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09-04 投稿



eo 中文意思翻译



eo 短语词组

1、c eo abbr. ─── 首席执行官;执行总裁(chiefexecutiveofficer)

2、sterile eo ─── 无菌环氧乙烷

3、f eo n.(Feo) ─── 人名;(意、西、葡)费奥

4、eo ao eo ao ─── 公司

5、eo e abbr. ─── 机会均等雇主(equalopportunityemployer);射出地球轨道(earthorbitejection);错误遗漏不在此限(ErrorsandOmissionsExcepted);欧洲期权交易(EuropeanOptionsExchange)

6、amyris eo ─── 肌萎缩

7、or eo n. ─── 奥利 ─── 奥(商标名);讨好白人的黑人

8、im eo si a ae im eo si a ae

9、eo- ─── [医]黎明, 曙, 最初, 原始

10、e eo abbr. ─── 均等就业机会(EqualEmploymentOpportunity)

11、ro m eo n. ─── 罗密欧式的男子,浪漫多情的男子;年轻的男情人;痴情相思的男子;热恋的男子;风流浪荡的男子,情种;字母R的代称(用于无线电通信)


13、eo ea eo ea

14、eo ipso ─── [拉丁语];即因此(而)…;这就是说…;这就等于…, 这样, 因而, 从而

15、cajeput eo ─── 卡杰普特eo

eo 词性/词形变化,eo变形


eo 相似词语短语

1、eco ─── n.生态经济;adj.生态经济的;对生态无害的;abbr.电子耦合振荡器(electron-coupledoscillator);环境控制组织(EnvironmentalControlOrganization);经济合作组织(EconomicCooperationOrganization);工程改变命令(engineeringchangeorder)

2、evo ─── abbr.意蓝虚拟办公室(eLandVirtualOffice,软件名);国际能效评估组织(EfficiencyValuationOrganization);三菱兰瑟(汽车品牌);n.(Evo)人名;(葡)埃沃

3、Leo ─── n.狮子座;狮子(用于儿童故事寓言等);利奥(男子名)

4、reo ─── abbr.再生电力输出(regeneratedelectricaloutput);拥有的不动产(realestateowned)

5、eon ─── n.极长时期,万古;十亿年;宙;伊涌;n.(Eon)(法、美)埃翁(人名)

6、ego ─── n.自我;自负;自我意识;n.(Ego)人名;(日)依怙(姓);(法)埃戈

7、eo- ─── abbr.东正教(EasterOrthodox);椭圆的轨迹(EllipticalOrbit);急救手术(EmergencyOperation)

8、exo ─── abbr.排气打开(exhaustopen);n.(Exo)人名;(英)埃克索

9、emo ─── n.情感硬核,情绪摇滚(一种朋克摇滚乐);n.(Emo)(意、俄、美)埃莫(人名)

eo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oc Eo ─── 俄厄

2、Minimum exploration workload (MEW) and Exploration obligation (EO) are two key concepts in international exploration ventures. ─── 最小勘探工作量与最小义务工作量是跨国油气勘探的两个关键概念。

3、METHODS Poutine managements of every link of the EO disinfection Process such as the responsibility,operation procedure,regularly inspection,etc were carried out. ─── 方法对环氧乙烷气体消毒的每个环节制定职责、操作程序,定期检查,责任到人,进行制度的程序化管理。

4、Piece to the strong hope, EO dub ─── 一块来的强烈愿望,雇佣译制

5、I byeol gga ji do sa rang hal geo e yo haeng bok kan sa ram mi doe eo ju se yo... ─── 古今中外,多少仁人志士、大家名流在这 醉人迷心的月夜创下不朽之作,无法细细计量。...

