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09-04 投稿


tannin 发音

英:['t?n?n]  美:['t?n?n]

英:  美:

tannin 中文意思翻译



tannin 短语词组

1、dicetyl tannin ─── [医] ─── [二]乙酰鞣酸

2、diacetyl tannin ─── [化] 二乙酰单宁; 单宁精

3、physioiogic tannin ─── [医] 生理性鞣酸

4、sequoia tannin ─── [化] 红杉单宁酸

5、acetyl tannin ─── [医] 乙酰鞣酸

6、condensed tannin extracts ─── [化] 凝缩类栲胶

7、Achucarro's silver tannin method ─── [医] 阿丘卡罗氏鞣酸银法(检结缔组织)

8、nucleoproteid tannin ─── [医] 鞣酸核蛋白

9、albuminate tannin ─── [医] 鞣酸蛋白

10、humulo tannin ─── [化] ┿草单宁

11、kola tannin ─── [医] 柯拉鞣酸(柯拉中的咖啡因与鞣酸结合的物质)

12、artificial tannin ─── [化] 合成单宁

13、acer tannin ─── [化] 槭叶单宁

14、pathologic tannin ─── [医] 病害性鞣酸(制自五倍子的鞣酸,或植物病害部分的分泌物)

15、horse chestnut tannin ─── [化] 欧洲七叶树单宁; 马栗单宁

16、non-tannin ─── [化] 非鞣质

17、combined tannin ─── [化] 结合鞣质

18、Chinese tannin ─── [化] 五倍子单宁

19、hydrolysable tannin extracts ─── [化] 水解类栲胶

20、quebracho tannin ─── [医] 红坚木鞣质

tannin 词性/词形变化,tannin变形


tannin 相似词语短语

1、Nanning ─── 南宁

2、tannins ─── n.丹宁酸;鞣酸类

3、tannic ─── adj.丹宁酸(有关)的,鞣革的

4、tannie ─── n.姑妈;姨妈;伯母;婶母;舅妈;妇人

5、tanning ─── v.晒成褐色;(使)变成棕褐色;鞣(革);(非正式)鞭打(tan的现在分词);n.制革(法);(皮肤)晒黑;责打

6、Manning ─── v.在……岗位上工作;操纵(机器等);保卫(防御工事);配备(人员);为……鼓气(man的现在分词);n.(Manning)(美)曼宁(人名)

7、fanning ─── n.(Fanning)(美)范宁(人名);v.吹,扇(风);煽起,激起;扩散,辐射;使呈扇形展开;击球不中(fan的现在分词)

8、banning ─── n.禁止;禁令;v.禁止;取缔;限制(ban的现在分词);n.(Banning)(美、英、加、荷、德、奥)班宁(人名)

9、Canning ─── n.装罐;罐头制造;v.把食物等装罐(can的ing形式);adj.罐头加工的;装罐头的;n.(Canning)人名;(英)坎宁

tannin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Last week, the Justice Department announced charges against the two men who led the hedge funds, Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin. ─── 上周,(美国)司法部宣布对二人提起诉讼,他们是对冲基金的经理拉尔夫齐奥菲和马修丹宁。

2、Palate: Heavy powerful round Beaujolais, generally with high tannin content, which marries well with deep fruit character especially raspberries. ─── 口感:酒体强劲而丰满,通常单宁结构扎实,伴有明显的浆果味。

3、The 2004 Glaetzer Bishop is deep red with purple hues.A lifted nose of ripe plums, cinnamon and spice leads to flavours of liquorice and nutmeg supported by firm, rounded tannin. ─── 2004年的碧莎深红中带著暗紫色调,缓缓升起的香气有著成熟李子、肉桂、与香料风味引领出甘草、肉豆蔻的味道,与坚实柔顺的单宁搭配完美。

4、All substances that can precipitate alkaloid or react with alkaloid to give color products are called alkaloid reagents, such as tannin, picrinite, phosphowol-framic acid etc. ─── 凡能使生物碱沉淀,或能与生物碱作用产生颜色反应的物质,称为生物碱试剂。

