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adolescence 发音

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adolescence 中文意思翻译



adolescence 常用词组

late adolescence ─── 青春晚期

adolescence 词性/词形变化,adolescence变形

名词复数: adobos |

adolescence 短语词组

1、adolescence years ─── 青春期

2、puberty adolescence ─── 青春期

3、the period of adolescence has ─── 青春期有

4、adolescence age ─── 青春期

5、pre-adolescence n. ─── 青春期前

6、adolescence syndrome ─── 青春期综合征

7、adolescence definition ─── 青春期定义

8、albuminuria of adolescence ─── [医] 少年蛋白尿, 定时性蛋白尿

9、adolescence development ─── 青春期发育

10、adolescence age range ─── 青春期年龄范围

11、the period of adolescence ─── 青春期

12、adolescence family ─── 青春期家庭

13、early adolescence ─── 青春期

14、infancy childhood adolescence ─── 婴幼儿期

15、adolescence brain ─── 青春期大脑

adolescence 相似词语短语

1、adolescents ─── n.[人类]青少年(adolescent复数)

2、adularescence ─── 冰长石晕彩

3、preadolescence ─── n.青春期前

4、acaulescence ─── n.无茎,短缩茎

5、adolescently ─── 青春期的

6、arborescence ─── n.树状;树质

7、calorescence ─── n.发光热线;灼热

8、alkalescence ─── n.弱碱性;[化学]微碱性

9、adolescent ─── adj.青春期的;未成熟的;n.青少年

adolescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In North America, he felt, too many people saw adolescence as a time of life to be extended as long as possible. ─── 在北美,他感到,有太多的人把青少年时期尽可能地延长。

2、Early adolescence children want peer acceptance. ─── 12岁孩子想要同伴的认同接纳。

3、From childhood to adolescence to adulthood, the number of moles is increasing. ─── 从儿童期而青春期到成人期,痣的数目一直在慢慢的增加。

4、Rogers D. (1962), The Psychology of Adolescence, N.Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts. ─── 张国斑(1969),青年心理学,:维新书局.

5、Adolescence, as the transitional period from childhood to adulthood, is a special and critical phrase in a person"s life. ─── 作为童年时代和成年时代过渡期的青春期是人一生中一个特殊和关键的阶段。

6、Adolescence should be a time of exploration and discovery, not punching in and out on a time clock. ─── 处在青春期的年轻人应该多点时间去探索和发现问题,而不是忙于赶时间上班打卡。

7、In adolescence, nutritional requirements increase because the growth rate increases. ─── 因生长加快,青少年对营养的需要增高。

8、Childhood is equal to spring , adolescence summer , adulthood authumn and senescence winter . ─── 儿童时期等于春天,青年时期等于夏天,成年时期等于秋天,老年时期等于冬天.

9、Most transvestites have their first cross-dressing experience around puberty or in adolescence. ─── 大多数变装者在青春期或青少年时期就有过变装的经历。

10、Generally, mental and behavioural disorders are common during childhood and adolescence. ─── 总的来说,精神和行为异常在儿童和成人都很常见。

11、Sales have remained phenomenal even as Rowling's books have grown longer and darker, reflecting the boy wizard's maturation into adolescence. ─── 《哈利·波特》系列一直保持着强劲的销售势头,尽管罗琳后面的书写得越来越长,内容也越来越阴暗,主要讲述了小男巫哈利·波特步入青春期,逐渐成熟起来的历程。

12、She passed her whole adolescence in her mother's leading strings. ─── 她在母亲的严格管教下度过整个青少年时期。

13、Nowadays, the society has more and more peoplerealizing that adolescence crime is a cancer of society. ─── ( 7 ) 现在,社会上有越来越多的人意识到青少年犯罪是社会的一大毒瘤。

14、Girls in Power: Gender, Body, and Menstruation in Adolescence - Edited by Laura Fingerson Janet Lee p. ─── 女孩拥有话语权:性别,身体与青春期月经来潮。

15、It is said to be characteristic of adolescence and early adulthood . ─── 它被认为是青春期或成年期初期所特有的现象。

16、Most often, heartbroken people are unknowingly grieving a loss or trauma rooted in childhood or adolescence. ─── 多数时候,心碎的人们会不知不觉地在对起源于童年或青春期时期的一次失去或创伤感到悲伤。