6、has EO sensors, including a diode pumped laser designator and a long-range zoom FLIR. ─── 光电传感器包括二极管泵浦激光指示器和远距离电子放大前视红外热像仪。

7、EO distribution ─── EO分布

8、EO detection ─── 光电探测

9、EO system ─── 光电系统

10、Problems Waiting to Solve of EO FSC ─── 我国光电火控系统亟待解决的问题

11、EO Technics is one of the world leading laser application manufacturer. ─── 伊欧科技是全球领先的激光应用设备制造商。

12、The string elementary operation eo demonstration realization string evaluation, the connection, prays for a son the string, the effective length and so on operates, ─── 串基本操作的演示实现串的赋值,连接,求子串,计算长度等操作

13、EO tracking and pointing platform ─── 光电跟瞄平台

14、eo instanti ─── [拉]当时立刻

15、ECH-EO-AGE terpolymer appeared to be an amorphous structure by X-ray diffraction, and the water absorbency increased with the content of EO unit. ─── X-射线衍射显示ECH/EO/AGE三元胶为无定形结构。

16、EO enjoys nearly 30% of the upholstery automotive leather throughout the world, and is the largest automotive leather company in the world. ─── 占全球汽车皮革市场近30%的份额,是世界上最大的汽车皮革生产企业之一。

17、integrated EO system ─── 光电综合系统

18、Extremal optimization(EO) algorithm is a new heuristic method, whose principle is to select and update the worst variable, and improve the fitness of the whole problem. ─── 摘要极值优化(EO)算法是新开发的一种启发式算法,其基本思想是更新适值最差的变量,提高目标函数的适值。

19、minimum reachable remain counterbalance eo ─── 最小可达剩余不平衡量eo

20、Integrated EO Sensors Systems and Countermeasure Technology in Advanced Fighters ─── 先进战斗机光电传感器综合系统及其光电对抗技术

21、At the same time, there is anomaly in thermal conductivity through the analysis of the thermodynamic properties of (EO and THF) hydrates and ice In. From 100-270K, the thermal conductivity of hydrates is only fifth that of ice Ih. ─── 同时通过对EO和THF两种水合物热力学性质的分析可以知道,两者的热导率在100到270K的范围内仅为Ice Ih的五分之一。

22、Inde apparuit ventris haud srgne ministerium esseeumque acceptos cibos per omnia membra disserereet cum eo in gratiam redierunt. ─── 但是当胃想工作的时候,工作也不工作,以致于整个身体走向极端的腐烂。

23、Resonant coupling between EO and AO effects of LN modulators ─── LN调制器电光与声光效应的共振耦合

24、Toxicity of the mix of NPnEO decreased with the length of EO chain. ─── NPnEO混合物的毒性随着EO链的增多明显下降。

25、EO Technics has already obtained an eminent position as a laser application equipment supplier to the semiconductor,FPD,PCB and telecommunication industries. ─── 伊欧科技做为一个激光应用的设备供应商,涉及半导体,平面显示器,线路板和通讯工业领域。

26、Design and Analysis of Vibration Tong for EO Equipments ─── 光电设备振动夹具的设计探析

27、Ethyl orange(EO) ─── 乙基橙

28、EO integration ─── 传感器综合

29、For the same in PO/EO value, thesurface tension decreases with the increase of the chain length of EO. ─── PO/EO 相同,EO 链段越长,表面张力越低。

30、The force, in gram, required to tear the paper eo a certain length gives the edge tearing strength. ─── 撕到一定长度所需的力量,以克表示,就是它的纸边撕裂度。

31、Study on a New Method Called Tilting Mode Sampling for EO Sensor ─── 传输型光学遥感器斜模式采样新方法研究

32、Keywords catalytic distillation;ethylene glycol monobutyl ether(EGMBE);ethylene oxide(EO);simulation; ─── 关键词催化精馏;乙二醇正丁醚;环氧乙烷;模拟;

33、F_v6Rn?H'ATa F5v;Eo% ─── (电磁)雷达覆盖空域

34、QSPR cmc Calculations for AE_3SO_3 and the Contribution of EO in Micellization ─── QSPR模型对AE_3SO_3表面活性剂的cmc计算及其分子中EO基团对胶束化的作用

35、A new application of catalytic distillation (CD) for the production of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGMBE) from ethylene oxide (EO) and n-butanol was developed. ─── 提出以环氧乙烷和正丁醇为原料,应用催化蒸馏法制乙二醇单丁醚的新工艺。

