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09-04 投稿



hortative 发音


英:  美:

hortative 中文意思翻译



hortative 网络释义

adj. 劝告的;奖励的

hortative 词性/词形变化,hortative变形

副词: hortatively |

hortative 相似词语短语

1、portative ─── adj.可搬运的,可携带的;轻便的

2、optative ─── adj.希求式的,希求语气的;n.希求式动词;希求语态

3、formative ─── adj.形成的;造型的;格式化的;n.构词要素

4、normative ─── adj.规范的,标准的

5、hortatively ─── adv.激励地;规劝地

6、exhortative ─── adj.劝告的;劝勉的

7、hortation ─── n.奖励;劝告

8、dehortative ─── 脱运动的

9、cohortative ─── 共居的

hortative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Citrus suavissima Hort ex Tanaka ─── 瓯柑

2、Assure the minimum hortative wavelength by the international roughness index ─── 由国际平整度指数确定路面激励最小波长

3、Investigation on biomass of Rhododendron hybridum Hort. ─── 比利时杜鹃生物量调查。

4、The print is a hortative drawing. It tells us that everybody has shortcoming and the power of the individual is smaller than group. ─── 这幅图片是一张勉励的漫画,他告诉我们每个人都有缺点,一个人的力量总是不如集体的力量的。

5、null hort is my date, but deathlessmy renown. ─── 年寿短暂,声誉永存。

6、Objective To study the in vitro antimicrobial and insecticidal activities of the extract from Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. ─── 目的对川芎提取物的体外抑菌活性和杀虫活性进行初步研究。

7、Lily (Lilium davidii var. unicolor Hort.) ─── 百合

8、If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd. ─── 假若你成功受景仰,那么我的祝福就是穿越拥挤的人群给你温暖鼓历的注视;

9、Objective:To optimize the extraction processes for ferulic acid from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels and Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. ─── 目的:研究当归、川芎中阿魏酸提取的最佳工艺条件。

10、Keywords Var Romana Hort Semen Extract;the central nerve system; ─── 生菜籽提取物;中枢神经系统;

11、Fuchsia alba-coccinea Hort. ─── 白萼吊钟海棠

12、canariensis Hort ex Chbaub. ─── 加拿利海枣:Ph.

13、The Extraction Technology for Ferulic Acid for Angelica Sinensis (Oliv.) Diels and Ligustium Chuanxiong Hort. ─── 与相似的文献。

14、Objective: to investigate the antipyretic mechanism of Essential oil of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort(CH). ─── 目的:探讨川芎挥发油解热作用机理。

15、Citrus chachiensis Hort. ─── [医] 大红柑

16、A Comparision of Two Kinds of Technologies for Extracting Essential Oil from Angelica Sinensis Diels and Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort ─── 两种提取当归川芎挥发油的工艺比较研究

17、[P.lauseirii G.Don;P.chinensis Hort ex Mast. ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Passiflora caerulea L.


19、Changes of Respiratory Rate, the Contents of Ethylene and Peroxi-dase of Cut Rosa hybrida. Hort During the Inserted Period in Water ─── 月季切花水插期间的呼吸、乙烯和酶活性的变化

20、Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Fuchsia alba-coccinea Hort. ─── 白萼吊钟海棠的组织培养与快速繁殖。

21、were 2n42, 2n=92, 2n=84, 2n105,2n138, 2n=447, respectivelyPloidy relationship was found existing among H schizopetalus~ H rosa-sinensis hort. ─── 木芙蓉的为2n=92; 重虹中玫槿的为2n=105;

22、-S3C4510b the DSC is Bug, in some cases freezing. by Samsungs own words, "MAC controller is hanged after receive heavy s hort frame from 100 Mbps network. ─── S3C4510b的BDMA有Bug,会在某些情况下挂掉,按三星自己的说法,“MAC controller is hanged after receive heavy short frame from 100 Mbps network.