17、Of course, movies and proms and other pleasures of carefree adolescence were the furthest thing from my mind while I was growing up. ─── 当然,随着我的成长,电影和舞会以及无忧无虑的青春期中一些其它的娱乐活动在我的思想中占的比重逐渐减到最少。

18、Many children, as they enter adolescence, begin to turn to other teenagers for affection, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. ─── 许多孩子在进入青春期时,就开始从其他青少年伙伴那里寻找友情、鼓励和归属感。

19、Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence. ─── 一些在孩提时候随和且外向的年轻人在青春期初期变得害羞了。

20、Correct pare notntal nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines two of them the physical and mental profile of a mature individual . ─── 从婴儿期到青春期的正确的学生父母教人育才决定唯一成熟的一自己的体质及智力的状况。

21、It is still in the turbulent years of adolescence. ─── 它还处在青春活力汹涌澎湃的年代。

22、You can never be quite sure they won't drag up some embarrassing scenario from your adolescence. ─── 你压根无法保证他们不会爆料一些你青春期的窘事出来。

23、Hormonal treatments in adolescence can often achieve a masculinization of the body. ─── 在青春期给予激素治疗常常能够发育出男性的身体特徵。

24、As a boy goes through adolescence, his secondary sex characteristics develop. ─── 作为一个青春期男孩,这是他的第二性征在发展。

25、A new study suggests that girls and boys think differently about being judged by their peers as they move through adolescence. ─── 一项新的研究提示在进入青春期女生与男生对来自同龄人的评价其想法很不同。

26、Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future. ─── 优雅是一种特权。它并不属于那些刚刚脱离青春期的人,而属于那些已经掌握了自己未来的人。

27、Is there often is suicidal idea when adolescence why ah? ─── 在青春期时经常有自杀念头是为什么啊?

28、Women are often unaware of how they talk because they do not experience the significant change in their voices that men go through in adolescence. ─── 女人常常不了解自己是如何讲话的,因为她们不像男人那样在青春期经历过明显的变声。

29、So Africa's pyramids, wide at childhood and adolescence, are more promising than, say, barren Italy's (see chart 2), but also more combustible. ─── 因此非洲以孩子和青少年为基础的人口金字塔比不育的意大利更加有希望,但同时也更加容易燃起动荡。

30、Most have put out snout-like siphons to feed, or rather to purge what impurities they had ingested in their adolescence on the city's tideflats. ─── 大多数的软体动物伸出口吻状的虹吸管吃东西,虹吸管可以在它们幼年时就过滤出在潮坪上吃进去的杂质。

31、Those without the proper resources to do so don't discover which if any of their cubs are Garou until the young ones reach adolescence. ─── 在他们达到青春期之前,还没有任何办法可以分辨他们是否可以变成狼人。

32、The study "shows that yet again, the onset of bipolarity in adolescence is particularly malignant for the onset of substance abuse," he said. ─── 他指出,这项研究再一次显示,青少年双极性异常的发生,对于物质滥用的开始有最不良的影响。

33、Of all life's passages, adolescence may very well be the most difficult. ─── 在人生中的所有阶段里,青春期是将最难度过的。

34、When do they show up? Plexiform neurofibromas can appear at any age, but they usually begin to show up in late childhood or early adolescence. ─── 丛状纤维瘤在什麽阶段会显现出来?它可能会在任何年龄发生,但通常发生在儿童期后期或青春期前期。

35、NBPTS early adolescence generalist standards. ─── 台北市:心理出版社。

36、Both then and in adolescence, she was aware of the burdens of domestic labour. ─── 在当时及其年轻时期,她都清楚地明白家务劳动的艰辛。

37、Adolescence and old age are the two stages in our lives when the need for friendship is crucial. ─── 在青春和老年两时期中,友谊是极为重要的。

38、He was well known in the village in his adolescence. ─── 他在青少年时期就已闻名全村。

39、You spent your entire adolescence waiting for your mutant powers to appear. ─── 你整个青春期都在等待变异能力的出现。

40、From conception, birth childhood, adolescence, and beyond we have continued to form a deep sense of self. ─── 从观念、出生儿童时期、青春期而来和超过我们继续形成一个自我深深的感觉。

41、The five years they spend in VSMS is the key period for them to transfer from adolescence to adulthood. ─── 在校的五年是他们从青春期向成人期过渡的关键时期。

42、It's just a phase(she's going through),eg in childhood or adolescence. ─── 就是(她正在经历的)那麽一个阶段(如处于儿童时期或青春期).

