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dame 发音

英:[de?m]  美:[de?m]

英:  美:

dame 中文意思翻译




dame 网络释义

n. 夫人;年长妇女n. (Dame)人名;(法)达姆

dame 词性/词形变化,dame变形


dame 短语词组

1、Dame Nellie Melba ─── [网络] 女高音梅尔芭;梅尔巴女爵;梅尔芭夫人

2、Dame Barbara Hepworth ─── [网络] 赫普沃斯;赫普沃斯女爵士;雕塑家赫普沃斯

3、dame fortune ─── 命运女人

4、notre dame n. ─── 圣母玛利亚,巴黎 ─── 圣母院(法国著名教堂,建于1163-1257年,全称为Notre Dame de Paris)

5、Dame Ellen Terry ─── [网络] 艾伦特蕾

6、Dame Alice Ellen Terry ─── [网络] 爱丽丝·艾伦·特里(Alice Ellen Terry)

7、Dame Kiri Te Kanawa ─── [网络] 女高音卡娜娃;卡娜娃夫人;卡娜娃女爵

8、Dame Myra Hess ─── [网络] 海丝;海丝夫人;海斯夫人

9、Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell ─── [网络] 伊迪丝·路易莎·西特威尔爵士

10、Dame Edith Sitwell ─── [网络] 伊迪丝西特韦尔爵士

11、Dame Alicia Markova ─── [网络] 阿利西亚·马可娃(Alicia Markova)

12、Notre Dame Cathedral ─── 巴黎圣母院

13、Dame Joan Sutherland ─── [网络] 高音歌唱家萨瑟兰爵士;琼苏瑟兰女爵士;琼·苏瑟兰

14、Dame Margot Fonteyn ─── [网络] 玛格·丰特恩夫人

15、Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie ─── [网络] 阿嘉沙克莉斯蒂;克莉丝蒂;克莱丝蒂

16、Dame Kiri Janette Te Kanawa ─── [网络] 基里·珍妮特·蒂卡纳夫人

17、Dame Muriel Spark ─── [网络] 玛丽·史密斯

18、Dame Daphne du Maurier ─── [网络] 达夫妮·杜米尔夫人

19、Dame Jean Iris Murdoch ─── [网络] 约翰·爱默生默多克

dame 常用词组

notre dame ─── (法)巴黎圣母院;(法)圣母玛利亚

notre dame de paris ─── 巴黎圣母院

dame 相似词语短语

1、dale ─── n.山谷;排水孔;n.戴尔;黛尔

2、dam ─── n.10米(等于decametre);水坝;水库;(牙科手术中的)橡皮障;母畜,母兽;v.筑坝;阻止,控制;n.(Dam)(美)丹(人名)

3、dae ─── n.(Dae)(美、罗、英、加、挪)达埃(人名)

4、Dame ─── n.女爵士(英国的荣誉头衔和拥有此头衔的女性);n.(西、美)达姆(人名)

5、dace ─── n.鲦鱼;n.(Dace)人名;(英)戴斯;(西)达塞

6、Mame ─── n.曼恩(爵士乐歌手名)

7、dames ─── n.女人;中年滑稽妇人(dame的复数);n.(Dames)(美)达姆(人名)

8、came ─── v.come的过去式

9、damme ─── 达默(地名)

dame 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Notre Dame appearance bore a striking resemblance, with roles reversed, to John Kennedy's 1960 speech to the Southern Baptist ministers. ─── 圣母大学的演讲与1960年约翰.肯尼迪对南方浸礼会牧师的演讲有着惊人的相似,只是角色做了转换。

2、It is 1482 in the Cathderal of Notre Dame de Paris where the Festival of Fools has begun and the hunchback bell-ringer Quasimodo is tormented by a band of gypsies. ─── 于1482年,巴黎圣母院教堂正在庆祝愚人节,其间驼子敲钟者各西模图惨遭吉卜赛人奚落。

3、The day before, top-ranked Texas had lost to Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl. ─── 前一天,排名第一的德克萨斯州的球队已经在“棉花杯”中输给了圣母大学队。

4、Analyzes "the Notre Dame cathedral" from the architecture art angle, will have different connotation. ─── 从建筑艺术的角度分析《巴黎圣母院》,希望可以揭示出不同内涵。

5、He was looking for a dame to shackup with when the police picked him up. ─── 他正在找女人鬼混的时候,警察把他逮住了。

6、Meni Herr und Dame, Hirzlich Wilkommen bei uns Kaiserhotel! ─── 保安:先生和女士,欢迎来到皇家大饭店!

