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09-04 投稿



gagging 发音

英:[?ɡ?ɡ??]  美:[?ɡ?ɡ??]

英:  美:

gagging 中文意思翻译



gagging 词性/词形变化,gagging变形

原型:gag 名词复数形式:gaggings 现在分词:gagging

gagging 常用词组

gag reflex ─── 咽反射;呕反射

gagging 短语词组

1、gagging meaning ─── 塞住的意思

gagging 相似词语短语

1、gaging ─── n.测量;规测;放射性计测

2、lagging ─── n.隔热材料,保温套;adj.落后的,发展滞后的;v.缓慢移动,发展滞后,落后;给……加保温层;逮捕(lag的现在分词)

3、jagging ─── n.参差;v.把…切得参差不齐;在…上开V形凹口;戳;使恼怒;颠簸着移动(jag的ing形式)

4、fagging ─── n.英国公学中低年级学生给高年级学生跑腿的这样一种教学传统;v.使疲劳(fag的ing形式)

5、bagging ─── n.装袋;[纺]制袋材料;v.把…装入袋中(bag的ing形式)

6、gaggling ─── n.一群;鹅群;咯咯声;vi.嘎嘎叫

7、dagging ─── n.滑料石墨灰;十克;悬片;n.(Dag)人名;(挪、瑞典)达格

8、gigging ─── v.演奏音乐;在演出会上表演;乘坐轻便双轮马车;用鱼叉或排钩捕鱼(gig的现在分词形式)

9、-gagging ─── v.堵住……的嘴;作呕(gag的现在分词)

gagging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The new laws are seen as an attempt to gag the press. ─── 人们认为新法律企图压制新闻界的言论自由。

2、Bernice: (over intercom) Dr. Farber, Jason Greenstein's gagging. ─── 伯妮丝:(通过对讲机)法伯医生,杰森,格林斯汀快没气了。

3、According to Jerschow, a low concentration of GAG is known to correlate with the onset of osteoarthritis and other cartilage disorders. ─── GAG也被公认为是骨关节炎和视乳头变性疾病两者的生物标记,而这两种疾病是引起背部疼痛的常见原因。

4、They tied him up and put a gag on him. ─── 他们把他绑起来并用布堵住了他的嘴。

5、The beginning gag of Bart endlessly writing lines on a blackboard is different in almost every episode. (His lines have included “Pork is not a verb” and “A burp in a jar is not a science project). ─── 关于开篇巴特没完没了的在黑板写字的笑料在每个片段里都几乎不同。(他写的东西有“猪肉不是一个动词”和“往广口瓶里打嗝不算一件科学项目”)。

6、children, there was not much she could do about the noise. ─── 不让孩子们说话之外,她对那噪音无能为力。

7、Under the policy, known as the Global Gag rule by opponents, foreign family planning agencies cannot receive U. ─── 布什的反堕胎政策被反对者们称为“全球限制自由法”。

8、Reporters published information that a judge had put a gagging order on. ─── 记者们报道了一位法官已经下了禁口令的内容。

9、She didn't get the job because she failed to act as if she was gagging for a career in PR. ─── 她没得到这份工作,因为她没有表现出自己很想从事公关事业的样子。

10、The types of basal ganglia agraphia were AAg, VAg, PAg, MAg and GAg. ─── 基底神经节失写类型有:失语性失写、视空间性失写、惰性失写、镜像书写及完全性失写。

11、Google announced a novel way to access the Internet -- via the toilet -- in an April Fool's Day gag on its website Sunday. ─── 上周日,Google 在其网站上发布了一条愚人节恶搞新闻,自称开发了一种能通过厕所上网的最新上网方式。

12、I just ball gag snuggled closer, von goeltz, small, but. ─── 主题: 网友点评:(综合点评) A man.

13、Can I get a bigger gag for all my things? ─── 可不可以给我大一点的袋子来装我所有的东西?

