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09-04 投稿



emboli 发音

英:[?emb?la?; ?emb?li?]  美:[?emb?la?]

英:  美:

emboli 中文意思翻译



emboli 词性/词形变化,emboli变形

名词复数: embolectomies |

emboli 短语词组

1、unprovoked bilateral pulmonary emboli ─── 无故双侧肺栓塞

emboli 相似词语短语

1、embolize ─── v.栓塞,成为栓子;引起(血管)栓塞

2、embolise ─── vt.形成血栓

3、emboly ─── n.[胚]内陷

4、embolies ─── n.[胚]内陷

5、emboils ─── 栓子

6、Imbolc ─── n.圣布里吉德节

7、embolic ─── adj.插子的

8、embolism ─── n.栓塞;闰日

9、embolus ─── n.[病理]栓子;栓塞物

emboli 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、RCP not only supplies the brain with blood and oxygen via the superior vena cava, but also provides a possible way of flushing out cerebral emboli. ─── 逆行性静脉灌流法是希望藉由逆流回微血管的方式达到供应脑部养分及氧气,并藉回血达清洗动脉微粒子的目的。

2、Thrombolytic therapy of pulmonary emboli Cochrane Airways Group ─── 肺栓塞的溶栓治疗评价

3、Experimental results showed that it can be a good method to test emboli both from time domain delay and change of characteristics in frequency spectrum. ─── 实验结果表明,从时域延迟和频谱特征变化两方面来检测血栓是一种有应用前景的方法。

4、Primary hepatic cancers are always complicated with portal venous tumor emboli in an incidence of 62.2%-90.2%. ─── 摘要原发性肝癌患者常合并门静脉癌栓。

5、The early detection of emboli in the blood vessel is clinically significant. ─── 对血液中栓子的早期检测有着重要的临床诊断意义。

6、Detection of fat emboli by transesophageal echocardiography: experimental and clinical study ─── 脂肪栓塞的经食管超声心动图实验和临床研究

7、The mural thrombi coming off from the unstable, atherosclerotic plaques may serve as the sources of small emboli and may also be one of the causes of cerebral infarction. ─── 不稳定的颈动脉粥样硬化导致的斑块脱落可能也是脑梗死的病因之一。

8、Objective To evaluate the effect of selective arteriographi c emboli zation (AE) on controlling bleeding after abdominal or pelvic trauma. ─── 目的探讨选择性动脉造影栓塞(AE)在腹部和骨盆创伤出血的治疗效果。

9、Applications of the inferior vena cava filter for the prevention of the risk of pulmonary emboli ─── 下腔静脉滤器植入术预防肺动脉栓塞临床分析

10、It also shows that stent size is important and raises questions about whether blocking or filtering out the debris, known as emboli, may be effectie in improing results. ─── 它还认为支架的大小也是很重要的,并提出阻断或过滤这些被称为血栓的小碎屑可能会有助于提高病人的疗效。

11、Keywords emboli;pulmonary;scintigraphy;radionuclide;tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 肺栓塞;肺动脉;放射性核素显像;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

12、This article comprehensively collected the treatments for liver cancer complicated with portal venous emboli nowadays. ─── 本文就目前肝癌门静脉癌栓的治疗作一综述。

13、recurrent pulmonary emboli ─── 复发性肺栓子

14、Results In all 7 patients with PE, 55 emboli were identified by the CTA, The partial or complete intraluminal filling defect were displayed on the CT images with pulmonary hypertension. ─── 结果7例患者共累及55处肺动脉极其分支,其CT表现部分充盈缺损,其在垂直面上表现为圆形充盈缺损,在水平面上星轨道状充盈缺损;完全性堵塞或中断;

15、Deite the frequency of aortic atherosclerosis, cholesterol emboli are rare, or at least significant most of the time. ─── 虽然动脉粥样硬化比较常见,但是胆固醇栓子是少见的,至少是大多情况下不明显的。

16、tumor emboli ─── 瘤栓

17、The present status of treatment in primary hepatic cancer complicated with portal venous tumor emboli ─── 原发性肝癌合并门静脉癌栓治疗现状

18、But the selection of emboli, embolismic methods and the prevention of complications are also very important. ─── 但栓塞物的选择、栓塞方法及并发症的预防也十分重要。

19、Portal venous tumor emboli ─── 门静脉癌栓

20、The emboli are divided into 4 kinds according to the shapes. ─── 根据肺动脉内栓子形态分4类。