7、Alasdair MacIntyre After Virtue Second Edition University of Notre Dame Press 1984:152. ─── 万俊人.比照与透析[M].广州:广东人民出版社,1998:100.

8、"Goodwives," said a hard-featured dame of fifty, "I'll tell ye a piece of my mind. ─── “婆娘们,”一个满脸横肉的五十岁的老婆子说,“我跟你们说说我的想法。

9、But it was his speech at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana that received the most attention. ─── 不过得到最多关注的是他在印第安纳州的圣母大学的演讲。

10、But you have to think that Notre Dame will be gone one day. ─── 你相信巴黎圣母院有一天会消失吗?

11、In 1871, during the short-lived Paris Commune, Notre Dame was almost set on fire. ─── 在1871年,在短命的巴黎公社执政期间,圣母院几乎被焚毁。

12、The grande dame herself, Martina Navratilova, said: “Maria winning Wimbledon was the best thing that could happen to the game. ─── 今年适逢澳网百岁生日,而谁将成为生日派对上最耀眼的“王子”、“公主”呢?

13、Kann ich Ihnen helfen, meine Dame ? ─── 可以为您效劳吗,这位女士?

14、The image of Claude,vice-bishop in Notre Dame De Paris,is of a dual character,both as representative of religious evil force and as victim of religious asceticism. ─── 《巴黎圣母院》中的副主教克罗德的形象具有双重特征,既是宗教恶势力的代表,又是宗教禁欲主义的牺牲品。

15、However, it was that same entrepreneurial fearlessness that Abraham used to launch his trading career that last semester at Notre Dame. ─── 正是这种企业家的无畏精神让亚伯拉罕在圣母大学最后一个学期开始了交易生涯。

16、Notre Dame is the heart of Paris and the heart of France. ─── 圣母院是巴黎的中心,也是法国的中心。

17、But unlike Duke and Notre Dame (and Princeton in its own, more limited way), I don't think Boston College is pushing theological questions forward in interesting ways. ─── 但是不像杜克和圣母(以及普林斯顿--附带但书),波士顿学院感觉在神学上欠缺了点突破性。

18、At Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned as the first Emperor of France in a thousand years. ─── 1804年,在巴黎的天后大教堂,作为一千年来法兰西第一个皇帝的拿破仑·波拿巴被加冕授冠。

19、Baa, Baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full; One for the master, One for the dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. ─── 你有羊毛吗?是的,先生,是的,先生,满满的三袋,一袋给先生,一袋给夫人,还有一袋给街角的那个小男孩。

20、From Architecture art analysis of angle, make " Notre Dame de Paris " have accurate literature make a reservation. ─── 从建筑艺术角度的分析,使《巴黎圣母院》具有了更准确的文学定位。

21、Dame Quickly was the owner of an inn in Shakespeare's play Henry IV. She declared that she was an honest lady, and never reserved anything. ─── P61)快嘴桂嫂是莎士比亚戏剧《亨利四世》中的酒店女老板,她在和别人吵架时说,自己是个老老实实的女人,从来不会藏头盖脸。

22、Eine alte Dame hebt am Bankschalter ihr ganzes Geld ab. ─── 一位老妇人到银行柜台前把所有的钱都去出来了。

23、Today, the Park Hotel stands in a forest of high-rises, like a stately grande dame, retaining its elegant and reserved facade in the face of Shanghai's dramatic change. ─── 今天,国际饭店矗立于高楼丛林之中,如同一位威严显赫的贵妇人,在上海巨大变化的面貌中保持其优雅的立面。

24、Apparently, he was lured away to another meeting by his wife, Dame Patience, who is one of his closest advisers. ─── 很显然,他是被自己的妻子达姆?帕西恩斯(他亲密的顾问之一)诱使去参加另一个会面了。

25、Replicas can be found in thousands of churches throughout the world, including Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and numerous parishes bear her name. ─── 在世界的数千个教堂里都可以找到复制品,包括巴黎圣母院,还有众多教区都带来她的名字。

26、The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Amiens looms in the early morning mist. ─── 位于亚眠的圣母院大教堂在清晨的薄雾中时隐时现。