14、Others began to give gag gifts on the day to mock the foolishness of those who continued to celebrate the new year on April 1. ─── 另一些人开始在这一天送恶作剧的礼物来取笑那些继续在4月1日庆祝新年的人。

15、Not all rock stars are gagging for it. ─── 并非所有的摇滾歌星都有性冲动。

16、The glycosaminoglycan (GAG), isolated from Bay scallop Argopectenirradians, contains neutral monosaccharides besides hexosamines and hexosuronic acids. ─── 从海湾扇贝中提取分离出糖胺聚糖,分子中除含有氨基己糖和己糖醛酸外,还含有中性糖基。

17、Wounds heal faster when they become not a wound but a practical joke, a gag. ─── 伤口愈合得更快,当它不是伤口,而是恶作剧,插科打诨时。

18、His voice breaks repeatedly, and he's gagging between words. ─── 他的声音多次中断,他在说话中间作呕。

19、In the TV cartoon world of today the story board artist has virtually no story imput on a show, other than to suggest a more practical way to present a gag or a story point. ─── 在如今的电视卡通世界里,故事版绘师除了描述一些笑话或故事点之外,并不在出演中输入直观的故事。

20、Meanwhile, Harvey Lipschultz gets ready to perform in another way, not knowing his song has become a running gag passed down through every generation of students. ─── 利哈维准备以新方式演绎他的新作,奈何他的作品早已成为各年级学生之间流传的笑话。

21、There should be. A red hat With his skin tone? I'm gagging. ─── 应该是的 红帽子配上他那肤色?我无话可说了。

22、The burglars bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth. ─── 夜盗们捆住了他的手脚,并用东西塞住他的嘴。

23、To draw the tongue and gag the mouth ─── 吞舌钳口

24、The gag list is now empty. ─── 封堵清单现在是空的。

25、To sur h high qualiy of our proucs, w gag pric chicias a kp ourslvs iovaiv, hus hav h compay vlop caslssly. ─── 公司属下的“鸿宙礼服绣饰工艺厂”,是一家专业生产晚礼服,珠袋,万能花的工厂。

26、Gagging on a piece of raw fish ─── 因吃一块生鱼而作呕.

27、But a few minutes later, she started gagging and coughing. ─── 但不多时,她开始出现呼吸困难与咳嗽的现象。

28、She didn't get the job because she failed to act as if she was gagging for a career in PR. ─── 她没得到这份工作,因为她没有表现出自己很想从事公关事业的样子。

29、The clown panicked the audience with a gag. ─── 小丑插科打诨逗得观众大笑。

30、The robbers rammed the gag in her mouth. ─── 强盗用力将堵嘴物塞进她口中。

31、That gag you pulled was pretty low ─── 你耍的拙劣花招是骗不过人的。

32、Results will usually be better than if you spend 2 hours lolly-gagging around the gym. But be warned. ─── 而且效果通常比你在健身房晃荡两小时来得好。

33、Gagging on a piece of raw fish. ─── 因吃一块生鱼而作呕。

34、Broad FunctionResponsible for supporting gagging function, reliability test handling and providing testing support &new...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州优达人力资源服务有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-7-11

35、The students were gagging during dinner. ─── 同学们吃饭的时候喜欢插科打诨。

36、If you take ipecac when you’re overly sleepy and your gag reflex isn’t working well, you can turn a manageable overdose into something much worse. ─── 如果你吃呕根的话,当你过度沉睡时,你的呕吐反射会很糟糕,一个简单的问题被你弄得更复杂了。

37、Analyzing Global Gag Rule Policy ─── 全球计划生育遏制政策评析

38、There is always a standing gag in his company. ─── 他的连队里一直流传着一句老笑话。

39、He walks over to her, takes off the gag and challenges Laura to play the "Word Game". ─── 他走向劳拉,取下口中物体,打算玩一把拼字游戏。

40、Princess wished momentarily he'd smack the boy for the mock gag he telegraphed Tiny. ─── " / 公主暂时地愿他将会对于他打电报极小的假箝口物有味道男孩。

41、gag with anaesthesia tube, mouth ─── 带麻醉导管的开口器

42、Oh, Popeye. You're smart like anything! -Watch this, butter muscles! Even I think it's impossible! That lamebrain will fall for this gag... ─── 嘿,大力水手。你真聪明!-看这个,奶油肌肉!甚至我都认为不可能!那个笨蛋一定会上这个当...

