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09-04 投稿


crowbar 发音

英:['kr??bɑ?]  美:['krobɑr]

英:  美:

crowbar 中文意思翻译



crowbar 短语词组

1、crowbar download crowbar ─── 下载

2、crowbar jones ─── 克劳巴·琼斯

3、crowbar press ─── 撬杆压力机

4、Crowbar (tool) ─── 撬棍(工具)

5、crowbar circuit ─── 消弧电路,保安电路

6、crowbar tampa fl ─── 空撬棍

7、crowbar current ─── 瞬态开路电流

8、crowbar xmark ─── 撬棍x马克

9、crowbar logo ─── 撬棍标志

10、crowbar band ─── 撬棍带

11、crowbarcrowbar voltage protector ─── [电] 橇棍电压保护器

crowbar 词性/词形变化,crowbar变形

动词过去分词: crowbarred |动词过去式: crowbarred |动词现在分词: crowbarring |动词第三人称单数: crowbars |

crowbar 相似词语短语

1、crowea ─── n.克罗威花属

2、crossbar ─── n.闩,横木;球门的横木;(自行车的)横梁;横杆,横档

3、crowner ─── n.登峰造极的一举;加冕者;验尸官

4、crowbars ─── n.撬棍;铁橇;起货钩

5、crowbait ─── n.老马,劣马

6、croweas ─── 交叉

7、drawbar ─── n.列车间的挂钩;牵引车的挂钩

8、crowder ─── n.[水利]沟渠扫污机;n.(Crowder)人名;(英)克劳德

9、crower ─── 乌鸦

crowbar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I get him back of the head a crowbar. ─── 我一撬棍打在他头的后部。

2、CAUTION: Do not use any sharp tools such as a crowbar or screwdriver on the rubber during installation. Sharp instruments can damage the flange face and cause possible leakage. ─── 警告:在安装期间,不要采用任何尖锐的工具,如:撬棍或螺丝刀等。尖锐的工具可能会损伤法兰面,从而可能导致泄露。

3、In his hands there is a heavy crowbar . ─── 他手里拿着一根沉重的铁棍。

4、quick crowbar ─── 快速关合

5、Something, such as a crowbar, that is used to apply leverage. ─── 撬杠用于实施杠杆作用的某物,比如撬杠等

6、Got busted when a guard heard me going at the door with a crowbar. ─── 我用铁撬开门的时候被一个警卫听到了,所以被抓。

7、To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet's arm with a crowbar. ─── 为了威胁金伯利,丹用一根撬棍打碎了珍妮特的手臂。

8、crowbar voltage protector ─── 消弧电压保护器

9、The workman used a crowbar to dislodge a heavy stone from the wall ─── 工人们用橇棍把墙中的一块重石头移出。

10、Crankcase, Crowbar and Hatchet, a group of Decepticon clones known as The Dreads that turn into Chevrolet Suburban emergency vehicles. ─── 霸天虎中的克隆三兄弟曲轴箱、铁撬和小斧组成的“恐怖战队”,原型是雪佛兰Suburban应急车。

11、for Flanged top cover must be a screw, hammering or hardware does not allow crowbar. ─── 对于法兰式端盖必须用螺钉顶出,不允许锤击或硬撬。

12、Our scout found a crowbar Inside a tent In the Construction Compound. ─── 我们的侦查员发现在建设区的小帐棚里面有一把铁撬。

13、Then a crowbar the lock of the drum, country-by-only after careful examination of nano-imprint lithography drum body found with axial series in. ─── 接着再用小撬棒撬滚筒,不迎只澈底查抄之后,发掘不抬印滚筒体有轴向串不静本体。

14、In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victims jaws open with a crowbar. ─── 事实上,我听说,咬的反射力如此强大,以至于他们要用铁撬来撬开受害者的嘴。

15、Delicate design, being portable. Adopt overvoltage crowbar, intelligent charging, usage safe, take care of your handset. ─── 本产品设计精巧,携带方便。采用过压保护电路,智能充电,使用安全,精心呵护您的手机。

16、"crowbar:a straight bar of iron or steel, with the working end shaped like a chisel and often slightly bent and forked, used as a lever." ─── "撬棍:一种铁制或钢制的直棒,有楔形的工作端头,通常略微弯曲并成叉状,用作撬杆或杠杆."

17、In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim‘s jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar. ─── “实际上,这种条件反射的咬合是如此之强,以至于受害者的牙关必须得用撬棍才撬得开。”

18、A short crowbar with curved ends. ─── 撬棍两头弯曲的短撬棍

19、crowbar diodes ─── 续流硅堆

20、Use crowbar on box. ─── 在盒子上使用橇棍。

21、pry open the locked door with a crowbar ─── 用撬杠把锁着的门撬开

22、Matvey crosses himself, takes the crowbar in both hands, and begins breaking the ice, carefully keeping to the circle that has been drawn. ─── 玛特威在胸前画了个十字,两只手拿起铁棍,严格循着刚才画好的圆圈,动手凿冰。

23、It is the spiritual crowbar that pries open the door to new realities. ─── 它是撬开新的现实的精神铁橇。

24、He was my grandmother's fa- vourite,and had,the servants told me,been sent away from school for taking a crowbar to a bully. ─── 还有,他就是那个借给我火车通票的叔叔。仆人们告诉我,乔治曾经因为用撬棍欺负别人而被学校除名。

25、crowbar:a straight bar of iron or steel, with the working end shaped like a chisel and often slightly bent and forked, used as a lever. ─── 撬棍:一种铁制或钢制的直棒,有楔形的工作端头,通常略微弯曲并成叉状,用作撬杆或杠杆.

