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09-04 投稿



mortgages 发音

英:[?m??ɡ?d??z]  美:[?m??rɡ?d??z]

英:  美:

mortgages 中文意思翻译



mortgages 短语词组

1、mortgages payable account ─── [经] 应付抵押款帐户

2、lien ranking ahead of mortgages ─── [经] 优先于抵押权的留置权

mortgages 词性/词形变化,mortgages变形

动词第三人称单数: mortgages |动词过去分词: mortgaged |动词现在分词: mortgaging |动词过去式: mortgaged |

mortgages 相似词语短语

1、mortgaged ─── n.抵押;抵押贷款额;v.抵押;以某人的前途作代价

2、mortgagee ─── n.[会计]承受抵押人;押入者贷款人

3、mortgage ─── n.抵押;抵押贷款额;v.抵押;以某人的前途作代价

4、mortgagers ─── n.抵押人

5、mortgager ─── n.抵押人

6、mortgagors ─── n.抵押人(等于mortgager)

7、remortgages ─── n.转抵押;再抵押权;转抵押借款;vt.再抵押

8、montages ─── n.蒙太奇(电影的基本结构手段和叙事方式);混合画,拼集的照片

9、mortgagees ─── n.[会计]承受抵押人;押入者贷款人

mortgages 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The situation for individual homeowners with subprime mortgages who face foreclosure is different, so the government plans to help them. ─── 利用次级贷款购买房屋的个人的情况不同,政府计划帮助他们。

2、Large market share in mortgages could act as a drag if the housing market languishes after government support recedes. ─── 如果政府支持减弱后房市出现衰退,庞大的抵押贷款市场份额可能成为负担。

3、"Housing for the" Nanjing ban controversy is water Draw mortgages variant? ─── "以房换养"南京试水惹争议是抵押贷款的变种?

4、But it does have its downside, as has already been seen with American mortgages. ─── 但同时也有坏处,比如现在的美国按揭市场。

5、Rather, low-quality mortgages acted as an accelerant to the fire that spread through the entire financial system. ─── 准确地说,低质量抵押在席卷整个金融系统的大火上又浇了一桶油。

6、And, because homeowners must pay off their mortgages, housing supposedly encourages people to save more than they otherwise would. ─── 同时,因为私房屋主必须还清贷款,所以一般认为房产鼓励人们攒钱,而不是花钱。

7、Land-use rights will be renewed, ownership rights will receive stronger legal protection and the parameters of mortgages have been broadened. ─── 土地使用权将进行延期,所有权将得到更有力的法律保护,而抵押贷款的参数范围也将扩大。

8、He pushed to allow first-time buyers to qualify for federally insured mortgages with no money down. ─── 他推动让首次购屋者不必付头期款,就有资格申请联邦政府担保贷款。

9、highlighted foreign-currency mortgages as the sort of danger that the newly formed European Systemic Risk Board would be looking for. ─── 强调外币按揭正是新成立的欧洲系统性风险委员会所关注的那类风险。

10、The economists looked at a sample of mortgages in a huge data set that covers 60% of America's residential-mortgage market. ─── 从涵盖了美国60%的住宅抵押市场庞大的数据库背景里,经济学家查看了一份抵押贷款案例。

11、"Last quarter alone we made $22 billion in new loan commitments, and $50 billion in new mortgages, a total of $72 billion in new loans," said Stumpf. ─── 他说:“仅上个季度,我们的新贷款约定是220亿美元,新的房屋抵押贷款是500亿美元,新贷款的总额达到720亿美元。”

12、On Tuesday, New Century Financial, the second-largest lender of sub-prime mortgages, ran out of money and said it could no longer afford to make loans. ─── 周二,第二大次级抵押贷款公司新世纪财务没有了流动资金并称其不能再提供借贷。

13、In the bubbliest property markets, many mortgages are held by investors, who were speculating on higher prices. ─── 在泡沫最丰富的财产市场,许多抵押贷款为投资者持有,正盼着房价更高。

14、Add the likelihood of some 1m more repossessions as adjustable-rate mortgages are reset, and you have the makings of a housing glut. ─── 加上可能一百多万房产的收回都是因为可调利率贷款被重设利率,我们称其住房供给过剩一点都不为过。

15、The corporation extends loans, secured against first mortgages. ─── 公司提供以押品作担保的流动资金。

16、Many people are now stuck with expensive fixed-rate mortgages. ─── 许多人现在无法摆脱高额的定息按揭。

17、The fifth of mortgages that are in yen or Swiss francs face a doubling of payments. ─── 五分之一以日元或瑞士法郎计价的抵押贷款,将面临双倍偿还。

18、We offer debt financing services such as loans, mortgages, pre-sales and mezzanine financing to real estate projects that meet loan conditions. ─── 主要是针对符合贷款条件的房地产项目,以抵押贷款、预售回购、夹层融资等方式进行债务行融资。