27、His predecessor, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, had delivered a similar message in private speeches. ─── 他的前任伊丽莎?曼宁汉姆?布勒女爵士也曾在非公开讲话中传递过同样的。

28、An attractive voice - think Dame Judi Dench or Joanna Lumley - is comfortable and warm and has many notes. ─── 回想一下朱迪•丹奇女爵士或乔安•林莉,那种富有吸引力的声音令人惬意、充满热情、抑扬顿挫。

29、Notre Dame University Law Library. ─── 圣母大学法学院法律图书馆。

30、For example, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, took over two centuries to complete. ─── 例如法国巴黎的圣母大教堂(巴黎圣母院)花费了两个世纪的时间才建造完成。

31、In May, McCorvey was arrested along with 26 other anti-abortionists inside the grounds of the Catholic university of Notre Dame in Indiana. ─── 今年五月份,麦考维与其他26名反对堕胎者一齐在印第安纳州天主教会学校圣母大学的礼堂里被拘捕。

32、"It was the old dame in the chimney-corner, at the house where you watched last night, " said the child. ─── “就是昨天夜里你照看的那家的老太婆,她在屋角的炉灶那儿讲的,”那孩子说。

33、"One would at least wish to have the choice, madam," replied the voluble dame. ─── “小姐,人们至少希望能有个选择余地。”

34、Who does that dame think she is? ─── 那个女的以为她自己是谁啊?

35、Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full; One for the master, And one for the dame, And one for the little boyWho lives down the lane. ─── 咩,咩,黑羊儿,羊毛你可有?有,有,先生有,满满有三袋:一袋给主人,一袋给夫人,还有一袋给巷里小男孩。

36、At Notre Dame University in Indiana, Mr Obama said the two camps' views were to some extent irreconcilable. ─── 在印第安纳州的圣母大学的演说中,奥巴马称双方阵营的观点有些不可调和。

37、Don't say "Sir Ford", "Madam Smith" except when "sir" is used as the title of a knight or baronet in England, e.g. Sir John. His wife is addressed as Dame of Lady Smith. ─── 一般不说“Sir福特”,或“Madam史密斯”。 只有在英国才把“Sir”用于称呼“骑士”或“爵士”,比如“约翰爵士”(Sir约翰),而他的妻子则称为“史密斯贵妇”(Lady史密斯)。

38、One for my master, one for my dame and one for the little boy that lives in the lane. ─── 一袋给我的男主人,一袋给我的女主人,一袋给那个住在小巷里的小男孩。

39、Others, such as Disney, take these stories and turn them into animated cartoons, sometimes successfully (Cinderella), sometimes not (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Treasure Planet). ─── 其它他人,好比迪斯尼,翻版这些作品的故事情节,制作取用这些故事变将它们变成动画片,有时能成功(灰姑娘),有时失败却不能(巴黎圣母院,珍宝星球)。

40、His predecessor, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, had delivered a similar message in private speeches. ─── 也曾在非公开讲话中传递过同样的信息。

41、Yes, of course. The search this time will be for her body. The inspector turned to the window where the Dame de Fer glimmered darkly across the valley. ─── “是阿,当然了,这次是为了她的尸体。”调查员向窗外望去,达姆德弗山依旧在山谷深处闪着黯淡的光。

42、"It was the old dame in the chimney corner, at the house where you watched last night," said the child. ─── “就是昨天夜里你照看的那家的老太婆,她在屋角的炉灶那儿讲的,”那孩子说。

43、I still feel frustrate...Dame....Who can save me please...?!? ─── 依旧持续着挫败感....谁来挽救我?!

44、Dame Kiri started singing popular music in New Zealand in her late teens and gained attention as a classical singer when she won an opera contest in 1963. ─── 卡娜娃十几岁在新西兰开始演唱流行歌曲,1963年,她在一次歌剧比赛中作为古典歌手引起了大家的注意。

45、The northern end of the existing brick and stone architecture of a small, temple statues and frescoes on the life of Notre Dame, the basic good. ─── 北端现存砖石古建筑一座,规模不大,祠内塑像和关于圣母生活的壁画,基本完好。

46、The Peninsula is the grande dame of the East, where tea is served in its ornate lobby each afternoon at 3. ─── 半岛酒店是东方名珠。 在其富丽堂皇的门厅中,每天下午三时有茶点供应。

