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09-04 投稿


clutter 发音

英:['kl?t?]  美:['kl?t?]

英:  美:

clutter 中文意思翻译




clutter 网络释义

n. 杂乱,混乱vt. 使凌乱;胡乱地填满n. (Clutter)人名;(英)克拉特

clutter 同义词

litter | mess | encumber | trash | mare's nest | muddle | cover | muss | confusion | disarrange | untidiness | rubbish | fill | chaos | fuddle | jumble | welter | smother |disorder | clutter up | debris | mess up | strew

clutter 词性/词形变化,clutter变形

动词现在分词: cluttering |动词第三人称单数: clutters |动词过去分词: cluttered |动词过去式: cluttered |

clutter 反义词


clutter 短语词组

in a clutter

1. 乱七八糟的

His room was in a clutter so I had to tidy it up.

他的房间乱七八糟的, 我不得不整理一下。

1、clutter diagram ─── 杂波图

2、clutter region ─── 杂波区域

3、wave clutter ─── [电] 波乱

4、clutter suppression ─── [电] 杂斑抑制

5、sea clutter ─── [电] 海面回波

6、clutter gating ─── [电] 混杂遮没

7、clear the decks of clutter ─── 清除甲板上的杂物

8、clutter await ─── 杂乱等待

9、clutter filter ─── [电子]杂波滤波器;静噪滤波器;反干扰滤波器

10、in a clutter ─── 杂乱

11、clutter rejection ─── 消除本机干扰[电子]杂波抑制

12、radar clutter ─── [电] 雷达混杂

13、maximum allowable clutter ─── 最大允许杂波

14、precipitation clutter suppression ─── [电] 雨滴杂波抑制

15、clutter rejection filter ─── 杂波排除滤波器

16、clutter coefficient ─── 杂波系数

17、clutter up ─── 使散乱

18、clutter switch ─── 杂波开关

19、clutter echo ─── [电] 混杂回音

clutter 相似词语短语

1、clatter ─── n.哗啦声;嘈杂的谈笑声;咔嗒声;vi.发出哗啦声;喧闹的谈笑;vt.使卡搭卡搭的响

2、clitter ─── n.巨砾堆

3、cluster ─── n.群;簇;丛;串;vi.群聚;丛生;vt.使聚集;聚集在某人的周围;n.(Cluster)人名;(英)克拉斯特

4、flutter ─── v.飘动;(鸟或昆虫)鼓翼;飞来飞去;(心脏等)怦怦乱跳;(人)奔忙;n.振动;(非正式)小赌注;紧张兴奋;(心脏的)怦怦乱跳;扑动;(重放录音的)颤振

5、cluttery ─── 杂乱的

6、cluttered ─── v.使凌乱;胡乱地填满(clutter的过去式和过去分词)

7、clotter ─── 凝块

8、clutters ─── n.杂乱,混乱;vt.使凌乱;胡乱地填满;n.(Clutter)人名;(英)克拉特

9、cutter ─── n.刀具,切割机;切割者;裁剪者;n.(Cutter)人名;(英)卡特

clutter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hearing a clutter in the passage of their inn, I ran to the window. ─── 听到他们旅馆里走廊上有一阵嘈杂声,我便跑到窗口。

2、The process of realizing the genetic algorithm is presented by the clutter which has the log arithmic normal distribution and Gaussian spectrum. ─── 以具有对数正态分布和高斯谱特性的雷达杂波产生为例,讨论遗传算法的实现过程。

3、Function such as APAR clutter and targets data generation, analyzing, storing, viewing, loading and simulator control etc, are provide. ─── 建立雷达模拟器控制平台,发送控制命令,监控模拟器运行状态; 完成雷达模拟器与主机的数据交互,数据加载和目标回显。

4、Between the annihilating fierceness of personal ambition and those who clutter its path, there is only one possible mediator, and that is love. ─── 在个人野心的激烈竞争和沿路堵塞的人流之间,只有一样可能的调解剂,那就是“爱”。

5、In previous articles I??ve written about a couple of ways to strip away the unimportant clutter from our lives. ─── 在之前的文章中我已经写了几种拚弃生活中琐碎杂乱事情的方法。

