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09-04 投稿



daemonic 发音


英:  美:

daemonic 中文意思翻译



daemonic 短语词组

1、daemonic character ─── 恶魔般的性格

daemonic 相似词语短语

1、daemon ─── n.守护进程;后台程序

2、harmonic ─── adj.和声的;谐和的;音乐般的;n.[物]谐波;和声

3、demonic ─── adj.有魔力的,恶魔的

4、ammonic ─── adj.氨的;铵的

5、daemons ─── n.守护进程(daemon的复数)

6、aeonic ─── adj.恒久的

7、eudaemonic ─── adj.幸福的;幸福学的

8、daltonic ─── 达尔顿

9、daimonic ─── 代蒙语

daemonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analysis and Implementation of Daemon Base on Linux ─── 基于Linux守护进程的分析与实现

2、- If a daemon, with the progress of the operation features "Demon Rage," take the Man-accelerator, the battle hang (tav); ─── -如果一个守护进程,与行动的进展情况的功能“恶魔之怒” ,采取满加速器,战斗坑道(番茄不孕病毒) ;

3、Programming Way of Daemon Process in LINUX ─── 一种LINUX操作系统守护进程的编程实现方法

4、distributed computing environment daemon ─── 分布式计算环境后台驻留程序

5、Design and Implementation of Daemon SoftMan for Linux ─── 基于Linux的守护“软件人”的设计与实现

6、War FTP Daemon Engine -A generic C++ class library for FTP server implementations, including a full-featured, mature FTP server. ─── 为FTP服务器程序实现的一个C++类库,包括全功能,成熟的FTP服务器程序。

7、A daemon that accepts messages from clients and rewrites From fields based on a database. ─── 一个,从客户端接收邮件并基于数据库记录改写From邮件头部分的后台服务程序。

8、Programming method of Daemon in Linux ─── Linux系统中守护进程的创建方法

9、As you might expect, any discussion of the user interface of daemonic applications is necessarily short. ─── 因为后台应用在后台运行,因此关于后台应用的用户界面的讨论,其篇幅必然很短。

10、The buffer cache is implemented in fs/buffer.c along with the update kernel daemon ─── buffer cache和update核心后台进程在fs/buffer.c中实现。

11、On a lighter note, it also marked the debut of BSD's daemon mascot in a drawing by McKusick that appeared on the cover of the printed manuals distributed by USENIX. ─── 值得一提的是,这次BSD小惡魔正式出场,最初是Marshall Kirk McKusick的画作,出现在打印好的文档封面上,由USENIX发行。

12、But as lethal as such weapons are, they are mere toys next to the greatest construct of the daemonic smiths-the dreaded Soul Grinders. ─── 但还有和武器一样致命的,可怕的灵魂研磨者----相较于恶魔工厂最伟大的造物,那些武器只不过是被制造的玩具而已。

13、only be employed persistently if they provide continuous, useful status information. ─── 只有会连续地提供有用状态信息的情况下。

14、Another XIM daemon named htt is running? ─── 启动 fcitx 的时候出现:Start FCITX error.

15、Once you've shared an NFS directory, you can then activate the NFS daemon with the service nfs start command. ─── 一经你已经共享一个NFS目录,然后你能用服务nfs开始指令启动NFS精灵。

16、As you might expect, any discussion of the user interface of daemonic applications is necessarily short . ─── 因为后台应用在后台运行,因此关于后台应用的用户界面的讨论,其篇幅必然很短。

17、24. Daemonic icons should only be employed persistently if they provide continuous, useful status information. ─── 只有会连续地提供有用状态信息的情况下,后台应用程序才应该一直使用图标。

18、Printing within UNIX has historically been done using one of two printing systems - the Berkeley Line Printer Daemon ("LPD") and the AT &T Line Printer system. ─── 多年来UNIX环境下的打印一般使用以下两种打印系统:Berkley的逐行打印守护程序(LPD)和AT &T的逐行打印系统。

19、ACPID is a completely flexible, totally extensible daemon for delivering ACPI events. ─── ACPID 是一个非常灵活、完全可扩展的 ACPI 事件递送守护程序。

20、It runs as a daemon so that it can started once and ignored. ─── 它能够运行在后台因而它能一旦启动了就不用去管了。

21、Message-map Based Daemon Control Pattern ─── 基于消息映射的服务器控制模式

22、In many cases, users will not even be aware of the existence of the daemonic application. ─── 很多情况下,用户甚至意识不到后台应用程序的存在。