47、"Dame, sir," remarked Basque, "we all woke up late. ─── “天哪,先生,”巴斯克注意到了,“我们都起迟了。”

48、Their living is so hard wrung from the soil, Dame Nature is no Lady Bountiful in these regions. ─── 他们十分艰难地从土地里榨取生计。可该死的苍天根本不施舍恩惠给这些地区。

49、Why do you have only one child, dear dame?' asked the vixen. ─── 为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?”雌狐狸问。

50、Leading writers, including JK Rowling, Dame Muriel Spark and Ian Rankin, had backed the campaign. ─── 包括JK·罗琳、穆里尔·斯巴克和伊恩·兰金在内的重要作家都是这项活动的支持者。

51、Don't say "Sir Ford","Madam Smith" except when "sir" is used as the title of a knight or baronet in England,e.g. Sir John. His wife is addressed as Dame of Lady Smith. ─── 一般不说“Sir福特”,或“Madam史密斯”。只有在英国才把“Sir”用于称呼“骑士”或“爵士”,比如“约翰爵士”(Sir约翰),而他的妻子则称为“史密斯贵妇”(Lady史密斯)。

52、Today this prime location is within walking distance of many major Parisian tourist attractions, like the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Royal Palace, and the National Library. ─── 今天这个主要位置距离巴黎许多重要的观光景点如圣母院大教堂、皇宫和国立图书馆都不远,走路过去即可到达。

53、When Qin Zhong and Sweetie dame in with their complaint it only increased his annoyance. ─── "今见秦,香二人来告金荣,贾瑞心中便更不自在起来"

54、At Notre Dame, the mascot is a little creature of Irish imagination, a leprechaun. ─── 在圣母中,吉祥物是爱尔兰人想象中的一个小动物,一个妖精。

55、One for my master, one for my dame and one for the little boy that cries in the lane. ─── 一袋给我的男主人,一袋给我的女主人,一袋给那个在巷子里哭泣的小男孩。

56、"Why do you have only one child, dear dame?" asked the vixen. ─── “为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?”雌狐狸问。

57、Elizabeth have no time for small chat with other dame. ─── 伊莉莎白没有时间与别的少女们闲聊。

58、Many people at different times compared the Winter Palace to the Parthenon, the Pyramids, the Arena, the Notre Dame. ─── 人们一向把希腊的巴特农神庙、埃及的金字塔、罗马的竞技

59、"Jesus expected a radical transformation of the world and that this would involve the coming of a heavenly figure," says Adela Yarbro Collins of the University of Notre Dame. ─── “耶稣期待的是一个激烈的世界变革,并且与一个来自天国的人物联系在一起,”圣母大学的Adela Yarbro Collins说。

60、She was made a dame,the equivalent of a knight17 in 1951,and France made her a chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur in 1950. ─── 1951年,她被授予女爵士头衔,这是与骑士同级的爵位,1950年法国授予她法国勋级会荣誉军团骑士勋位。

61、Foreword by Dame Kathleen Lonsdale. ─── 上一篇:Physics and politics.

62、One for the master,And one for the dame,And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. ─── 一袋主人面前放,一袋是为主妇装,一袋送给小男孩,住在前面小街巷。

63、In At Notre Dame University in Indiana, Mr Obama said the two campsfeels what summic stand ' views were to some extent irreconcilable. ─── 在印第安纳州的圣母大学,奥巴马称两个阵营的观点在一定程度上不可调和。

64、Notre Dame is a massive stone building of square towers, flying buttresses, and tall spires. ─── 圣母院的建造从1163年开始,前后将近用了200年才完成。

65、Notre Dame de Paris and The Rain were written by two different writers of different nationality but the main themes are basically the same. ─── 《巴黎圣母院》和《雨》两部作品出自不同的作家之手,产生于不同的民族,但主要情境却基本相同。

66、Dame Kiri, who is 65, said the strain of performing was becoming too intense. ─── 65岁的卡娜娃说演出越来越紧张。

67、Back at Notre Dame, he then read everything he could about Richard Dennis and trend followers. ─── 到了圣母大学以后,他开始阅读所有关于丹尼斯和趋势跟踪的资料。

