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09-04 投稿



Dane 发音


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Dane 中文意思翻译



Dane 网络释义

n. 丹麦人;戴恩(男子名)

Dane 词性/词形变化,Dane变形


Dane 短语词组

1、great dane mix ─── 大丹混血儿

2、british dane ─── 英国丹麦人

3、eric dane ─── 数据eric

4、dame dane ─── 女士们跳舞。

5、a great dane ─── 大丹狗

6、trooper dane pfeiffer ─── 士兵丹恩·普费弗

7、dane street ─── 街道数据

8、Great Dane ─── 大丹狗

9、the dane ─── 丹麦人

10、dane particle ─── 丹氏粒(乙型肝炎病毒的完整毒粒)

Dane 相似词语短语

1、Jane ─── n.简(女子名)

2、danke ─── int.谢谢;n.(Danke)(德)丹凯(人名)

3、Vane ─── n.叶片;[气象]风向标;风信旗;n.(Vane)人名;(老)万;(塞、芬)瓦内;(英)文;(西)巴内

4、dance ─── n.舞蹈;舞会;舞曲;vi.跳舞;跳跃;飘扬;vt.跳舞;使跳跃;adj.舞蹈的;用于跳舞的;n.(Dance)人名;(英)丹斯;(法)当斯

5、-ane ─── adj.一个的;仅有的,唯一的(等于one);det.(用于强调某人做某事)一个(等于one);pron.一,一个;那个人;那种人;任何人(等于one);n.一美元纸币(等于one);abbr.噪音环境(acousticnoiseenvironment);n.(Ane)(丹、挪、美、西、巴)阿尼(人名)

6、Dane ─── n.丹麦人;戴恩(男子名)

7、Tane ─── n.(Tane)人名;(罗、塞)塔内

8、daine ─── 戴恩

9、Lane ─── n.小巷;[航][水运]航线;车道;罚球区;n.(Lane)人名;(英、俄)莱恩;(老)兰;(德、法、意、葡、塞、瑞典)拉内;n.兵线(游戏术语)

Dane 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark, but he became a British citizen at the age of 30. ─── 他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30岁时成了英国公民。

2、Ogier the Dane ─── 丹麦人俄吉

3、"Edwin gets a lot of praise but Vidic's displays in the last two years are second to none," said the Dane. ─── “埃德温获得了很多赞扬,但是维迪奇过去两年的表现是没人比得上的。”丹麦人(译者注:此指舒梅切尔)说道。

4、He was a very active lad, fair-haired, freckled, with a touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him. ─── 他是个性子好动的孩子,一头金发,满脸雀斑,有点像丹麦人或挪威人。

5、indirect detec-tion of HBcAg by ELISA,two kinds of antibodies coated,direct detection of lytic Dane particles in reaction pore by ELISA; ─── HBcAg采用ELISA间接法,两种抗体包被,反应孔内裂解Dane颗粒的酶标技术直接检测;

6、The Dane missed the Reds' last three outings against Stoke, Tottenham and Wolves with a groin injury. ─── 丹麦人错失由于腹股沟伤病缺阵了斯托克城、热刺和狼队的三场比赛。

7、Iago.Why, he drinks you, with facility, your Dane dead drunk;he sweats not to overthrow your Almain;he gives your Hollander a vomit, ere the next pottle can be filled. ─── 伊阿古嘿,他会不动声色地把丹麦人灌得烂醉如泥,面不流汗地把德国人灌得不省人事,还没有倒满下一杯,那荷兰人已经呕吐狼藉了。

8、These expression plasmids were transfected into HepG2-N10 cells, a cell line which stably express HBsAg,HBeAg and adw2 subtype Dane Particles. ─── HepG2-N10是一个可稳定表达HBsAg及HBeAg的细胞株(其表达HBV血清型为adw2亚型)。

9、cobra dane radar ─── 丹麦眼镜蛇雷达

10、You will find Wilson trailers, Great Dane trailers, Lufkin trailers, Trailmobile trailers and so on. ─── 加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。

11、The Dane said: 'We were able to make a great reaction, we gave it our best shot. ─── 丹麦人说:“我们成功的实现了翻盘,我们表现出了最好的水平。

12、He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark. ─── 他按出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人。

13、The Dane has found the net twice in three Premier League starts but Wenger insists he has no plans to let Bendtner leave in the summer. ─── 本赛季他在联赛中竟然仅仅获得了两次首发机会。但是温格坚称,他没有夏季放走本特纳的计划。

14、The people became enthusiastic about genetics and tried to improve the breed and they began to mix native Caucasians with the German Shepherd and Great Dane. ─── 人们对于基因变得异乎热衷,他们开始混合本土高加索和德国牧羊犬以及大丹犬的血统以期改良犬的品质。

15、Dane holds a sign, which reads “Tennis tickets wanted” at the Beitucheng subway station. ─── 8月12日,北土城地铁站打着“求网球票”牌子的丹麦游客。