19、Residential mortgages represent the largest asset item on the balance sheet of Hong Kongs banking system. ─── 住宅按揭贷款是本港银行体系最大的资产。

20、But as these mortgages were reset to higher rates and borrowers who had lied about their income failed to pay up, the trap was sprung. ─── 但是当这些贷款被重新设定成更高的利率,那些谎报收入的借款人无法偿还贷款,陷井突然出现。

21、The default rate on FHA-insured mortgages was already running at 8.1% in August, up from 5.7% a year ago. ─── FHA担保的抵押贷款,8月份违约率已经从一年前的5.7%上升至8.1%。

22、An online bank offering mortgages, car insurance and unsecured loans. ─── 一家在线银行,为客户提供按揭,汽车保险和高风险贷款服务。

23、Unveiled last week, the Obama plan encourages struggling homeowners to refinance their mortgages at a lower interest rate. ─── 奥巴马上个星期推出的计划鼓励陷入困境的房主办理利率比原来贷款更低的转按揭项目。

24、Amid the duck islands and dodgy mortgages, the turfing out of rogues might have been expected to top the wish list. ─── 在鸭岛和假按揭丑闻中,让这些无赖卷铺盖或许是最紧迫的事情。

25、But he now proposes to let some homeowners replace their subprime mortgages with federally garroted guaranteed loans. ─── 但是他现在计划让一些房屋拥有者用联邦保证借款归还他们的次级贷款。

26、Unlike secured loans, no mortgages for the merger of unsecured loans is essential. ─── 不同于担保贷款,抵押没有对于无担保的合并贷款是必需的。

27、Bank letters stating any outstanding mortgages or other liabilities. ─── 关于未偿付的借贷或负债的怠行信件。

28、The nation's foreclosure rate, while up significantly, is still well under 5% for all mortgages. ─── 国家的赎回权取消率(明显上升)对于所有的抵押来说仍低于5%。

29、To buoy house prices the package includes a rescue plan for distressed mortgages more generous than anything previously mooted. ─── 为了防止房屋价格的继续下滑,措施将比预期更有力地对处于危难中的抵押物进行挽救。

30、Epps, referring to the deduction for interest paid on mortgages and the credit for first-time home buyers. ─── 他指的是抵押贷款利息的减少和首次置业者的抵税。

31、The IMF reckons that Polish households took on mortgages denominated in Swiss francs that were worth about 12% of GDP in 2008. ─── 国际货币基金组织估计,在波兰,2008年选择以瑞士法郎结算的按揭贷款约占其国民生产总值的12%。

32、An administration official says there's an agreement to prevent foreclosures on mortgages the government takes over. ─── 一位政府官员说,有一项协议来避免政府接管的抵押品丧失其赎回权。

33、But as interest rates have risen, some home owners now find it hard to pay mortgages and keep their homes. ─── 但是当利率增长,一些房屋所有者发现很难支付抵押和保有他们的房屋。

34、Their payments on adjustable-rate mortgages will still go up, though not as high as they would have. ─── 他们需要偿还的可调整利率抵押贷款仍将继续增加,尽管没有它们原来增加的那么多。

35、Housing policy aims at boosting savings.Yet home-equity loans and “negative amortisation” mortgages boosted spending. ─── 住房政策旨在推动储蓄,然而资产净值贷款和“负摊还贷款”则刺激了消费。

36、Strapped American homeowners may get government help renegotiating their mortgages as part of a US$700 billion bailout. ─── 在7000亿美元紧急援助方案中,受房贷束缚的美国房贷屋主可望获得政府援助,重新谈判其房贷。

37、National banks can package their own mortgages and underwrite them as securities. ─── 国家银行可以组合包装自己的的抵押贷款,以证券形式承销。

38、An unsecured home improvement loans, mortgages do not have to. ─── 一笔无担保的住所改善贷款来,不用抵押。

39、I warn you that you will borrow less--When credit, loans, mortgages and easy payments are refused to people on your melting income. ─── 如果信贷、贷款、抵押借款和方便付款拒绝提供给你们这些靠日渐减少的收入过活的人们,我要警告你们:你们借到的钱将会更少。

40、Instead, arguably, it was the excess securitisation of US subprime mortgages that unexpectedly set off the current solvency crisis. ─── 相反,可以说,正是美国次债的过度证券化出乎意料地引爆了当前的偿付危机。

41、UBS still has $31 billion of subprime and other ropy American mortgages on its books, not far below the $37 billion that it has already written down. ─── UBS账面上还有310亿美元的次级贷款和其它劣质美国抵押贷款,这与它已有的370亿美元亏损不相上下。

