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09-04 投稿



redundance 发音

英:[r??d?nd?ns]  美:[r??d?nd?ns]

英:  美:

redundance 中文意思翻译



redundance 词性/词形变化,redundance变形


redundance 短语词组

1、vertical redundance ─── [电] 垂直重复

2、minimum redundance ─── [计] 最小冗余代码

3、longitudinal redundance ─── [计] 纵向冗余

redundance 相似词语短语

1、riddance ─── n.摆脱;驱逐;解除

2、dependance ─── n.依赖性(等于dependence)

3、redundances ─── n.冗余;过多;重复

4、tendance ─── n.照顾;服侍;随从

5、redundant ─── adj.多余的,过剩的;被解雇的,失业的;冗长的,累赘的

6、redundancy ─── n.[计][数]冗余(等于redundance);裁员;人浮于事

7、redundancies ─── 过多(redundancy的名词复数)

8、abundance ─── n.充裕,丰富

9、redundantly ─── adv.多余地

redundance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most of traditional fault-tolerant model adopt copy and redundance mechanism,therefore a large number of the rubbish is made in system . ─── 传统的容错模型大多采用复制和冗余机制,给系统造成大量垃圾.

2、Modeling and analysis of static and dynamic characteristics of triplex redundance digital servo control system ─── 三余度数字伺服控制系统建模与动静态特性研究

3、A linearized mathematical model for the developed triplex redundance servo control system is derived on the basis of its mechanism analysis. ─── 对研究的三余度伺服控制系统的机理进行分析,建立了被控对象的线性化数学模型。

4、This array decreases the number of factors effecting accuracy, and the redundance information is fused to increase the accuracy. ─── 该阵型减少了影响定位精度因素,并且将冗余信息进行融合提高定位精度。

5、structural redundance ─── 结构剩余度

6、labor redundance ─── 劳动力过剩

7、A new kind of parallel simulation platform with redundance actuation has been put forward. ─── 摘要提出一种新型冗余驱动并联模拟平台。

8、Research on Redundance Mechanism of Double Server for Network Management Database in Integration Communication Network ─── 综合通信网网管数据库双机容错机制的探讨

9、The Redundance in Chained- list Structure Program ─── 关于链表结构程序中的代码冗余问题

10、terminal redundance ─── 末端丰余

11、I/O redundance ─── I/O双冗余

12、Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout. ─── 充裕并不意味多余。猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书。

13、relative redundance ─── 相对多余度

14、parallel redundance ─── 并联贮备

15、Analysis and Research on the Redundance Concept of the Attitude Control System of Launch Vehicle ─── 运载火箭姿态控制系统冗余方案分析研究

16、A linearized mathematical model for the developed triplex redundance servo control system is derived on the basis of its mechanism analysis. ─── 对研究的三余度伺服控制系统的机理进行分析,建立了被控对象的线性化数学模型。

17、The BIT Design Analysis of an EMA System with a Redundance Structure ─── 余度机电作动器(EMA)系统BIT设计分析

18、There are different redundance rate between prefecture coal mining cities and county coal mining cities. ─── 而且两类城市的投入产出的相对冗余率在组内也相差很大。

19、The system adopts "three redundance"technology.It realized reliable operation in energy conservation and gained economic benefit. ─── 系统采用"三冗余"设计技术,实现节能的前提下系统的安全可靠运行,取得了比较大的经济效益。

20、information redundance ─── 信息冗余度

21、redundance code ─── 冗余码

22、redundance technique ─── 冗余技术

23、vertical redundance check ─── 垂向冗余码校验

24、A Direct Continous-to-Discrete Model Reduction Method Using Frequency Fitting Redundance ─── 利用频域拟合冗余原理直接求取连续系统离散降阶模型

25、redundance encoding ─── 冗余编码

26、stylistic redundance ─── 修辞上的多余

27、K-mean clustering algorithm is used to get the original training set,the clustering center is considered to be the original training set,and so reduces the redundance of samples. ─── 该算法利用K均值聚类算法对训练样本集进行压缩,将聚类中心作为初始训练样本集,减少了样本间的冗余,提高了学习速度。

28、The fault tolerance LANis the way to solve this problem, that's the line backup is used to process the redundance of the communication subnet. ─── 容错局域网是解决这个问题的重要途径,即采用链路备份方式进行通信子网的冗余,在一个子网出现故障之后,备份网自动切入替换失效网。

29、the principle , which framework design should stand by , is to combine standard design with redundance design. ─── 框架设计应遵守规范设计与冗余设计相结合的原则。

30、redundance unit ─── 冗余设备

31、longitudinal redundance ─── 纵向冗余

32、It can reduce data redundance and improve data access efficiency. ─── 该模型能有效降低数据冗余,提高数据访问效率。

33、Chinese character redundance ─── 汉字羡余度

34、minimum redundance code ─── 最小余度码

35、Compared with traditional sightline based algorithms,the algorithm for computing viewsheds based on reference planes has no use for DEM interpllations,without redundance calculations. ─── 与传统基于视线的可视域算法相比,利用参考面快速计算可视域算法不需进行DEM内插,无冗余计算,计算时间与视点位置和可视域面积无关,受DEM区域大小影响不

36、An Adaptived Output Window Technique Based on Gray Redundance for Infrared Image ─── 基于灰度冗余的红外图像自适应输出窗技术

37、redundance automaton ─── 冗余自动机

38、Then, the paper gives brief introduction on the basic concept of fault tolerance and redundance technique in power supply. ─── 接着,对电源中的容错技术和冗余技术的基本概念作了简要的阐述。

39、Multi-feature correlation redundance elimination of intrusion event ─── 多特征关联的入侵事件冗余消除

