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09-04 投稿


ilium 发音


英:  美:

ilium 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 髂骨


ilium 网络释义

n. [解剖] 髂骨;[解剖] 肠骨

ilium 短语词组

1、ilium anatomy ─── 髂骨解剖学

2、ilium atresia ─── 髂骨闭锁

3、ilium plural ─── 髂骨复数

4、venae circumflexa ilium superficialis ─── [医] 旋髂浅静脉

5、corpora ossis ilium ─── [医] 髂骨体

6、arteriae circumflexa ilium superficialis ─── [医] 旋髂浅动脉

7、ilium pain ─── 髂骨痛

8、fracture of ilium ─── 髂骨骨折

9、venae circumflexa ilium profunda ─── [医] 旋髂深静脉

10、wing of ilium ─── [医] 髂(骨)翼

11、ilium works ─── 髂骨工程

12、ilium meaning ─── 髂骨含义

13、ossa ilium ─── [医] 髂骨

14、Ilium (bone) ─── 上皮(骨)

15、spines of ilium ─── [医] 髂骨诸棘

16、arteriae circumflexa ilium profunda ─── [医] 旋髂深动脉

17、vena circumflexa ilium ─── [医]旋髂静脉

18、lines of ilium ─── [医] 骼骨臀线

19、arteria circumflexa ilium ─── 旋髂动脉

ilium 词性/词形变化,ilium变形


ilium 相似词语短语

1、cilium ─── n.[生物]纤毛;睫毛

2、milium ─── n.美丽姆

3、folium ─── n.薄层;叶形线

4、dolium ─── n.杜力姆陶罐(古罗马时期用于存储或运输货物的大型陶器花瓶或器皿)

5、bivium ─── n.二道体区

6、Valium ─── n.[药]安定(商标名称)

7、Ilium ─── n.伊利昂(古代特洛伊城的拉丁文名)

8、allium ─── n.[植]葱属植物

9、ileum ─── n.[解剖]回肠

ilium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods We operated 8 patients with enchondroma combined pathological fracture at metacarpal or phalanx,one block of ilium autografts was fixed by plate steel or Kirschmer pins. ─── 方法对手掌、指骨内生性软骨瘤合并病理性骨折8例病人,施行了手术治疗,彻底刮除病灶后取自体髂骨块植入,用钢板或交叉克氏针内固定。

2、left ilium ─── 左髂骨

3、The distance from the posterior limit of the ilium to the S1 alar,pedicle,and pedicle axis; and the distance between the outer table of the ilium and anterior cortex of the sacrum were measured on axial computed tomography scans. ─── 在轴位CT上测量髂骨后缘到骶翼、S1椎弓根、S1椎弓根纵轴的距离、髂骨外板与骶椎前缘皮质的距离。

4、Methods Bone flap of ilium with pedicle of deep iliac cirumflex vascula was implanted at femoral neck fracture of the patients. ─── 目的探讨分析带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣植入治疗股骨颈骨折的临床疗效。

5、Review of software formatted for the Windows Mobile-based palm Treo 700w, including ALK CoPilot Live, Developer One Code Wallet Pro 2005, Ilium Software ... ─── 审查软件的格式,为基于Windows Mobile的Palm Treo 700瓦特,包括中ALK的CoPilot生活,开发一个代码钱包亲2005年,髂骨软件...

6、ramus ascendens arteriae circumflexae ilium profundae ─── 旋髂深动脉升支

7、The third operation, filling with bone cement + autogenous ilium bone graft + fixation with L-trapezoid compression plate, is an ideal method of bone reconstruction. ─── 结论:自体髂骨+骨水泥填充+L-梯形加压钢板固定的方式是较为理想的骨重建方式。

8、lines of ilium ─── [医] 骼骨臀线

9、He recalled reading the lines somewhere: was this face that lanched a thousands ships, And burned the topless towers of Ilium? ─── 他记得在哪儿读到过这样的句子:这就是那张令征帆叠进、让特洛伊化为焦土的脸吗?

