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09-04 投稿



navigates 发音

英:[?n?v?ɡe?ts]  美:[?n?v?ɡe?ts]

英:  美:

navigates 中文意思翻译






navigates 反义词


navigates 同义词

dark blue | naval | ink blue | task force | aircraft carrier |flotilla | sea | convoy | ink | armada | forces | destroyer | blue | US Navy | dark | merchant navy | fleet | marine | battleship | defense | task | force | merchant | midnight | merchant marine | United States Navy | lazuline | service | sea force | argosy | navy blue | aircraft | USN | midnight blue | carrier | squadron

navigates 词性/词形变化,navigates变形

动词过去分词: navigated |动词现在分词: navigating |动词过去式: navigated |动词第三人称单数: navigates |

navigates 相似词语短语

1、levigates ─── vt.把…磨细,把…混合;澄清;adj.[植]光滑的

2、fatigates ─── 催肥剂

3、aviates ─── vi.飞行;驾驶飞机;vt.用飞机飞行

4、navigated ─── v.确定航向;航行;找到正确方法;导航;给驾驶员指引路线;在……上航行;走过;带人找路;浏览(navigate的过去式及过去分词)

5、navigator ─── n.航海家;领航员;驾驶员

6、navigators ─── n.航海家;导航器(navigator的复数)

7、cavitates ─── v.在……成穴;形成空洞;成泡

8、navigate ─── vt.导航;航行,驾驶;找到正确方法(对付困难复杂的情况);(在互联网上)浏览;(艰难地)走过;(尤指穿过人群)带人找路;vi.导航;(在互联网上)浏览

9、ravigotes ─── 沟壑

navigates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A type of snail, it eats plankton and shellfish. It navigates the water by flapping its "wings". ─── 蜗牛类型的生物,以浮游生物和贝壳类生物为食。它靠拍打"翅膀"感知水面。

2、Event occurs when the user scrolls through the client area by interacting with the scroll bars, or when the user navigates between controls and the active control scrolls into view. ─── 用户通过与滚动条交互来滚动工作区,用户在控件之间导航,活动控件滚入视图,都会发生。

3、Design guides, especially those written for web interfaces, often take a broader view, looking at the overall structure of a site and how the user navigates through it as an important design element. ─── 设计规范特别是那些为网站而写的规范,一般给出常规界面,将描述网站的总体界面效果,以及用户如何导航作为主要的元素。

4、Thus jacked in, he cerebrally navigates the invisible world of abstracted information, as if he were racing through an infinite library. ─── 通过这样接入,他们就直接用意识巡游于这个由抽象信息所构成的看不见的世界,就像漫步在某个无限的图书馆(库)中一样。

5、The principle method of HtmlHistory is Go, which navigates either to the specified position in the navigation stack or to a new Uniform Resource Locator (URL). ─── HtmlHistory的原理性方法是Go,它定位到导航堆栈中指定的位置或定位到一个新的统一资源定位符(URL)。

6、Navigates CBT to advance the seaman English education informationization, the intellectualized ─── 航海CBT推进海员英语教育信息化、智能化

7、The new value is read when the user hits the ENTER key or navigates away from the control. ─── 当用户按Enter键或导航离开该控件时会读取输入的新值。

8、Then, with a combination of voice commands and key presses, he navigates through a spoken list of topics and listens to subjects of interest. ─── 然后,随着一系列语音命令和按键,就可以根据语音朗读的题目清单选择听取感兴趣的主题。

9、Then, with a combination of voice commands and key presses, he navigates through a spoken list of topics and listens totibia gold subjects of interest. ─── 人们通过语音指令和按键输入的联合操作,电话里传出的语音热点栏目列表会自动为你导航,然后你可以根据自己的喜好来收听。

10、one who navigates or assists in navigating a ship ─── 海员驾船或帮助驾船航行的人

11、The shakeup reflects the sense of crisis within Toyota as it navigates one of the toughest periods in its 70-year history. ─── 这一管理层调整反映出了丰田汽车内部的危机感,这家公司正面临着70年历史上最为艰难的时期。

12、When a RectangleHotSpot control is clicked, the page navigates to a URL, generates a post back to the server, or does nothing. ─── 单击RectangleHotSpot控件以后,相应页导航到一个URL,产生一个到服务器的回发,或者不执行任何操作。

13、A car navigates a scenic stretch of California Lost Coast. ─── 一辆汽车行驶在加利福尼亚迷失海岸风景优美的道路上。

14、Navigates the tree to the next highest folder in the tree view. ─── 将树定位到树视图中的下一个最高文件夹。

15、Blocks from the U.S. Capitol building, John Mulqueen navigates a bicycle rickshaw through the traffic on a rainy Washington street. ─── 在美国国会大厦几个街区之外,约翰.穆尔奎因冒雨骑着脚踏三轮车沿街招揽顾客。