5、At the same clime, the differences of tannin contents in the bark, sapwood, needle, and branch are similar in different seasons with a peak in January and a peak in September. ─── 同一立地条件下,随生长期不同,兴安落叶松树皮、边材、针叶和树枝中单宁质量分数的季节动态模式相似。

6、It is one of the best strains for contributing big tannin volume and is characterized by ripe fruit, smoke and a licorice finish. ─── 这是一个最好的品种和数量,为促进宁大特点是成熟果实,烟、甘草到底。

7、Tannin in cells is always in combination with polysaccharides. ─── 单宁细胞的单宁与多糖结合在一起。

8、Influencing factor was discussed for tannin extract solution absorb and regenerate by tannin extract method in production. ─── 主要讨论栲胶法脱硫在生产中对栲胶溶液吸收和再生的诸多影响因素。

9、A type of red wine, high in tannin and medium to full bodied with a distinctive flavour of blackcurrant. Also called Cabernet Sauvignon. ─── 属红葡萄酒类,丹宁酸强,具特殊的黑醋栗风味。

10、Medium body red wine has deep color, smoky, blackcurrant and vanilla bouquet. Well-balanced between fruits, oak and acidity, light tannin texture and long finish. ─── 中等酒体,呈深红色,带烟熏,黑加仑子及香草香味,果味、橡木味及酸度均衡,含少量单宁,余韵悠长。

11、Tannin is an astringent substance used in medicine. ─── 单宁酸在医药中用作收敛性的物质。

12、Using Hg2+ and Pb2+ as examples, the adsorption capacity of immobilized bayberry tannin membrane to heavy metal ions was investigated. ─── 以Hg2+和Pb2+为对象,对固化杨梅单宁膜吸附性能进行研究。

13、Excessive, un balanced tannin can taste bitter and leaves the same drying, furry sensation in the mouth as very strong tea. ─── 具有过量,不均衡单宁的葡萄酒尝起来如同浓茶一样会在口中留下相同的烘干,毛茸茸的感觉。

14、Factors Influencing the Assay of Condensed Tannin in Lycium Ruthenicum Murr. ─── 影响黑果枸杞缩合单宁测定的因素分析。

15、The palate shows sour cherries and tobacco, with high astringency. Medium length with some tannin. ─── 口感中充满着浓郁的酸樱桃和烟草味。余味和丹宁中长。

16、Medium-light bodied red wine with earthy, black currant and oaky bouquet. Soft tannin texture with long after taste. ─── 中等酒体,富黑加仑子、桃和李子的味道,夹杂泥土及块菌的芳香。单宁柔和,余韵悠长。

17、Medium-light body red wine with black currant ,cherry and light tannin texture. ─── 中等至轻身酒体,富黑加仑子及樱桃味道,单宁柔和。

18、This is a full-body wine, possesses tough tannin, amazing presence oak with elegant and balance. ─── 价廉物美的法国波尔多法定产区酒。酒体平衡,容易欣赏。

19、This will lead to tannin precipitate in the bottle, which is, from a consumers point of view, unacceptable and may be deemed faulty. ─── 从消费者的角度看,瓶中的沉淀是不能接受的,会被认为造假。为此,就有一条详细的路线要奉行。

20、Therefore, "Lushan cloud" Yatou fat tea, tea contain more tannin, aromatic oils and a variety of vitamins. ─── 所以,“庐山云雾”茶的芽头肥壮、茶中含有较多的单宁、芳香油类和多种维生素。

21、It is of great value to use tannin as finings for improving abiological stabilization of rice wine. ─── 把单宁作为提高黄酒非生物稳定性的添加剂具有重要的推广价值。

22、If you are ready to taste and feel in ever sip the genuine flavor of Spain vineyards, tannin wines will accompany you on this discovery! ─── 若是您有心品尝葡萄酒,且渴望感受到每一滴香浓美酒背后的西班牙葡萄园,那么单宁酒庄愿与您携手共同探索美酒之奥妙。