23、Honeyd is a daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network. The hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services. ─── Honeyd是一款用于创建网络上虚拟主机的蜜罐后台程序,通过配置可以为它虚拟的主机提供任意的服务。

24、On the other hand restrict the internal users with WWW proxy daemon procedure. ─── 同时使用WWW应用代理程序,控制内部用户对Internet的访问。

25、Daemonic icons should only be employed persistently if they provide continuous, useful status information. ─── 只有会连续地提供有用状态信息的情况下,后台应用程序才应该一直使用图标。

26、The particular collection of daemons your system starts may vary, but will almost always include a print spooler (a gatekeeper daemon for your printer). ─── 在每个系统上运行的精灵程序是不同的,但是通常都有一个打印监视进程(一个控制你打印机的精灵进程)。

27、-33 Bad encryption handshake with vendor daemon. ─── -33坏加密握手与供应商服务。

28、Daemon Control Framework Based on Design Pattern Methodology ─── 基于设计模式的服务器控制框架

29、They can unleash untold horrors on their opponents, from Daemon Packs to Chaos Defilers. ─── 他们会通过投放成群的恶魔和恶魔引擎来是敌人陷入无尽的恐惧之中......

30、Q: What is daemon thread and which method is used to create the daemon thread? ─── 什么是守护线程,哪一种方法被用来创建守护线程?

31、Bloodthristers appear as muscular giants, towering above mortal and Daemon alike, with snarling, bestial faces with long fangs, a wild mane and wickedly sharp horns. ─── 嗜血者外表看上去是个满身肌肉的巨人,塔立于凡人和恶魔之中,不停的犬嗥发自有着长长犬齿的口中,兽头上长着邪恶的双角和狂野的棕毛。

32、-36 Feature database corrupted in vendor daemon. ─── -36特征数据库损坏供应商服务。

33、Eudaemonia (happiness) is a good daemon, or a good thing. ─── Eudaemonia(幸福)是一个好神(daemon),或一个好事物。

34、In the UNIX/LINUX system,chroot constitutes an effective method of increasing the daemon security by reducing the outward exposure of system. ─── 在UNIX/LINUX系统上,chroot是一种减小系统暴露程度,来降低由后台进程引起的安全问题的有效方法.

35、IBM Rational Agent Controller is a daemon that allows client applications to launch and manage local or remote applications and provides information about running applications to other applications. ─── IBM Rational Agent Controller是一个守护进程,让客户机应用可以启动并管理本地或远程的应用程序,并为其他应用程序提供有关正在运行的程序的一些信息。

36、, however, daemonic applications must occasionally be installed and removed and, also occasionally, they must be adjusted to deal with changing circumstances. ─── 但和心跳不同,后台应用必须可以随时被加载或者卸载。

37、Research on Layer Two Tunneling Protocols and Implementation of L2TPv3 Daemon ─── 二层隧道协议研究及L2TPv3守护进程的实现

38、-52 Vendor daemon did not respond within timeout interval. ─── -52供应商守护程序没有响应的超时间隔。

39、Are you going to use DAEMON Tools Lite at home personally and not for commercial purposes? ─── 如果你同意仅限家庭使用而且不用于商业用途,就可以免费使用了,当然同意啦,呵呵!

40、It includes an RMI proxy and a daemon application, which allow Java applications to access USB devices on a remote computer. ─── 它包括一个RMI proxy和一个daemon应用程序,它让Java应用程序可以访问远程计算机上的USB设备。

41、Unlike your heart, however, daemonic applications must occasionally be installed and removed and, also occasionally, they must be adjusted to deal with changing circumstances. ─── 但和心跳不同,后台应用必须可以随时被加载或者卸载。

42、Cannot communicate with GNOME Keyring daemon. ─── 26无法与GNOME钥匙圈服务程式联络。

43、In chapter 3, we describe the system message procession and the Daemon. ─── 在第三章中,我们则详细介绍了CJPVM的系统消息处理以及监护进程;

44、This paper introduces certain properties of Daemon in Linux and the creating methods of Daemon. It also offers an example of C programming language. ─── 介绍了Linux中守护进程的特点及其创建方法和步骤,并给出了一个C语言的具体实例.

