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09-04 投稿


fichu 发音


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fichu 中文意思翻译



fichu 网络释义

n. 三角形披肩

fichu 短语词组

1、fichu collar ─── 该死的领子

2、fichu definition ─── 该死的定义

3、fichu define ─── 菲丘定义

4、fichu images ─── 图片

5、fichu french ─── 法语

6、fichu django ─── 该死的Django

7、fichu bleu ─── 蓝色

8、fichu photo ─── 照片

fichu 相似词语短语

1、Rich ─── adj.(Rich)(美、英、加)里奇(人名);adj.(rich)富有的;肥沃的;昂贵的

2、fiches ─── n.缩微胶片,(照相)卡片;n.(Fiche)人名;(葡)菲谢;(法)菲什

3、dich ─── n.(Dich)人名;(丹)迪克

4、buchu ─── 合香叶

5、fiche ─── n.缩微胶片,(照相)卡片;n.(Fiche)人名;(葡)菲谢;(法)菲什

6、fichus ─── n.三角形披肩

7、Vichy ─── n.维希(法国城市)

8、Mich. ─── n.米奇

9、Mich ─── n.米奇

fichu 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、her, as she thus ran about among paths, where her outline appeared perfectly black, waving her angular arms, and with her fichu all in rags, that resembled a bat. ─── 她那浑身全黑的轮廓在小道上这样走来走去,两条骨瘦如柴的长胳臂上飘着一块丝丝缕缕的破烂披肩,望上去,真说不出有那么一股蝙蝠味儿。

2、A large blue handkerchief, such as the Invalides use, was folded into a fichu, and concealed her figure clumsily. ─── 一条对角折的粗蓝布大手巾,就是伤兵们用来擤鼻涕的那种大手巾,遮去了她的腰。

3、He arranged the tiny garments on the bed, the fichu next to the petticoat, the stockings beside the shoes, and he looked at them, one after the other. ─── 他把小衣服摆在床上,围巾放在短裙旁,绒袜放在靴子旁,内衣放在连衣裙旁,他一样一样地看。

4、A large blue handkerchief, such AS the nvalides use, wAS folded into a fichu, and concealed her figure clumsily. ─── 一条对角折的粗蓝布大手巾,就是伤兵们用来擤鼻涕的那种大手巾,遮去了她的腰。

5、The fichu is a typical 18th - and 19th-century style that can be seen as the forerunner of modern scarves. ─── 的三角形披肩就延续了18、19世纪的风格,我们可以将其视为现代丝巾的先驱。

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