23、To make new adsorbents for processing heavy metals wastewater, black wattle bark with high content of tannin was reacted with formaldehyde to fix the tannin in the bark. ─── 为充分利用我国丰富的黑荆树皮资源,满足现代重金属废水对吸附剂的更高要求,本文对黑荆树皮进行改性,并研究其对重金属离子的吸附性能。

24、A dark red colored wine. Spicy, toasted and leather aromas with good balance between tannin and fruit. Full bodied and silky to finish. ─── 品评:深红的色泽。辛香、烘烤香及皮革的芬芳;单宁与果香和谐而平衡,酒体丰腴,酒质如丝般柔顺。

25、Had Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin been convicted, they might have spent up to 20 years in prison. ─── 如果针对拉尔夫齐奥菲和马修丹宁的指控成立,二人将面临20年监禁。

26、They found that on tannin-rich oak leaves, the virus is considerably less effective at killing caterpillars than when it is on aspen leaves, which are lower in phenols. ─── 他们发现,在富含单宁酸的橡树叶上,病毒杀死毛虫的效果要比在白杨树叶子上的效果差得多,因为白杨树叶子的酚含量较低。

27、Tannin acts as a natural preservative that helps wine age and develop. ─── 单宁作为一种天然的防腐剂有助于葡萄酒的陈年和发展。

28、The middle density fibreboard(MDF) wastewater ,which contains a great deal of tannin and xylogen mainly, usually can not be degraded by common physicochemical methods. ─── 中密度板生产废水含有大量的单宁和木质素,采用通常物化方法几乎不能将其降解。

29、The tannin analyser invented abroad could be used in the determination of the sensitive polyphenols in beer by PVPP dis-tribution droplets methods. ─── 国外开发出单宁分析仪,用PVPP滴加法测定啤酒浑浊敏感多酚,该法快速、准确。

30、Age-Worthy: Describes the small number of top wines that have sufficient flavor, acidity, alcohol and tannin to gain additional complexity with time in the bottle. ─── 值得陈年的:形容少数具有充足风味,酸度,酒精和单宁的顶尖葡萄酒可随着在瓶中的陈年时间而增加其复杂度。

31、The biodegradable wood adhesives manufactured from natural resources including lignin,tannin and soyabean protein will increase. ─── 利用天然资源制造的可降解胶粘剂用量提高,如木素胶、单宁胶、豆蛋白胶等;

32、At pH=6.0, the adsorption capacity of Cd(II) on immobilized bayberry tannin was 0.201mmol/g at 303K. ─── 当pH为6.0时,固化杨梅单宁在303K时对Cd~(2+)的吸附容量为0.201mmol/g。

33、It is worth noting that some Pinot clones may be slightly deficient in tannin and the addition of stems can compensate for this. ─── 值得注意的是,比诺无性可能稍稍有些欠缺,加上宁可以弥补这茎。

34、Taste sweet, structure clear, soft tannin, long memorable aftertaste. ─── 口味甘甜,结构分明,单宁柔软,回味美好。

35、TLC was used in qualitative identification of total tannin of Geranium granules, -and EDTA titration was used for assay of total tannin. ─── 结果:定性鉴别证明,老鹳草颗粒剂含有鞣质,总鞣质的含量为13。

36、Containing tannin, gallic acid, pyro-gallic acid, nutgall has many kinds of uses in the industry construction and person's life. ─── 五倍子含有单宁酸、没食子酸、焦性没食子酸,在工业建设和人民生活中具有广泛的用途。

37、Fine and fruity nose with a pleasant finish, well balanced and well-rounded tannin. ─── 嗅觉上佳带有迷人的水果香味,回味好,酒体结构适中,单宁圆润。

38、Forest stands of red oaks, with their tannin-rich foliage, may even provide caterpillars with safe havens from disease. ─── 红栎树的林分枝的叶子富含鞣酸,甚至可以为毛毛虫提供远离疾病的安全避难所。