6、Remove all unnecessary physical clutter from your desk and you'll eradicate your mental clutter, plus you'll feel energised. ─── 将你桌上的不必要的杂物清理掉,这会让你头脑中没有杂念,还会感到精力充沛。

7、Because there is speckle noise in SAR image and the background clutter of water is usually very complex, weak target detection is a big challenge for conventional methods. ─── SAR图像存在相干噪声以及水面背景杂波的复杂性,传统方法对于弱目标检测存在困难。

8、For example, if we clear out our unnecessary clutter we will achieve a greater feeling of space and freedom. ─── 例如,如果我们清理掉生活中不需要的混乱,那么我们将获得更大的空间和自由。

9、You need to stop lying to yourself, clear away the clutter and start working in a space that allows you to think and create. ─── 你需要停止对自己撒谎,清理一下杂物然后再在一个能够让你思考和创作的环境中开始动作。

10、The memo went out three days ago.It should bave made it to your in-box,but maybe it got lost in all the clutter on my desk. ─── 备忘录是3天前发出的,应该放进你的收文篮了,但也可能夹在你办公桌上那堆乱七八糟的东西里面。

11、China, too, has serious clutter problems. ─── 中国也存在严重的广告干扰问题。

12、For big companies, the idea is simple. Do something outrageous or strange, grab some media attention and cut through the clutter of advertising messages that bombards consumers. ─── 对那些大公司来说,这种创意既简捷又方便。做一些出格或怪异的举动,以此吸引媒体的关注,同时又能在狂轰乱炸的消费广告中脱颖而出。

13、To reduce clutter, the Registers window organizes registers into groups, which vary according to platform and processor type. ─── 为了减少混乱,“寄存器”窗口将寄存器组织成组,具体情况随平台和处理器类型的不同而不同。

14、Those who never have to move house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter . ─── 从来不必搬家的那些人变成了无所不容的只能被称作杂物的收藏家。

15、If the two images are free of background clutter, the pixel row in question is the top most pixel row of each image that contains an object pixel. ─── 如果两个图像中背景不混乱模糊,那这个像素列很有可能是每个图像物体像素的顶点像素列。

16、If you do this regularly, you will begin to condition yourself to avoid introducing such word clutter into your dictation. ─── 如果你常常这样做,你将使自己得以适应避免在口授中再用这样的词语。

17、Don't clutter up my desk I've just tidied it. ─── 不要在我的书桌上乱放东西--我刚收拾好.

18、In a small business or when you're self-employed, you gather a lot of clutter during the course of a year. ─── 如果你在小企业工作,或者是自由职业者,你很容易会累积各种杂物。

19、You can rearrange the tasks as they appear in the Calendar view to help highlight specific tasks or to reduce clutter. ─── 可以重新安排任务在“日历”视图中的显示方式,以便突出显示特定的任务或使任务井井有条。

20、When you corral your hobby clutter behind closed doors, you give yourself room to breathe and get a bit messy. ─── 丰富多彩的儿童玩具存储也给你的隐藏物提供了一个有趣的环境。

21、Edward de Bono, the world's leading authority on conceptual thinking, de Bono Thinking Systems brings clarity to the clutter. ─── 以世界上概念性思考的权威,爱德华?德?博诺博士的成果为基础,德博诺思维系统将使混乱变得清晰。

22、To reduce clutter, Windows hides icons in the notification area when you haven't used them in a while. ─── 为了减少混乱,如果在一段时间内没有使用图标,Windows会将其隐藏在通知区域中。

23、Every possession you buy requires tending,” says Don Aslett, author of Clutter's Last Stand. ─── 凌乱的最后一站》一书的作者唐·斯莱特说“你买的每一件财产都需要照管。

24、One of the greatest sources of clutter in just about any office environment is unfiled paperwork. ─── 在几乎所有的办公环境中,一个最大的凌乱来源就是没写完的文件。

25、Full-service shared hosting sites provide online stores with good service, good Web creation tools, and little or no banner advertising clutter. ─── 共享商店模式的完全套餐为在线商店提供优质的服务,优秀的主页创建工具,较少或没有无聊的广告横幅。

