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09-04 投稿


coincided 发音

英:[?k???n?sa?d?d]  美:[?ko??n?sa?d?d]

英:  美:

coincided 中文意思翻译




coincided 词性/词形变化,coincided变形

动词现在分词: coinciding |动词过去分词: coincided |动词第三人称单数: coincides |动词过去式: coincided |

coincided 常用词组

coincide with ─── 符合;与...相一致

happen to coincide ─── 不约而同;不谋而合

coincided 短语词组

1、coincided well ─── 吻合良好

2、coincided def ─── 重合def

3、coincided sentences ─── 重合句

4、coincided means ─── 重合手段

5、coincided meaning ─── 重合意义

6、coincided define ─── 重合定义

7、coincided defined ─── 重合定义

8、coincided with ─── 符合;与……相一致

9、coincided synonym ─── 重合同义词

coincided 相似词语短语

1、coinciding ─── vi.一致,符合;同时发生;vi.(在性格、品质等方面)完全一致,相符

2、coincidental ─── adj.巧合的;符合的;暗合的;一致的

3、coincidency ─── 巧合,

4、coincidences ─── n.巧合;一致;同时发生

5、coincidence ─── n.巧合;一致;同时发生

6、confided ─── vt.吐露;委托;vi.信赖;吐露秘密

7、coincident ─── adj.一致的;符合的;同时发生的

8、coincides ─── 两件或更多的事情同时发生(coincide的第三人称单数);相符(coincide的第三人称单数);一致(coincide的第三人称单数)

9、coincide ─── vi.一致,符合;同时发生;vi.(在性格、品质等方面)完全一致,相符

coincided 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But Mr Weiss's arrival in Istanbul coincided with the burgeoning of Turkish curiosity about their Ottoman and Sufi roots. ─── 不过,韦斯来到伊斯坦布尔时,土耳其人恰好对过去的奥斯曼时代和苏菲派音乐充满好奇。

2、The cold war coincided with the invention of computers, and "cracking Russian" was one of the first tasks these machines were set. ─── 冷战正值电脑的发明,以及“打击俄罗斯的”是对这些机器设置的首要任务之一。

3、N.Undersecretary General Jose Antonio Ocampo's comments today (Monday) in Geneva coincided with the release of a U.N. progre report. ─── 在联合国副秘书长奥坎波星期一发表上述评论的同时,联合国公布了这个进展报告。

4、He commented that the screening of Ugly Wudi coincided with the global economic meltdown, and the show offered a balm to the young people who faced grim job prospects. ─── 他评论说丑女无敌的上映和全球金融危机的时间巧合了,这部电视剧对那些要面对灰暗的就业前景的年轻人提供了一剂镇痛膏。

5、Ago coincided with a "22" In the summer, he was hidden from family, from Guangzhou, Shantou, to accompany me back over 22. ─── 以前刚好碰上有个“22号”在暑假,他瞒过家里人,从广州赶回汕头陪我过22号。

6、But the world banking crisis coincided with a rapid upsurge of antibank feeling. ─── 但是不巧,在发生世界性的银行危机时,反对银行的情绪也在迅速高涨。

7、The time at which this prize category was inaugurated coincided with the high tide of the Norway independence movement. ─── 当诺贝尔设立各种奖项时,正值挪威独立运动鼎盛时期。

8、Their stories coincided. ─── 他们的叙述一致.

9、Elastohydrodynamic studies have almost entirely been restricted to the case where lubricant entrainment coincided with the minor axis of the Hertzian contact ellipse. ─── 以往的点接触弹流润滑研究往往局限于分析卷吸速度方向与接触椭圆短轴相重合的工况。

10、His revulsion against left-wing politics, which was sudden, coincided with his decision that Molly was immoral, sloppy and bohemian. ─── 他反对左翼政治的突变,同他断定莫莉是不道德、邋遢、生活放荡的看法是相一致的。

11、He engaged in work which coincided with his own inclination. ─── 他从事符合他自己爱好的工作。

