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09-04 投稿


distracting 发音

英:[d?'str?kt??]  美:[d?'str?kt??]

英:  美:

distracting 中文意思翻译



distracting 词性/词形变化,distracting变形

形容词: distractive |动词现在分词: distracting |动词过去式: distracted |动词过去分词: distracted |动词第三人称单数: distracts |副词: distractingly |

distracting 短语词组

1、distracting myself ─── 分散我的注意力

2、distracting factors ─── 分散注意力的因素

3、distracting dbt ─── 分心dbt

4、distracting factor ─── 分散注意力的因素

5、distracting meaning ─── 分心的意思

6、distracting games ─── 分散注意力的游戏

distracting 同义词

confuse | deflect | amuse | disturb | befuddle | embarrass | addle | baffle | absorb | puzzle | sidetrack | disorder | divert | cark | entertain | engage | trouble | bewilder | perturb | confound | unhinge | engross | disquiet | perplex

distracting 反义词


distracting 相似词语短语

1、distasting ─── n.厌恶;讨厌;vt.厌恶;不喜欢;vi.不喜欢

2、detracting ─── vt.转移,使分心;vi.贬低;减去

3、distraction ─── n.注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

4、districting ─── n.分区;空间聚合;v.分区(district的ing形式)

5、diffracting ─── vt.衍射;使…分散;碾碎;vi.衍射

6、distractingly ─── adv.精神涣散地;发狂似地

7、distractions ─── n.分心;干扰(distraction的复数);焦虑

8、undistracting ─── 不引人注意的

9、abstracting ─── n.文摘;v.[图情]摘要(abstract的现在分词)

distracting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He needs to concentrate. Don't distract his mind from his studies. ─── 他需要集中精力。别打搅他的学习。

2、Engaging in leisure-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting us from our worries and troubles. ─── 在他人帮助下参与休闲活动会满足我们的社交需求,同时分散我们在忧虑和烦恼的注意力。

3、Once she gets involved in a research, nothing can distract her mind from it. ─── 她一旦潜心钻研某一课题,任何事情都无法使她分心。

4、You're distracting me from my work. ─── 你使我不能专心工作。

5、Don't let TV distract your attention. ─── 不要让电视分散了你的注意力。

6、Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation? ─── 你以为我在试图打扰你的静心吗?

7、Be you trying to distract me? ─── 你是想为我解忧吗?

8、A person should abndon distracting thoughts and be absorbed in stepping well in his life course. ─── 一个人应当摈弃各种杂念,全神贯注的走自己的路。

9、To such a degree was his interest in literature that nothing could distract his mind from reading. ─── 他对文学的兴趣到这样的程度:什么东西都分散不了他读书的注意力。

10、The marshals stood behind him, and did not venture to distract his attention. ─── 元帅们站在他身后,不敢分散他的注意力。

11、They ll hit you over the head with something heavy, distracting you from your headache for a while, after which you can get back to work. ─── 他们会用重器敲您的头,这会暂时分散您头疼的感觉,之后您可以重新工作了。

12、Mr Paulson wants the strategic dialogue to address some of these broader issues. Congress should stop distracting him. ─── 保尔森先生想用战略对话解决一些更重要的问题,国会不应再给他添乱。

13、The book is a concise treatment of this complex field and does not encumber the reader with a surfeit of potentially distracting institutional details. ─── 专业经济学家希望能够培养出更新其知识的题目也会发现很多与这本书的价值。

14、Notifications that new mail has arrived are less distracting than in earlier versions of Outlook Web Access. ─── 与早期版本的Outlook Web Access相比,新邮件到达的通知对用户的干扰更少。

15、Don't distract my attention I'm trying to study! ─── 别分散我的注意力--我正要学习呢!

16、He said the furor was distracting attention from the problems affecting Americans, such as lingering unemployment and high gasoline prices. ─── 他说热衷于这种话题使得人们忽略影响美国人的大问题,例如持续不断的高失业率以及油价高升等。

17、Nothing can distract him from doing the experiment. ─── 什么都不能使他从试验中分心。

18、Distracting Spit increases physical damage dealt to an enemy. ─── 使敌人受到的物理伤害增加。

19、In order to distract themselves, they lay in the grass and looked up at the sky. ─── 为了要转移注意力,他们躺在草地上仰望天空,不一会儿,佛列德便觉得好些了。

20、And when the scene through the glass window in front of him becomes too distracting, the blind can be pulled down. ─── 而且当在他面前的玻璃窗里的景色变得太令人分心的时候,百叶窗能够被放下来。

21、Firmly push intruding thoughts away, as they begin, before they can gather strength and distract you. ─── 只要它们一出现,在它们可以积聚力量和转移你的注意力之前,就坚决地赶走入侵的念头。

22、He said she had first start.d painting shortly before her second birthday as her father tried to stop her distracting him from his own amateur art. ─── 他说女儿在两岁生日前不久开始画画,让女儿画画是为了不让她妨碍自己的业余绘画。

23、Look, I'll find some way to distract her, and then you sneak out. ─── 听着,我会找个法子分散她的注意力,你就偷偷溜出去。

24、Do you distract them at anytime? ─── 你随时会分散?