26、With a menacing look at the turnkey he crawled upon the hearth, and, peering up the chimney, struck and prised at its sides with the crowbar, and worked at the iron grating across it. ─── 他狠狠地盯了看守一眼,爬上了壁炉,从烟囱里往上看,用橇棍敲打着,拨弄着烟囱壁,捅着横在烟囱上的铁栅。

27、This paper introduces the functioning of crow ba r circuit and its realization method, introduces different kinds of crowbar cir cuit and different working mode. ─── 介绍了雷达发射机中撬棒电路的作用和实现方法,以及撬棒电路的种类和不同的工作方式。

28、the Crowbar to enter the Drivers Quarters, sneak through Into the Vehicle Compound, and then stow away In the back of a truck. ─── 利用铁撬进入驾驶休息区,再溜进车辆区,然后偷偷躲紧卡车后面。

29、Hmm. I'd guess your best bet would be to hop over the northern fence of our compound. Just make sure you avoid the guards that patrol the main road through the camp. You're looking for a crowbar, right? ─── 嗯。我猜你最好是跳过我们区域北边的篱笆。确定你避开了在主要道路到营区间巡逻的警卫。你要找铁撬,对吧?

30、I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow. ─── 我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到手推车里。

31、It seems to be a man with a woman in a boat and he is choking her to death with a crowbar. ─── 这是一个男人在船上强奸了一个女子,并用一根撬棍插入了她的下体。

32、eg. I got him on the back of the head with a crowbar. ─── 我一撬棍打在他头的後部。

33、I was holding a large crowbar, and my co-worker was holding a sledgehammer. ─── 我拿着一根很大的撬棍,我的同事拿着一把大锤。

34、crowbar circuit ─── 消弧电路保安电路

35、“But perhaps from now on, we should call it s crowbar. ─── 约翰边说,便咬了一口脆饼干。

36、By replacing the crowbar diodes with a TVS, the drawbacks of the diode-stacks, which are very weak in high-voltage surges and are expensive to replace in case of failure, can be overcome. ─── 用价格相对低廉的触发真空开关来代替硅堆,可以克服硅堆抗浪涌能力差、损坏更换费用高的缺点;

37、The museum at the Harvard Medical School dedicates a display case to the "crowbar skull. ─── 哈佛大学医学院的博物馆里,专门用一个陈列柜摆放着“撬棍头骨”。

38、a crowbar fitted with a claw for pulling nails ─── 拔钉子的有爪的撬具

39、I picked it up.It was Alex's crowbar. ─── 我发现走廊的一侧有一扇门。

40、crowbar protection ─── 过压保护装置

41、Escape!|+|+Use the Crowbar to enter the Drivers Quarters, sneak through Into the Vehicle Compound, and then stow away In the back of a truck. ─── 脱逃!|+|+利用铁撬进入驾驶休息区,再溜进车辆区,然后偷偷躲紧卡车后面。

42、when a guard heard me going at the door with a crowbar. ─── 我用铁撬开门的时候被一个警卫听到了,所以被抓。

43、Our scout found a crowbar Inside a tent In the Construction Compound. ─── 我们的侦查员发现在建设区的小帐棚里面有一把铁撬。

44、Hard. (faint smile) In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar. ─── (微弱的笑了一下)实际上,这种条件反射的咬合是如此之强,以至于受害者的牙关必须得用撬棍才撬得开。

45、An iron crowbar costs about $8; ─── 一只铁撬棒大概值8美元;

46、I got him on the back of the head with a crowbar. ─── 我一撬棍打在他头的後部。

47、"A crowbar!"I exclaimed. ─── 我叫出声来:“铁橇!”

48、crowbarcrowbar voltage protector ─── [电] 橇棍电压保护器

49、Use the Brass Key to access the German Store and steal the Crowbar. Let your Co-Pilot (J.D.) know when the crowbar Is In your possession. ─── 利用黄钥匙进入德国仓库去偷一支铁撬。偷到后让你的副手(J.D.)知道。

50、Hard. (faint smile) In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar. ─── (微弱的笑了一下)实际上,这种条件反射的咬合是如此之强,以至于受害者的牙关必须得用撬棍才撬得开。”

51、a crowbar fitted with a claw for pulling nails. ─── 拔钉子的有爪的撬具。

52、overvoltage crowbar ─── 过压保护

53、"[The newsmagazines] can crowbar stories in as late as Sunday and still be out on Monday" (Edwin Diamond) ─── “[新闻周刊]能够在星期天这么晚的时间里把故事编进去而照样能在星期一付诸发行” (埃德温·戴蒙德)

54、For Transmitters copper wire made of folded copper, in the grip Sian, the other side wear crowbar, forced Tighten reverse at the same time, control laps or angle to the right. ─── 发射器用铜丝制成,对折铜丝,在台钳上夹住,另一端穿铁棒,用力绷紧的同时扭转,控制圈数,升角要合适.

