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09-04 投稿



detects 发音

英:[d??tekts]  美:[d??tekts]

英:  美:

detects 中文意思翻译



detects 同义词

discover | recognize | distinguish | spy | observe | catch | identify | spot | find | ascertain | become aware of | notice | locate | perceive | discern | sense | appreciate

detects 词性/词形变化,detects变形

动词现在分词: detecting |动词过去式: detected |形容词: detectable |名词: detecter |动词过去分词: detected |动词第三人称单数: detects |

detects 反义词

hide |conceal

detects 相似词语短语

1、defects ─── n.缺点;瑕疵;不合格品(defect的复数);v.叛变(defect的三单形式)

2、detecter ─── n.(法语)检测器;发现者;侦察器

3、detectors ─── n.探测器;侦测设备(detector的复数)

4、detect ─── vt.察觉;发现;探测

5、deflects ─── vt.使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲;vi.转向;偏斜

6、detected ─── adj.检测到的;v.(尤指用特殊方法)发现,识别;(通常指用特殊设备)探测,检测;查明,调查(罪犯,罪行);察觉(细微或不易察觉的东西)(detect的过去式和过去分词)

7、detests ─── vt.厌恶;憎恨

8、dejects ─── v.使沮丧,使灰心;adj.沮丧的,情绪低落的

9、detents ─── n.(机械中的)止动器,爪;(时钟中的)鸣钟报时控制器

detects 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Landsat satellite detects lineaments on the earth's surface very clearly. ─── 地球资源卫星非常清楚地探测地球表面的地貌。

2、This window might be bypassed if the program detects the new disc itself. ─── 如果程序自动检测到新的磁盘,此窗口可能会被绕过。

3、Function to detect the end of a file. ─── 函数检测文件结尾。

4、The ARFM may queue requests if it detects the backend server may not be able to handle additional requests. ─── 如果检测到后端服务器可能不能处理其他请求,ARFM可能会对请求排队。

5、Some conspiracies are easier to detect than others. ─── / 一些阴谋是比较容易跟其它比起来发现。

6、The abdomen that the cloud just detects when having a meal is a little protuberant, feel embarrassed however inquiry. ─── 吃饭时才发觉云的腹部有些突起,却不好意思询问。

7、They need instruments that can detect radiation. ─── 他们需要能够检测辐射的仪器。

8、Stack pointer verification, which detects stack pointer corruption. ─── 堆栈指针验证,该操作检测堆栈指针损坏。

9、The WGA program detects incorrect activation binary files or modified activation binary files. ─── WGA程序检测到不正确的激活二进制文件或已修改的激活二进制文件。

10、Therefore, even if a system is fully up to date, Windows Update still detects and installs this update rollup. ─── 因此,即使系统完全处于最新状态,Windows Update仍将检测并安装此更新汇总。

11、When it detects vibrations of passing prey, it pounces with lightning speed and subdues its catch under its body. ─── 当它觉察到经过的猎物泛起的涟漪时,它便以闪电般的速度猛扑像猎物并把它控制在身下。

12、Detect and foster artistic talent. ─── 发展并培养艺术才能

13、Can you detect any change in the room? ─── 你发现房间里有什么变化吗?

14、A sure-fire way to detect no more fumbling! ─── 一个神火的方式查出摸索!

15、If the AV in CIS detects a malware for example for blacklisting, D+ will not bother alerting for it. ─── 如果在独联体的AV侦测到的恶意软件的黑名单例如, d +可将不会打扰报警的。

16、If you mean ability to see you and detect you, yes. ─── 会影响到他们发现你的能力。

17、The wizard could not detect a dial tone. ─── 向导无法检测拨号音。

18、If you read between the lines, you can detect his contrived explanation. ─── 在字里行间,你可以看出他牵强的解释。

19、The embedded smart maintenance system detects needs for intervention and diagnoses possible failures before they occur. ─── 嵌入式智能维护系统能确定是否需要操作人员干预,并在故障发生前诊断出可能的故障。

20、visual system detects patterns of light and dark and, building on experience, the brain creates a spatial map. ─── 视觉系统可以探测到光亮和昏暗的模式,并且根据经验,大脑会创建一幅空间地图。

21、If the patient detects the smell, ask him to identify it. Repeat this test on the other side. -Cinnamon. ─── 如果病人察觉到这些气味,叫他辨认一下.在另一个鼻孔再做一个同样的测试.-肉桂.

22、It detects crashes of the Cluster service and shuts down the resources. ─── 它检测群集服务的崩溃,并关闭资源。

23、Is your system able to detect incidents at night? ─── 你们的系统是否可在夜间检测发生的事件?