40、redundance ring network ─── 冗余环网

41、Realization of Redundance Ethernet in Computer Monitoring System of Large Stepped Water Regulation Engineering ─── 冗余以太网在大型梯级调水工程计算机监控系统中的实现

42、It can reduce data redundance and improve data access efficiency. ─── 该模型能有效降低数据冗余,提高数据访问效率。

43、For improving, applying rough set theory, analyses the test paper, and discovers both redundance and significant level information. ─── 为此,运用粗糙集理论对试卷进行分析,揭示隐藏其中的冗余信息和重要度信息。

44、horizontal redundance check ─── 横向冗余校验

45、series redundance ─── 串联贮备

46、Abundance didn't mean redundance. The hound searched a prosearched book on the round acres. ─── 充裕并不意味多余。猎犬在旋转木立即找到一本深奥的书。

47、the redundance ─── 衍

48、redundance bit ─── 冗余位

49、Instruction redundance ─── 指令冗余

50、Data processing accesses and links background SQL database according to data module ADO transfered by VS2005, and perfect database with low data redundance is found. ─── 数据处理通过VS2005在管理层调用数据组件ADO实现对后台SQL数据库的访问连接,利用数据库软件建立起比较完善、数据冗余较少的数据库。

51、Redundance design ─── 冗余设计

52、modular redundance ─── 模块冗余度

53、Key words: water power plant; regulated power supply; contravariant; relay switch; redundance; on-off power supply; undisturbed switch ─── 作者简介:陈新和(1957-),男,湖北黄梅人,工程师,大学,主要从事水电厂生产与技术管理工作。

54、Native XML databases are all about sacrificing storage and tolerating redundance in exchange for performance. ─── 原生XML数据库都是以牺牲存储空间并容忍冗余为代价来换取性能的。

55、Minimum redundance rate of heat exchange area is the product of variation of heat flux and mean temperature difference of heat exchanger caused by temperature change. ─── 最小换热面积富裕系数为温度变化引起换热量变化及换热器平均温差变化两部分的乘积。

56、Slab Continuous Casting Machine; Totally Integrated Automation( TIA); monitoring; programming; industrial ethernet; fieldbus; redundance. ─── 板坯连铸机;全集成自动化;监控;编程;工业以太网;现场总线;冗余;

57、redundance check ─── 冗余检验

58、redundance character ─── 冗余字符

59、It mainly(introduced) the composing of hardware and the configuration of software,and it explained how PLC realizes the function of double-network redundance. ─── 其中重点介绍了PLC的硬件组成及软件结构,并对PLC的双网冗余控制做了说明。

60、Structure design and reliability analysis of the triplex redundance digitial servo control system ─── 三余度数字伺服控制系统结构设计与可靠性分析

61、fully redundance ─── 完全冗余

62、redundance flight control system ─── 余度飞行控制

63、Keywords database;backup;redundance;cluster; ─── 数据库;备份;冗余;群集;

64、dual - redundance of networks cards ─── 双网卡冗余备份

65、A new kind of parallel earthquake simulation platform with redundance actuation ─── 新型并联冗余驱动地震模拟台

66、triplication redundance ─── 三模冗余

67、Second, we estimate the angular velocity error making use of accelerometer"s redundance information. ─── 第二,利用九加速度的冗余信息估计残差,对如何提高角速度的解算精度作了研究。

68、minimum redundance ─── 最小冗余性

69、Minimizing Cost Redundance and Optimizing Algorithm for Multisensor Fusion System ─── 多传感器融合系统最小代价冗余及优化算法

70、Redundance Robot Track Programming Based on the Generalized Coordinate ─── 基于广义坐标的冗余度机器人运动轨迹的规划

71、vertical redundance ─── 垂向冗余

72、image redundance ─── 图象多余度

73、There is an analysis and comparison between series redundance and parallel redundance on the reliability and technology characteristic. ─── 分析比较串联冗余和并联冗余的可靠性及技术特点。

74、To Solve the Personnel Redundance in State-Owned Enterprises for a New Start ─── 解决国企冗员问题,促进国企走出困境

75、But tradional BP-PSO algorithm only trains network weight value and threshold value, exists limitation such as high degree redundance, slow constringency speed. ─── 但传统BP-PSO算法一般只训练网络的权值和阈值,存在冗余度高、收敛速度慢的缺陷。

76、Cycle Redundance Checking ─── 循环冗余校验

77、element redundance ─── 器件冗余

78、gene redundance ─── 基因重复基因冗余

79、Gray redundance ─── 灰度冗余

80、vision redundance ─── 视觉冗余

81、Three, less redundance, parameter-difference allow avoid codes that overlapping in most sentences. ─── 库的冗余更少,参数化差异允许避免两个包含大多的相同、只有少数细节不同的代码;

82、This algorithm eliminates efficiently the spatial and temporal redundance of the information sending to data sink, and save the energy of the network. ─── 该算法有效地去除了数据的空时冗余,节省了网络的通信能量。

83、A new kind of parallel simulation platform with redundance actuation has been put forward. ─── 提出一种新型冗余驱动并联模拟平台。

84、redundance control ─── 冗余控制

85、redundance selection ─── 余度选定

86、Optimizing redundance for the multi sensor fusion system ─── 多传感器融合系统的优化冗余

87、Most of traditional fault-tolerant model adopt copy and redundance mechanism, therefore a large number of the rubbish is made in system. ─── 传统的容错模型大多采用复制和冗余机制,给系统造成大量垃圾。

88、For improving, applying rough set theory, analyses the test paper, and discovers both redundance and significant level information. ─── 为此,运用粗糙集理论对试卷进行分析,揭示隐藏其中的冗余信息和重要度信息。

89、Power Grid Dispatcher Mission and Controlling of Power Grid Operation Redundance ─── 电网调度天职及调度对电网运行裕度的掌握

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