10、A Ilium cepa L. ─── 洋葱

11、It originates from Poupart's ligament, the inner lip of the ilium, the lumbar fascia and the inner surface of the cartilages of the six lower ribs. ─── 下界在体表成沟状。耻骨棘上方两边是腹股沟环,是腹壁肌肉层的开口,在男性的精索在此通过。在此可发生腹股沟疝。

12、Keywords Enchondroma;Pathological fracture;Autografts of ilium; ─── 内生性软骨瘤;病理性骨折;自体髂骨植骨;

13、Keywords deep-frozen allograft;autogeneic ilium;bone defect;repair; ─── 深冷冻异体骨;自体髂骨;骨缺损;修复;

14、Method: 5 cases of MFH-B, Disease position: 1 case of ilium, 3 cases of femor and 1 case of tibia. ─── 此肿瘤为高度恶性,预后差,5年生存率极低。

15、"Ilium will endure forever," said the boastful Trojans as they looked at its solid walls and its noble buildings. ─── “伊利厄姆将永世不衰,”自吹自擂的特洛伊人看着那坚固的城墙和富丽的建筑说。

16、Keywords Revascularized Ilium flap Forefoot Defect; ─── 吻合血管;髂骨皮瓣;前足;缺损;

17、The biomechanics stability of the pelvic ring depends on the integrity of the sacrum, ilium, and sacroiliac ligaments. ─── 骨盆环的生物力学稳定依赖于骶骨、髂骨和骶髂韧带的完整性。

18、We report an unusual case of bifocal sclerosing osteosarcoma in a 38-year-old women that involved the left ilium and right proximal femur. ─── 我们报告一个不寻常的情况下双光硬化性成骨肉瘤的38岁妇女的参与左骼骨和右股骨近端。

19、Clinical Summarization on the Treatment of the Wound of Arthrosis Linked With Rumpbone and Ilium with Manipulation of Bonesetting and Arthrosis Sport: A Report of 13 Cases ─── 正骨手法配合关节运动疗法治疗骶髂关节损伤13例临床小结

20、ossa ilium ─── [医] 髂骨

21、Methods After extracted the self ilium at anterior superior iliac spine, the extraction was made as an adaptive round orbital implant.And it was placed to the orbit in the routine way. ─── 方法于髂前上嵴处手术截取自体髂骨,制作一与眼窝相适应的球形义眼座,按常规方法植入眼眶内。

22、Keywords ilium femur head joint diseases periosteum; ─── 关键词髂骨;股骨头;关节疾病;骨膜;

23、Vena circumflexa superficialis ilium vein of cochlear canaliculus digital v's of foot, common ─── 旋髂浅静脉:同

24、terminal ilium ─── 回肠终端部

25、Objective: To study the effect of pedicled ilium periosteal flap translocation on repairing the defect of articular cartilage of femoral head. ─── 目的:研究用带臀上深上支血管蒂的髂骨膜瓣移位的方法,修复股骨头关节软骨缺损的可行性。

26、Ilium will endure forever. ─── 伊利厄姆将永世不衰。

27、right ilium ─── 右髂骨

28、arteriae circumflexa ilium profunda ─── [医] 旋髂深动脉

29、Methods: Ultrathin skin flap with circumfiexa ilium superficial artery was employed to repair the wound with digital bone exposure in 8 cases. ─── 方法:对8例患者采用带旋髂成动脉超薄皮瓣修复指骨外露创面。

30、The lower lateral limit is the anterior crest of the ilium and Poupart's ligament. ─── 下外侧缘是髂骨前嵴和普帕尔氏韧带。

31、The entire ilium and hip joint can be reached through the iliac part of the incision. ─── 整个髂骨和髋关节都可以通过本切口的髂骨部分到达。

32、Due to large osteolytic lesion in right ilium and right femur revealed on planar X-ray examination, whole body bone scan was arranged to see if there was any abnormal uptake. ─── 因为放射学检查在右侧肠骨与大腿骨发现大面积蚀骨病灶而安排全身骨骼扫描,看看身体是否有其他不正常吸收病灶。

33、Conclusions.The use of screw fixation in the ilium as a means of spinopelic anchorage is safe and effectie in the treatment of neuromuscular scoliosis. ─── 结论:作为脊柱骨盆固定的一种方法,髂骨螺钉固定术在治疗神经肌肉性脊柱侧弯中是安全有效的。

34、Fig. 1-23 Defect in ilium after large graft was remoed. ─── 图1-23髂骨大块取骨遗留的缺损。

35、Methods Three methods:the ilium traction, the pelvic bag traction and the diaplasis of operation incision, were used to treat the unstable pelvic frature. ─── 方法分别采用髂骨牵引、骨盆兜牵引、手术切开复位三种方法。

36、arteriae circumflexa ilium superficialis ─── [医] 旋髂浅动脉

37、Objective: To probe into nursing measures for congenital alveolar process cleft patients undergoing ilium grafting. ─── 探讨先天性牙槽突裂髂骨植骨术病人的护理措施。

