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09-04 投稿



emotionalism 发音

英:[??mo???nl?z?m]  美:[??m????n??l?z?m]

英:  美:

emotionalism 中文意思翻译



emotionalism 相似词语短语

1、emotionalising ─── 情绪化

2、emotionalize ─── vt.使带有感情色彩;使激动;使动情

3、emotionalistic ─── 情绪化的

4、emotionalises ─── 情绪化

5、emotionalists ─── n.诉诸感情的演讲人;易受感动者

6、emotionalist ─── n.诉诸感情的演讲人;易受感动者

7、emotionalise ─── 情绪化

8、emotionalised ─── 情绪化

9、emotionality ─── n.情绪性;感动性

emotionalism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If an emotion possessed him at all, it ruled him. ─── 一种感情一旦抓住了他,它就控制住了他。

2、Furthermore, their exaggerated emotionalism occasionally made a mockery of some of their most laudable intentions. ─── 此外,他们那夸张的感情主义,有时会对他们最值得称赞的一些目标构成嘲讽。

3、Not afraid of hard work; afraid to show emotion. ─── 不怕艰苦的工作; 不愿意显露感情

4、Some voice choking with emotion. ─── 声音有些哽咽。

5、This must be very clearly understood from the beginning: we are not indulging in any form of sentimentality or emotionalism. ─── 从一开始就必须明确理解:我们不能放任任何形式的多愁善感或情绪化。

6、A strong emotion overmastered him completely. ─── 一种强烈的情感整个儿压倒了他。

7、My emotion were mixed as I said good-by to him. ─── 向他告别时,我真有点百感交集。

8、Let so much deep emotion face loneness. ─── 任多少深情独向寂寞。

9、Her voice trembled with emotion. ─── 她激动得声音发抖。

10、Freedom from passion,bias,or emotion;objectivity. ─── 冷静,不偏不倚,不冲动;客观

11、To them it was mass emotionalism. ─── 在他们眼中,这都是出于群众情绪。

12、He spoke without a trace of emotion. ─── 他说话时毫不动感情。

13、German writer whose novellas and dramas, including The Broken Pitcher(1811), concern characters torn between reason and emotion and between heroism and cowardice. ─── 克莱斯特,亨利希·冯1777-1811德国作家,他的中篇小说和戏剧包括破瓮记(1811年), 其中涉及了人物在理智和情感、英雄主义和懦弱之间的折磨

14、His voice wobbled with restrained emotion. ─── 因感情受限,他的嗓音颤抖。

15、Jazz drew on the rhythms as well as the emotionalism of the African music and the Blacks'ancestors. ─── 爵士乐吸取了非洲黑人音乐的节奏和情感流露方式。

16、His lyrics were also full of literary emotion. ─── 他的抒情小诗也富于文学情惑。

17、But the Moon can also create such a strong emotionalism that you are unable to stand back and look at yourselves clearly in terms of your relationship. ─── 但这可能也会带来强烈的感情色彩,以至于你们不能清楚的看清自己在这段关系中的状态。

18、In the Lyceum speech that he delivered as a young man, he attacked emotionalism in politics and talked about the need for law, order and cool reason. ─── 在一篇演讲中,他对政治中的情感主义严加斥责,大谈对法律,秩序和冷静的理智的需求。

19、The clicker takes the emotion out of the process. ─── 响片可以排除感情因素。

20、His whole face quivered with emotion. ─── 他的整个脸给感情激动得微微地颤动着。

21、A gifted American psychologist has said, "Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go". ─── 一位天才的美国心理学家说过:“烦恼是感情的一阵发作; 脑子被某件事纠缠着而又抛不开它。”

22、He was choking with emotion. ─── 他激动得说不出话来。

23、Overcome with emotion, he press her hand and leave her. ─── 他感慨万千,用力握了一下她的手,离开了她。

24、Emotionalism and sentimentality prevent the sensitivity of feeling. ─── 多愁善感和感情用事妨碍了感觉的敏锐。

25、His heart plunged(= because of a strong emotion). ─── 他的心怦怦乱跳。

26、In fact, sensation and emotion had left him. ─── 事实上,知觉与情感早已从他身上消失了。

27、He felt his heart pumping with emotion. ─── 他感觉自己的心激动得直跳。

28、His voice was quivering with emotion. ─── 他说这话时,嘴唇微微颤动。

29、To be unable to speak because of strong emotion. ─── 哽咽,噎住,阻塞因感情激动而说不出话来

30、All emotion is to the good-enriches life. ─── 一切感情都是有好处的-可以丰富生活。

31、The museum abjures "emotionalism" , which may be why it is oddly bloodless given its sanguinary story. ─── 博物馆坚决放弃使用“感情主义”,这也是为什么它奇怪而无情的展示了其血腥的故事。

32、His looks betrayed the extreme of emotion. ─── 他的神情流露出他的感情已沸腾到了极点。

33、But come in here tomorrow ready to reveal emotion. ─── 不过要留到明天才能表现出来。

34、His breast - beating emotionalism won little sympathy. ─── 他表示沉痛的作法未能赢得同情。

35、She answered in a voice filled with emotion. ─── 她以激动的声音回答。

36、She was shaking with emotion[cold]. ─── 她激动得发颤[冷得发抖]。

37、In a voice cracking with emotion, he announced the death of his father. ─── 他悲恸失声地宣布了父亲去世的消息。

38、His voice shook with emotion. ─── 他的声音因激动而颤抖。

39、Freedom from passion, bias, or emotion;objectivity. ─── 冷静,不偏不倚,不冲动;客观

40、She showed no emotion at the verdict. ─── 她对这一裁定无动于衷。

41、She had never seen such emotion,” said Leamer. ─── 她从来没有见过这样的情景,” 利默说道。

42、He spoke of his dead wife with deep emotion. ─── 他提到亡妻感慨万分.