36、For the same in the chain length of EO, the surface tensiondecreases with the increase of PO/EO value. ─── EO 链段长相同,PO/EO 越大,表面张力越低;

37、EO imaging tracker ─── 光电成像跟踪系统

38、EO stealth ─── 光电隐身

39、On the basis of assignment of diad and triad sequences,characterizations of the main chain carbon-13 spectra of the polymers with different PO to EO ratios as well as possible sequence distribution are discussed. ─── 在对其链结构进行有效归属的基础上,讨论了不同配比聚合物的核磁共振主链碳谱特点及其可能的单元链节排列顺序。

40、PLZT electro-optic (EO) ceramic has good transparency and high EO effect.It has many advantages for realizing the all-fiber Q-switch. ─── PLZT电光陶瓷具有良好的透明性、高电光系数等特性,用来实现全光纤调Q开关具有很大的优势。

41、Endogenous Ouabain is an endocrine hormone which playes an important role in the modulation of blood pressure, but the relationship between EO and H-PP remains unclear. ─── 内源性哇巴因是一种内分泌激素,在血压调节中发挥重要作用,它与宽脉压的关系目前少有研究。

42、Keywords Kinetic spectrophotometry;Formaldehyde;Ethyl orange(EO);Potassium bromate; ─── 动力学光度法;甲醛;乙基橙;溴酸钾;

43、eo provide the textile purchasing services for 179 IKEA stores global. ─── 为宜家全球179个商场提供纺织品采购服务.

44、EO's directors declined to answer questions but said in a statement that they had played a major role in opening Ghana's oil industry, and done so lawfully and without using “improper influence”. ─── EO的各位董事拒绝回答问题,但他们在一份声明中表示,他们为加纳石油业的起步发挥了重要作用,他们的行为是合法的,并没有利用“不当的权势”。

45、In this issue, we have invited three winning teams which are led by EO colleagues to share their key to success in delivering quality customer service. ─── 今期,我们访问了三支由行政主任带领的得奖队伍,一起分享他们提供优质顾客服务的致胜之道。

46、This thesis discusses the fusion of radar frequency(RF) data and electro-optical (EO) data for tracking and characterization of dismounts (i.e. ─── 性别辨识在近年电脑视觉的领域中,是一个重要且有趣的课题,若能在日常中应用性别辨识,生活将变得更简单和安全。

47、EO TV targeting television pod ─── 光电电视瞄准吊舱

48、Biologist and naturalist EO Wilson calls it biophilia, our innate love for the rest of life. ─── 生物学家和博物学家威尔逊称其为“热爱生命的天性”。

49、Corporate governance and organisational culture: The role of ethics officers ... us to assume that the appointment of an EO is negative for the organisation.... ─── 公司治理和组织文化:道德的作用军官 ... 我们认为,任命一名行政主任是否定的组织。

50、Copolymers with, microphase separation were obtained. The structure of PEO phase domains changed from homogeneously dispersed sphere with regular interface to steric continuous network when the EO content reached 52.16%. ─── PEG-g-PAn共聚物存在着微观相分离,并且当共聚物中的EO单元的摩尔含量增至52.16%时,PEO微区则从相畴界面规则、尺寸分布较均匀的球形结构变成连续的网络结构。

51、The design pressure is set significantly higher than the normal operating pressure to minimize the possibility of an accidental EO release. ─── 设计压力被设定为大大高于普通工作压力,以将发生环氧乙烷泄漏事故的可能性降至最低。

52、In APEC(Na) the alkyl is oktyl and the EO nuber is of 6. In experiments the aqueous phase in volume 5 mL contains 0.4 g APEC(Na), 0.8 g isobutanol, and an inorganic salt, the oil phase is kerosene of the same volume. ─── APEC(Na)中烷基为辛基,氧乙烯基数为6。 实验用水相体积5mL,含APEC(Na)0.4g,异丁醇0.8g及一种无机盐,油相为相同体积的煤油。

53、?: max:saeng gahk ee bah ggwi neun geon chahm shwi un geol nahn eo ri seok ke hon jah yeo ji xiah:ae sseun dah go doe eun ah nin... ─── the way u are (韩文版) 东方神起 hero:cheo nun e bahn hah ki neun him deul eo neol po gi jeon en mil eo seo ji?