23、the hortative wave-length ─── 激励波长

24、hortative a. ─── 劝告的;

25、Though the software industry start later in our country, industry internationalization has made some progress after the promulgation of some hortative policy. ─── 我国软件产业的起步较晚,但是,近年来在产业国际化的进程中逐渐取得了一些成绩。

26、Once in a while only a hortative smile can encourage youeself to carry on. ─── 偶尔需要一个鼓励的微笑,就可以说服自己继续坚强下去。

27、Rhododendron hybridum Hort. ─── 比利时杜鹃

28、Objective To establish a extraction method of high purity ferulic acid in Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. ─── 目的建立提取川芎中高纯度阿魏酸的方法。

29、For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortative, put men in mind of their wives and children; ─── 作为军人,有家室则是好事,这正可以在战场上激发他们的责任感和勇气。

30、[4]Nat haniel Hort horn.The Scarlet Letter[M]. ─── 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1992.

31、f. tricolor hort. ─── 命名来源:[l.

32、The antipyretic effect and it's partial mechanism of the essential oil Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort ─── 川芎挥发油解热作用及部分机理研究

33、extract of Hgusticum chuanxiong Hort ─── 川芎提取物

34、Annona atemoya Hort cv.African Pride ─── AP番荔枝

35、Citrus grandis Osbeck var.tomentosa Hort. ─── 化州柚

36、Rosa hybrida Hort. ─── 月季

37、I hort, he want a friend, a lover and a artner who understand her. ─── 总而言之,她想要的是一位朋友,一位爱人和一位理解她的伴侣。

38、Objective: To build an extraction method of ferulic acid from Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort. ─── 目的:建立提取川芎中阿魏酸的方法。

39、Assure the minimum hortative wavelength by the international roughness index ─── 由国际平整度指数确定路面激励最小波长

40、Objective To establish a method for identification of the Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. ─── 目的建立川芎药材的指纹图谱的分析方法。

41、hortative and punitive teacher evaluation ─── 奖惩性教师评价

42、;Gomphrena rubra Hort. ─── 学名:Gomphrena globosa L.

43、Platycodon grandifloeum (Jacq.) A. DC. vat. Hort ─── 白花桔梗


45、Heraerocallis hybrida hort. ─── 大花萱草

46、'L.×L.fornwlongi Hort' ─── 品种“新铁炮”

47、(3) Verifying and determining qualification of enjoying hortative and preferential policies for venture capital institutions; ─── and (三)审核认定创业投资机构享受有关鼓励和优惠措施的资格;

48、The Allozyme Analysis of the Genetic Differentiation in Self-inbred Early Generations of Lilium longiflorum Hort ─── 新铁炮百合自交初代的遗传多样性分析

49、The practices have morphed into Halloween as it is understood today, with parents hortative their possess little ghosts and goblins to area the neighborhood. ─── 这种习惯渐渐演变为今天大家所熟知的万圣节,现在父母们会鼓励自家小鬼们去邻居家装神弄鬼。

50、Keywords Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort;Explant;Adventitious bud;Plantlet;Hormone; ─── 川芎;外植体;不定芽;小植株;激素;

51、We set the hortative methods for teachers to praise teachers' performances. ─── 十二、以制度化奖励措施重视教师表现,激励教师。

52、We set the hortative methods for teachers to praise teachers' performances. ─── 以制度化奖励措施重视教师表现,激励教师。

53、Experimental Research on the Inhibition Effect of Var Romana Hort Semen Extract on Mouse's Central Nervous System ─── 生菜籽提取物对小白鼠中枢神经系统抑制作用的实验研究

54、Cirus grandis var. Shatinyu Hort ─── 沙田柚

55、Keywords Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort;lactone components;determination;preparative technique;enzyme hydrolysis; ─── 川芎内酯类化合物;含量测定;提取分离;酶水解;

56、Citrus grandis ( L. ) Osbeck var. wentanyu Hort ─── 玉环柚

57、Separation and purification of forulic acid and total phenolic acid from Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort by macroporous resins ─── 大孔吸附树脂对川芎中阿魏酸及总酚酸的分离纯化

58、Keywords aqua decoction Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort(LCH);volatile oil;hemodynamics; ─── 川芎水煎剂;川芎挥发油;血流动力学;

59、Try to make the new hortative mechanism to measure up the evolution requirements of CS corporation. ─── 力图使新激励机制符合该公司现 阶段发展要求,提高该企业竞争力。

60、Try to make the new hortative mechanism to measure up the evolution requirements of CS corporation. ─── 力图使新激励机制符合该公司现阶段发展要求,提高该企业竞争力。

61、Life is full of won ders but it's also s hort, do we have the destiny to know eac h other in this life time? ─── 人生犹如昙花一现,在转眼间就悄悄的消逝了.此生是否有缘认识妳呢?或许一切都是早已注定的吧.