26、neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter. ─── 为了除掉不干净的东西,爱整洁的人甚至会起把孩子扔出屋外的念头。

27、I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies. ─── 妻子要忠贞,以免我读书时还得因妒忌而闹心。

28、On the right was a clutter of pipes and debris. ─── 右边是乱七八糟的管子和破碎杂物。

29、He set the cage down and scuttled back to the table, where he groped about in the clutter even as the chamber door began to rock with the impact of heavy blows. ─── 他放下笼子,急促回到桌前,在一堆混乱的东西之间摸索着,即使是这房间的门由于沉重的斧砍,已经开始摇晃。

30、Do something outrageous or strange, grab some media attention and cut through the clutter of advertising messages that bombards consumers. ─── 做一些出格或怪异的举动,以此吸引媒体的关注,同时又能在狂轰乱炸的消费广告中脱颖而出。

31、In addition, the approach which is added by some auxiliary beams in the area of main-lobe clutter has been discussed. ─── 同时本文还对在主杂波区增加辅助波束的方法进行了分析研究。

32、To remove clutter, especially from one's house or office EXAMPLE: Before starting the new big project at work I spent more than hour trying to dejunk my office. ─── 在开始新项目之前,我花了一个多小时清理办公室。

33、A measure for the clutter bandwidth is proposed in L2(R) space, which is more objective for evaluating the equivalence among the bandwidth of these three clutter PSDs. ─── 对各种杂波谱下的谱宽等效性引入了L2(R)上杂波谱均方根带宽的度量,它较客观地反映了分布型杂波谱的总体平均宽度。

34、The meter supply wire have not usually interference with the power supply wire. If it have the interference, you must use the clutter filter. ─── 仪器电源线通常不致于被动力电源线干扰,仪器被外部杂讯干扰时,必须使用杂讯滤波器。

35、The practicality of the analysis results for airborne PD radars clutter simulation and clutter suppression is apparent. ─── 分析结果对机载PD雷达地杂波模拟和杂波抑制都有实际的指导意义。

36、Don't clutter up my desk. I've just tidied it. ─── 不要在我的书桌上乱放东西,我刚收拾好。

37、There's always so much clutter on your desk! ─── 你桌子上总有那么多乱七八糟的东西!

38、His room is in a clutter so I have to tidy it up. ─── 他的房间乱七八糟的,我不得不整理一下。

39、In today's digital world, you want the PC to adapt to you, so you can cut through the clutter and focus on what's important to you. ─── 在如今的数字化世界,你希望有一台适合你的PC,你可以穿越过滤混乱繁多的信息,集中于对你重要的信息。

40、To improve the performance of passive tracking for maneuvering target in clutter,a new particle filtering algorithm for passive tracking is proposed. ─── 为提高杂波条件下的机动目标被动跟踪的性能,提出了一种新的粒子滤波目标被动跟踪算法。

41、Paper clutter will disappear as home information management systems take over from memo pads, notebooks, files, bills and the kitchen bulletin board. ─── {随着家用信息处理系统取代备忘簿、笔记本、文件夹、帐本和厨房记事板的功能,废纸堆将再也看不见了。

42、Try to put the rest of the clutter out of your mind for now and just deal with the task at hand. ─── 试着暂且忘掉其他的杂乱,只处理手头的工作就好。

43、Too many adjacent panes result in visual clutter and confusion: Users do not know where to go to find what they need. ─── 太多相连的窗格会产生视觉混乱和困惑,即用户不知道到哪里查找所需要的内容。

44、A new way is proposed to evaluate the sidelobe requirement of an AEW radar based on analysing the clutter intensity. ─── 在分析地杂波强度的基础上,提出了一种估算机载预警雷达天线副瓣要求的新方法。

45、Experimental results confirm that the modified method can achieve effective ionospheric clutter suppression. ─── 实测数据处理结果表明,该方法叶电离层杂波具有很好的抑制效果。

46、clutter of bottles and tubes on the shelf. ─── 架子上胡乱堆满了瓶子和管子。

47、Bare attention brings order into the clutter that collects in those untidy little hidden corners of the mind. ─── 完全的觉知使得那些隐藏在我们的意识的角落里杂乱的部分恢复了秩序。