55、crowbar:a straight bar of iron or steel. with the working end shaped like a chisel and often slightly bent and forked. used as a lever. ─── 撬棍:一种铁制或钢制的直棒.有楔形的工作端头.通常略微弯曲并成叉状.用作撬杆或杠杆.

56、Prepared lashing the wire, lashing tools (such as steel hooks and wrenched mouth with a small crowbar) lashing parking. ─── 准备绑扎用的铁丝、绑扎工具(如钢筋钩、带扳口的小撬棍)绑扎架等。

57、crowbar switch ─── 撬杆开关

58、The special designed HV crowbar and a simple self-triggering circuit is applied, and a satisfied protection result is achieved. ─── 为此采用一种专门研制的高压撬棒,利用简单的自触发电路,达到了满意的保护效果。

59、Got busted when a guard heard me going at the door with a crowbar. ─── 我用铁撬开门的时候被一个警卫听到了,所以被抓。

60、Crowbar circuit protection of high voltage power supply of plasma filled HPM source ─── 充等离子体微波源高压电源的撬棒保护

61、We can use a crowbar to apply leverage. ─── 我们可以用铁橇来应用杠杆原理。

62、If you use a crowbar on the door, be sure to do It out of earshot of the patrolling guards. ─── 如果你用铁撬开扇门,要注意不会被警卫听见声音。

63、In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victim‘s jaws open with a crowbar. ─── 事实上,我听说受害者会死命地咬着,要用铁尺才能撬开他的嘴巴。

64、to crowbar a window to get in ─── 撬开窗户爬进去

65、Broadly however a Class 1 test would be performed on a crowbar type of device, an arrestor, as opposed to a suppressor, due to the extremely high coulomb ratings specified in 61643-1. ─── 然而通常来说,等级1测试的情况只会发生在那些急剧短路型的设备上,或是避雷放电器(arrestor)上,而不是抑制器(suppressor)上,这是由于61643-1标准中要求的极高等量的库伦值的原因。

66、In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar. ─── 实际上,这种条件反射的咬合是如此之强,以至于受害者的牙关必须得用撬棍才撬得开。

67、One of the rescurers stretched out his hand through the narrow space to make sure whether she was dead.They shouted at the ruins and beat on the bricks with the crowbar but got no answer. ─── 救援人员从废墟的空隙伸手进去确认了她已经死亡,又在冲着废墟喊了几声,用撬棍在在砖头上敲了几下,里面没有任何回应。

68、If you use a crowbar on the door, be sure to do so out of earshot of the patrolling guards. ─── 如果你要用铁撬开门,要注意不要让巡逻的警卫听见。

69、I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow. ─── 我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到了手推车里。

70、Towards that small and ghostly hour, he rose up from his chair, took a key out of his pocket, opened a locked cupboard, and brought forth a sack, a crowbar of convenient size, a rope and chain, and other fishing tackle of that nature. ─── 到了凌晨一两点,也就是幽灵出没的时刻,他才在椅子边站了起来,再从口袋里掏出钥匙,打开柜橱,取出一个口袋,一根大小适中的撬棍,一根带链的绳子和这一类的“渔具”。

71、Through disassembling,testing and renovating the original control system,gradually resumed LOCAL,REMOTE system and CROWBAR system,at last successfully accomplished control system united experiment between REMOTE unit and LOCAL unit. ─── 文中也详细叙述了CAGE、REMOTE CONTROL和LOCAL CONTROL系统各单元的功能、各单元之间的信号联系,以及CROWBAR保护系统。

72、Contrary to popular belief, it is easy to replace windows.All you need are a few traditional tools like a crowbar and a hammer, or a saw in some instances. ─── 新近流行手工敲边地板,它产生的不规则边缘能增强立体感,还原木制历史感,就像顶级皮具需要做旧来表现怀旧,两者异曲同工。

73、Speak again voices of my ancestors, my crowbar, my goat, my books, my eating dish, my water pomp, my hammer, my hoe, my pantry, my bird cage, my bycicle, my flowers, my water gutter, my bed. ─── 再次说话吧 我祖先的声音、我的铁撬、我的山羊、我的书、我的餐盘、我的水磊、我的锤、我的耙子、我的储藏室、我的鸟笼、我的铁马、我的花、我的水沟、我的床。

74、Protection of the Power Klystron with Fast Protection Crowbar Technology ─── 用撬棒快速保护技术保护高功率微波管

75、Neighbours eventually levered open the door with a crowbar. ─── 邻居们最后用一根撬棍撬开了门。

76、My lovely village, slated for the Chinese wrecking ball: workers with a hammer and crowbar. ─── (我可爱的乡村,晾着打鱼的浮球,工人用铁锤和铁锹工作----可能翻译有误)

77、They take a crowbar to a grand old house nearby that is full of flowers. ─── 他们采取撬,以盛大的老房子附近,充满了鲜花。

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