45、NoAnonymous no # Syslog facility (auth, authpriv, daemon, ftp, security, user, local ─── 不允许匿名连接,仅允许认证用户使用。

46、Before using this extension, make sure that you have set up your Oracle environment variables properly for the Oracle user, as well as your web daemon user. ─── 在使用这个扩展之前,请确认你已经为Oracle用户和web daemon用户正确设置了Oracle环境变量。

47、These are mostly small supply depots used by front line scouts from the daemon army, some of whom have already moved out of Hades to wage their war on Greece. ─── 它们的主要用途是为魔鬼军团的前线斥侯们提供补给点,这些斥侯中的一部分已经从地狱中离开,前往希腊同人类作战。

48、The Prince of a Thousand Faces, the Forger of Hells, the Whisperer in the Darkness - Ghargatuloth the Daemon Lord, chosen of the God of Change. ─── 它们中的每一个都是地狱闪耀多彩的映像,又都不过是一个个苍白的影子,源于它们的主人。

49、Daemon Programming & Starting ─── Daemon编程与启动

50、Cron daemon is an application program in Unix system. The multi-functional system can be realized automaticlly by using cron daemon. ─── cron daemon是 Unix系统下一个实现应用程序定时运行的守护进程 ,利用它可以实现功能由系统自动完成。

51、-47 Clock setting check not available in vendor daemon. ─── -47时钟设置检查供应商无法提供的服务。

52、The daemon answers the request, authenticates the client if necessary, and if the authentication is successful, either handles the request directly or passes the request to a ─── 守护程序响应请求,如必要的话认证客户机,如认证成功,直接处理请求或将请求转交

53、- To run a Shell Script on a remote UNIX or LINUX computer that runs the RSH (Remote Shell Script) daemon; ─── -要运行s hell脚本在远程U NIX或L inux电脑运行硫醇(远程s hell脚本)守护;

54、The daemon will constantly search through its region of shared memory and make sure that a process is actually running when it is attached to a token. ─── 守护进程不断地搜索它在共享内存中的区域以确定附加到令牌的进程真的在运行。

55、Daemonic hordes march grim and proud ─── 魔鬼成群结队行进张扬着冷酷无情和得意

56、Tests if this thread group is a daemon thread group. ─── 判断该线程组是否是守护线程组。

57、But as lethal as such weapons are, they are mere toys next to the greatest construct of the daemonic smiths-the dreaded Soul Grinders. ─── 但还有和武器一样致命的,可怕的灵魂研磨者----相较于恶魔工厂最伟大的造物,那些武器只不过是被制造的玩具而已。

58、tie %him, "DotFiels", "daemon";foreach $f (keys %him) { printf "daemon dot file %s is size %d", $f, length $him{$f};} ─── [pre]# 第三个参数是用户名,我们准备把他的点文件捆绑上去。

59、Postfix daemon processes run in the background, and log problems and normal activity to the syslog daemon. Here are a few things that you need to be aware of ─── Postfix的进程是在后台运行的,并且所产生的在运行中和一些普通的活动的日志发送给syslog进程控制。下面几件事情,你必须要知道

60、Syslog daemon for Windows Eventlog complete source code can be directly used by the test. ─── (译):系统日志守护进程的Windows Eventlog完整的源代码可以直接使用的考验。

61、The buffer cache is implemented in fs/buffer.c along with the update kernel daemon. ─── buffer cache 和update核心后台进程在fs/buffer.c中实现。

62、A daemon that permits personal computers to access file systems accessed through the NFS protocol. ─── 一个支持个人电脑通过NFS协议访问文件系统的守护程序。

63、The service routing of Windows has the same standard interface called Service Control Management(SCM). They are automatic-running when the system starts up,or they even execute without the user login the system like UNIX daemon process. ─── Windows下的服务程序都遵循服务控制管理器(SCM)的接口标准,它们会在登录系统时自动运行,甚至在没有用户登录系统的情况下也会正常执行,类似于UNIX系统中的守护进程(daemon)。

64、Start up Samba service, you must run two daemon courses/uer/sbin/smbdhe and /uer/sbin/nmbd. ─── 启动Samba服务,必须运行两个守护进程/uer/sbin/smbdhe和/uer/sbin/nmbd。

65、The daemon does not have a name officially, but you may call it beastie, which is pronounced "BSD". ─── 在星光行买东西,经过两次星巴克都没有进去,只因为肚子不适。

66、Once registered with a broker, this daemon is ready to receive work. ─── 一旦向代理注册之后,就可以用该例程接收任务了。

67、How different it was to be human, with one's daemon always there to talk to! ─── 做一个人却是多么不同啊!人总有自己的精灵可以说说话。