62、Hort ihr mich? ─── 你们听到我吗?

63、Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition Stress on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Spathiphyllum palls Hort. ─── 氮素营养胁迫对匙叶天南星生长及光合特性的影响。

64、pendula Hort. ─── 学 名: var.

65、At that time, work had already started on the film: a copy of the poster of the child and the dragon was given us as a gift, and also a sketch of Hort Town by Mr Hayao and the finished version of it from the studio artists. ─── 当时,电影已经开工了:一张绘著孩子和龙的复制海报送给我们作为礼物,除此之外还有一张宫崎骏先生绘制的霍特镇草图,以及工作室画家所绘的完成图。

66、lettuce(Lactuca sativa var romana Hort.) ─── 生菜

67、For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortative , put men in mind of their wives and children; ─── 至于军人,窃见将帅激厉士卒时,多使他们忆及他们的妻子儿女;


69、Devise a new hortative mechanism of CS corporation gang together with the conclusion which obtained in the foregoing. ─── 在论文的最后选择了对CS监理公司现行激励机制进行分析研究,从中 找出其不足之处并结合论文中得出的相应有益量化结论,设计出一套 全新的、切合企业实际的激励机制。

70、Tiny hort ─── 微创

71、Liguaticum chuanxiong Hort ─── 川芎

72、Announcement of Hortative Solicit Essays on ApplicationTechniques of Angel Brand Yeast ─── 安琪酒用酵母应用技术有奖征文活动的通知

73、Title: Isolated Microspore Culture and Plant Regeneration in Purple Flowering Stalk (Brassica compestris ssp. chinensis var. pupurea Hort. ─── 关键词:红菜薹;游离小孢子;胚状体;植株再生

74、Mildred McAfee Hort, President of Wellesley Col Marketing lege, became Marketing the first woman elected a Director of New York Life. ─── 卫思理大学校长霍顿成为首位当选纽约人寿董事的女性。

75、An easy way to get the door to align correctly is to pre-drill the hort hinge flats before welding on the sides of the shoot (it can be done with careful setup and marking out). ─── 一个简单的方法得到的大门差距是正确对齐预先钻前的拍摄地焊接铰链的园艺单位(可以仔细的做设置和划出)。

76、Title: Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Fuchsia alba-coccinea Hort. ─── 关键词:白萼吊钟海棠;组织培养;玻璃化;褐化

77、essential oil of Ligustieum ehuanxiong Hort ─── 川芎挥发油

78、Citrus grandis var. tomentosa Hort. ─── 化橘红

79、arundinacea L.var.variegata Hort. ─── 斑叶竹芋: M.

80、Effects of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort and volatile oil of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort on cardiac contractility and heart rate in bullfrog ─── 川芎及川芎挥发油对牛蛙心脏活动的影响

81、Study on Optimizing the Extraction Process of Ferulic Acid and Ligustilide in Ligusticum Chuanxion Hort. ─── 川芎提取工艺的优化。

82、) Kuntze var. medio-pictum Hort. ─── 斑心吊兰 Chlorophytum capense (Linn.

83、Life is hort, I would not spend a few years wasted in another relationship.Istarted to work my life out on a planned way, or else there is not enough time for me this life. ─── 人生很短,我也不会在这短暂的人生再花上几年浪费在另一段感情上了,只是一人拼搏,忙碌,我计划地走完自己的一生,要不然时间就太短了。

84、Quantitative analysis of chemical compounds of volatile oil in Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort by gas chromatography ─── 用气相色谱法定量分析川芎挥发油的化学成分

85、Gladiolus h ybridus Hort ─── 唐菖蒲

86、Then it analyzes theconnection of strypped-down and motivation through mathematical statistics, compares employees" satisfaction and many hortative factors of different companies. ─── 本论文正文部分分为4章,各章内容如下:第一章激励理论及领导行为理论本章主要介绍目前企业的一些现状以及对激励和领导行为的一些研究现状。

87、Lactone compounds, with the same nuclear structure as that of phthalide, are the bioactive components of Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort. ─── 川芎内酯类化合物都有苯酞类母核结构,是中药川芎的重要活性成分。

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