38、To deepen acetabulum,we turned over the external ilium lamina as a hinging graft coving on the femoral head when performing iliumotomy. ─── 加之手术切开复位时切开关节囊,对关节囊的动脉也有一定的影响,这样就会造成股骨头的血供相对不足;

39、Clinical Application of the Pedicle Ilium Flaps in Repairing Complicated Hand Injury ─── 带蒂髂骨皮瓣在急性复杂手外伤中的应用

40、Croup: of medium length, large and muscular; slightly showing the tips of both ilium and ischium. ─── 臀部:中等长度,大,肌肉发达,微显示及坐骨提示两者髂骨。

41、Remember that sitting in and of itself "unlocks" the sacrum and the ilium. ─── 记住,坐式本身就会打开骶骨和髂骨之间的“锁”。

42、Pyogenic Osteomyelitis of Ilium in Children: An Analysis of 24 Cases ─── 小儿化脓性髂骨骨髓炎24例分析

43、When chip or slier grafts are required, remoe them with an osteotome or gouge from the outer surface of the wing of the ilium taking only one cortex. ─── 如需要碎骨片或骨条植骨,可用骨凿或弧形凿从髂骨冀外板取骨。

44、It originates from Poupart's ligament/inguinal ligament and the inner anterior crest of the ilium. ─── 从外面就可以看到这些肌肉被三条或更多腱划经过。

45、Methods After extracted the self ilium at anterior superior iliac spine, the extraction was made as an adaptive round orbital implant. ─── 方法于髂前上嵴处手术截取自体髂骨,制作一与眼窝相适应的球形义眼座,按常规方法植入眼眶内。

46、venae circumflexa ilium superficialis ─── [医] 旋髂浅静脉

47、Arteria circumflexa ilium profunda circumflex artery, iliac, superficial ─── 旋髂深动脉:同

48、Keywords Alveolar cleft;Ilium;Bone grafting; ─── 关键词齿槽嵴裂;髂骨;植骨;

49、Methods: A bonygroove was made on the upper rim of the acetabulum, and extended medially and upward on the ilium. ─── 方法:在真臼上缘缺损处,向内上方凿一深骨槽。

50、Methods: The location, attachment and blood supplies of the gluteus minimus and the upper part of the ilium the acetabulum were observed and measured in 40 sides of adult gluteal specimens. ─── 方法:在40侧成人臀部标本上对臀小肌的起点、位置、血供、髋臼上方臀小肌深面髂骨的血供等进行了观测,并在标本上进行模拟术式设计。

51、Treatment of enchondroma combined fracture by autografts of ilium internal fixation ─── 块状植骨内固定治疗内生性软骨瘤合并骨折

52、When the crest of the ilium is not required as part of the graft, split off the lateral side or both sides of the crest in continuity with the periosteum and the attached muscles. ─── 如果不需要髂嵴作为植骨块的一部分,则可将髂嵴的外侧或双侧劈下,使之与骨膜及附着的肌肉相连。

53、sartorial-pedicled ilium bone ─── 肌骨瓣

54、Exposure of the ilium is simple but may cause considerable bleeding. ─── 显露髂骨非常简单,但可导致相当多的出血。

55、vena circumflex ilium profunda ─── 旋髂深静脉

56、Iliac Lamella with Circumflex Ilium Profunda Artery Transplantation in the Treatment of Adult Femoral Ossis Collum Fracture ─── 带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣植骨治疗成人股骨颈骨折

57、Ilium Software Screen Capture is a free, fast, a. ─── 免费手机截屏软件。

58、Treatment of nonunion of humeral fracture using fixation of UADF with autograft of ilium bone and bone marrow blood ─── UADF植骨固定自体骨髓血注入治疗肱骨骨折不愈合

59、Objective: To probe into nursing measures for congenital alveolar process cleft patients undergoing ilium grafting. ─── [目的]探讨先天性牙槽突裂髂骨植骨术病人的护理措施。

60、to intend evaluation the ankylosing spondylitis patient that sacrum ilium arthrositis MR imageology feature, and comparison X-ray plain fil, CT and MR image in the diagnosis sacrum ilium arthrositis effects. ─── 目的 :旨在评估强直性脊柱炎 (AS)患者骶髂关节炎的MR影像学特征。 并比较X线平片、CT和MR影像在诊断骶髂关节炎中的作用。

61、spines of ilium ─── [医] 髂骨诸棘

62、Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of Hip with Shelf Procedure of Sartorius Muscle Pedicled Ilium Bone ─── 带缝匠肌髂骨块造盖治疗大龄儿童先天性髋脱位