48、Never throw unchecked exceptions in your methods just because they clutter the method signature. ─── 如果你已得到她,就要好好了解她,除非你想抛弃她。

49、Based on fractal theory, the lacunarity feature is estimated to measure the difference and can be used to eliminate the natural clutter. ─── 基于这一特点,利用分形理论提取间隙度特征来定量估算待鉴别目标像素强度分布的不规则性和间隙大小,并以此实现鉴别处理。

50、We investigate the eigen-subspace approximation (ESA) space-time adaptive processing (STAP) method of clutter suppression based on the generalized sidelobe canceler (GSC). ─── 基于广义旁瓣相消结构(GSC),我们研究一种特征子空间近似(ESA)空时自适应处理(STAP)杂波抑制方法。

51、These studies are significant to realize the clutter suppression and STAP processing for real bistatic AEW. ─── 对双基地机载预警雷达杂波谱结构的认识有助于开展对双基地机载预警雷达杂波抑制与空时自适应处理技术的研究.

52、Have you found any good strategies for dealing with the clutter created by technology? ─── 你有没有发现好方法来处理科技产生出的杂乱?

53、Don't clutter up your study. ─── 不要把你的书房弄得乱七八糟。

54、Rigidly enforced standards of aesthetics will ensure that the iPad remains an easy-to-navigate no-clutter zone. ─── 审美观标准的严格实施能确保iPad保持易于操控、组织有序。

55、A method based on adaptive filtering is proposed to detect dim small moving targets in strong undulant clutter background. ─── 在分析强起伏背景信号的基础上,利用背景局部信号统计特征和目标运动特性,提出了一种基于自适应滤波的弱小目标检测方法。

56、His life, for all its grotesque external clutter, is dedicated to the recovery and renewal of an early love affair with Daisy. ─── 不管外在生活多么离奇古怪,他的人生只有一个目标,即重续和苔西的一段旧情。

57、Traditional clutter rejection methods such as FIR,IIR and regression filters are based on the hypothesis that the clutter signal is stationary. ─── 传统的杂波抑制器如有限脉冲响应(FIR)、无限脉冲响应(IIR)和回归型滤波器,都是针对平稳杂波信号抑制的。

58、Actually, emergency medics perform this on location, so you should be able to work with some clutter. ─── 事实上,在紧急情况下医生可以在现场就做这样的手术。所以你也可以在杂乱中工作。

59、His room is always in a clutter. ─── 他的房间总是凌乱不堪。

60、To reduce clutter, some tabs appear only when needed. ─── 为了减少杂乱,某些选项卡仅在需要时显示。

61、To reduce clutter, some tabs are shown only when needed. ─── 为了减少混乱,某些选项卡只在需要时才显示。

62、Paul Springer shows how advertising can still rise above the noise and clutter of mass communication to make people take notice. ─── 尊重网上道德,遵守互联网电子公告服务管理规定及中华人民共和国其他各项有关法律法规;

63、The MVP pattern helps you separate your logic and keep your UI layer free of clutter. ─── MVP模式可以帮助您分离逻辑,使您的UI层条理清晰。

64、The few things were enough to clutter up the room, there was hardly any vacant space left. The coat of dust on the electric bulb made everything in the room hazy. ─── 仅仅这些,房间里已没有空地了。 电灯的光本来很弱,又蒙上了一层灰尘,照得房间里的人物都昏黯模糊。

65、They took a whole day to clean up the clutter in the garage. ─── 他们花了一整天的时间清理车库里面乱七八糟的东西。

66、Based on the chaotic characteristic of the sea clutter,the detection method for sea-surface distributed targets is presented. ─── 基于海杂波的混沌特性,给出了混沌理论和形态学变换相结合的海面分布目标检测方法。

67、The downside to using the attachments is, of course, cable clutter. ─── 当然,使用这些配件的缺点就是会有杂乱的接线。

68、Try not to clutter your head with trivia. ─── 尽量别满脑子都想些鸡毛蒜皮的事。

69、Don't clutter the table with so much money. ─── 不要把这么多的钱铺得满桌子都是。

70、Caroline prefers her countertops to be clear of clutter. ─── 卡罗琳喜欢厨房台面上没有杂乱的东西。

71、How can you work with so much clutter on your desk? ─── 书桌上有这么多乱七八糟的东西,你怎么能工作呢?

