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09-04 投稿



humorless 发音

英:[?hju?m?rl?s]  美:[?hju?m?l?s]

英:  美:

humorless 中文意思翻译



humorless 同义词

unhumorous | humourless | serious | dull | unfunny | straight |sullen | sour | dour

humorless 词性/词形变化,humorless变形

名词: humorlessness |副词: humorlessly |

humorless 反义词


humorless 相似词语短语

1、armorless ─── 无甲

2、humoresk ─── 幽默的

3、humoralists ─── 幽默家

4、humoresks ─── 幽默

5、humourlessly ─── 毫无幽默感

6、honorless ─── 光荣的

7、humorlessly ─── adv.缺乏幽默感地;一本正经地

8、humourless ─── adj.缺乏幽默感的;一本正经的

9、humpless ─── adj.无隆肉的

humorless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A person with a sense of humor is less likely to take things too seriously and more ready to see the humor in her own reactions than is a humorless person. ─── 4.分析:通过学习策略的训练,使学生能根据阅读材料的要求,有意识、有目的地选择恰当的学习策略,学会英语阅读的方法,并逐步熟练运用,达到独立自主完成学习任务的目的。

2、Men are not attracted by grim, humorless women, any more than women are drawn to such men. ─── 男人不为表情冷淡、毫无幽默感的女人所动,他们不像女人那样往往倾心于面孔冷峻、不苟言笑的男人。

3、Slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are again in ─── 随着一声巨响铁门打开,远端是一间屋子,镜头推近。七个人一本正经的在一张长长的桌子边挨着坐着,面前是一张空椅。镜头再次推进房子。

4、Good design may not have to be funny, but it's hard to imagine something that could be called humorless also being good design. ─── 好的设计不必表现得滑稽,但很难想象没有幽默感的东西会是好的设计。

5、Does the writer sound crooked or honest, humorless or playful? ─── 作者是盗名窃誉还是实事求是?是枯燥无味还是妙趣横生的?

6、When even survival is questionable, any discourse on human rights becomes a humorless joke. ─── 当生存也成疑问时,对人权的讨论便变成不幽默的笑话了。

7、Lawyer Utterson was a taciturn and humorless person. ─── 律师厄特森先生是个不爱说话、一本正经的人。

8、It was a humorless wink; a wink of warning. ─── 这不是幽默的眨眼;这是警告的眨眼。

9、is somehow equal to being very formal and humorless. ─── 在某种意义上就等于非常刻板而缺乏幽默。

10、During the wait, some students listened to a funny tape, whereas others heard a humorless speech or nothing at all. ─── 在等待中,一些学生听滑稽的录音带,而其他人则听一个不好笑的演讲或者是什么也不听。

11、Does the writer sound crooked or honest, humorless or playful ? ─── 作者是盗名窃誉还是实事求是?是枯燥无味还是妙趣横生的?

12、Jap training methods are both humorless and tireless. ─── 日本人的训练方法即缺乏幽默感又不知疲倦。

13、A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group. ─── 一个缺少幽默感的人很难是一群人中最受欢迎的。

14、People consumed by ambition,living with ambition,get to be a little humorless,a little one-sided. ─── 有人沉溺于理想,生活中只有理想,这种人会缺乏幽默感,比较片面。

15、The authorities took their usual humorless approach to this flight of fancy. ─── 当局以一贯一本正经的行事风格对待这次异想天开之旅。

16、In many workplaces, the boss might be the decision maker, but he or she isn't the stern, humorless caricature you saw on TV. ─── 在工作场合,老板是作决定者,但他们不是你在电视上看到那种严肃呆板毫无幽默细胞的滑稽角色。

17、it was a humorless wink; ─── 这是一个严肃的眼色;

18、To me, they seem a bit more emotionless than I'd expected, even via Nancy, though certainly not humorless or without personality! ─── 在我看来,他们似乎比我预期中缺乏一点感情,甚至通过南茜也是如此,虽然肯定他们并不是缺乏幽默感,或者没有个性!

19、She winked at me,but it was humorless;a wink of warning(Truman Capote) ─── 她向我使了个眼色,但那一点儿也不幽默;一个警告的眼色(杜鲁门·卡波特)

20、"She winked at me, but it was humorless; a wink of warning" (Truman Capote) ─── “她向我使了个眼色,但那一点儿也不幽默;一个警告的眼色”(杜鲁门·卡波特)

21、7. A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group. ─── 一个缺乏幽默感的人不可能成为一群人中最受欢迎的人.