54、The Shanghai Chapter of EO is a dynamic and quickly growing not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating China's most influential community of entrepreneurs. ─── EO上海分会是一家充满活力的非盈利性组织,并致力于成为中国最具影响力的企业家团体。

55、EO shall continue to set up tables for large or university-wide conferences/events like Convocation, Commencement etc. ─── 大型或全校性的会议及活动,如开学典礼、毕业典礼等,物业处将继续负责餐桌布置事宜。

56、EO Technics has its headquarter in Korea and its Pan-China regional HQ has wide-spread sales and service networks in China and Taiwan. ─── 伊欧科技的总部在韩国,在大陆和台湾地区有着分布广泛的销售和服务网络。

57、RA indicates rectus abdominis; EO, external oblique; IO, internal oblique; and TA, transerse abdominis. ─── RA,腹直肌;EO,腹外斜肌;IO,腹内斜肌;TA,腹部横切。

58、After 2 day,mass concentrations of NP_5EO and NP_(10)EO remained unchanged, but concentrations oflong-EO-chain NPEOs increased firstly and decreased again. ─── 2天后,NP5EO和NP10EO的质量浓度不再变化;

59、14. Has an inventory of transactions (EI, EO and EQ) and files (ILF and EIF) been reviewed by the project team. ─── 事务(EI,EO和EQ)和文件(ILF和EIF)清单是否被项目组成员评审过。

60、"Lo", "Eo", "Mo", ... are the base cost indices or reference prices, expressed in the relevant currency of payment, each of which is applicable to the relevant tabulated cost element on the Base Date. ─── 是基本费用指数或参照价格,以相应的支付货币表示,按照在基准日期时相关表中的费用因素的费用指数或参照价格确定。

61、Keywords pesticide microemulsion;cloud point;EO;cosurfactant; ─── 农药微乳剂;浊点;EO加成数;助表面活性剂;

62、EO group and EL group received intravenous injection of oleic acid or lipopolysaccharide respectively. ─── EO组和EL组分别注射油酸0.175ml/kg和脂多糖2.5mg/kg。

63、EO countermeasure ─── 光电对抗

64、Furthermore, the interaction of external knowledge acquisition and EO facilitates intrafirm knowledge sharing. ─── 企业家导向与外部知识获取的交互影响提高了企业内部知识共享程度;

65、The forming process of AC electroosmosis (AC EO) flow was explained during exploring the mechanism of electro polarization. ─── 摘要在阐述电极极化机制的基础上说明了交流电渗流的形成过程;

66、Secondly, LN9912 EO gene was cloned into pGEX4T, pETSO and pMAL-p2X respectively, with strains BL21 and BL21 (DE3) codon plus, BL21(DE3) and BL21 (DE3) codon plus, TB1 and BL21 C DE3) codon plus as their corresponding expression hosts. ─── 其次,将猪瘟兔化弱毒株(HCLV)EO基因分别插入pGEX4T,pET30,pMAL-p2X中,并分别构建了以BL21和BL21(DE3)codon plus,BL21(DE3)和BL21(DE3)codon plus,TB1和BL21(DE3)codon plus为宿主菌株的原核表达系。

67、Measurement of the Complex Electro Optic (EO) Tensor of Dye doped Polymer Films with a Mach Zehnder Interferometer ─── Mach-Zehnder干涉仪法测定染料掺杂高聚物薄膜复数电光系数

68、Founded in March 1998, C EO & CIO is oriented to enterprise management and improvement by applying information technology, ─── 1998 年 3 月,《 IT 经理世界》诞生,从信息技术推动企业管理进步这个角度切入,

69、What risks ishe ople's Insurance Company of China able eo cover? ─── 中国人民保险公司承保的险别有哪些?

