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09-04 投稿



egregiously 发音

英:[??ɡr?d??sli]  美:[??gr?d??sli]

英:  美:

egregiously 中文意思翻译



egregiously 相似词语短语

1、graciously ─── adv.和蔼地;仁慈地;雅致地

2、preciously ─── adv.昂贵地;仔细地;过分讲究地

3、egregiousness ─── 过份

4、euphemiously ─── 愉快地

5、gregariously ─── 爱社交地;群居地

6、previously ─── adv.以前;预先;仓促地

7、irreligiously ─── 不虔诚地

8、unreligiously ─── 不虔诚地

9、egregious ─── adj.惊人的;过分的;恶名昭彰的

egregiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, because Young‘s trades were so egregiously speculative, Deutsche Bank felt compelled to bear the loss itself in order to avoid alienating investors in the future. ─── 但由于杨的操作具有过度投机性质,德意志银行被迫自己承担损失以保持将来和投资者的关系(以防今后投资者流失)。

2、You make a joke egregiously. ─── 你的玩笑开得太过分了.

3、To escape punishment for or detection of an egregiously blameworthy act. ─── 逍遥法外逃避对极端恶劣以至应受责备行为的侦查或惩罚

4、Any product that egregiously violates experience goals will ultimately fail, regardless of how well it purports to achieve other goals. ─── 任何违背了体验目标的系统最终会失败,而不管这些系统声称自己如何出色地实现了其他目标。

5、To escape punishment for or detection of an egregiously blameworthy act . ─── 逃避对极端恶劣以至应受责备行为的侦查或惩罚。

6、"Thank, just be not done too egregiously, dear. ─── “谢谢,只是别做得太过份了,亲爱的。”

7、It will force Michael Jackson's fans and foes to ask: Why must our stars fall so spectacularly and fail us so egregiously? ─── 它迫使迈克尔的歌迷和敌人提出疑问:为什么我们明星的陨落这样引人注目,让我们这样难以言表?

8、noun or interjection used when something is egregiously unsuccessful" - was 2009's most useful word. ─── 当名词或感叹词用)被评为2009年最有用的单词。

9、10. Any product that egregiously violates experience goals will ultimately fail, regardless of how well it purports to achieve other goals. ─── 任何违背了体验目标的系统最终会失败,而不管这些系统声称自己如何出色地实现了其他目标。

10、Perhaps even more egregiously she had already published books on a wide variety of fields ranging from the Bible, to the First World War, to China, etc. ─── 也许,更不寻常地是她已经出版了从圣经、第一次世界大战、到中国等不同领域的书籍。

11、Washington's uncritical support of Israel at the expense of Palestinians is perceived by much of the world as egregiously hypocritical. ─── 华盛顿以牺牲巴勒斯坦为代价,对以色列毫无保留的支持让世界上多数国家感受到其异乎寻常的虚伪。

12、An egregiously severe authoritarian, negating my child's right to express an opinion? ─── 一个严厉的独裁者,一个否定孩子表达权利的人?

13、Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. ─── 改革一直遭到强烈反对,最让人惊讶的可能是在教育业,其中的特许学校、学会和绩效工资都面临着持久的斗争。

14、The bank said Kerviel acted alone and egregiously in taking unauthorized positions worth 50 billion euros that cost 4. 9 billion to unwind. ─── 该行表示,柯维尔是单独行动的,他在未获授权的情况下建立了价值500亿欧元的过高仓位,需49亿欧元来平仓。

15、This means that I can be extremely candid in my criticisms of those in my field who are most egregiously guilty of the above shortcomings, without fear of serious repercussions. ─── 这意味着,我可以在我的领域里有着严重上述缺点那些人的评判意见中是极端公正的,无严重反响之虞。

16、Washington'suncritical support of Israel at the expense of Palestinians is perceived by much of the world as egregiously hypocritical. ─── 华盛顿以牺牲巴勒斯坦为代价,对以色列毫不掩饰的无条件支持让世界上多数国家感受到其异乎寻常的虚伪。

17、However, egregiously fastening on the little trifles would not only make others lose face and activeness, but also bring some difficulties to work in the future. ─── 有些小事情,过分地追究,可能伤害 别人的面子和积极性,以后的事情就不好做了。

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