68、Notre Dame is a mighty cathedral standing on the "Ile de la Citie," an island in the Seine River in Paris, France. ─── 圣母院是座落于法国巴黎塞纳河上的"城市岛"上的一座宏伟的大教堂。

69、Has a look modern Paris the beautiful - Effie iron tower, visits ancient Paris the symbol - Notre Dame cathedral. ─── 去看看现代巴黎的标致-埃菲铁塔,去参观古老巴黎的象征-巴黎圣母院。

70、He will show her the place where they could make her look a proper dame----for next to nothing. ─── 他可以带她到那个地方,在哪儿他们会把她打扮成一个漂亮的少女,而且花不了几个钱。

71、There are also new great wonders to be aware of, such as Notre Dame Cathedral, Hollywood, Broadway, and rock and roll. ─── 同时万家也会注意到新增添的奇迹,比如巴黎圣母院,好莱坞,百老汇和摇滚乐。

72、A major tourist destination and one of the most famous cathedrals in the world, Notre Dame is also a working Roman Catholic cathedral. ─── 一个主要的旅游目的地之一,最有名的教堂,在世界上,巴黎圣母院,也是一个工作罗马天主教大教堂。

73、Gee! What a dame! ─── 嘿! 多标致的女人!

74、A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old University of Notre Dame lecturer. ─── 一群毕业多年好友,已在各自的职业道路上颇有建树,相约返回母校,探望他们的导师。

75、He delivered the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame. ─── 他是在参加天主教大学的毕业典礼上提出他的看法。

76、A ruddy and lusty old dame, who delights in all weathers and seasons, and is likely to outlive all her children yet. ─── 一个红润的、精壮的老太太,不论什么天气什么季节她都兴致勃勃,看样子要比她的孩子活得还长久。

77、Dios mio, dame paciencia ,RAPIDO! ─── 上帝,给我耐心,快!

78、A person can become a Member, an Officer, a Commander, a Knight or a Dame of Order of the British Empire (MBE, OBE, CBE, KBE or DBE). ─── 一个人可以获得的英帝国勋章又分为4个级别:英帝国成员(MBE)、英帝国士官(OBE)、英帝国司令(CBE)、英帝国(女)爵士司令。

79、He didn't tell me he was also recommending three other people for the dame job. so i didn't get it. ─── 可是,他没有告诉我他同时还推荐了另外三个人担任同一个职位。结果我没有被提升。

80、DAME TIGBRITH, tragedy in five acts. ─── 蒂格布里特夫人——五个表演悲剧。

81、But the poor dame had reason to repent of her kindness: she and her husband both took the fever, and died within a few days of each other. ─── 但是这可怜的太太很有理由后悔她的善心,她和她丈夫都被传染了热病,在几天之内,两人便相继逝世了。

82、Featuring the voices of kate winslet,dame helen mirren,rupert graves,sean bean,robbie coltrane,jim broadbent,martin freeman,john hurt. ─── 一群会说话的真正狮子担当演出的戏剧刺激大冒险,由一众受欢迎的英国红星担任配音。

83、Notre Dame cathedral will be floodlit at night. ─── 圣母院大教堂晚上将点起泛光灯。

84、Dame Margaret has had a long and distinguished career in the public service, including as chief executive of the Ministry of Social Development and Secretary for Transport. ─── Margaret夫人在政府服务多年,表现卓越,曾担任多项公职,包括社会发展部行政总监及运输部长。

85、Humphries's alter ego Dame Edna took the U.S. by storm. ─── 莱斯在《埃德娜夫人》里展现的另一面让美国观众大为倾倒。

86、He was looking for a dame to shack up with when the police picked him up. ─── 他正在找女人鬼混的时候,警察把他逮住了。

87、Oh, the normal things - went to the Louver and Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower and so on. ─── 噢,通常做的事??到卢浮宫、巴黎圣母院、埃菲尔铁塔等等。

88、But it is quite different with Dame Quickly. She never concealed herself, and thus she was easy to understand. ─── P61)但是快嘴桂嫂不同,她从不藏头盖脸,人们很容易认识她。

89、The Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, Versailles, Fontainebleau, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Loire Valley castles and other world-famous group of landscape attracts many tourists. ─── 卢浮宫、凯旋门、凡尔赛宫、枫丹白露、埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、卢瓦尔河谷城堡群等举世闻名的景观每年吸引众多游客前来观光。

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