16、The target window or frame in which to load the Web page linked to when a HotSpot object that navigates to a URL is clicked. ─── 目标窗口或框架,单击导航至URL的HotSpot对象时在其中加载链接到的网页。

17、When a user navigates to another report page, the next page is generated and the frame in the view area is updated to show the new page. ─── 当用户导航到另一报表页时,将生成下一页,并且视图区中的框架会被更新以显示新页。

18、When you set the Url property, the WebBrowser control navigates to the specified URL and adds it to the end of the history list. ─── 设置Url属性时,WebBrowser控件导航到指定的URL并将该URL添加到历史记录列表的末尾。

19、Control navigates to the specified URI and adds it to the end of the history list. ─── 控件导航到指定的URI并将其添加到历史记录列表的末尾。

20、If you specify HotSpotMode.Navigate for the HotSpotMode property of a HotSpot object, the HotSpot object navigates to a URL when the hot spot region is clicked. ─── 如果为HotSpot对象的HotSpotMode属性指定HotSpotMode.Navigate,则在单击作用点区域时HotSpot对象导航至一个URL。

21、Specifies whether a service help page is displayed when a user navigates to the URL for a Web service without any parameters in a browser. ─── 指定当用户在浏览器中定位到没有任何参数的Web服务的URL时,是否显示服务帮助页。

22、When your Pirate sails, or swordfights, or navigates, the appropriate Puzzle game is launched. ─── 盛大也开始收费服务了,遂不在玩坦克。

23、Navigates to the next browsed line of code. ─── 定位至浏览的下一代码行。

24、The mystery of the homing pigeon is in how it navigates and how it finds home. ─── 家鸽的神秘之处在于它怎么飞,怎么找到家的。

25、Use the Target property to specify the frame or window that displays the Web page linked to when a HotSpot object that navigates to a URL is clicked. ─── 使用Target属性可以指定框架或窗口,单击导航至URL的HotSpot对象时将在其中显示链接到的网页。

26、It is 8 a.m. and Katembo deftly navigates the narrow, muddy alleyways of Kinshasa's massive Gambela market on his way to meet a prospective client. ─── 早上8点,卡坦伯穿梭刚果首都金夏沙市集,只为了和一位客户见面。

27、Double-clicking class member methods navigates to the definition of the operation instead, if it exists, or to the method declaration. ─── 双击类成员程序将会导航到指令确定的位置,如果可能的话,或者会导航到这个这个程序声明的位置。

28、When Columbus round the world navigates, he has discovered the new continent; ─── 当哥伦布环球航海时,他发现了新大陆;

29、Which officer in the ship navigates ─── 舰上哪个军官引航?

30、This event is commonly used when you need to perform a task after the user navigates to a different page in the control. ─── 此事件通常用于以下情形:在用户定位到该控件中的另一页之后,您需要执行某项任务。

31、SQL Server navigates down the index to find the row corresponding to a clustered index key. ─── 第二个参数,如果是'',表示影响该表的所有索引。

32、In its simplest form, each step navigates downward in an XML hierarchy to find the children of the elements returned by the previous step. ─── 在最简单的形式中,每一步在XML层次中向下导航,以发现由前一步返回的元素的孩子。

33、The data path by which a user navigates to a specific entity determines whether a single instance or multi-instance report is presented to the user at run time. ─── 用户导航到特定实体时所用的数据路径将确定在运行时提供给用户的是单实例报表还是多实例报表。

34、A car navigates a scenic stretch of California's Lost Coast. ─── 汽车导航风景伸展加州失落的海岸。

35、The WebBrowser control navigates to a new document whenever one of the following properties is set or methods is called ─── 每当设置以下属性或调用以下方法之一时,WebBrowser控件都会导航到新文档

36、Specifies whether a service help page is displayed when a user navigates to the URL for a Web service without any parameters in a browser. ─── 指定当用户在浏览器中定位到没有任何参数的Web服务的URL时,是否显示服务帮助页。

37、He navigates celebrity dinner galas like a seasoned politician. ─── 他游刃有余地参加名流晚宴,宛如政坛老将。

38、Favorites are links to tree items. You can create a task that navigates to a taskpad view for another tree item. ─── 收藏夹是到树项目的链接。您可以创建导航到另一个树项目的任务板视图的任务。

39、visual assisting navigates equipment ─── 目视助航设施

40、This event is commonly used when you need to perform a task after the user navigates to a different record in the control. ─── 当您在用户定位到控件中不同的记录后需要执行任务时,通常使用此事件。

41、Control navigates to the linked page; otherwise, it posts the page back to the server for processing. ─── 控件导航到所链接的页;否则,该控件将页回发到服务器进行处理。