39、It will also starve if it hatches more than two weeks too late, because oak leaves become infused with inedible (to the caterpillar) tannin. ─── 如果慢了两周也会饿死,因为届时橡树的叶子会充满毛虫不可食用的单宁。

40、Tasting Note: The wines are made in the traditional technique with ripe tannin and fruit. Enjoy with the lamb or beef dishes. ─── 品尝特征:由传统的酿酒技术精心酿制而成,成熟的单宁和水果香气非常丰富。配羊肉及牛肉极佳。

41、The modified larch bark tannin extracts can be used in production of bakelite bo... ─── 可应用于酚醛树脂绝缘板的黏合剂生产。

42、The standard method of determining tannin was used to analyze intensive sulfitation tannin extract and the results showed there was only 3. ─── 应用鞣质测定的标准方法对重度亚硫酸化改性栲胶进行分析,其鞣质含量仅为3.2%,而鞣质的定性试验却表明滤液中仍存在大量的鞣质。

43、At 303K, when the initial concentration of UO22+ was 298.94mg/L, the equilibrium adsorption capacity of the immobilized bayberry tannin membrane was 61.14mg(UO22+)/g. ─── 在303K及UO22+的初始浓度为298.94 mg/L时,膜材料的平衡吸附量为61.14(UO22+)mg/g。

44、The rosin and tannin that can be extracted from it are sought by the chemical industry. ─── 从中提取的松香和鞣酸化学工业上是很需要的。

45、Palate: Suave, with sweet fruit on the attack, medium body, ripe tannin, and a lush finish. ─── 口感:有温和、甜美的水果香味,中度的酒体,成熟的单宁,后味甘美。

46、Firm: Good perceptible tannin or acid. ─── 坚实:容易上口的单宁味或酸味。

47、Out of the xylem, there is lot of fiber and the tannin crystal distributes around the air cavity. ─── 叶脉中厚壁组织发达,木质部外纤维数量众多,在气腔周围有单宁结晶分布。

48、Palate: A wine with good fruitiness, cherry flavours, sweet fruit, soft tannin and a balanced finish. ─── 口感:葡萄酒有很好的果香风味,樱桃口味,香甜果香,加上轻柔的丹宁酸,整体口感恰当好处。

49、Palate: Well balanced between tannin and fruit, the structure and harmony of the wine contribute to a long velvety finish. ─── 口感:单宁和果味之间平衡得很好,结构紧密。给舌头天鹅绒般的回味。

50、This article states that Pinus Tabulaeformis and tannin resin are used to produce tannin resin waferboard under laboratory conditions. ─── 介绍以油松为主要原料,单宁树脂为胶粘剂,在实验室条件下,进行单宁树脂油松大片刨花板的研制。

51、The low temperature will make the Tannin dull while the high temperature veers the wine into a sour soup. ─── 低温会使红酒中的丹宁钝化而高温又会把葡萄酒变成酸汤。

52、The palate has supple tannin structure which supports masses of briary fruit and rich chocolate and roasted coffee flavours. ─── 入口可尝到结构柔顺的单宁以及丰沛的果香,辅以浓巧克力与烘培咖啡豆的香气。

53、On one hand,we can extract polyphenolic compounds,including haematochrome,tannin,resveratrol etc and tartaric acid,grape seed oil,protein and edible fiber from it. ─── 一方面可从中提取多酚类化合物(包括红色素、单宁、白藜芦醇及其它酚类等)、酒石酸、葡萄籽油、蛋白质、食用纤维等有益成分;另一方面可以用于酿醋、制作饮料等。

54、Methods: The contents of tannin were determined by complexometry and that of amino acids by amino analyzer. ─── 方法:用络合滴定法测定鞣质含量,用氨基酸自动分析仪测定氨基酸含量。

55、Palate: Tannin mellow, the taste fells full bodied, adding to thd acrid oder is very low, so it fells very mellow an delicious when drinking. ─── 口感:丹宁圆润,口感较温润丰满,加上涩味也比较低一些,所以常让人觉得喝起来特别肥润,而且柔顺可口。