43、DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the gag region of the 54 samples showed that 4 samples(7.41%) were infected with CRF08-BC,46(85.18%) with CRF01-AE and 4(7.41%) remained unclassifiable. ─── 54份样本中,经基因测序和系统树分析证实CRF08-BC样本4份(7.41%),CRF01-AE样本46份(85.18%),4份(7.41)无法确定亚型。

44、The general orders the soldiers to have a wooden gag in their mouth, and attack the enemy secretly. ─── 将军要求士兵衔枚夜行,偷袭敌人。

45、You get the idea.I'm an embellisher.I can't leave a simple gag alone. ─── 你明白了,我是个多嘴的家伙,我不会放过一个插科打诨的机会。

46、There was this running gag about a penguin (= they kept telling penguin jokes). ─── 人们不断讲关于一只企鹅的笑话。

47、During that case the paper admitted it had not sought comment from him prior to publication, lest he seek a gagging order. ─── 那起案子中,未免他寻求言论禁止令,报纸一方承认未能事前向莫斯利征求意见。

48、He went after me, and came out a few seconds later, gagging. ─── 我出来以后他进去了,然后立即捂着鼻子出来了。

49、At any sign of choking (drooling, difficulty swallowing, pawing at the mouth, gagging), do not attempt to remove the item. ─── 一旦出现窒息现象(如流口水、吸咽困难、抓挠嘴部、或者有东西卡在嗓子上),不要自己取出(小潘老师不同意)

50、If you have trouble with gagging, stick your tongue out to brush it, or consider purchasing a tongue scraper. ─── 如果你有呛喉的困扰,伸出舌头再刷它,或者考虑购买舌刮。

51、The quantities of collagen and GAG of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in CMT were higher than those in control groups, and the difference was significant (P< 0.01). ─── CMT胸锁乳突肌胶原和GAG含量比对照组高,有极显著性差异(P

52、They bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth. ─── 他们捆住他的手脚,还用一块东西塞住他的嘴。

53、To prevent from speaking or crying out by using a gag. ─── 堵住嘴塞住嘴以防说活或喊叫

54、It also approach theoretically to change the conical valve gag into globe valves gag to raise the stability of the seal plate. ─── 并在理论上探讨将锥形阀瓣改为球形阀瓣,提高密封面的稳定性。

55、She's gagging. ─── 她快断/气了。

56、But the channels are shackled by new gagging laws and cannot give proper coverage to opposition rallies and protests. ─── 关于选前舞弊的诸多说法使得气氛更为沉重。

57、KING: Do you like gag orders? ─── 对禁声令怎么看?

58、The pyrolysis performance of refinery byproducts including FCC dry gag,propane,butane,reforming topped oil, reforming raffinate oil and coking gasoline were evaluated in the laboratory. ─── 在实验室对炼厂副产催化裂化干气、丙烷、丁烷、重整拔头油、重整抽余油、焦化汽油等进行了裂解性能评价。

59、Bogs doubles over, gagging his wind out. ─── 伯格斯痛得弯下腰,哽咽着喘不过气来。”

60、He gag cleverly. ─── 他善于插科打诨。

61、The Progress on the Studies of EIAV Gag p9 ─── 9蛋白功能研究进展

62、If it was a problem with the suppliers, NV would not be paying out more than the chip cost, much less gagging OEMs: it would simply be passed along. ─── 后来,我切换到集成显卡模式,虽然温度也比较高,但没有死机现象出现。初步断定,此死机现象和N卡有密切关系。

63、Shes gagging. ─── 她快断气了。

64、The DLA EIAV gag shared the homology of 80% in nucleotide and 84.47% in amino acid with the EIAV Wyoming 1369 strain. ─── 与美国EIAVWyoming 136 9株比较 ,核苷酸同源性为 80% ,氨基酸同源性为 84 47%。

65、As the family becomes more and more dependent on Eve, transforming her into the human switchboard that connects them all together, Eve discovers that the ties that bind can also be the ties that gag! ─── 大家姐佐芝是典型的女强人,她创办的女性杂志是同业中的翘楚,但她却是忙得除了工作还是工作,根本无暇照顾亲情与爱情。