43、He had a troubled adolescence. ─── 他有一个不安的青春期。

44、During much of her adolescence, she felt like an outsider and experimented with radical self-packaging. ─── 在她的青春期,她感觉自己像个门外汉,于是就完全以包装自己作为实验。

45、The adolescence of a nation. ─── 国家的青春期

46、Even at birth, it would be a quarter of her body length. The rest of her body won't catch up with her head until adolescence. ─── 其实即使在出生时,婴儿的脑袋也是身体的四分之一大,身体要直到青春期后才会超过脑袋的比例。

47、It is also an important period of transition for them to shed their co-coon of adolescence and to emerge into adulthood. ─── 作为教师,我们应该深入地了解学生的实际情况,不仅要在专业学习方面悉心地指导他们,使他们顺利完成从高中到大学的过渡;

48、The comforting certainties of Harry's childhood are being shattered by the doubts of adolescence. ─── 哈利对于童年确定不疑的事被青春期的种种怀疑而粉碎。

49、When our hope of glory is so constant and controlling that we actually enjoy subjecting everything else, we are near the end of spiritual adolescence. ─── 当我们对荣耀的盼望恒久不变、有控制,以至于真正乐意交托一切时,我们就接近属灵少年的尾声了。

50、Most werewolves are born of human or wolf stock, and they don't know their true heritage until they reach adolescence and undergo their First Change. ─── 大多数的狼人出生自纯人或者纯狼,他们不会知道自己真正的身份直到他们到了青春期并且经历了第一次蜕变。

51、From late adolescence onward, males showed a greater increase in diastolic blood pressure with age than females. ─── 从青春期晚期往后,男性随年龄的舒张压增幅高于女性。

52、No one knows for sure why adolescence is unique to humans. ─── 没人确切知道为什么青春期是人类独有的。

53、Kiss-kiss the grownups told them, but the cousins kissed on the mouth.Only during their adolescence things went too far.They had to break up. ─── 史提芬诺斯最后决定负芨英国,一对小情人从此分道扬镳,但无损的是他们所拥有的真挚回忆。

54、Once they reach adolescence, young males, and occasionally females, are forced to vacate their natal area. ─── 年轻的雄性一旦成长到青春期,就会被迫离开出生地,有时候雌性也是。

55、Of the new ones, the least understood is odyssey, the decade of wandering that frequently occurs between adolescence and adulthood. ─── 在新出现的里面最鲜为人知的是“奥德赛”:在青春期和成年期之间频繁徘徊的十年。

56、Patients with retinitis pigmentosa typically experience nyctalopia in adolescence or early adulthood because of primary degeneration of their rods. ─── 其主要临床特征为夜盲、进行性视野缺损、眼底色素沉着和视网膜电图异常或无波等。

57、During adolescence, boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics. ─── 到了青春期,少男少女们会出现副性征。

58、"My Kid Sister" runs through the narrator's adolescence, from the birth of his little sister to her pregnancy at the age of 19. ─── 《我妹妹》贯穿于叙述者的青春期——从他妹妹的出生到19岁开始怀孕。

59、Psychologists are dealing with the problem of maladjusted adolescence and "juvenile delinquency". ─── 心理学家对付着不适应环境的青少年和“青少年犯罪”的问题。

60、When he hasnt served you back way. Its thursday morning, adolescence portal defloration she just. ─── 声明:该文章由网民直接发布,本站在未调查核实前,概不负责其真实性。

61、Facilities will also be available for the special needs of the disabled, women in adolescence or post-menopause, and the elderly. ─── 另外,还将为残疾人、青少年或更年期后的妇女以及老年人提供设施,满足他们的特殊需要。

62、If be adolescence normal, if not be,do not move for menstruation. ─── 假如是青春期正常,如不是为月经不调.

63、The finding diaspear findings appeared in the journer Journal of thank adulasenceYouth and Adolescence. ─── 以上调查的结果出现在青年和青少年杂志上面。

64、Soon I was hitting my adolescence, like fourteen, but I was not doing any dating. ─── 很快我就进入青春期了,大概十四岁的样子吧,可我还没交异性朋友呢。

65、Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual . ─── 从婴儿期到青春期的正确的家长教育决定一个成熟的个人的体质及智力的状况。

66、Horrocks, J. E. (1951), The Psychology of Adolescence, Behavior and Development, : Houghton Mifflin Company. ─── 吴盛木(1968),青年期心理发展与辅导,:商务.