24、The surface receiving mechanism detects the plunger when it arrives at surface and, through the control system, prepares for the next cycle. ─── 当柱塞到达地面时地面接收机构对柱塞进行检测。同时,通过控制系统准备下一个循环。

25、When it detects a push request, it sends a message to a remote device. ─── 当它检测到推送请求时,将向远程设备发送消息。

26、The MPCA model can detect unknown faults. ─── 因此,MPCA模型具有检测未知故障的能力。

27、First,it segments the image using SVM,then detects the traffic sig... ─── 实验结果表明,该方法鲁棒性好、检测准确率高。

28、Super-strength; super-speed; fire resistance; always detects lies because he can only hear the truth. ─── 哈哈,最稀饭他了,有爱心,有幽默感,超级英雄也是可以很周星星的

29、But in practice, it'll be a long time before anyone detects a graviton. ─── 不过实际上,人们要探测到引力子将需要很长的时间。

30、It detects landmark, and supplies the navigation computer with location information of the landmark. ─── 它利用对路标的自动识别为飞行器导航计算机提供定位和导航信息。

31、Human Tailgating - monitors for and detects human tailgating of multiple people on one access card. ─── 人员尾随通过安全门。

32、However, Malon detects Dalan’s trickery due to her clumsy slipup. ─── 大兰破绽百出,被马郎识破。

33、The product detects hard disk controllers (SCSI and IDE). ─── 也可检测硬盘控制器(SCSI和IDE接口)。

34、Once he detects the incoming blow, Blauer readies his arms (1). ─── 一旦他发现将至的打击,布莱尔双臂做好准备(1)。

35、He can detect a typhoon by rule of thumb. ─── 他能凭经验预测出台风

36、Invisible detects catches the clathria to scatter to the suspect. ─── 一张无形的侦捕大网已向犯罪嫌疑人撒去。

37、Cannot detect surprise removal of the mouse on %1. ─── 在%1上无法检测到鼠标的意外删除。

38、So far it is hard to detect a slowdown. ─── 到目前为止,你很难从这个领域中察觉到衰退的迹象。

39、My doe Mohole also scratches in her litter box when she detects an unfamiliar smell there of she doesn't approve. ─── 如果被理毛的兔子试图告诉你一些事情,而没有蹦蹦跳跳地逃走,那么你就应该尝试着明白兔子的要求。

40、Try to detect Extensive Air Shower (EAS). ─── 尝试探测空气簇射。

41、The human brain detects such counterfeits easily. ─── 人类大脑能够轻易地揭露这种赝品。

42、One of them detects R wave usingband pass filter which can removeT wave baseline and muscle arti-facts. ─── 一种基于带通滤波器的电子线路能有效地抑制T波和肌电干扰,去除基线漂移,正确检出R波。

43、Guardrail detects, identifies and locates ground-based radar and communication signals. ─── “护栏”飞机可以探测、识别并锁定陆基和通信信号。

44、If Checkpoint Manager detects changes, it transfers the registry tree to the owner node of the resource. ─── 如果检查点管理器检测到更改,它将把注册表目录树传输给资源的所有者节点。

45、Detects, removes and blocks all types of Spyware. ─── 侦测、移除、阻挡所有类型的间谍程式。

46、Detect Poison. {Andor: absence in original text. ─── 侦测毒性:侦测单个生物或小型物体带有的毒性。

47、The human tongue also detects saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and savoriness. ─── 人类的舌头同样可以体现酸甜苦辣。

48、Subjects were also measured by a noninasie deice that detects the fluorescence of skin adanced glycation endproducts. ─── 受试者也同时接受通过无创性新技术检测皮肤高级糖化终产物的荧光。

49、A successful test case is one that detects an as-yet undiscovered error. ─── 已找出新错误的测试样本才是成功的测试样本.

50、Disillusioned with success Dr Brewis detects a sense of growing cynicism and disillusionment among women. ─── 布鲁伊斯博士发现,女性中自我醒悟和看破红尘的感觉正在不断增强。

51、Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites. ─── 它的无线电开始传输惊人的信息,关于卫星的轨道路径,它探测到的辐射量,以及陨石的存在。

52、If the installer detects other operating systems on your computer, it will add them to the boot menu and let you know. ─── 如果安装程序发现您的计算机还安装有其它的操作系统,它会把它们加入启动菜单,并通知您。

53、Do I detect a note of irony in your voice? ─── 听起来你是在说反话吧?