43、He was in the grip of a powerful emotion. ─── 他被一种强烈的情绪所支配。

44、She thought of her dead child with deep emotion. ─── 她感情激动地想起了她那死去的孩子。

45、Freedom from passion, bias, or emotion; objectivity. ─── 冷静,不偏不倚,不冲动; 客观

46、He showed no visible sign of emotion. ─── 他丝毫不露声色。

47、Devoid of or unaffected by passion,emotion,or bias. ─── 不动感情的;不带偏见的没有或不受激情、感情或私心影响的

48、Don't allow yourself to is ruled by emotion. ─── 不要感情用事.

49、Emotion without reason is a dreadful enemy. ─── 不带理智的情感是个可怕的敌人。

50、It is impossible to separate belief from emotion. ─── 信仰和感情是分不开的。

51、He spoke in a voice touched with emotion. ─── 他以激动的声音讲话。

52、Inspiring or capable of inspiring strong emotion; moving. ─── 动人的激起或能够激起强烈情感的; 令人感动的

53、Personal idea and emotion are always enslaved. ─── 个人的观念和情感总是被奴役的。

54、She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed out of her. ─── 她感到自己的感情被榨得一滴不剩了。

55、Thus God has His own emotion of course. ─── 因此,上帝当然有感情。

56、When I heard this news I was overcome with emotion. ─── 听了这消息,我激动极了。

57、A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea. ─── 回忆或遐想指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉

58、Some emotion in this winter night. ─── 一些冬夜中的情绪。

59、His emotion swells and subsides. ─── 他的情绪忽高忽低。

60、Her voice shook [quaked] with emotion. ─── 她激动得声音颤抖。

61、It's full of suspense, emotion and comedy. ─── 全片充满了悬念、情感和喜剧效果。

62、A speech delivered with energy and emotion. ─── 一个充满力量及激情的演说

63、But it had lost its intense emotion. ─── 却也失去了那种激情。

64、Isn't it just more emotionalism, more wishful thinking? ─── 难道这种想法不更加情绪化和天真么?

65、But to Levitt and Dubner, such objections are pure emotionalism. ─── 不过在李维特和达博纳看来,这些反对纯粹是意气用事。

66、His emotion is bordering upon hysteria. ─── 他的情绪接近歇斯底里。

67、Opposing this facile approach is a photography free from technical tricks and incoherent emotionalism. ─── 他喜欢工业文明的新奇迹,喜欢拍高楼大厦、工厂、烟囱。

68、His voice was throbbing with emotion. ─── 他的声音激动得颤抖。

69、His face worked with emotion. ─── 他激动得面部抽搐。

70、You used too much ink on personal emotion. ─── 你把太多的笔墨用在个人情感上了。

71、She played that piece of music with deep emotion. ─── 她深情地演奏了那首曲子。

72、An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action. ─── 动机一种能作为诱导物而激发行为的情绪、愿望、心理需要或者类似的心理推动力

73、Humans empathize with emotion, not with thinking. ─── 人类是用情感来同情(入戏)的,而不是用思考。

74、Jo was experiencing a new emotion. ─── 她开始体验到一种新的情感。

75、His voice was thick with emotion. ─── 他激动得话都说不清楚。

76、He displayed no sign of emotion. ─── 他丝毫不露感情。

77、What's love but a second hand emotion? ─── 什么是爱情,只是一种陈旧的感情?

78、"And he would blush to his ears with emotion. ─── "他会激动得连耳根子都红了。

79、Emotion caused a constriction of his throat. ─── 他激动得都哽咽了。

80、Don't allow yourself to be ruled by emotion. ─── 不要感情用事。

81、Its dangers are obvious, for it leads to emotionalism instead of mysticism, and to charity instead of genuine reform. ─── 它的危险是很明显的,因为它导致感情主义而不是神秘主义,导致慈善施舍而不是真正的改革。

82、Elaine was such a quiet girl, but then I should have known that still waters run deep.It wasn't until after we were married that I realised what depths of emotion she was capable of. ─── 伊莱恩是一个非常文静的姑娘,但是在那个时候我忘记了“静水河深”这句话,直到我们结婚以后,我才了解她是一个多么富有感情的人。

83、Why is depression the pronoun of current emotion? ─── 为什么郁闷会是现在心情的代名词?

84、The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion. ─── 体育场内群情沸腾。

85、Any kind of emotion is just a signal. ─── 任何一种情绪都只是一个信号。

86、His voice is filled with emotion. ─── 他说话时情绪激动。

87、Emotionalism also has its innate defect. ─── 主情主义又有其先天的缺弊。

88、His lips were shivering with emotion. ─── 他的嘴唇因情绪激动而微微颤动。

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