12、To a great extent, the development of geomechanics has coincided with the development of increasingly sophisticated logging tools, such as sonic and imaging logs. ─── 在很大程度上,地质力学的发展已经与愈发复杂的测井工具的发展相一致,如声波测井和成像测井。

13、A drastic interest-rate cut this week coincided with stockmarket upheaval. ─── 伴随着本周利率的大幅降低而来的是证券市场有力的反弹。

14、Her story coincided exactly with her brother's. ─── 她和她兄弟所讲的完全一致。

15、Thus, it is better to have the centre axis of gyroscope coincided with the gimbal ring and drive axis to reduce the influence to the dynamically tuned gyroscope. ─── 因此,在装配中应尽量做到陀螺、平衡环及驱动轴的轴线重合,以便减小对动力调谐陀螺的调谐条件的影响。

16、The results of calculation coincided with the design and field data,which can be used in optimization design of industrial phosgene production unit. ─── 其计算结果同国外设计及现场数据十分吻合,可用于光气工业生产的优化设计。

17、Its development coincided with a desire not now just to survive but to set up a new society which would be better than that of prewar years. ─── 其发展,现在不仅仅系乎活下去的愿望了,而是要建立一个比战前更美好的新社会。

18、"His interest happily coincided with his duty" (Edward A. Freeman). ─── “令人高兴的是他的兴趣碰巧和他的责任相一致” (爱德华·A·福莱门)

19、This coincided with its reopening up to the outside world which has enabled an increasing number of Americans to travel there in order to experience at first hand the splendours of this venerable civilisation. ─── 中国对外开放,也让许多美国人有机会亲身体验,这个文明古国的风采。

20、The attack on Mr. Ramos-Horta coincided with an ambush on the home of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, who escaped unharmed. ─── 当袭击霍尔塔总统的同时,总理古斯芒的住家附近也发生了伏击行动,而古斯芒安然脱险。

21、The closing ceremony of the Al-Bassil Fair coincided with celebrations of the World IP Day on April 26, 2006. ─── Al-Bassil展览会的闭幕式正值2006年4月26日世界知识产权日庆祝活动。

22、Second, they coincided with one of the largest periods of vulcanicity in the past billion years. ─── 其次,这两次碰撞正好发生在过去10万年间火山活动最为剧烈的时候。

23、The process of petiole in reflecting the variation of plant growth increment and nitrate accumulation among spinach cultivars was not coincided with that of blade. ─── 叶柄和叶片在反映品种间生长量和硝态氮含量变异方面的作用并不相同。

24、His two terms in office (1981-1989) coincided with a period of economic prosperity, the crumbling of the Soviet bloc and a renewed sense of pride among Americans still reeling from the Vietnam War. ─── 在里根两届总统任期内(1981-1989),美国经济空前繁荣,而苏联集团土崩瓦解,美国人民的自豪感在经历越南战争的打击之后逐渐开始恢复。

25、Chinalco's interest coincided with other bids from companies wholly owned by the Chinese government, including Minmetals' pitch for OZ Minerals. ─── 中铝投标的利益和其他整个属于中国政府的公司一样,包括五矿给OZ矿产的投标。

26、Since 2004 the near tripling of trading in oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world's biggest market for the stuff, has neatly coincided with a tripling in the price. ─── 从2004年以来,纽约商品期货交易所的原油交易量增长了近3倍,纽约商品期货交易所是全球最大的原油交易市场,交易量激增三倍正好和油价激涨3倍契合起来。

27、However, if the mass center of liquid is not coincided with that of flight vehicle, the influences of liquid gravity moment become large. ─── 而由于充液质心与飞行器质心不重合,却使液体质量力矩的影响变大。

28、The surge in Iraq has coincided with tougher action against Iran. ─── 增兵计划在伊拉克付诸实施的时机,恰逢美国对伊朗立场进一步强硬化。

29、The test shows that the diagnosis results given by the software are coincided with the measured results. ─── 应用实例说明运用本软件得出的电器设备故障诊断结论与实际情况吻合。

30、The change came in 1904 and coincided with a massive upturn in fortunes, including League and F.A.Cup wins. ─── 1904年,联赛杯和足总杯中的连续胜利让球队改变了颜色,成为斑马军团。