66、The reason, no doubt, is that she wasn't gagging for such a career. ─── 毫无疑问,原因就在于她确实也没有很想从事这样的事业。

67、We were all running around coughing and gagging, including the dogs, and trying to figure out what to do with ourselves. ─── 我们和狗狗满屋乱转,又是咳嗽又是想吐,弄不清楚自己到底应该怎么做。

68、As a gag gift, I gave her a CD by the band UB40. ─── 作为恶作剧礼物,我送给他一盘UB40乐队的CD。

69、When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle. It makes the neighbor's dog that barks all the time run to the end of his chain and gag himself. ─── 当我沮丧时,我喜欢吹口哨。它使隔壁邻居家的狗狗一直叫,一直跑来跑去,然后被自己的链子给勒住。

70、They are going to play a gag on their mom when she comes home. ─── 他们打算在他们的妈妈回家时跟她开个玩笑。

71、"Remove the gag from his mouth," ordered the wizard. ─── “拿掉他口里的东西。”巫师命令道。

72、As a phoenix approaches its Burning Day, it resembles a half-plucked turkey and makes gagging noises. ─── 在凤凰接近它涅磐之日的时候,它就像是一只被拔了一半毛的火鸡,还发出嘎嘎的叫声。

73、They assured me, however, that alum was not supposed to make you gag quite that much. ─── 他们向我保证,不无论如何,明矾不会使我作呕成那样的。

74、The act or an instance of gagging or choking ─── 哽喉,呛到阻塞或窒息的行为或事例

75、- [Gagging] - She's aspirating.Suction. ─── |- 她吐气了. 快吸.

76、Dott's gag for cleft palate operation ─── 多特(氏)裂腭修补术用开口器

77、You're about to hear a gagging. ─── 你会听到有人呕吐。

78、[Informal] to gag or silence someone ─── 堵嘴

79、They pass the news to the trigeminal nerve, which then lets your brain know that it’s time to feel the burn and to tear, or cough or gag,or just generally back off. ─── 化学感应细胞将感受到的气味传递给三叉神经,之后,三叉神经告诉你的大脑感觉到了灼热,你会流泪、咳嗽、呕吐、或者仅仅向后退几步。

80、Gagging yourself might not be enough to force the reflex for some people. ─── 将手伸进口中的方法对某些人来说可能还不够。

81、And although his mix of fiscal conservatism and social liberalism appeals to many, even social liberals gag at reports that he billed taxpayers for security expenses incurred during adulterous trysts. ─── 尽管他的财政保守主义和社会自由主义的混合思想吸引了不少人,但是甚至连社会自由主义者都对他的那些传言感到恶心:据说他曾将纳税人的钱花在他和情人幽会时的安全费用上。

82、The odor coming from it is strong enough to gag you. ─── 从里面释放出来的气味足以将你窒息。

83、Can you keep a secret? Only if you put a gag on me. ─── 你能不能保密?除非你堵住我的口。

84、In 1836 southern Congressmen passed a "gag rule" providing that the House automatically table petitions against slavery. ─── 1836年南部的众议员们通过了一项“禁止发言规则”,以限制众议院呈请任何与反对奴隶制有关的议案。

85、They may also strengthen the rationale for the current popularity of over-the-counter joint and bone pain remedies such as glucosamine and chondroitin, which are based on GAG sugar molecules. ─── “这也进一步巩固了目前颇受欢迎的治疗关节及骨骼痛的非处方药物(如氨基葡萄糖和软骨素)的理论基础。这些药物的分子基础是粘多糖。”

86、Meanwhile,glycosaminoglycan(GAG) and collagen synthesis were determined by Alician Blue and Masson 3 staining. ─── 应用阿新蓝和三色染色,观察细胞在培养过程中酸性粘多糖(GAG)和胶原分泌情况。

87、The healing goods are also selling well as gag gifts for New Year's parties, he said. ─── 在新年聚会上,这种有治疗作用的枕头和其它小礼品一样会很好卖。

88、To gag or vomit. ─── 使作呕或呕吐

89、Nearly every strained gag depended on the sheer stupidity of its characters. ─── 几乎每一个矫揉造作的插科打诨都源于十足的愚蠢本质。

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