25、Good patter will distract the audience just long enough to keep it from guessing how you pull off the magic feats. ─── 好的“叫卖声”可以分散观众的注意力,他就没时间去猜测你的魔术到底是怎么变的。

26、Please turn off the TV because the noise will distract the children from their homework. ─── "请把电视机关掉,因为噪音会使孩子们分心,不能专心做作业。"

27、You cannot make or receive a call during play because it will distract the players. ─── 在比赛过程中,你不能打或接收任何电话,因为那会分散比赛者的注意力。

28、Don't distract me. ─── 不要使我分心。

29、Don't let social activities distract you from your study. ─── 不要让社会活动影响你的学习。

30、Don't distract my attention.I'm trying to study! ─── 别分散我的注意力--我正要学习呢!

31、If you are unarmed when you encounter a bear, toss your mittens on the snow in the hope of distracting it. ─── 如果您遇到北极熊的时候手无寸铁,那就把手套扔在雪地里,希望这能分散北极熊的注意力。

32、In order to distract Xiao Bo from ET, Wen Wen masquerades herself as someone from Jupiter. ─── 为了转移小博对ET的注意力,文文把自己装扮成木星人。

33、These can be very distracting and can cause your page to look u rofe ional. ─── 动画图片会分散网站浏览者的注意力,会使网页显得业余。

34、They distract themselves as a way of regulating their emotions such as fear of failure. ─── 他们把使自己分心看作是控制情绪的一种途径,例如是减少失败的恐惧。

35、You must not talk to or distract the driver. ─── 切勿与司机谈话,或分散他的注意力。

36、Their goal: to determine how subliminal signals, which can be distracting, are processed. ─── 他们的目标是确定令人分心的阈下信号到底是如何被处理的。

37、It is distracting to see people with underwear sticking out of their pants. ─── 人们的内裤边露到裤子外,叫人看了心烦意乱。

38、He could walk up and down, free from distracting fancies, praying for himself and for them. ─── 他走来走去,摆脱那些不由自主的幻想,为自己也为他们作祈祷。

39、The intention was to distract egg-laying females from furniture or structural wood. ─── 其目的是把产卵的雌虫从家具或建筑木材中分离出来。

40、He has selfish ideas and distracting thoughts. ─── 他有私心杂念。

41、Don't let verbal taunts or quick movements distract you. ─── 别让言语挑逗或快速升降分散你。

42、When distracting thoughts enter your mind, try to put them to the back of your mind for later, and return to your chosen word. ─── 当杂念进入你的头脑,尝试把他们回来后你的脑海,并返回到您选择的单词。

43、Don't overdo the description of your interest and don't describe interests that might distract your job. ─── 千万不要过分夸张的描述你的兴趣爱好,特别是那些对你的工作毫无帮助甚至起反作用的爱好。

44、Don't let video games distract your attention. ─── 分散某人的注意力。

45、A change can be very distracting, and can cause both of you to lose sight of your primary objectives in life. ─── 变化可能使人分心,盲目,忽视生活的首要目标。

46、Distracting scroll bars are displayed when the content doesn't fit it. ─── 内容不适合的时候,需要移动滚动条。

47、Their desire for social drama is not—or not only—a way of distracting themselves from their schoolwork or of driving adults crazy. ─── 他们对社交戏剧的渴望不是——或者不仅仅是——一种让他们从学业中分心或者让成年人发疯的方式。

48、However, care needs to be taken to ensure that this feedback is itself not too loud or distracting. ─── 不过,这里也要小心处理声音的大小,要确保反馈声音的音量不能太大或者产生干扰。

49、She jabbered away, trying to distract his attention. ─── 她喋喋不休,想分散他的注意力。

50、She should go up and sit with Melanie and distract her mind from her coming ordeal but she did not feel equal to it. ─── 她理应上楼去陪伴媚兰,设法缓和她的紧张情绪,让她不要害怕面临的这场考验,可是她觉得自己没有这个本领。

51、The resolvent offered by the author is distracting it with the help of some habbies. ─── 作者提供的解决之道就是多培养一些兴趣爱好,以此分散注意力.

52、Don't distract my attention, I'm trying to study! ─── 别分散我的注意力,我正要学习呢!

53、Avoid distracting others. No throwing of objects from height. ─── 不打扰他人。严禁从高空向下抛物。

54、But women stay at home, alone with their grief, and there is nothing to distract them from it. ─── 但女人是呆在家里的,面对着愁伤无法分心。

55、OK, here's the deal. I'll distract the guards during morning exercise while you sneak In and look for a key. ─── 好,我们做个交易。你们在晨间运动时间的时候溜进去找钥匙,我来负责引开警卫。

56、Are you trying to distract me ? ─── 你是想为我解忧吗?

57、How would you tell a rude person to put their distracting phone away? ─── 你会怎么告诉一个无礼的人让他把让人分心的手机拿开?