21、At the late phase of ICGA, some intravascular emboli and segments of retinal vascular occlusion were clearly demonstrated. ─── ICGA晚期图像中,视网膜血管内栓子及视网膜血管闭塞区清晰可见。

22、Vascular obstruction of the microcirculation may be caused by fat emboli, related to hyperlipidemia associated with alcoholism, steroid therapy, SCD, and nitrogen bubbles in decompression sickness. ─── 血管阻塞的微循环可能造成的脂肪栓子,与高脂血症与酗酒,类固醇治疗,猝死,氮泡沫减压病。

23、Twenty-nine patients had successful indirect portal vein angiography, showing 2 patients with carcinoma emboli in the portal veins and 26 with different varicosis. ─── 29例患者间接门脉造影成功,其中2例肝癌患者发现门脉癌栓,26例存在不同程度的静脉曲张。

24、Methods Focal cerebral infarction was produced by embolizing the artertia cerebri media with arterial emboli by means of digital subtraction angiography. ─── 方法 采用兔自体动脉血栓,在数字减影动脉造影术(DSA)下栓塞兔大脑中动脉,造成局灶性脑梗死。

25、The rounded holes that appear in the vascular spaces here in the lung are fat emboli. ─── 在肺泡壁毛细血管区可见圆形的脂肪滴。

26、We aimed to assess the proportion of cardiac patients with retinal emboli before coronary catheterization and the proportion with newly developed retinal embolism shortly after coronary catheterization. ─── 我们的研究目的是评估心脏病患者在冠状动脉导管插入术前视网膜动脉栓塞的比例,以及在冠状动脉导管插入术后短期内新发生视网膜动脉栓塞的比例。

27、Subsequent studies suggested a right pulmonary artery tumor with suspicious tumor emboli. ─── 住院之后的检查认为右肺动脉有一个肿瘤且合并肿瘤栓子。

28、Results The liver size,internal,echogenicity,portal venous emboli and clinical pictures were characteristic in DHCC. ─── 结果肝脏大小、肝内回声、门脉癌栓及其它临床特征在弥漫性肝癌中具有特征性改变。

29、The Doppler ultrasound technique is widely used in the emboli detection because of its advantages in the blood flow measurement. ─── 超声多普勒技术以其在血流测量方面的独特优势在栓子检测中有着广泛的应用。

30、The fat emboli, air emboli, bacterial emboli, than the prognosis of severe cardiac emboli. ─── 而脂肪栓子、空气栓子、细菌栓子,比心源性栓子预后严重。

31、early detection of emboli in the blood vessel is clinically significant. ─── 对血液中栓子的早期检测有着重要的临床诊断意义。

32、Septic emboli from the vegetation will possibly result in systemic thromboembolism with multiple organ infarction. ─── 另外细菌赘生物所掉落的感染性血栓也可能导致全身性的血栓栓塞,进一步导致多重器官衰竭。

33、Numerous petechial hemorrhages are produced by fat emboli to the brain, particularly in white matter. ─── 该脑切面白色区域内的多灶性出血点是由脂肪栓塞引起的。

34、Portal venous emboli are now considered as one of the puzzling critical points in the treatment of liver cancer closely related to the patients progn... ─── 门静脉癌栓是肝癌治疗的难点之一,关系到患者的预后。本文就目前肝癌门静脉癌栓的治疗作一综述。

35、Getting out of bed and defecation often were causes of emboli escape from deep venous or hepatic venous. ─── 下床活动和排便常为栓子脱落诱因,无法解释的突发呼吸困难和胸痛是最常见的临床表现。

36、The skin shows tumor emboli in the dermal lymphatic channels. ─── 皮肤的真皮淋巴管内见肿瘤栓子。

37、Vascular disorders such as pulmonary emboli, arteriovenous malformations, and bronchial telangiectasis also play a role. ─── 血管方面的疾病如肺栓塞、肺部静脉廔管及肺部微血管扩张症等亦会引发大量咳血。

38、This patient had severe ulcerative, friable atheromatous plaques and had undergone angiography, which increases the risk for such emboli. ─── 该病人有严重的溃疡形成,易碎的粥样斑块,同时也做了会增加血栓形成危险的血管造影术。

39、Abstract: Objective To introduce a new rat cerebral infarction model which was embolized by autologous blood emboli. ─── 摘要: 目的 介绍一种新的大鼠自体血血栓栓塞性脑卒中模型。