42、Look at the difference as this woman navigates stairs with prosthetic legs that doesn't know what the real leg is doing. ─── 要想看出差别,就看看这个女士用义肢上楼梯,她完全不需要知道真肢是怎样运动的。

43、The user"navigates"through this world in a number of ways to see the world from different "points of view". ─── 用户以某些方式"横穿"这一世界,从不同的观察点看这一世界。

44、A champion of the music of his homeland, Belohlavek navigates Bohemia's great river the Moldau from its gentle source then on through the middle of Prague. ─── 出生于捷克的贝劳拿域是演绎捷克音乐的名家,将为我们作向导,畅游波希米亚著名的莫尔道河,从恬静的源头一直走到布拉格的中部。

45、Handling this event is useful, for example, to change the enabled state of a Back button when the WebBrowser control navigates to or leaves the beginning of the navigation history. ─── 例如,要在WebBrowser控件定位到或离开导航历史记录的开始部分时更改“后退”按钮的启用状态,处理此事件十分有用。

46、Any vessel that navigates, anchors or operates within a special protection water area shall abide by the provisions and standards of the special protection water area for pollution prevention. ─── 在特殊保护水域内航行、停泊、作业的船舶,应当遵守特殊保护水域有关防污染的规定、标准。

47、The operator navigates through the software using a large color touch-screen display. ─── 一种先进的取样棒无需操作人员来处理每个样品。

48、Dolphins also navigates by some kind of echo system. ─── 原来海豚也是借助某种回声系统寻向的。

49、This again navigates you to the setting on Catalog in CatalogServiceSystem that needs to be modified. ─── 您将再次定位到CatalogServiceSystem中需要修改的Catalog的设置。

50、The company is mainly engaged in software developing, researching, sale and system integration in such fields as GIS platform, GIS application, OA system, intelligence navigates software, etc. ─── 公司主要从事GIS平台、GIS应用、OA办公系统、智能导航软件等领域的软件研发、生产、销售和系统集成。

51、A sea kayaker navigates the rocks around Flowerpot Island in Ontario's Fathom Five National Marine Park. ─── 在安大略省的五英寻国家海洋公园里,一名海上皮划艇运动员在花盆岛周围的岩石间穿行。

52、By the ocean-going ship the regular observation which navigates in Yangtze River ─── 论海轮在长江航行的正规了望

53、Some situations are really difficult with tourists around," says Giorgio as he navigates around a swelling crowd at the Rialto Bridge. ─── 在里亚托桥的拥挤人群中行走时说道:“过多的游客会导致许多难解决的情况。”

54、A comprehensive place-name index navigates the reader to thousands of locations. ─── 按照地名的排列方法,会让读者方便的找到成千上万个地点。

55、Navigates in menus, lists, choice screens and into edited texts. ─── 可以操纵菜单、列表、屏幕选项和进入编辑文本。

56、If the event arguments are not handled, the back key navigates to the next window in the z-order. ─── 如果未处理事件参数,则后退键会按z顺序导航到下一个窗口。

57、Dominguez said he wants to photograph people who help him as he navigates the chaotic streets of Mexico City. ─── 多明格斯说,他打算只身穿行于墨西哥城混乱不堪的大街小巷,然后拍摄那些帮助他、为他指路的人们。

58、Santa traditionally navigates the frosty night skies December 24th without using a compass or a chart to plot his course. ─── 圣诞老人通常在12月24日寒冷的夜空中航行,而不用罗盘或海图来规划路线。

59、The shakeup reflects the sense of crisis within Toyota as it navigates one of the toughest periods in its 70-year history. ─── 这一管理层调整反映出了丰田汽车内部的危机感,这家公司正面临着70年历史上最为艰难的时期。

60、Had the seeking faith, only then had the magnificent feat which Zheng He navigates. ─── 有了求索的信念,才有郑和航海的壮举。

61、What is that aeronautics and astronautics navigates the world? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>社会民生>军事>什么是航空航天航宇?

62、Now vehicle orientations rely on GPS information, Combine electronic map controls and navigates to the vehicle. ─── 目前车辆定位主要依靠车载GPS接收机接收到的全球定位信息,然后结合电子地图对车辆进行监控和导航。

63、Santa traditionally navigates the frosty night skies December 24th without using a compass or a chart to plot his course. ─── 根据传说,圣诞老人在12月24日深夜,在寒冷的夜空飞翔,不用使用指南针或者地图来计划他的路线。

64、Navigates present situation and discussion which the specialized student practices ─── 航海专业学生实习的现状与探讨

65、When users click the hot spot, the control either posts back to the server or navigates to another page, depending on how you configure the hot spot. ─── 当用户单击作用点时,该控件回发到服务器或者定位到其他页,这取决于作用点的配置。