58、Close colleagues may want your job, and relationships with them may distract you. ─── 亲密的朋友可能对你的位置虎视眈眈,而与他们的私人关系也会影响到你的判断。

59、On the 28th, issues with an authority figure distract you from romance. ─── 28日,与个权威人士倾谈会使你从这段恋情中走出来。

60、Several people talking at once distract a listener. ─── 几个人同时讲话会使听者分散注意力。

61、The arrow maker answered, "With both eyes open, the wide view of the second eye is distracting. ─── 制箭者回答:“双眼睁开,视野宽阔,容易分心。

62、The endless hype surrounding Indian number one Sania Mirza is distracting for the country's other players, says Shikha Uberoi. ─── 印度女球员尤贝罗伊说,国内媒体太过关注米尔扎了,这对其他球员太不公平了。

63、Attempt to distract her attention was all the warning she needed. ─── 他笨手笨脚地试图引开她的注意力,可却都成了她所需要的警示。

64、Don't distract me (from working). ─── 别扰乱我(工作)。

65、Sentences that contain several partial quotations are particularly distracting. ─── 包含一些部分的报价句子正在特别地转移。

66、Don' t distract my attention. ─── 不要分散我的注意力。

67、In general, the more distracting a piece of clothing or jewelry is, the less appropriate it is for office wear. ─── 一般情况下,越是分散注意力的衣服或珠宝,越不适合办公室着装。

68、Eating in the playroom may be too distracting for the child. ─── 在活动室吃饭对儿童来说可能太容易分散注意力。

69、Very nice picture with two flower buds and one lotus flower. The branch in the background is very distracting. ─── 一朵荷花佩两颗花蕾拍摄得很突出,花上有很多水珠,构图不错;可惜背景有一花茎十分刺眼,应要避开。

70、It may even prevent other parts of your life (spouse, kids, house) from creeping in and distracting you under stress. ─── 而且这样还可以防止其他因素(比如说你的配偶,孩子和房子等)占据你的脑子,分散你的注意力。

71、People look at sports on the television at many silly distracting shows that are not educational, that are simply distracting. ─── 人们看电视的体育节目,看许许多多极为无聊的节目,这些节目都无教育意义,仅仅是消遣而已。

72、Nor was he able to fire stones at barrels to distract the patrolling guards. ─── 他也没有办法丢石头来引走巡逻的警卫。

73、Let them experience what they are feeling without trying to distract, cheer them up, or rescue them. ─── 讓他們體驗他們的感受,不要設法去分散注意力、使他們振作、或挽救他們。

74、He says those comments are distracting from more critical issues in his campaign. ─── 他说这些评论分散了人们对他竞选中更重要观点的注意力。

75、Nor does he want the issue to distract from bigger priorities. ─── 奥巴马不希望这种小事情分散了对主要问题的关注。

76、Each tail piece wriggles to wholly confuse and distract an attacker. ─── 但是与其他的蜥蜴不同,玻璃蜥蜴的尾巴会逐段的散成碎片,每段碎片都在扭动,以迷惑攻击者,分散其注意力。

77、He remembered uneasily the awful glow of her skin and the distracting clarity of her eyes. ─── 他心绪不安地回想起她那特别光润的皮肤和晶莹迷人的眼睛。

78、This is very distracting, not to mention rude. ─── 否则,别说是表现粗鲁,也容易让人分散注意力。

79、Short-term price movements, its oil minister insists, should not distract from the world's enduring thirst for oil. ─── 其石油部长坚持说,短期价格变动不会对全世界支石油的持久渴求有所改变。

80、Most applications demand more direct, less distracting, and more trustworthy means of getting assistance . ─── 多数程序需要更直接,少一些干扰,更值得信任的获取帮助的方式。

81、He closed his eyes to put a stop to all distracting thoughts, sitting there quietly and peacefully. ─── 他闭了眼睛, 息了杂念,平心静气地坐着。

82、When he arrived back, Tigress was cracking melon seeds to distract herself. ─── 回到家中,虎妞正在屋里嗑瓜子儿解闷呢。

83、"I won't distract you then." But I felt his lips on my hair, and it was very distracting. ─── “我不会打扰你的。”可在我看来,他抵在我头发上的嘴唇就足够我分神的了。

84、Do not allow things of this life distract us from the things of the age to come. ─── 不要让今生的事情搅扰我们去追求未来时代的事情。

85、Do not set sound to "autoplay" when someone visits your site. This can be very distracting. ─── 避免设置“自动播放”的音响,这样会分散用户的注重力。

86、But they can also distract the reader from your message if the pictures don't relate closely to the message. ─── 但如果图片与邮件联系不紧密,则会分散读者的注意力。

87、Use color sparingly.Too much color can be distracting. ─── 减少网页颜色数目,否则会分散用户留意力。

88、If you distract his attention, I'll slip out of the room when he isn't looking. ─── 如果你分散他的注意力,我就在他看不到时溜出房间。





英 [d??str?kt] 美 [d??str?kt]


vt. 转移;分心

用法:[ 过去式 distracted 过去分词 distracted 现在分词 distracting 第三人称单数 distracts ]


distract in 在分散注意力 ; 正在翻译 ; 转移在里

nto distract 分散注意

to distract 分散注意 ; 分心 ; 分散

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