56、Palate: This is a full-body wine, possesses tough tannin, amazing presence oak with elegant and balance. ─── 口感:酒体丰厚,有厚实的单宁,味觉宽广,有优雅、平衡的橡木味。

57、The mouth is built on a beautiful acid line which energizes the wine, throws it into relief and gives to the tannin all its flavour. ─── 入口可以感受到一丝酸度,使得口感更加丰富,单宁中带有馥郁的香味。

58、Huge, ripe juicy red fruit flavors, with an exciting spiciness and a perfect long smooth finish of soft fruits and wood tannin. ─── 富含浓郁、多汁的红色水果味道和令人愉悦的香气,淡淡的水果味和橡木丹宁回味细腻悠长。

59、Tannic acid,a typical vegetable tannin,is a very valuable natural product used for wild fields. ─── 单宁酸属水解类单宁,是具有重要开发利用价值的天然产物。

60、A nose of lifted vanillin oak and spices with a full flavour palate of integrated stuble oak, spices and ripe berry flavours with a soft tannin finish. ─── 一股幽然上升的香草气味伴随着多种丰富口感的辛辣味:有完整且微妙的橡木,成熟浆果的气息和辛辣,配以柔和的单宁味结尾。

61、Preparation of The Natural modified Tannin Mannich flocculant named ZM-A and ZM-B.By mannich reaction, a sort of natural modified cationic flocculant (ZM series) is attained. ─── 反应时间为4h。 用植物胶、乙醇胺和甲醛进行曼尼希反应,制得了ZM-B型絮凝剂,产品为棕红色液体,粘度为246cps左右。

62、Firm: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with positive, assertive attributes, such as fruit, tannin and acidity. ─── 坚定的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒具有肯定的属性,如果味、单宁和酸度。

63、The tannin makes this grape very suitable for ripening on oak barrels.This makes the bitter tannin souple and soft. ─── 单宁是这种葡萄酿制的酒非常适合在橡木桶中成熟, 这可以使单宁的苦涩感变的更柔顺,圆润。

64、Made from single grape variety Merlot ,it is red in coloer, mild in taste ,moderate in tannin and has a long after taste. ─── 一款单一葡萄一梅洛酿制的红葡萄酒,色红,口感柔和,单宁酸适中,齿香悠长。

65、Ruby red color wine with aromas of violet, cherry, tobacco and earth. Soft tannin and oak, smooth texture in palate. ─── 宝石红,富紫罗兰和樱桃味道,单宁柔和,夹杂橡木芬芳气味。

66、Tannin cells exist in mesocarp as individuals or bundle and gobbet in some cultivars.4. ─── 单宁细胞除以单个分散形式存在外,有些则以单宁细胞束或单宁细胞团的形式存在。

67、Rhizophora bark produces very fine tannin suitable for leather work. ─── Rhizophora树皮能够生产出很好的、适用于皮革鞣制的单宁。

68、Tannin is an important feeding det errent to herbivore s. ─── 单宁是动物的重要觅食阻遏剂之一。

69、Gallic acid, the decomposd product of tannin, was in bright yellow and green color, showing a strong specificity. ─── 亚硝酸钠试剂显色,未见报道,对鞣质的分解产物没食子酸独显亮黄绿色,专属性强。

70、Taste the complexity of tannin sense of a strong model for the Cabernet Sauvignon wine. ─── 口感复杂,丹宁感强,为赤霞珠葡萄酒之典范。

71、Meanwhile, the modification approaches of vegetable tannin extracts for the purpose of combination tanning are described. ─── 同时,总结了有利于实施结合鞣的栲胶改性方法。

72、A large number of tannin cells with different shape exist mainly in mesocarp which were about 2 times bigger than those of in epicarp. ─── 中果皮的单宁细胞无论何种形状,均较外果皮中形状相似的单宁细胞大2倍左右;