72、Under the circumstances of heavy clutter, the photoelectricity equipment can receive different kinds of feature information. ─── 光电测量系统在检测过程中,可以得到观测对象的多种特征信息。

73、Say goodbye to annoying pop-up ads and pop-under windows that clutter up your desktop and distract you from your browsing. ─── 和那些弄乱桌面又影响你浏览的讨厌的弹出式广告和隐性弹出窗口说再见吧。

74、Setting aside one small area in your home for items that cause the most clutter, such as bills, mail, brochures, magazines and newspapers. ─── 在家腾出一小块地方放置那些最易添乱的东西,诸如帐单、邮件、小册子、杂志、报纸之类的东西。

75、Experiments prove that the method can effectively suppress background clutter and enhance ship detection results greatly. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法可有效地抑制背景杂波,提高对船舶目标的检测能力。

76、When she sent her three kids on a "clutter hunt"last month, she had no idea the benefits would include better school-work. ─── 当她在上个月送她的三个孩子参加一个“凌乱搜捕”活动时,她还不知道这还有提高孩子学习成绩的好处。

77、Analyzed the ATI technique in the influence of clutter and noise. ─── 分析了杂波和噪声对干涉相位的影响情况,研究了相位门限法和双门限动目标检测法,并提出了一种自适应门限检测法。

78、Don't clutter the page with too many diagrams. ─── 别用太多的图表来堆砌版面。

79、The result was a slash-and-build clutter that got uglier by the year. ─── 结果是杂乱的切割和建设,变得越来越难看。

80、Also condensed this into a single message, so slightly less message clutter than before. ─── 它们会在同一条信息中显示,所以显示的信息会变得较整齐。

81、For them having a permanent desk is a waste of space,” and therefore they share a desk where personal clutter is kept to a minimum. ─── 对他们来说,安排一张固定的办公桌,纯属浪费空间。”因此,安永雇员的办公桌是合用的,个人造成的凌乱降到了最低的限度。

82、Her belongings clutter up my bedroom. ─── 她的东西乱七八糟堆满在我卧室里。

83、Its clutter suppressing ability is better than AMTI,especially when the moving target's velocity is slow. ─── 其对地杂波的抑制能力优于AMTI,特别是在动目标速度较慢时,优越性更为明显。

84、The comedians Prachuab looks like a face behind the grim face of the three musicians, background clutter the living room. ─── 一张貌似巴蜀笑星的脸,身后三个一脸冷酷的乐手,背景是杂乱的客厅。

85、Another high-flier in the world of clutter is New Zealand, where viewers can catch 664 ads a week, as the three main broadcasters run an average of 12 minutes of ads an hour. ─── 另一个广告干扰的佼佼者是新西兰,在那里,观众每周可看到664条广告,因为三个主要的广播电视公司每小时平均播放12分钟的广告。

86、When he looked down again, smiling to himself at the unholy clutter of younglings, the boy had regained his breath. ─── 他再次低下头看的时候,这个年轻人的凌乱让他不由自主暗笑,这男孩呼吸已经平稳了。

87、Further, supplying annotation in a crosscutting mechanism makes it possible to design a more loosely coupled system while still avoiding annotation clutter. ─── 其次,以横切机制提供注释使得设计一种更松散耦合的系统、同时避免注释混乱成为可能。

88、His room was in a clutter so I had to tidy it up. ─── 他的房间乱七八糟的,我不得不整理一下。

89、You can rearrange the tasks as they appear in the Calendar view to help highlight specific tasks or to reduce clutter. ─── 可以重新安排任务在“日历”视图中的显示方式,以便突出显示特定的任务或使任务井井有条。


回答和翻译如下:总是。Always. ( 音译:熬喂斯)。




She was always glam.


His room is always in a clutter.


Falsehood has a perennial spring


The sound of martial music is always inspiring.


We always let Jack lead off.


The sound of martial music is always inspiring.


They are always jesting.


The two often engage in a battle of words.


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