67、the dangerous no-man's land between youth and adolescence. ─── 该剧定位于少年和青春期之间的危险的中间年龄段。

68、They are still in their adolescence. ─── 他们还处在青少年时期。

69、Both the prenatal period and adolescence are critical times in brain development and smoking has been linked to memory and attention problems in teens. ─── 在孕期和青春期时大脑的发展,吸烟和记忆力的关联和意识问题在十几岁的人中间是至关重要的。

70、The transition from adolescence to adulthood can be an exciting, but difficult time. ─── 从青春期到成年人的过渡可以成为一段令人兴奋但又艰难的时光。

71、Ovarian and powerful function just begins to be shown gradually after adolescence. ─── 卵巢强大的功能是在青春期后才开始逐渐显现的。

72、Internationalism enables Chinas paper industry to grow from its adolescence to maturity, thus ending the history of production-dominated success. ─── 国际化促使中国纸业从成长期发展到成熟期,生产制胜的历史已经结束。

73、As a Bildungsroman, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man demonstrates the process of growth of Stephen Dedalus from infantry to late adolescence. ─── 作为一部成长小说 ,《一个青年艺术家的画像》展现了主人公斯蒂芬从童年到青少年期的成长历程。

74、Her novels center on the problems of adolescence. ─── 她的小说以青少年问题为中心

75、Usually have a generation gap in adolescence. ─── 代沟通常产生于青春期。

76、But the piano soon reached adolescence and then developed into the Lisztian and contemporary nine- to ten-foot concert grand. ─── 但是不久钢琴就迅猛发展,于是就发展成李斯特风格,以及同时代的九到十英尺的平台大钢琴。

77、But I was growing toward adolescence and had to admit that Mr. Houghton was not the only one with an irresistible spring in his neck. ─── 但是,当我渐渐长大,进入青春期以后,我不得不承认豪顿先生不是唯一一个无法抗拒脖子里的发条的人。

78、Middle adolescence children struggle with physical and emotional changes. ─── 15岁的青少年面对身体心理许多的转变。

79、Both sexes experience a swift increase in Body size and changes in Body shape and composition. Puberty marks the Beginning of adolescence. ─── 两性都会经历身高的快速增长和体形、结构的变化。青春期象征青少年期的开始。

80、When youth reaches adolescence, particularly for boys, they seem have a collective "rebellion against the old". ─── 到了青春期,尤其是男孩子,似乎有一种集体性的“对长辈的叛逆”。

81、His darkest hour was in the late 1990s when he confessed to being a Nazi sympathizer in his adolescence, something he deeply regrets. ─── 展望未来,宜家正在积极部署在亚洲的卖场,尤其是在中国和日本。

82、Their adolescence was spent in a topsy-turvy world of war bonds, swing shifts, and troop movements. ─── 1943年,金斯堡进入纽约的哥伦比亚大学,初学经济学,意在将来“为劳工运动说句话”。

83、As a transitional period of a person's growth, adolescence is marked by conflicts and problems that we all have to face in the process of growing-up. ─── 作为发展过渡期的青春期,它交织着所有人成长中所要面临的矛盾和问题。

84、In the eyes of nature, we are her children, despite procession of adolescence or crippling and stumbling for old age. ─── 在大自然的眼中,我们是她的孩子,尽管我们经历了青春期,叛逆期及年老时的步履蹒跚。

85、Correct pare notntal nurturing since infancy over adolescence determines few of you the physical or mental profile of a mature individual . ─── 从婴儿期到青春期的正确的学生爸妈教人育才决定唯一成熟的一自己的体质及智力的状况。

86、Students who take part in training at sports school are almost juvenilities in the period of adolescence. ─── 在体校参加训练的学生大都是处于青春期的少年。

87、Building strong bones during childhood and adolescence can be the best defense against developing osteoporosis later. ─── 儿童期和青少年期建立强健的骨头,是抵抗晚期出现骨质疏松症的最佳防线。

88、He began his career as a carpenter in his adolescence. ─── 他在青少年时期就开始做木匠了。

89、Even those of us who are well past adolescence can get the occasional pimple. ─── 就算我们过了青春期,我们中的一部分人仍然会长粉刺。

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