31、Rock lobsters prey on sea urchins, and increased rock lobster densities coincided with significant decreases in urchins. ─── 岩石龙虾以海胆为食,而岩石龙虾密度的增加正好与海胆数量的显著减少相吻合。

32、The result of experiment indicated that the design was simple,feasible and precision as well as it coincided the time order of the TCD2252D and worked well. ─── 实验结果表明该设计简单可行、精确度高,完全符合TCD2252D的时序要求,工作稳定可靠。

33、LSD seemed just right for the sixties.It's appearance coincided with an economic boom and in ideological crisis. ─── LSD的出现恰逢上个世纪60年代,它的出现伴随着经济繁荣和意识形态危机。

34、But the stratum division was based on several AMS 14C-ages which were coincided with the stratum sequences. ─── 但地层划分的依据是与地层沉积顺序完全一致的数个14C测年。

35、His opinion coincided with mine. ─── 他的意见与我的一致。

36、Our vacations coincided this year. ─── 今年我们的假期在同一时期。

37、Roland Kaye cut the huge Moon Cake to celebrate the gathering of CIMA members in China as this event coincided with the Mid-Autumn Festival. ─── CIMA会长与会员分享巨型月饼共庆中秋节。

38、The transfer of the capital coincided with China's political fragmentation into a succession of dynasties that was to last from a.D. 304 to 589. ─── 当时中国在政治上正分裂成一系列的王朝,这种分裂局面从公元304年一直持续到公元589年。

39、"Some of the victims made the association that these 'attacks' coincided with watching television or from working at their computers. ─── 受害者中的一些人联想到这些“攻击”与看电视和在他们的电脑上工作时间相符合。

40、Any letter in the ship's mail bag might contain information of great value to a competitor, and so mail day coincided with the sailing rather than the arrival of ship. ─── 任何在船只邮件包里的信件可能包含著竞争对手想要的重要资讯,所以寄邮件的日期恰好是船离港的时间而非到达的时间。

41、The opening of the Parliament on the first of December coincided with World AIDs Day. ─── 会议开幕首日十二月一日恰巧就是全球爱滋病之日。

42、Compared the AHP, the fuzzy-AHP was chosen to calculate the weight of the factors. And the results are coincided with the fact. ─── 在分析比较层次分析法与模糊层次分析法的优缺点后,选定模糊层次分析法计算各影响因素的权重,且结果与实际情况相符。

43、C,to 0.5.Bilateral undescending testes were noted in 2 cases of 16 months males,one of whom was nentally retarded and coincided with AGR syndrome. ─── 2例有隐睾,其中1例智力异常,符合 AGR 综合症。

44、He and his wife could not go to the theatre together because his free time never coincided with hers. ─── 他和他的妻子不能一起去看戏,因为他跟她从来都不同时空闲。

45、For the past two decades the growing integration of the world economy has coincided with the intellectual ascent of the Anglo-Saxon brand of free-market capitalism, with America as its cheerleader. ─── 二十多年来,世界经济一体化的进展与盎格鲁-撒克逊带有自由资本主义烙印的知识发展相符,也与拉拉队长美国一致。

46、The accolade coincided with his starring role in Germany's European U17 Championship triumph. ─── 他在德国U17充分发挥他在队中的核心作用帮助德国U17拿到欧洲杯冠军。

47、As usual in China, Huang’s ascent and his downfall seem to have coincided with influence wielded by powerful men inside the government bureaucracy. ─── 一如往常,黄光裕的发迹和失势似乎与中国政府官僚内部的权力人士施加的影响密切相关。

48、In Azerbaijan, detection of the virus has coincided with die-offs of domestic birds. ─── 在阿塞拜疆,病毒的发现与家禽的相继死亡同时发生。

49、California's housing boom coincided with a large increase in out-migration, as expensive housing drove residents to neighbouring states. ─── 之前加州房价飙升之际正值人口大量外流之时,当地民众不堪咋舌房价纷纷移居周边各州。