68、and you may need to use DAEMON Tools to run it. ─── 声明:本站任何资源来自网络仅供个人使用禁止以营利为目的使用。

69、Message Routing in PVM Daemon ─── PVMdaemon中的消息路由分析

70、...He must obey his own law, as if it were a daemon whispering to him of new and wonderful paths. ─── ...人必须服从自身的法则,它犹如守护神,向人耳语出新的妙奇之路。

71、For another it may be a collaboration between a layer of library code and a daemon process running on the same machine. ─── 另一家则可能是库代码层和运行在同一机器上的守护进程之间的协作。

72、In the server, accepting requests from the clients was a daemon thread. In the client, through the COM interface, the data sending back from the serve were inserted into the word document. ─── 在服务器上驻留专用的网络服务程序来响应客户端程序的请求,在客户机上按照用户选择的目标设计文件的需要,通过WORD操作接口,将服务程序返回的数据写到WORD文档中。

73、Fetchmail is run in daemon mode to fetch mail from a POP3 account with an ISP into the local mail system. ─── fetchmail以daemon方式运行,用ISP提供的POP3帐号将邮件收到本地邮件系统。

74、2) Append the flush link in the data buffer pool and startup daemon writer process, reduce I/O cost during checkpoint, so that lessen the influence of the performance of DBMS. ─── 在数据缓冲池中添加脏写链表并启用后台写进程,降低了检查点的I/O开销,从而改善了做检查点过程中系统的性能。

75、the interaction between a user and a daemonic application is transient in nature, and all the imperatives of transient application design hold true here also. ─── 在正常情况下,用户和后台应用程序之间的交互在本质上是暂时的,所有暂时式应用程序的设计规则对后台应用程序也成立。

76、The full-text engine service manages the filter daemon component, performs administrative operations, and executes full-text queries. ─── 全文引擎服务可以管理筛选器后台程序组件、执行管理操作以及执行全文查询。

77、Warriors of Chaos may be added to your Mortal Chaos army as a Core choice, or your Beastmen or Daemonic Chaos army as a Special choice. ─── 也可以升级成精锐混沌步兵,装备混沌玄甲,增加攻击次数,本盒中包括12只模型连同指挥,提供各种武器搭配,可以使用剑盾或者两把武器。

78、A daemon is a process that runs in the background. ─── 一个精灵是在后台作业运行的程序。

79、It also provides a Daemon program called CFD-Daemon to handle the fault recovering,and an application development package which can be used by CFD programmers. ─── 同时该模块还提供了守护进程CFD-Daemon来实现错误恢复,以及应用开发包供CFD程序员使用。

80、A good example is the printer daemon, that spends its time waiting for documents to send to the printer. ─── 一个很好的例子就是打印守护程序,它总是等待文档发往打印机。

81、Description: Group deals 10% more damage against Daemonic, undead, or chaos enemies. ─── 团队将得到对恶魔,不死,混乱正营敌人额外增加的10%伤害。

82、DAEMON Tools frontend which is, among other things, able to change mounted images via hotkeys. Works even while games are running . ─── 功能之一,对于有多片游戏片的游戏,在游戏进行中可以用热键更换虚拟光盘(镜像),就像真实光盘的更换般。

83、Residing in memory, MIBs are data structures that are constantly updated via the SNMP daemon. ─── MIB是驻留在内存住的数据结构,并且通过SNMP进程刷新数据。

84、I will not stop until that daemon is cast back into the warp! ─── 在恶魔被送回亚空间前我决不停歇!

85、Programs in the large box run under control by the Postfix resident master daemon. ─── 在大方框中运行的程序是由Postfix主驻留守护进程控制的。

86、If the army is led by a mortal General, then mortal troops are Core selections, and daemonic troops are Special choices. ─── 作为连通凡人与恶魔的使者,恶魔亲王们往往都统帅着庞大的军团,无数凡人与恶魔在其帐下服务。有些恶魔亲王抛弃了他的凡人追随者,领导着来自混沌领域的恶魔。

87、If the current, functioning, central manager machine stops working, then this daemon ensures that another machine takes its place, and becomes the central manager of the pool. ─── 如果当前使用中的中央管理器停止工作,这个后台程序可以确保另一台机器接替其位,成为新的机群中央管理器。

88、It usually does mounting of file # systems et al. # Start the sendmail daemon: # if [ -x /usr/sbin/sendmail ]; ─── M文件,将启动sendmail的命令行注释掉:#!

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