42、He mortgages his house in order to start a business. ─── 他用房产押款创业。

43、Banks reeling from credit-related losses are less willing and able to supply new mortgages. ─── 在信贷市场的损失让银行不愿提供新的抵押贷款。

44、Bank of China's investments in ropey American mortgages are almost as much as the amount it raised in a Hong Kong share offering last year. ─── 中国银行在举步维艰的美国抵押贷款市场的投资几乎等于去年其在香港证交所上市募股的金额。

45、With futures markets predicting property-price falls of up to 30% and the pain spreading beyond mortgages, the bottom may be months away. ─── 期货市场的财产价格预期会下跌30%,痛苦会向次贷以外蔓延,底线也许会在数月之后。

46、When default rates on mortgages started to rise in 2007, the banks suffered capital losses on their holdings of MBSs. ─── 2007年,当抵押违约率开始增加时,银行因为MBS持股而蒙受资金损失。

47、The International Monetary Fund says total losses related to American subprime mortgages could reach almost one trillion dollars. ─── 国际货币基金组织说,与美国的次级抵押相关的全部损失达到了上万亿美元。

48、It is the smaller players who are the victims of rising land values, higher mortgages and stiffer city council rules. ─── 他说,亚利桑那较大的牧场场主经营收入还算过得去,而那些小牧主却成为地价上涨、房贷抵押金增高、政府规定日趋严格的牺牲品。

49、Paulson’s Credit Opportunities Fund soared almost sixfold in 2007 on bets that subprime mortgages would plummet. ─── 在2007年,由于下赌次级按揭贷款会暴跌,保尔森的信用机会基金翻了接近6倍。

50、But no: neither rents nor mortgages fluctuate with the seasons. ─── 但事实并非如此:租金和抵押贷款都不会随着季节的更替而变动。

51、Why does America need government-sponsored bodies to back the type of mortgages that were most likely to be repaid? ─── 为什么美国需要这样一个政府支持的机构来担保几乎是违约风险最小的抵押贷款?

52、The fundamental problem is this: As the housing market has declined, banks holding assets related to home mortgages have suffered serious losses. ─── 基本问题是这样的:由于住房市场的衰落,因而造成持有房屋抵押资产的银行蒙受重大亏损。

53、more institutions, especially banks, were allowed to lend money for mortgages, and what was more, banks could lend out more money than they actually held. ─── 更多机构,特别是银行,被允许做抵押贷款;此外,银行还可以借出比实际持有量更多的钱。

54、Regulators, meanwhile, looked the wrong way: they were far more worried by hedge funds than subprime mortgages. That tends to be typical. ─── 而监管者们则弄错了方向:他们在担心对冲基金,却没有关注真正的祸因——次级抵押贷款。

55、Exclusive encumbrance details of over 70% of properties in Hong Kong, covering ownership, all kinds of mortgages, court order and building order etc. ─── 全港独有超过七成物业之产权负担资料,包括业权、按揭、法庭颁令及屋宇处颁令等。

56、Yet home-equity loans and “negative amortisation” mortgages boosted spending. ─── 但是房屋净值贷款和所谓“负分期付款”[注1]的抵押贷款却在刺激消费。

57、At the height of the housing boom in 2006, non-traditional loans, such as subprime and jumbo mortgages, backed nearly 40% of home sales. ─── 2006年住房泡沫的顶峰期,非传统贷款,比如次级和巨额抵押贷款,支撑着40%的房售。

58、It's in the connection with the collapse of a hedge fund that heavily bet on the Subprime mortgages before the Market collapsed. ─── 事发原由和一项对冲基金有关,就在市场崩盘之前他们过多地把宝押在了次级抵押贷款上面。

59、Nationally, people are defaulting on mortgages at a faster pace than at any point in recent decades. ─── 全国范围来说,房主拖欠抵押贷款的步伐比最近几十年任何时候都要快。

60、About 80% of the $2.5 trillion subprime mortgages made since 2000 went into securitization pools. ─── 从2000年以来发生的2.5万亿美元的次贷中,大约80%进了那些水池。

61、But it has run into problems on securities backed by residential mortgages where the value of the underlying loans is difficult to measure. ─── 但在由住宅按揭贷款担保的证券方面出现了问题,因为这类证券的标的贷款价值很难衡量。

62、But lower lending standards meant some subprime borrowers got mortgages they could not afford. ─── 但把借款要求降低,会让次级借款人得到他们不能负担的抵押。

63、Sharply lower house prices and ultracheap mortgages were bound to spark bargain hunting. ─── 大幅下挫的房价和超级低廉的抵押贷款肯定会引发抄底。

64、And the arrangement also has the added advantage of enabling the banking system as a whole to reduce its exposure to mortgages in negative equity. ─── 从银行体系整体而言,放宽指引的措施也可减少银行承受负资产按揭所带来的风险。