50、The manoeuvring coincided with the rejection by member states of a European Commission recommendation to prolong antidumping duties against Chinese and Vietnamese footwear. ─── 在欧盟分配职位之际,成员国拒绝了欧盟委员会对中国和越南鞋类产品延长征收反倾销关税的提议。

51、They also made sure that key positions within the corporate hierarchies were occupied by people whose goals and opinions coincided with their own. ─── 他们还提出了确保关键职位的企业等级被占领的人民的目标和意见符合自己。

52、The polished InP substrate is put in the dense etchant of HCl,a etched groove pattern can be observed on the polished surface,It can be found that the orientation of the etched grooves is coincided with[110]on(001) InP. ─── 将去掉机械划痕的 InP 衬底放入浓 HCl,发现腐蚀出的条形沟方向是和片子的[110]方向一致。

53、The trend of HOMO energy levels of the isomers is coincided with their stabilities, and the isomer having lower HOMO energy level is more stable. ─── 异构体的HOMO能级的高低与其稳定性相对应,HOMO能级低的异构体稳定性好。

54、Water temperature rises of less than one degree coincided with the world's worst recorded coral Bleaching episode in 1988. ─── 世界上有记载的最严重的珊瑚退色事件发生在1988年,刚好这一年海水温度上升了不到1摄氏度。

55、All this has coincided with an exceptionally favourable period for corporate-debt markets. ─── 所有这些凑巧碰到一个非正常地对公司债券市场的偏好时期。

56、The outbreak of the Second World War coincided with Jennings' first serious foray into both poetry and religion,which she stated as "a real and important part of my life. ─── 二战爆发时,詹宁斯刚好开始认真地尝试涉足诗歌和宗教领域,她宣称,这两个领域是她“生命中真实而重要的部分”。

57、Results obtained from the brain samples of 5 sika deer, 3 cattle and 4 sheep completely coincided with those of other diagnostic methods. ─── 对5只鹿、3头牛和4只羊脑组织的检测结果皆与其它诊断结果相符;

58、The depths of plastic deformation were well coincided with the buckling heights of the plane samples,and the buckling height was influenced greatly by the peening processing parameters. ─── 平板样品喷丸后的翘曲高度与表面变形层深度有较好的对应关系,可以用来衡量喷丸强度的大小。

59、Mr Brown was lucky that the last global downturn, precipitated by the dotcom crash, coincided with a surge in public spending that had, handily, already been planned. ─── 官方11月份零售业数据很弱,这导致了本月早些时候零售商的股票价格下跌。

60、They started in the mid-1970s, in the wake of the world's first oil shock and after 25 years of American-style, car-centric traffic management that had coincided with a sharp decline in cycling. ─── 他们开始在1970年代中期之后,世界上第一个石油危机和25年后的美国式的,汽车为中心的交通管理已符合急剧下降循环。

61、The drop in spending coincided with the earthquake on the Indonesian island of Nias on March 28 and the resurgence in tsunami fears. ─── 今年3月28日在印尼尼亚斯岛发生的地震再次引发了人们对海啸的恐惧,导致旅游消费再次下降。

62、Earlier this year, because of the outbreak of the case Da Zhen, Huang Rui Liang coincided with the Swiss accounts were frozen, time is too coincidental. ─── 因为今年初鐽震案爆发时,刚好碰上黄睿靓的瑞士账户被冻结,时间点实在太巧合。

63、One big difference is that the previous episode of quantitative easing coincided with stringent budget-tightening under Junichiro Koizumi, the then prime minister. ─── 一个很大的差异是早前的量化宽松是与前首相小泉纯一郎的严格的预算紧缩政策相一致的。

64、U.N.Undersecretary General Jose Antonio Ocampo's comments today (Monday) in Geneva coincided with the release of a U.N. progress report. ─── 在联合国副秘书长奥坎波星期一于日内瓦发表上述评论的同时,联合国公布了这个进展报告。

65、His comments coincided with a survey this week. ─── 他的意见与本周的一项调查结果一致。

66、Stable growth of results coincided with rapidly improved market capitalization since the IPO of the company. ─── 上市以来,业绩稳定增长与公司市值快速提高相伴而生。

