惨烈的灾难后,中国的精神令人振奋地展现了出来。

44、Yet the financial giant's leaders are hardly alone in trying to harness the force of a devastating crisis to revive a wounded company. ─── 然而,这头金融巨鳄的领导们在毁灭性危机中力挽狂澜,竭力挽救伤痕累累的公司的行动中绝不是孤军奋战。

45、Seeing her dog hit by a car was a devastating experience for Cheryl. ─── 亲眼看见爱犬发生车祸是最令雪柔感到椎心刺骨的痛苦经历。

46、Sichuan also sits along one of Asia’s biggest tectonic faults, making it prone to devastating earthquakes. ─── 四川也是亚洲建筑缺陷最严重的地区,导致它在地震中很容易遭受损失。

47、"It was devastating," he admits. ─── “那是破坏性的。”他承认。

48、P> And it is this that makes the cocksureness of women so dangerous, so devastating. ─── 哎呀,但当母鸡喔喔叫时,她没有倾听有无对抗还是挑战。当她喔喔啼叫时,是无责任心的。

49、The fact remains that the consequences of drug misuse and abuse can be devastating upon the entire community . ─── 实际情况仍然是误用和滥用药物的后果对整个社会都会是破坏性的。

50、All right. Thanks, Gerri. There are few things more devastating than losing your job. ─── 好的。谢谢,葛锐。少有比失去你的工作更具破坏性的事情了。

51、They dug three feet deep, doing devastating damage to the dunes, where vegetation was already deteriorating. ─── 他们深翻沙坨,挖地三尺。 这对植被退化的沙坨是毁灭性的。

52、"Today's approval of MabThera in CLL is great news for patients suffering from this devastating disease. ─── “美罗华治疗CLL今天获得批准对于这种恶性疾病的患者是一个好消息。

53、Tears flowed as people across China mourned the victims of last week's devastating earthquake. ─── 全中国人民在哀悼上周大地震中逝世的受难者时泪流满面。

54、But in some occupations, like operating a giant crane or piloting an aircraft, the consequences can be devastating. ─── 但是在一些职业里,像操纵巨型起重机或驾驶航天飞船,结果可能是毁灭性的。

55、When fires do happen in such places, they are far more devastating than would otherwise be the case. ─── 一旦这些地方发生火灾,将比其他地方发生火灾所产生的后果严重得多。

56、Donna had known this friend,Mary,and her brother nearly her entire life,and the news was devastating. ─── 唐娜和这位朋友玛丽及其弟弟有着多年的交情,可以算是一辈子的朋友,这一消息令唐娜悲痛万分。

57、Earth Investigated Gets To The Core Of Some Of The Planet's Most Perplexing And Devastating Phenomena. ─── 你知道你一生中死于小行星撞击的概率是死于闪电的四倍吗?

58、He said Darfur in western Sudan is still reeling from a devastating war exacerbated by a shortage of water and fertile land. ─── 他还提到苏丹西部的达尔富尔仍在遭受一场伴随水资源短缺和土地贫瘠加剧的毁灭性的战争。

59、Sichuan also sits along one of Asia's biggest tectonic faults, making it prone to devastating earthquakes. ─── 四川也是亚洲建筑缺陷最严重的地区,导致它在地震中很容易受到损失。

60、His jokes were completely devastating. ─── 他的笑话滑稽极了。

61、The fact remains those the consequences of drug misuse and abuse can be devastating upon the entire community . ─── 实际情况仍然是误用和滥用药品的后果对整个外面世纪都会是破坏性的。

62、Nobody wants to see a repeat of the devastating crash of the early 1980s, which drove hundreds of farms and lenders out of business. ─── 没有人想看到20世纪80年代初毁灭性崩溃的那一幕重演,迫使数百农田和放贷者无法运行。

63、It was devastating to see the simple plywood platform with a rail around it, where the families of the victims had left notes to them. ─── 看着简单的夹板和围栏搭成的平台,真是很让人触动上面还有遇害者的家属留下的话语。

64、Dozens of Liberian immigrants have gathered at the site of a devastating house fire in southwest Philadelphia. ─── 在费城西南区,多名利比里亚裔移民聚集在一处燃烧着大火的房子前。