16、His father is Dane and his mother is an American. ─── 他的父亲是丹麦人,母亲是美国人。

17、The authorship of the Ordinance is a matter of controversy, but it seems probable that Rufus King and Nathan Dane were its principal authors. ─── 关于谁是此法令的草拟者颇多争论,但鲁弗斯·金与内森·戴恩可能是主要执笔人。

18、Dane is dead," said Meggie. ─── 戴恩死了。”梅吉说道。

19、” One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in puritan churched. ─── 人们怀疑这段对圣经的精心阐释是他从清教教会听来的。

20、Unfortunately for the Dane, no one was talking about her snapping out of a much-maligned Grand Slam drought. ─── 不幸的是,没人认谈论关于丹麦人什么时候能结束大满贯冠军荒的事。

21、The Dane accepted a new five-year deal last month despite having to settle for 26 senior appearances in 2008-09. ─── 上个月,丹麦小伙接受了一份为期5年的新合同,尽管他在08-09赛季只代表球队上场过26次。

22、"I had a quiet laugh when I saw Dane, I tell you." ─── “我告诉你,当我一看见丹尼,我就轻轻地笑了。”

23、Through the reaction of 7-ADCA and Dane Salt, one step crystallization gives Cefalexin with the total yield 89.4% . ─── 7-氨基-3-去乙酰氧基头孢烷酸(7-ADCA)和苯甘氨酸邓钠盐反应,只需要一步结晶即可得头孢氨苄,总收率89.4%。

24、He was a Dane, the owner of a travelling theatre. ─── 他是丹麦人,我的老乡,一位巡回剧院的经理。

25、The Dane said: ’The hit with [Sebastien] Frey was the hardest pain I had on a football pitch. ─── 丹麦人说:“和弗雷的那次碰撞是我在足球场上的一次最艰难的伤痛。

26、The Dane has been absent from the starting XI since the first leg of our Champions League qualifier in Liege. ─── 丹麦人已经缺席了自欧冠资格赛对阵标准列日第一回合后的全部比赛。

27、He once took a motorcycle trip from Minneapolis to South America along with his Great Dane, Rowdy. ─── 他曾采取了摩托车之旅从明尼阿波利斯到南美洲随着他的伟大丹麦,粗暴。

28、Inoculate hepatocytes with HBV Dane particles to observe if HBV susceptibility of fetal hepatocytes can be induced in vitro. ─── HBV cccDNA的改良PCR检测法简便快速,敏感性及特异性均好。

29、Para Hydroxy Phenyl Glycine Methyl Potassium Dane Salt ─── 含羟苯氨基乙酸甲基钾盐

30、Kim Clijsters completed her incredible return to Grand Slam tennis with a 7-5 6-3 win over Dane Caroline Wozniacki to claim her second US Open title. ─── Kim Clijsters以7比5、6比3击败Caroline Wozniacki回归大满贯网球赛,第二次夺得美国公开赛冠军。

31、He said that he was a Dane, but in the Torres Straits he was known as German Harry. ─── 他自称是丹麦人,但在托雷斯海峡,人家都管他叫德国人哈利。

32、In the present study,a hybrldoma cell line(Ell)was established by fusion of mouse myeloma cells(Sp2/0) with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with HBV antigen purified from human plasma and containing a plenty of HBV Dane particles. ─── 以富含Dane颗粒的HBV抗原作免疫原进行研究,选育出一株分泌具有抗HBc及抗HBs双重反应性McAb的杂交瘤细胞株。

33、The Dane agreed a new deal earlier in the summer despite having to settle for 26 senior appearances last term. ─── 上赛季仅出场26次的阿格在今年早些时候选择了与球队续约。

34、The Dane, who missed almost all of last season with a metatarsal injury, has enjoyed an extended run in the side since Martin Skrtel suffered cruciate ligament damage against Man City in October. ─── 因为跖骨受伤丹丹缺席了上赛季几乎全部的比赛,而本赛季斯科特尔在对曼城比赛中的受伤使他重回主力位置。

35、Dane County sheriff's deputies used snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles to check on motorists caught in the I-90 backup, McMenamin said. ─── 丹麦县治安官的副手用snowmobiles和各种地形的车辆,检查驾驶人被夹在一90备份, mcmenamin说。

36、particle, Dane ─── 丹氏颗粒(乙型肝炎病毒)

37、kerry king,jeff herdman's solos,tom araya's voice and bass play and dane lombaro's drum play drive you mad in another world!!!!!!!!!!!! ─── 免责声明:此下载只供个人使用。在未经原创者允许前,请不要复制、修改、分发或出售全部或部分的文件。

38、He returned to the throne on the death of Sweyn in 1014, but on his death he was succeeded by the Dane Canute the Great. ─── 1014年斯韦恩去世,艾思尔莱复位,条件是他死后要由丹麦人克努特(Canute the Great)来继位。