67、His time of arrival coincided with yours. ─── 他到达的时间与你相同。

68、America's invasion of Iraq, and the Kremlin's attack on Yukos against the background of a rising oil price, coincided to change Russia's direction and subsequently its relationship with the West. ─── 在油价不断上涨的背景下,美国入侵伊拉克,克里姆林宫处理尤科斯,这两件事同时发生改变了俄罗斯的方向,并继而改变了它和西方的关系。

69、Our opinion of the question coincided . ─── 对于这个问题我们观点一致。

70、Why tears are kept engulfing my sore eyes? Just bacause we coincided with the same nostalgia? ─── 喜悦出于巧合,眼泪何必固执。

71、Russian President Dmitri is proposing a summit in Moscow involving all countries affected by the ongoing gas crisis, which has coincided with plunging winter temperatures in Europe. ─── 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫建议所有受到天然气危机影响的国家召开一次峰会。这次危机正值欧洲寒冬时节气温骤然下降。

72、Her arrival coincided with our departure. ─── 她来到时我们正好离开。

73、Immediately before that time, a disturbed zone which is recognized at one station appears to have coincided with the onset of the last glaciation. ─── 在此之前有一岩心显示有一扰乱带与最后一次冰河期之起始时间约略相同。

74、The arrival of these hunters coincided with a time of great change of the plains. ─── 随着猎人的到来,这个广袤的平原也迎来大变化的时期。

75、It is worth noticing that this increase coincided with unseasonably warm winters across the US, coupled with price increases averaging 8.1 per cent on fur and fur-trimmed garments and accessories. ─── 值得引起注意的是,这一增长是在遍及整个美国的暖冬现象,和毛皮、毛皮服饰、其他附件均价上升8.1的情况下出现的。

76、To the government, this premise appeared to have passed field tests.Between 1953 and 1957, the growth of China's agricultural production coincided with the collectivization movement. ─── 对于政府来说,其前提必须是先通过土地产量的测试,从1953年到1957年之间,农业产量的增长与集体化生产是相符的。

77、Abstract: The regional consciousness in West Africa came before the territorial nationalism of the area and they had at times been coincided, mutually accelerated and developing in the history. ─── 内容提要西非区域意识先于西非领地性民族意识出现,二者在历史上既有重合的时候,也有此消彼长的时候,还有互为促进、共同发展的时候。

78、Its days have been numbered since the collapse of the Berlin Wall coincided with the bursting of Japan's bubble economy. ─── 但自柏林墙倒塌与日本泡沫经济破裂同时发生的那刻起,自民党就时日无多了。

79、Her attitude towards this matter coincided with mine. ─── 她对这件事情的态度和我的一致。

80、When our vacations coincided, we often holidayed together. ─── 当我们的假期碰到一起时,我们经常一起去度假。

81、The shop's opening coincided with the Christmas rush. ─── 这家商店的开张正赶上圣诞节购物高峰。

82、Our opinion of the question coincided. ─── 对于这个问题, 我们观点一致。

83、Perhaps that is a coincidence that China's WTO accession coincided with the time each of the domestic Security Show time close. ─── 也许是巧合,中国加入WTO的时间正好与每年的国内安防大展时间贴近。

84、The results coincided quite well with those of traditional phyto-taxonomy.It was proved that the associated technique could extend the applic... ─── 应用该技术鉴别丹参、板蓝根和蛇床子药材,所得分类结果与传统植物分类学结果一致。

85、The various revolutions in South America also directly coincided with the passage of the energies through those areas. ─── 南美洲的各种革命也直接地与通过这些区域的能量通道相一致。

86、Your enquiry coincided with our offer. ─── 你方询盘正好与我方报盘同时发出。

87、She was asked to provide urine samples every 24 hours, and one of the collection times coincided with a play to which he had invited her. ─── 她被要求每24小时就要提供一次尿的样本,而提供样本的时间又与Kelsey邀她看戏的时间相同。

88、Last year, I went to Basketball without Borders in South Africa but this year's visit to Africa coincided with the GB program. ─── 去年,我参加了在南非举行的篮球无国界活动而今年我去非洲是去那里参加英国队的热身比赛。

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