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09-04 投稿



cygnet 发音

英:['s?gn?t]  美:['s?ɡn?t]

英:  美:

cygnet 中文意思翻译



cygnet 短语词组

1、cygnet airplane ─── 小天鹅飞机

2、cygnet bird ─── 小天鹅

3、cygnet sink ─── 小天鹅水槽

4、cygnet aircraft ─── 小天鹅飞机

5、cygnet yarn ─── 小天鹅纱

6、aston martin cygnet ─── 阿斯顿马丁小天鹅

7、cygnet def def ─── 项目

8、cygnet stainless ─── 小天鹅不锈钢

cygnet 词性/词形变化,cygnet变形


cygnet 相似词语短语

1、signet ─── n.印;图章;vt.盖章于;n.(Signet)人名;(法)西涅

2、cygnets ─── n.小天鹅

3、carnet ─── n.(法)官方证明信件;车票簿;通关卡;n.(Carnet)人名;(法)卡尔内

4、cronet ─── 克洛内

5、beignet ─── n.带馅煎饼;n.(Beignet)人名;(法)贝涅

6、magnet ─── n.磁铁;[电磁]磁体;磁石;n.(Magnet)人名;(塞)马格内特;(西)马涅特;(法)马涅

7、cabinet ─── n.内阁;橱柜;展览艺术品的小陈列室;外壳;adj.内阁的;私下的,秘密的

8、bayonet ─── n.刺刀;卡销;vt.用刺刀刺;vi.用刺刀;劈刺

9、cornet ─── n.短号;圆锥形纸袋;n.(Cornet)人名;(法、罗)科尔内

cygnet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The iQ's roof and door panels, and even the headlights and side mirrors, are carried over for the Cygnet. ─── 智商的屋顶和门板,甚至头灯和侧后视镜,结转的小天鹅。

2、The Cygnet does not signal the end of desirable beasts like the DB9 and the DBS. ─── 的小天鹅并不意味着结束可取野兽如DB9和星展银行。

3、Jiangsu manufactory of 3 rivers electric equipment is willing its the share of 51 % , free gives joint-stock company of the cygnet that do not have stannum. ─── 江苏三江电器制造厂甘愿将其51%的股份,无偿赠予给无锡小天鹅股份公司。

4、Service and comfort are a top priority for guests, naturally, service and comfort are also a top priority for Cygnet Inn. ─── 宽2米长2米的柔软大床,精心考虑的内部装修,可口美味的免费早餐,舒适是我们永远的主题.

5、that the product locates also is pair of cygnet what develop the strategy to internationalization brand company by manufacturer of international home appliance is great encourage. ─── 也是对小天鹅由国际家电制造商向国际化品牌公司发展战略的极大鼓励。

6、A cygnet is hovered by a duck. ─── 野鸭孵化出的小天鹅

7、Li Hong of Chai Xinjian of general manager of Inc. of the cygnet that do not have stannum, vise general manager attended prize-giving activity. ─── 无锡小天鹅股份有限公司总经理柴新建、副总经理李宏等参加了本次颁奖活动。

8、"Cygnet " investment halve, year productivity enlarges half as much again however. ─── “小天鹅”投资减半,年生产能力却扩大一倍半。

9、The cygnet say:Everyone to see my swan hair, gorgeous! ─── 小天鹅说:大家来看我的天鹅毛,华丽!

10、A young swan is called a cygnet. ─── 小天鹅叫做“cygnet”。

11、Then, the main job of the half a lifetime after it feels, give the cygnet that still learning to fly namely people taletelling, let cygnet people know the world has how old, nature has many bizarre. ─── 于是,它觉得后半生的主要工作,就是给还在学飞的小天鹅们讲故事,让小天鹅们知道世界有多大,大自然有多奇异。

12、The Cygnet does not signal the end of desirable beasts like the DB9 and the DBS. ─── 的小天鹅并不意味着结束可取野兽如DB9和星展银行。

13、As revealed by the teaser image, the Cygnet will adopt some very distinct Aston Martin trademarks to differentiate it from its Toyota sibling. ─── 透露的挑逗形象,小天鹅将通过一些非常独特的阿斯顿马丁商标,以区别于其丰田同胞。

14、The changeofLove River in recent years is like a modern Fairy Tale of how Cygnet transforms into Swan. ─── 爱河近几年的变化,彷佛是一则丑小鸭变天鹅的现代版童话故事。

15、At the same time, we will integrate the two strategy, formulate the composed strategy of “economic hotel group”of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company, achieve the advantages in the competition. ─── 并将其加以整合,制定出小天鹅酒店管理公司的组合发展战略,即“经济型酒店集团”的组合战略,以充分利用市场机会,力争在未来的市场竞争中取得优势。

16、Look with your experience, siweite is datival Lin Ke Er, the which new boss that suits to do cygnet more? ─── 以您的经验看,斯威特与格林柯尔,哪个更适合做小天鹅的新东家?王明夫:如果我们立足于收购方的角度看,很难一概而论谁更适合做小天鹅的新东家。

17、Aston Martin Cygnet: Handcrafted, Too? ─── 阿斯顿马丁小天鹅:品吗?