40、Keywords Multidetector CT;Hepatic carcinomas;The portal vein;Cancerous emboli; ─── 多层螺旋CT;肝癌;门静脉系统;癌栓;

41、However, brain abscess caused by cardiogenic emboli who have poorer prognosis. ─── 但心源性栓子引起脑脓肿者,预后较差。

42、This article comprehensively collected the treatments for liver cancer complicated with portal venous emboli nowadays. ─── 本文就目前肝癌门静脉癌栓的治疗作一综述。

43、Keywords Hepatocellular carcinoma/therapy;Transarterial chemoembolization;Mixed emboli; ─── 关键词肝肿瘤/治疗;介入治疗;复合型栓塞剂;

44、Despite this ulceration, atheromatous emboli are rare (or at least, complications of them are rare). ─── 即使这样溃疡和血栓形成是少见的,或者说动脉粥样硬化的复合病变是少见的。

45、Clopidogrel and Aspirin for Reduction of Emboli in Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis, CARESS ─── 氯吡格雷和阿司匹林减少有症状的颈动脉狭窄血栓研究

46、Differential diagnosis in the immunocompromised patient includes lymphoma, metastatic disease, septic emboli, and multiple infarcts. ─── 患本病的免疫低下患者的鉴别诊断包括:淋巴瘤、转移癌、脓毒性栓子和多发性梗塞。

47、The presence of angiographic coronary artery disease was not significantly associated with preexisting retinal emboli. ─── 血管造影证实为冠心病与术前是否存在视网膜动脉栓塞无明显相关性。

48、In fact, the MI patients had unstable angina, a high risk condition already established by pathological studies to bespecifically induced by intramyocardial platelet emboli. ─── 事实上,心肌缺血患者有不稳定心绞痛,病理学研究已证实这种高危状态可由心肌内血小板栓子诱发。

49、Removal of the emboli was performed smoothly under TEE monitoring. ─── 在术中,我们使用经食道心脏超音波随时监看血栓和心脏功能。

50、Constructing the Automated Detection System for Doppler ultrasound Emboli Signals using the Neural Network ─── 利用神经网络构建超声多普勒栓子信号自动检测系统

51、An experimental study on detection of arterial emboli using Doppler ultrasound ─── 多普勒超声检测动脉栓子的实验研究

52、Concision, Uterine arterial emboli zation is a good non-surgical therapy for symptomatic uterine fibroids with mild side effects. ─── 结论:选择性子宫动脉栓塞为非手术治疗症状性子宫肌瘤的较好疗法。

53、This patient had severe ulcerative, friable atheromatous plaques and had undergone angiography, which increases the risk for such emboli. ─── 该病人有严重的溃疡形成,易碎的粥样斑块,同时也做了会增加血栓形成危险的血管造影术。

54、Emboli can be directly visualized in 20% of cases. ─── 在20%的病例中可直接观察到栓子。

55、Background :Better knowledge of the eolution of persistent pulmonary hypertension after acute pulmonary emboli PE is required to optimize the indication and timing of pulmonary endarterectomy PEA. ─── 研究背景:优化肺动脉内膜剥脱手术(PEA)指征和手术时机,需要更深入了解急性肺栓塞(PE)后持续肺动脉高压的演变过程。

56、To deepen our understanding of primary liver cancer accompanying portal emboli ─── 提高对原发性肝癌并发门静脉栓子的认识

57、Keywords Kidney neoplasms;Cancerous emboli;Obstrution; ─── 关键词肾肿瘤;癌栓;梗阻;

58、All patients were diagnosed by color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) for the position of emboli and the diameter of the vena cava. ─── 术前均经血管彩色多普勒超声确诊,并明确栓塞范围、栓尾位置、解剖条件和腔静脉情况。

59、(4) and the nature of emboliemboli, such as osteoporosis, in with the blood running, its broken blood flow to the remote, blocking small blood vessels were better prognosis. ─── (4)与栓子的性质有关 如栓子疏松,在随血液运行过程中,自身破碎,流到血流的远端,阻塞小血管者,预后较好。

60、The catheter complications are related to central venous obstruction and thrombosis, air emboli, catheter occlusion and phlebitis. ─── 导管相关并发症包括:中心静脉阻塞和血栓形成,空气栓塞,导管阻塞和静脉炎。