66、This ship navigates at open sea area and is used to loading gas、light diesel oil whose flash point is less than sixty degree. ─── 本船是单螺旋桨成品油轮。货油舱区域有连续的双层底和边舱保护。

67、We adopt stereo vision techniques to localize robot's location using the known landmarks when the robot navigates in an indoor environment. ─── 在导引的过程中,我们利用立体视觉与已知地标来定位出机器人的位置。

68、One who navigates. ─── 导航者领航员

69、ASP.NET session state enables you to store and retrieve values for a user as the user navigates the different ASP.NET pages that make up a Web application. ─── ASP.NET会话状态使您能当用户在构成Web应用程序的不同ASP.NET页面之间导航时,为用户存储和检索值。

70、She is the first woman who navigates a sail crossing the English Channel. ─── 她是迄今为止驾船横渡英吉利海峡的第一位女性。

71、By the behavior control method, the rover navigates autonomously. ─── 运用行为控制方法实现月球车的自主导航。

72、" When you select one from the pull-down menu, it navigates to the specified site and logs in right away. ─── 当您从下拉菜单中选择一个时,它就导航到特定网站并立即自动登录。

73、Handling this event is useful, for example, to change the enabled state of a Forward button when the WebBrowser control navigates to or leaves the end of the navigation history. ─── 例如,要在WebBrowser控件定位到或离开导航历史记录的末尾部分时更改“前进”按钮的启用状态,处理此事件十分有用。

74、Sugar, sulfuric acid, diamonds, and oil all follow different routes, but each navigates a web that touches various machines and may even cycle around again to its elemental form. ─── 糖,硫磺酸,钻石,油料,各自经循不同的廻路,在各循各的网络途中接触过各种各样的机器,甚至可能再度还原为它元素的形式。

75、Navigates to the next definition, declaration, or reference of an item. ─── 定位到项的下一个定义、声明或引用。

76、When the steamboat navigates on the sea, safety comes the first. Jingcheng has been paying much attention to safety during its nagivation. ─── 当轮船在大海上航行的时候,安全是第一位的。“景程”这艘巨轮在航行的过程中始终紧绷着“安全”这根弦。

77、The ascending initiate opens to the same unconscious parts of selves, but with the assistance of nature navigates through with the purpose and intention of evolution and release of karma. ─── 提升者打开到同样的自我无意识部分,却有进化和释放业力的目标与意愿及有本性导航仪协助通过。

78、Navigates to the next window in the z-order. ─── 按z顺序导航到下一个窗口。

79、Gets or sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when a HotSpot object that navigates to a URL is clicked. ─── 获取或设置目标窗口或框架,单击导航至URL的HotSpot对象时在其中显示链接到的网页内容。

80、Similar to real life mailing, e-mail navigates around “servers”. ─── 与现实生活中的邮寄相似,电子邮件也是通过服务者传输的。

81、Navigates the new technical application and the development ─── 航海新技术的应用和发展

82、When a CircleHotSpot control is clicked, the page either navigates to a URL, generates a post back to the server, or does nothing. ─── 当单击CircleHotSpot控件时,该页定位到URL,生成到服务器的回发,或不执行任何操作。

83、Research on infrared characteristics of satellite has valuable applications in spacetechnique, communications and navigates, remote sensor. ─── 卫星红外辐射特性研究在航天技术、通讯导航、遥感探测等领域有着重要的应用价值。

84、As a navigation equipment of ship , the electric-compass is one of the essential equipments of the voyage navigates, so it has a prominent position in the voyage. ─── 船舶电罗经作为船舶的导航设备,是航海导航的必不可少的设备之一,在航行安全中具有举足轻重的地位。

85、The data path by which a user navigates to a specific entity determines whether a single instance or multi-instance report is required. ─── 用户定位到特定实体时所用的数据路径将确定需要的是单实例报表还是多实例报表。

86、Discussed shallowly the security measure silver Wu Asia abstract which the high speed glass fiber reinforced plastic ship navigates in the big storm which receives ─── 浅谈高速玻璃钢船在大风浪中航行受到的危害及应采取的安全措施

87、When you type a URL into the text box and press ENTER or click the Go button, the WebBrowser control navigates to the URL specified. ─── 在文本框中键入URL并按Enter或单击“转到”按钮时,WebBrowser控件会定位至指定的URL。

88、If nothing else, the extroverted Lang Lang seems not to have been overtaken by glamour. He navigates celebrity dinner galas like a seasoned politician. ─── 别的不说,个性外向的郎朗似乎还没被自己的名声冲昏头。他游刃有余地参加名流晚宴,宛如政坛老将。

89、Do you know that the bee navigates by polarized light and the fly controls its flight by its back wings? ─── 你知道蜜蜂借助偏振光飞行,而苍蝇用后翅控制飞行吗

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