22、A typical Selonian is humorless, primarily concerned with the preservation of her family, or den, and her people as a whole. ─── 典型的塞洛尼亚人没有什么幽默感,生活重心放在保护她的家族,或巢穴,还有所有居民上。

23、Weak spots: Not very spontaneous when it comes to making business decisions (Compaq was late and not great when it entered the notebook game in the early 1990s); can come off as bland and humorless in person. ─── 弱点:在进行商业决策时有些优柔寡断。(在90年代早期康柏公司进入笔记本电脑市场较晚并且业绩不佳)为人冷漠、缺乏幽默感。

24、result, Hu always keeps an image of being a cautious leader – often he’s cast as being boring and humorless. ─── 因此,胡一直保持谦逊的形象,且往往被描述为无聊和枯燥。

25、SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit side by side at a long table.An empty chair faces them. ─── 七个人一本正经的在一张长长的桌子边挨着坐着,对面放着一把空椅。

26、4. Men are not attracted by grim, humorless women, any more than women are drawn to such men. ─── 正确地去观察数学,它拥有的不仅是真理,还有种至高的美,一种冷峻、简朴的美,就像雕刻作品一样。收藏指正

27、Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people. ─── 定义和分析什么是幽默是缺乏幽默感者的游戏。

28、Stuss and Shammi's most humorless patients had a damaged area in the frontal lobe known as the medial ventral prefrontal cortex. ─── 斯特斯和谢米所研究的那些最没有幽默感的病人,其脑前叶的受伤位置就在一个叫做“脑前叶下腹中轴皮层”的地方。

29、Most of these books are humorless ─── 这类书大多枯燥无味。

30、She winked at me, but it was humorless;a wink of warning(Truman Capote) ─── 她向我使了个眼色,但那一点儿也不幽默;一个警告的眼色(杜鲁门 卡波特)

31、“Sun took too long getting our In-N-Out Burgers last night after the game,” Bryant said, adding a dose of humor to an otherwise humorless night. “I don't know where . . . he went. ─── “孙在昨天晚上的比赛后出去买汉堡浪费了太长的时间了,”科比在输球后本该没有幽默气氛的晚上却带有幽默语气地说到,“我不知道他(孙悦)到底去了哪里。

32、Jap training methods are both humorless and tireless. ─── 日本人的训练方法即缺乏幽默感又不知疲倦。

33、The Enterprise computer is returned to normal, but the pursuing Romulan ships are now infected with the same subatomic particles, now wreaking practical jokes on the humorless Romulans. ─── 在能量场内进取号的计算机恢复了正常,但是罗慕伦人的船舰开始出现同样的症状。寇克决定等一会儿再告诉罗慕伦人怎样驱逐他们的捣蛋鬼。

34、Methodical, humorless, and unruffled, the stern negotiator controls sessions with sheer discipline. ─── 严肃型谈判者,按部就班的,缺乏幽默感,沉着镇定,完全用纪律控制谈判。

35、"It's all so stolid and humorless, even the scenes in San Francisco,without compensating epic sweep. ─── 全片麻木迟钝、一本正经,甚至是那些还在旧金山时的没有史诗场面的部分.

36、"it was a humorless wink; ─── 注释列句:lacking humor;

37、In many workplaces, the boss might be the decision maker, but he or she isn't the stern, humorless caricature you saw on TV. ─── 在工作场合,老板是作决定者,但他们不是你在电视上看到那种严肃呆板毫无幽默细胞的滑稽角色。

38、Thanks to this slavishly loyal and humorless AI, I am now sharing cramped space with the circuitry of some hybrid war machine, itself complicated by such useless clutter as a conscience. ─── 还真是要感谢这个如同奴隶一般愚忠的古板人工智慧,终于,我还是在这个混血的战争机器体内为自己争取了一丝狭小的生存空间。

39、slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are again in: ─── 随着一声巨响铁门打开,远端是一间屋子,镜头推近。七个人一本正经的在一张长长的桌子边挨着坐着,面前是一张空椅。镜头再次推进房子。

40、A typical Selonian is humorless, primarily concerned with the preservation of her family, or den, and her people as a whole. ─── 典型的塞洛尼亚人没有什么幽默感,生活重心放在保护她的家族,或巢穴,还有所有居民上。

41、Actually, that would probably be just fine with Shrek (voice of Mike Myers), a cantankerous and, by and large, humorless fixture in his own franchise. ─── 事实上,对于这个叛逆、缺少幽默感的史瑞克(MikeMyers配音)来说他并不在意。

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