61、Treatment of portal vein tumor emboli of hepatocellular carcinoma with CT-guided percutaneous ethanol injection ─── CT引导下经皮无水乙醇注射治疗肝癌门静脉瘤栓

62、Off-pump surgery appears to reduce the number of larger emboli. ─── 无帮浦手术似乎减少了较大栓子的数量。

63、Skilled emboli zing technique, better understanding of aneurysm and its parent artery angioanatomy, correct judgment during treatment and improved embolic material are helpful to reduce the accidents and the their effect. ─── 栓塞技术的提高,动脉瘤和载瘤动脉解剖的深入理解,术中发生情况的正确处理、栓塞材料的改进,有助于降低并发症的发生率改善其预后。

64、The diagnostic value of multidetector CT in characterizing the hepatic portal cancerous emboli in hepatic cell carcinomas ─── 螺旋CT对门静脉系统癌栓的诊断价值

65、pulmonary emboli ─── 肺栓子

66、To compare multislice spiral CT to digital subtract pulmonary angiography for the detection of subsegmental pulmonary emboli by using a cast of porcine pulmonary vessels as an independent gold standard. ─── 以肺动脉血管铸型标本为金标准,比较多层螺旋CT肺动脉造影、数字减影X线肺动脉造影对亚段肺动脉栓塞的显示能力。

67、Analysis of the cause and treatment of the obstructive jaundice after the treatment of the cancer emboli in the bile duct with endoscope ─── 胆管癌栓内镜治疗后阻塞性黄疸原因分析及处理

68、The emboli were most likely caused by deep venous thrombosis from the patient's legs. ─── 栓子貌似来源于下肢深静脉血栓。

69、The skin shows tumor emboli in the dermal lymphatic channels. ─── 皮肤的真皮淋巴管内见肿瘤栓子。

70、Diagnostic and Therapeutic Experiences of Fat Emboli Syndrome:Analysis of 13 Cases ─── 脂肪栓塞综合征(附13例分析)

71、Portions of the vegetation can break off and become septic emboli. ─── 有一部分的疣状赘生物已经脱落,形成败血性梗死。

72、Air emboli lodge distally in the smaller arteries and arterioles of the brain and obstruct the flow of blood. ─── 空气栓塞症发生后,意识的改变是最常见的症状,其程度由方向感辨识不清到昏迷等。

73、Detection of Fat Emboli on Transesophageal Echocardiography in Pigs: Experimental Study ─── 猪脂肪栓塞模型的经食管超声心动图实验研究

74、Objective To evaluate the curative effects of portal vein tumor emboli(PVTE)of hepatocellular carcinoma treated by CT-guided percutaneous ethanol injection(PEI). ─── 目的探讨CT引导下经皮无水乙醇注射治疗肝癌门静脉瘤栓的疗效。方法对20例肝癌伴门静脉瘤栓患者,进行CT引导下门静脉瘤栓内无水乙醇注射治疗。

75、We report a case of acute thyroiditis due to septic emboli derived from infective endocarditis. ─── 我们报告一例急性甲状腺炎由于化粪池栓子来自感染性心内膜炎。

76、This was followed by the formation of an endothelial opening through which emboli translocated into the perivascular parenchyma. ─── 随后,通过将血栓转移至周细胞软组织而在内皮细胞上形成开口。

77、multiple cholesterol emboli syndrome ─── 多发的胆固醇栓塞综合征

78、The objective is to determine, via MRV, whether the pelvic veins are the source of thrombolytic emboli in cryptogenic stroke patients who also harbor a patent foramen ovale. ─── 目的是用来研究,对于遭受过不明撞击并且是卵圆孔未闭的患者来说,是否骨盆腔静脉是造成溶血栓栓赛物的原因。

79、Irregular reddish tan vegetations overlie valve cusps that are being destroyed.Portions of the vegetation can break off and become septic emboli. ─── 红棕色的赘生物覆盖瓣膜尖端使其受损,赘生物的一部分可以脱落形成脓性栓子。

80、Superselective therapeutic embolization using a 3 mm coil spring emboli was carried out.Immediate relief of the symptoms was noted after successful coil embGlization. ─── 利用三毫米大的弹簧线圈,进行高选择性的治疗性栓塞,成功地完成栓塞后,病人症状立即得到舒缓。

81、Keywords Ultrasound color flow imaging;Coded excitation;Power M-mode Doppler;Emboli detection; ─── 超声彩色血流成像;编码激励;功率M型多普勒;栓子检测;

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