65、To wit, after seizing Fannie and Freddie, the government now stands behind $5 trillion of mortgages, or nearly half of all home loans outstanding. ─── 即在接管“两房”后,美国政府目前为5万亿美元的抵押贷款提供担保,是所有未偿房屋贷款的近一半。

66、They sing of shrimp boats and fur trappers,bad weather and home mortgages. ─── 他们歌唱捕虾船和猎兽者,唱坏天气和家里欠的债。

67、In the United States, an estimated two million subprime adjustable-rate mortgages are expected to reset higher in the next two years. ─── 在美国,据估计在未来两年内大约有两百万可调整利率的次级抵押贷款有望重新调高利率。

68、On the other hand, some types of fraud may become less common: mortgages are more tightly regulated than before the financial crisis, Mr Levi notes. ─── 另一方面,某些诈骗类型或许会越来越不常见:抵押借贷比金融危机前有更严格限制,李维先生指出。

69、He mortgages his house to set up in business. ─── 他将他房子作抵押以便开办企业。

70、A number of banks, some teamed up with property developers, have offered fixed rate mortgages to their customers. ─── 多家银行或独自推出,或与地产发展商携手合作向客户提供定息按揭。

71、Under this facility, the HKMC will commit to purchase an agreed amount of mortgages from the Approved Sellers within a period of up to 12 months. ─── 在这项安排下,按揭证券公司将会承诺在最长不超过十二个月的期限内,从核准卖方手上购入某一个议定数额的按揭。

72、Low short-term interest rates earlier this decade led to a bonanza in adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). ─── 在这十年中的早期时段,低短期利率给可调利率抵押贷款带来了丰厚的利润。

73、He's not talking about using bailout funds to help with mortgages or consumer credit, but to buy other banks. ─── 他没有谈论如何使用救市资金帮助抵押贷款或消费者信用,而是谈论如何去购买其他银行。

74、But then many of them are the same prescient investors who jumped into subprime mortgages. ─── 但是过去不也是这些有远见卓识的投资人争相进入那次级房贷中吗。

75、In the run-up to the crisis, his funds avoided purchasing mortgages and leveraged loans while others swooped in. ─── 在危机加剧的过程中,他的基金没有像其他人那样购买抵押证券和杠杆贷款。

76、Titles to and mortgages and "hypotheques" on a vessel which is to beor is being constructed sh all, on application, be entered in the register. ─── 即将建造或正在建造的船舶上的物权、抵押权和质权,经申请可以进行登记。

77、Homeowners must be able to understand the terms and obligations of their mortgages. ─── 住房拥有者必须能够理解他们按揭合同中的条款和义务。

78、The change was the banks no longer held the mortgages and the home finance industry began to securitise, or underwrite, them. ─── 发生的变化是,银行不再持有抵押贷款,住房金融行业开始把抵押贷款证券化,或由他们来担保抵押贷款。

79、Homeowners must be able to understand the terms and obligations of their mortgages. ─── 住房拥有者必须能够理解他们按揭合同中的条款和义务。

80、The duo focused on mortgages to borrowers with good credit scores and the wherewithal to put down a deposit. ─── 两家公司主要的业务都集中在那些有很好的信用记录并能足额缴纳保证金的借款人的抵押贷款。

81、You might pick many originators of the subprime mortgages. ─── 你或许会挑出次级信用评级机构的创始人。

82、If Mortgages, the right code, easements, right on the ground. ─── 如抵押权,典权,地役权,地上权等。

83、Homeowners struggling with their mortgages perhaps doubt that a zillionaire understands their plight. ─── 为房屋抵押而奋斗的私房业主也许会怀疑一个亿万富翁是否了解他们的状况。

84、China's mortgages are all floating rate. ─── 中国的按揭利率都是浮动的。

85、But he now proposes to let some homeowners replace their subprime mortgages with federally guaranteed loans. ─── 但是他现在提出,让一些购房者使用政府保证金来代替次级贷款。

86、It swept in, buoying everything from subprime mortgages to leveraged buy-outs. ─── 先前信贷浪潮涨起,冲高每种金融商品,小至次级房贷、大至槓杆并购;

87、Large shareholder expropriates through equity financing,cash dividends,assets transactions and mortgages. ─── 大股东通过股权融资、占用资金、现金股利、资产交易、担保等多种方式攫取利益。

88、Their portfolios of retained mortgages and mortgage-backed securities add up to no less than $1.4 trillion. ─── 他们的保留抵押贷款和有财力支持的抵押贷款证卷增加到了不少于1.4万亿。

89、The International Monetary Fund says choke total losses related to American subprime mortgages could reach almost one trilling trillion dollars. ─── 国际货币基金说所有损失与美国次级贷款有关,达到几乎1万亿美元。

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