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09-04 投稿


dissertational 中文意思翻译



dissertational 相似词语短语

1、dispensational ─── 时代性

2、dissertation ─── n.论文,专题;学术演讲

3、dissertations ─── n.论文;学位论文(dissertation的复数形式)

4、dilatational ─── 膨胀的

5、dissertationist ─── n.学术演讲者;论述者(dissertation的变形)

6、dictational ─── 听写的;命令的

7、conservational ─── 保护性;保存的

8、discretional ─── adj.任意的(等于discretionary);自由决定的

9、dissertating ─── vi.讲演;论说;写论文

dissertational 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But in his head he was thinking, " Aha, that Cicada, she will make one tasty dissert." ─── 但是他心里想的是,“啊,那是只蝉,他可以成为我饭后可口的小吃。”

2、During the 20-minute tea break, you can refresh yourselves with coffee and dissert outside the meeting room. ─── 在20分钟的茶歇时间里,你可以去会议室外面用一点咖啡和点心,稍事休息。

3、The boys behaved well at dinner until they fell from grace when eating dissert with their fingers instead of forks. ─── 起初男孩们在晚饭时行为还算规矩,但后来他们开始用手抓甜点,而不是用叉子,显得很不雅观。

4、This dissert further prescribes the model of strike price so as to effectively control over the performance standard of managers and idiosyncratic risk of firm. ─── 本文对创新模式中的期权执行价格模型作出进一步规定,从而有效地调控了管理者的绩效标准和公司的特有风险。

5、The Relations between Uighur and Other Ethnic Groups to North of the Gobi Dissert ─── 回纥与漠北草原诸族关系初探

6、Research the development trend of international food. Design ice cream and other dissert dishes, and update the menu in time to attract customers. ─── 研究国际食品发展趋势,根据一年四季、节日不同,设计和生产富有特色的冰淇淋、甜点菜式,及时有效更新产品目录,吸引消费者。

7、Dissert Training of High Making and Creative Personal for Biology ─── 试论高素质创新型生物学人才的培养

8、The theory dissert and rethink rationly on the feasibility of implementing the government’s performance management, considering our country have many advantages to practise, too. ─── 以此为理论基轴,对我国当前实行政府绩效管理的可行性进行了理性的剖析和反思,认为我国亦存在实行政府绩效管理的诸多有利条件。

9、I'll have the steak, French Fries, and let's see,chocolate ice cream for dissert. ─── 男士说:“我要牛排,炸薯条及巧克力冰淇淋甜点”。

10、This article made a comb from the resources, the role of government, and transport dissert the rise and the construction of tourism in Hangzhou in the Republic of China at the time. ─── 本文从资源条件、政府作用及交通方面论述了民国时期杭州旅游业的兴起和建设并对当时的旅游发展作了梳理。

11、Dissert the Reform of the Village Public Finance under the New Rural Construction Period ─── 浅析新农村建设时期的乡镇财政改革

12、But in his head he was thinking, "Aha, that Cicada, she will make one tasty dissert. ─── 但是他心里想的是,“啊,那是只蝉,他可以成为我饭后可口的小吃。

13、GIGI:I may dissert each little thing and put myself out there too much but at least that means i still care. ─── 我就是喜欢剖析每个小动作自己添油加醋的乱想但这至少说明我在乎。

14、Dissert Concisely about the Sort of the Gradient Characteristic Vector ─── 简论梯度特征向量排序法

15、This dissert intends to clarify the legal relations between parties in international factoring, and to provide references to practice and legislation in international factoring. ─── 本文以国际保理当事人之间的法律关系为着眼点,力图通过理论的解析为实务和立法提供参考。

17、No, but it's dissert, and you will like it.Let's go to Mcdonald's. ─── 6岁生日时父母在车上吵架,最后出了车祸,母亲被玻璃割破喉咙,死亡。

18、This dissert makes survey on researches of the current pattern from view of reasons and causes of repricing, and makes value judgment about the pattern on the basis of the survey. ─── 本文从再定价的动因和结果两个角度,对再定价的现行模式的研究文献进行综述,并在此基础上对再定价的现行模式作出价值判断。

19、I'll have the steak, French fries, and let's see, chocolate ice cream for dissert. ─── 男士:我点牛排和炸薯条,甜点是巧克力冰激凌。

20、 双语使用场景

21、This paper introduces the control logics in different operate conditions, dissert the possible fault and result. ─── 介绍了LCI在各种运行方式下的控制逻辑,并对可能遇到的故障和导致的后果进行了分析。

22、Simply Dissert Contemporary Numerical Control Program Technology ─── 浅谈现代数控编程技术

23、The repriceable options could incentive managers to produce too high risk, so this dissert also researches the controls of managerial behavior under the innovatory pattern. ─── 由于再定价期权可能激励管理者制造过高的风险,所以本文还研究了创新模式下管理者行为的控制。

24、Dissert on promoting Inner-Party's democratic quality ─── 论党内民主主体素质的提高

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