18、Chang Guang Liao is the co-founder of Chongqing Cygnet Investment Group and oversees the overall corporate development and strategic planning of the company. ─── 他主要负责公司的整体发展和战略规划。

19、My dearest Miss Cygnet, I see I don't look good. ─── 亲爱的小天鹅,我知道我外形不佳。

20、Joy Cygnet Restaurant Management Company makes every effort to become China's number one brand for specialty food and its hard work has been gratifying. ─── 佳永小天鹅餐饮公司致力成为中国的第一品牌,把特色饮食带给千家万户。

21、The 100 job of Beijing believing a shoe that get favour fully and do not have stannum " cygnet " the example that it may be said is characteristic service. ─── 备受青睐的北京百信鞋业以及无锡的“小天鹅”可谓是特色服务的典范。

22、I felt like a cross between a Tchaikovsky cygnet and a lipizzaner. ─── 我感觉就像是夹在柴可夫斯基的小天鹅和利比扎马中间。

23、” Believe it or not, the blobby Aston Martin Cygnet, which is only a concept for now, is set to go on sale in Europe in the first half of next year. ─── 不管你相信与否,blobby阿斯顿马丁的小天鹅,这仅仅是一个概念,就目前而言,将开始在欧洲发售,在明年上半年明年。

24、The brand such as oil of Lai of Cui of the cygnet, button that bring profit, Zhoudafu, Suo Ni, DELL, China, Nuojiya acquires credit brand. ─── 小天鹅、安利纽崔莱、周大福、索尼、DELL、中国石油、诺基亚等品牌获得信誉品牌。

25、2. A young swan is called a cygnet. ─── 米勒先生是一位诚实的律师,非常难得。

26、Ocean Cygnet Ballet Troupe Debut ─── 大洋小天鹅芭蕾舞团首演

27、Under his leadership, Chongqing Cygnet Investment Group has transformed from a three table Hot Pot vendor to a leading national enterprise. ─── 被评为中国社会主义优秀建设者。

28、In an April 1998 of the card cygnet service, wrote several 63,476,905 Beijing maintenance number. ─── 在一张1998年4月的小天鹅服务卡上,写着63476905等几个北京维修号码。

29、This is pair of cygnet with " always pay close attention to consumer, bring consumer honest consideration " the best and affirmative; ─── 这是对小天鹅以“时刻关注消费者,带给消费者实实在在的关怀”的产品定位的最好肯定;

30、While the Cygnet's styling, package, and powertrain may not endear it to current Aston Martin owners, its sheer exclusivity might convince some of them to buy one anyway. ─── 虽然小天鹅的造型,包装,和动力可能不会钟爱它目前阿斯顿马丁所有者,它的绝对排他性可能说服一些人购买反正。

31、Then, we will make use of the SWOT、EFE、IFE analytic methods to analyze the opportunities、threats、strengths and weaknesses, determinate the developing direction of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company. ─── 然后采用SWOT分析法和EFE、IFE矩阵分析法对小天鹅酒店管理公司面对的机会和威胁,自身的优势和劣势进行量化分析,确定了小天鹅酒店管理公司未来的发展方向。

32、Explore Aug 25/08 (dropped)..Mute Swan and cygnet - View Large for effect - IMG_9814 ─── 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。

33、However, not just anyone will be able to buy a Cygnet. ─── 然而,不只是所有人都能够购买小天鹅。

34、A cygnet is hovered by a duck. ─── 野鸭孵化出的小天鹅

35、Aston Martin releases the first official images of the Aston Martin Cygnet Concept - a new luxury commuter concept car. ─── 阿斯顿马丁发布的阿斯顿马丁小天鹅概念的首次官方影像-一个新的豪华通勤概念车。

36、Teach cygnet people after be brought up, want to follow ideal to fly to distance. ─── 教导小天鹅们长大以后,要跟着理想飞向远方。

37、“Our immediate priority is with existing Aston Martin customers and we will start to make the Cygnet available in Europe first. ─── “我们的当务之急是与现有的阿斯顿马丁的顾客,我们将开始使小天鹅在欧洲推出第一。

38、The Cygnet is expected to keep most of these attributes, but its interior is expected to be as luxurious as that found in any other Aston Martin model. ─── 在小天鹅预计将保持大多数这些属性,但其内部预计将作为豪华如发现任何其他阿斯顿马丁模式。

39、I felt like a cross between a Tchaikovsky cygnet and a lipizzaner. ─── 我感觉就像是夹在柴可夫斯基的小天鹅和利比扎马中间。

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