65、It gained much kudos for its handling of the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in March. ─── 在5月四川的毁灭性地震灾难中,它处理得当,赢得了巨大的声誉。

66、First you will write letters for a while, through me. It is devastating to the child to experience a second abandonment. ─── 你们先通信一段时间,由我来做中间人。让孩子再次感受被抛弃是很惨忍的。

67、On the New Deal itself, Murphy is just devastating. ─── 墨菲认为新政本身是毁灭性的。

68、Five days after a devastating ice storm hit Kentucky, almost a half million residents are still without power. ─── 在毁灭性的冰风暴袭击了肯塔基州五天后,大约五十万居民仍得忍受停电之苦。

69、A weekend of devastating weather caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ike is tak ing a heavy toll in the Midwest. ─── 周末飓风艾克的残余力量所带来的恶劣天气给中西部地区造成严重的破坏。

70、Beichuan is close to the epicentre of Monday's devastating quake in which it is feared about 50,000 people died. ─── 北川距离震中很近,在那里,星期一的一场破坏性极大的地震恐怕可能造成50,000人死亡.

71、So, in the very first day, you will vibrate with the illusion of mass illness and seemingly devastating disruption. ─── 因此,就在第一天,你将以大众疾病的幻影振动而且似乎是毁灭性的崩溃。

72、She looks devastating in that skirt. ─── 她穿着那条裙子真好看。

73、However, there is a clear message of hope: Although cancer is a devastating disease, it is largely preventable. ─── 但是,仍然存在着希望:虽然肿瘤是破坏性的疾病,很大程度上其还是可以预防的。

74、The fire swept through the theatre, devastating the entire building. ─── 大火横扫剧院,彻底毁坏了整座建筑。

75、The end result can be devastating if you arent careful. ─── 一不当心,你们的关系就会破裂。

76、The firestorm created by the Chicxulub impact and the subsequent pollution were devastating. ─── 奇虚乐撞击带来的火灾与接下来的污染是毁灭性的。

77、His death was a devastating shock for her. ─── 他的去世对她是致命打击。

78、Level 3 - Summons an Infernal with a devastating Pulverize and deadly attack. ─── 三级-召唤一个具有惊人攻击力的地域火。

79、It will be a devastating blow to the local community if the factory closes. ─── 如果这家工厂倒闭,将给当地居民以毁灭性的打击。

80、And O’Neill knows how to deploy the quotidian fripperies of our laptop culture to devastating fictional effect. ─── 奥尼尔知道怎样部署平常的虚饰以彻底摧毁虚构的效果。

81、His lift hook is very devastating. ─── 他的左钩拳极有威力。

82、The opposition is about coal's air and water pollution and the devastating practice of mountaintop removal coal mining. ─── 人们反对的是燃煤带来的烟气和水污染,还有能够削平山头的破坏性采煤行为。

83、Republic forces attacked en masse, and despite devastating losses, were able to defeat Malak and the Star Forge. ─── 共和国军全军出动,不顾惊人的损失,经过血战击败了马拉克和星际锻造厂。

84、Four days after a devastating earthquake, emergency workers in central China are still pulling out survivors. ─── 大地震之后的四天里,中国中部的紧急救援人员仍然在搜救着幸存者。

85、In the House of Commons the most devastating weapon is ridicule. ─── 在下议院,最历害的武器就是嘲笑。

86、Failure that is so mortifying and so devastating that it makes you try to become invisible. ─── 失败是如此压抑,如此具有破坏性,它让你变成隐形人。

87、Eventually they hope to create and release moths that would cause any wild ones they mated with to produce dud eggs, devastating the population. ─── 他们想通过培养和释放改良后的蛾子,使得与之交配的任何野生蛾子都产出无效卵,以此来逐渐地消灭这个种群。

88、The situation in Malawi, one of Africa's poorest nations, is particularly devastating. ─── 南部非洲最贫穷的国家之一马拉维受灾特别严重。

89、In 1991, southern China suffered devastating floods, and United Nations provided emergency assistance. ─── 1991年,中国南方遭受特大水灾,联合国提供了紧急援助。

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