70、Design of Servo Parameters and Analysis of Tracking Error Algorithm for Airborne Electro-optic(EO) Tracking Equipment ─── 光电跟踪伺服参数设计与跟踪算法误差分析

71、NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon, using EO-1 ALI data. ─── 美国航空航天局地球观测图像由robert Simmon提供,使用EO - 1ali数据。

72、The image is from the Advanced Land Imager on NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite. ─── 这一图片来自NASA地球监测1号(EO - 1)卫星搭载的先进陆地成像仪。

73、Mass concentration of NP15EOdecreased 98% again after 7 days, and those of NP18EO and NP_(20)EO decreased 90% after 14days. ─── NP_(15)EO、NP_(18)EO、NP_(20)EO的表观质量浓度出现先增加再降低的现象,7天后NP_(15)EO的质量浓度与初始相比又降到98%,14天后NP_(18)EO和NP_(20)EO的质量浓度又降到90%;

74、And CTAS method was applicable for NPEOswith EO number more than 10, while porphyrin method was more fitted to NPEOs with EOnumber between 5 and 20.Aerobic biodegradation of NPEOs was tested in shaking-flask. ─── 卟啉法适用于测定EO数5~20的NPEOs的生物降解度,硫氰酸钴法(CTAS法)适用于测定EO数?10的NPEOs的生物降解度。

75、The composition of Electro-Optic Signal Environment (EOSE) may reflect directly the electromagnetic situation of EO spectrum in the battlefield. ─── 摘要战场光电信号环境的构成最直接地反映了战场光电频谱的电磁态势。

76、In regard to product technology, we have imported the EO rigid pipe ferrule technology and No-Skive hose clamping technology so as to ensure the technical requirements of reliability and no leakage for the fluid circuit. ─── 在产品技术上我们引进EO硬管卡套技术和无需剥胶的软管扣压技术,确保液压系统管路的可靠性、无泄漏的技术要求。

77、The Application of HAZOP Risk Analysis in EO Tank Farm ─── HAZOP风险分析在环氧乙烷罐区的应用

78、Eo Strauss, The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism ─── 古典政治理性主义

79、5Content :Nitrilotriacetic acid,fatty alcohol c12-c14 with 8Mol EO . ─── 主要成份:次氮基三乙酸钠盐,脂肪醇非阳离子表面活性剂。

80、Eo grade flooring board ─── E0级地板

81、EO products are used in a variety of applications ranging from DNA sequencing to retinal eye scanning to high-speed factory automation. ─── EO产品被应用于各种应用软件,从DNS测试视网膜扫描到高速工厂自动化。

82、The Caucasian CD158 gene were cloned by Long EO Laboratory in USA. ─── 国内未见CD158基因的克隆及其功能的研究报道。

83、The results obtained through the experiment are discussed with respect to the issues in SLA. It was found that once Learner's acquire the ZERO CAUS, they are able to work out the correct argument structure of EO verbs. ─── 实验结果表明,一旦学习者能够习得零词素CAUS,他们就能正确掌握EO心理动词的论元结构。

84、k = 8.33x104e-6.936/RT. the activeenergy Eo is 6.936kJ/mol. ─── 反应速度常数与温度的关系式为k=8.33×10~4_e~(-6.936/RT),反应活化能E_0为6.936kJ/mol。

85、Electro - optical( EO ) polymers have been extensively studied due to their potential applications in optoelectronics. ─── 电光高分子材料由于其在光电子信息领域的潜在应用前景已得到了广泛关注和深入研究。

86、All the products are made of medical grade high polymer material, and sterilized with EO, pyrogen-free, non-hemolysis reaction, non-toxic. ─── 本产品采用医用高分子材料制造,经环氧乙烷气体灭菌、无菌、无热原、无溶血反应、无急性全身毒性。

87、Finally, EO positively moderates intrafirm knowledge sharing and indigenous firm innovation relationship. ─── 企业家导向能够增强内部知识共享对自主创新的促进作用。

88、Keywords atmospheric pressure ionization technique;polyoxyethylene;n EO numbers;disperse dye; ─── 大气压离子化技术;聚氧乙烯醚;EO数;分散染料;

89、If I could do anything it would eo become a Airforce pilot. ─── 如果你可以做任何事情你将会做什麽?

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