54、Do I detect uncertainty in your purpose? ─── 你的意志或有无常。

55、The assembly editor detects that you are trying to wire a source to a target whose interfaces are different. ─── 组装编辑器检测到您在尝试将某个源连线到具有不同接口的目标。

56、When a camera detects movement, the computer analyses it to see whether it is consistent with the behaviour of a mosquito. ─── 当相机察觉到有动静,电脑就会分析此动作是否与蚊子的行为一致。

57、On August 28, the leaf tinkling second time arrives detects the group should especially the news. ─── 8月28日,叶玲玲第二度到特侦组应讯。

58、Foreign pundits sound even more bearish, and one sometimes detects a hint of gloating at the hyperpower's distress. ─── 外国评论家更是火上浇油,甚至有些看超级大国笑话的意思。

59、If the installer detects other operating systems on your computer, it will add them to the boot menu and let you know. ─── 如果安装程序发现您的计算机还安装有其它的操作系统,它会把它们加入启动菜单,并通知您。

60、A set of programs that detects faults in a program or circuit under development. ─── 一组用于检测正在研制中某程序或线路故障的程序。

61、The HTA detects deeper, and darker, changes in the national psyche. ─── 园丁协会从国民心理的变化方面更深入地发掘了这一问题。

62、Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of helium. ─── 人类没有能够探测到氦的存在的官能。

63、Budgetsip has a built-in echo canceller which detects and reduces echo during calls. ─── budgetsip了内置式回波抵消检测,并减少回声,在通话的。

64、Green Dam displays this message when it detects banned phrases. ─── 发现被过滤的词组时绿坝将显示此消息。

65、Use assertions to detect impossible conditions. ─── 使用断言来察觉不可能的情况。

66、When the export process detects a collision, it retains the namespace to eliminate naming ambiguities. ─── 当导出过程检测到冲突时,它将保留命名空间,以避免不明确的命名。

67、Scully: Do I detect a hint of negativity? ─── 史卡利:我是否察觉到否定的暗示呢?

68、The WGA program detects a blocked product key or a counterfeit product key. ─── WGA程序检测到被阻止的产品密钥或伪造的产品密钥。

69、However, these waves can be hard to detect. ─── 但是,它们发出的引力波很难以探测。

70、This option is disabled if it detects a conflict. ─── 如果检测到冲突,则会禁用此选项。

71、And they detect accounting jiggery-pokery too. ─── 于此同时,他们还察觉到了该国的会计猫腻。

72、"This conclusion makes me very amazed, the gynecologist that because I look before,passes never detects give this. ─── “这个结论让我很吃惊,因为以前我看过的妇科医生从来没有检测出这一点。”

73、Then SAX automatically detects the correct character encoding from the stream. ─── 中;然后SAX自动从流中检测正确的字符编码。

74、For example, the following RE detects doubled words in a string. ─── 例如,下面的RE在一个字符串中找到成双的词。

75、LIGO has yet to detect any waves, either. ─── 何况,LIGO也尚未侦测到任何一种波。

76、Weather radar detects rain in the atmosphere by measuring the intensity of signals reflected from raindrops. ─── 天气雷达是透过量度从雨点反射回来的信号强弱来探测大气中的降雨。

77、If you elect to later on provide some part of some of those components yourself, Roo again detects this and removes its automatically-provided portions. ─── 如果您选择稍后自己提供这些组件的一部分,Roo 再次检测到这一点并删除其自动提供的部分。

78、You detect that, an Okie nuttiness? ─── 你发现了?一个潇洒的俄克拉荷马州人?

79、Office Update automatically detects Office and prompts you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up-to-date. ─── OfficeUpdate会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。

80、How did you detect the problem(s)? ─── 你是怎样检查出这些问题的?

81、We could detect no triumph in his eye. ─── 在他的眼中我们看不到洋洋得意的神色。

82、If the chip detects any impending leaks, shock troops rappel from previously unseen choppers and haul the staffer away. ─── 如果芯片检测到任何即将漏水,突击部队绳索从以前看不到的菜刀和长途以外的工作人员。

83、They developed a test to detect malingering. ─── 他们设计了一个测试来侦测诈病行为。

84、The elder sister is pregnant a month, uric candy detects eventuate 3 + , problem of it doesn't matter? ─── 姐姐怀孕一个月,尿糖检测结果为3个+,没什么问题吧?

85、VLS is a linear type sensor that detects an absolute position. ─── VLS是一种直线型绝对值编码器。

86、I can't detect any flaw in his ingenious theory. ─── 在他的精妙理论中我找不到任何漏洞。

87、If the scanner detects the signature, it warns you that you are infected. ─── 如果扫描到了这样的编码,就会警告你已经被感染了。

88、Can you detect any themes from the dream? ─── 从这个梦里,你能察觉出什么隐含的主题么?

89、Messenger detects that you have upgraded from a previous version . ─── 信使检测到您已经从先前的版本升级到了新版本。

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