73、This wine is its first indication of concentrated fruit. Well balanced between tannin and fruit, the structure and harmony of the wine contribute to a long velvety finish. ─── 产自波尔多名村-露莎-圣达美隆,是优质的村庄级法定产区酒。酒香柔软带果香和咖啡味。酒体柔滑,单宁成熟。

74、In addition,the removal effectiveness of Sulphide,Tannin and Chromiun in a activated sludge system is also examined. ─── 并对生物处理去除制革污水中的硫化物、铬、单宁等有毒物质的效果也作了研究。

75、Palate: Well balanced between tannin and fruit, the structure and harmony of the wine contribute. ─── 口感:单宁和果味之间平衡得很好,结构紧密。

76、The tubers have a very high tannin content and are used to dye and preserve fabrics. ─── 块茎有非常高的丹宁含量并且作为染料并且保护织品。

77、It has a silky tannin taste together with rich berry aromas.It is a perfect partner to grilled meats and cheeses. ─── 丝滑的单宁搭上丰沛莓果香气,适合搭配炙烤肉类与起士享用。

78、Bite: Tasting term used to indicate a powerful initial sensation of acidity or tannin, which grabs attention immediately the wine is tasted. ─── 尖刺感:品尝术语,用来形容一种由酒酸或单宁引起的强烈的最初感觉,入口就能马上感受到。

79、Tannic: Tasting term used to describe the quality and intensity of tannin in red wines. ─── 单宁的:品尝术语,用来描述红葡萄酒中单宁的质量和强度。

80、Followed with an ordinary process of preparing chrome liquor,the valonia tannin was added into the solution of the sodium dichromate and sulfuric acid. ─── 复鞣试验结果表明:该复鞣剂具有铬和栲胶复鞣的优点,成革柔软、丰满、粒面细致;

81、Mouthfeel is influenced by wine components, as acidity can be sharp, alcohol can be hot, tannin can be rough and sugar can be thick or cloying. ─── 口感受到葡萄酒成份的影响,如酸度可能会产生尖锐的感觉,酒精可能会产生热辣的感觉,单宁可能会产生粗糙的感觉以及糖可能会产生浓稠或反胃的感觉。

82、Tannase is an acyl hydrolase of tannin. ─── 单宁酶是水解单宁酯键的酶,用途广泛,具有重要的商业价值。

83、Tannin is a plant polyphenol.It could combine protein in solution to form sediment so as to improve abiological stabilization of the solution. ─── 单宁是一种植物多酚,它可以与溶液中的蛋白相结合形成沉淀,提高溶液的非生物稳定性。

84、There is terrific purity, finesse, and length of flavors nicely buttressed by acidity and tannin. ─── 在精致的果酸与丹宁衬托下,此酒口味更加纯净,优雅而持久。

85、Their combination with tanning agents Cr, Al, HCHO and vegetable tannin extract was also studied. ─── 同时研究了它们与铬、铝、甲醛和栲胶等鞣剂的结合稳定性及其产生的助鞣作用。

86、The risin and tannin that can be extracted from it are sought by the chemical industry. ─── 从中提取的松香和鞣酸是化学工业上很需要的。

87、And modified lignite, sulphonated tannin, acid wood, resin, such as brown coal processing agent used to better effect. ─── 与改性褐煤、磺化栲胶、木质酸类、褐煤树脂等处理剂配合使用效果更佳。

88、Messrs Cioffi and Tannin seem to have been as dazzled as anyone else by the alchemy of securitisation. ─── 拉尔夫齐奥菲和马修丹宁本人似乎和其它人一样,对资产证券化的幻化迷离茫然无措。

89、Palate: A smooth, full palate with a fine tannin structure. Blackcurrant, chocolate and chicory flavours are enhanced by slight herbal and savoury notes and sweet, vanillin oak. ─── 口感:口感平滑,丰富,具有极好的单宁酸。黑醋栗,巧克力和菊苣的清新在干草和微酸的口感中得以提升,呈现出甜甜的香草橡木桶味

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