63、Results 11 cases had solitary lesion:1 in mandible,2 in temporal bone,2 in scapula,1 in clavicle,3 in ilium,2 in long bone; ─── 结果11例为单发,位于下颌骨1例,颞骨2例,肩胛骨2例,锁骨1例,髂骨3例,长骨2例;

64、Results :A dersivable vascular pedicle of the ilium flap with the third,fourth lumbar arteries were designed.There were the fourth lumbar arteries while not third lumbar arteries. ─── 结果 :第三、第四腰动脉都能制成带蒂的髂骨瓣,第三腰动脉背外侧分支有少数标本缺如,而第四腰动脉的出现率很高。

65、If myrosinase is present, sulforaphane is released in the ilium, the first part of your digestive system. ─── 在芥子酶存在的情况下,萝卜硫素在消化系统的第一部分—髂骨中释放。

66、The entire ilium and hip joint can be reached through the iliac part of the incision. ─── 整个髂骨和髋关节都可以通过本切口的髂骨部分到达。

67、For osteogenesis the thick cortical graft has largely been replaced by thin cortical and cancellous bone from the ilium. ─── 以骨生成为目的时,大多使用取自髂骨的薄皮质骨和松质骨,而非厚皮质骨。

68、For full-thickness grafts, also strip the iliacus muscle from the inner table of the ilium (Fig. 1-22). ─── 如切取全层骨块也需从髂骨内侧骨板剥离髂肌(图1-22)。

69、Keywords hollow compression screws;plant a piece of ilium;biomechanics; ─── 中空加压螺纹钉;髂骨植骨;生物力学;

70、vena circumflexa ilium ─── 旋髂静脉

71、The third-order nonlinear susceptibility of ga Ilium arsenide under irradiation of CW CO_2 laser ─── 砷化镓晶体在连续CO_2激光作用下的三阶非线性系数

72、I stopped off in Ilium to see what I could see. ─── 我在伊利姆市逗留了一下,看看是不是能找到点有趣的线索.

73、corpora ossis ilium ─── [医] 髂骨体

74、arteria circumflexa ilium ─── 旋髂动脉

75、Result: All the ilium and flap survived non-united healed up, there were not operative complications. ─── 结果:全部髂骨皮瓣成活,骨折按期愈合,无手术并发症。

76、When the three militiamen arrived in Ilium and said that district had arrested Xing and Wang and were sending a clerk to investigate their crimes, the villagers were delighted. ─── 三个民兵回到刘家峧,一说区上把兴旺金旺二人押起来,又派助理员来调查他们的罪恶,真是人人拍手称快。

77、If a cancellous graft with one cortex is desired, eleate only the muscles from either the inner or outer table of the ilium. ─── 如仅需带一侧皮质骨板的松质骨植骨块,仅需剥离外侧或内侧髂骨板表面的肌肉。

78、Keywords deep iliac circumflex artery;ilium;perforator flap;chimeric flap; ─── 关键词旋髂深动脉;髂骨;穿支皮瓣;嵌合皮瓣;

79、Affect the coxal type of body beauty: Adipose deposit is centered to ilium Ji ministry, make the waist appears bulky; ─── 影响形体美的臀部类型:脂肪沉积集中向髂骨嵴部,使腰显得粗大;

80、Objective: To achieve better standard of early diagnosis and treatment of pyogenic osteomyelitis of ilium in children. ─── 目的:为了提高小儿化脓性髂骨骨髓炎早期诊治水平。

81、Transplantation of Iliac Lamella of Circumflex Ilium Profound Artery with Monitoring Skin Flap for Treatment of Young and Middle Aged Patients with Femoral Collum Fracture ─── 带监测皮岛的旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣植骨治疗青壮年股骨颈骨折

82、After2 years of age, siginal intensities of anterior ilium and acetabulum were always higher than those of other regions. ─── 旰

83、venae circumflexa ilium profunda ─── [医] 旋髂深静脉

84、the blood vessel base of a fruit ilium piece to plant bone ─── 带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣植骨

85、vena circumflexa ilium superficialis ─── 旋髂浅静脉

86、Keywords The ilium (skin) piece of the blood vessel Long tubulous bone The operation curing; ─── 带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨(皮)瓣;长管状骨;手术治疗;

87、together with drainage of the psoas cold abscesses and intervertebral bone grafting between the bodies of the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae, using an autograft taken from the ilium. ─── 同时作了腰大肌寒性脓肿引流术,髂骨取骨和第一、二腰椎椎体间植骨术。

88、arteria circumflexa ilium profunda ─── 旋髂深动脉

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