39、The Dane told Jyllands-Posten: "I don't think that the season has been optimal. ─── 他告诉丹麦日德兰告诉邮:“我并不认为本赛季已经是最佳。”

40、He is pictured here in aerial action against the Dane, Rieper. ─── 在这张照片里他正在和对手进行空中对抗。

41、Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dane ─── 仅最后一曲...亲爱的...最后一曲了

42、Conclusion Dane granule antigen of HBV has consistency in detecting the infection of chronic hepatitis B with serum markers and HBV-DNA quantitation. ─── 丹氏颗粒抗原是一个能较好的反应乙肝病毒复制的指标,对乙肝的诊断、预后及抗病毒疗效观察有较好的实用价值。

43、The Stereochemistry Determination of 19-Nor-Neoclero dane by NMR Methods ─── NMR谱在确定克罗烷二萜立体构型中的运用

44、Dane had taken a fancy to him, hung on his words, lingered near him; Justine was plain jealous. ─── 丹尼对他很感兴趣,老是想和他说话,老是缠绵地想要接近他,这使贾斯丁非常妒忌。

45、Then the Dane went round the goalkeeper and was fouled. ─── 丹麦人想晃过守门员,但是被侵犯了。

46、Barcelona is a team that is always going to create chances, " said the Dane " But I think we had a great gameplan and it worked well. ─── “巴萨是一支一直都会创造出机会的球队,”这位丹麦人说。“但是我认为我们有一个极好的比赛计划,十分奏效。”

47、And the Dane's most precious goal: 'The goal scored against Inter was special: because it was in the derby and we were 2-0 down at the start of the second half and my goal started the comeback. ─── 在谈到他的最漂亮的进球时,丹麦人说:“那场和国米时的进球非常的特别,因为那是德比而且我们0-2落后,在下半场开始不久,我的进球吹响了我们反攻的号角。”

48、FormerEverton defender Per Kroldrup (ankle) and fellow Dane Martin Jorgensen(foot) are unlikely to make their returns from injury at the AllianzArena. ─── 前埃弗顿后卫克劳德鲁普(踝关节受伤)和约根森(脚伤)也不会出现在安联球场。

49、But Benitez, who also has Jamie Carragher and Sami Hyypia fighting for the two centre-half positions, is sure that the Dane will extend his stay at Anfield after discussions at the end of the week. ─── 但是同时拥有卡拉格和海皮亚两名中后卫的贝尼特斯肯定在经过周末谈判后,丹麦人能延续他在安菲尔德之道路。

50、He is a Dane by origin. ─── 他原籍丹麦。

51、As for the team Liverpool could face in the knockout stages of the Champions League, the Dane insists he's given it no thought. ─── 利物浦已经进入了欧洲冠军联赛的淘汰赛,丹麦人表示他没有考虑这些。

52、However, Pre-S 1 is located on Dane granule and is a reliable indicator of replication. ─── 但Pre -S1 存在于Dane颗粒上 ,是复制的可靠标识。

53、Fulham and Everton have also been identified in media reports as admirers of the 29-year-old, but it now looks, according to Sky, that Rafa Benitez has become the favourite to land the Dane. ─── 也有报道说富勒姆和埃弗顿也在追逐这名29岁的球员,不过根据天空体育的说法,现在看来,拉法.贝尼特斯已经对签下丹麦人有兴趣。

54、3、And Michael, the Great Dane, gets ghoulish in California. ─── 万圣节活动中,大丹狗迈克尔扮成了食尸鬼。

55、DANE; National Advisory Commission on the Negotiations between Belize and Guatemala; ─── 伯利兹与危地马拉间谈判问题国家咨询委员会;

56、"Dane! What are you up to? Come out of there this instant!" ─── “丹尼,你在干什么?马上从这里面出来

57、Three Shires head showing the Old Pack Horse Bridge not far from the source of the river Dane. ─── 三夏尔斯展示了与丹麦河流源头的距离并不遥远的老包马大桥。

58、Once we've seen a dog, we'll recognize both a Chihuahua and a Great Dane, though they look very little alike. ─── 一旦我们认识了狗,我们会认识吉娃娃狗和大丹狗,虽然它们看起来不是非常像。

59、She poured some water into a plastic bowl. Faust, her Great Dane, lapped it up with relish. ─── 她往一个塑料碗里倒了些水,她的丹麦大狗福斯特津津有味地舐食起来。

60、In 1974 data was published based on research on Great Dane puppies that concluded that there was a higher incidence of hip dysplasia in puppies fed a high protein, high energy, high mineral diet. ─── 在1974年,依据大丹犬幼犬的数字被公布出来,当幼犬被喂食那些高蛋白质,高能量,高矿物元素的食品时,它们更容易发生髋关节结构变形的病症。

61、Richard Morris Dane ─── 丁恩爵士(1854-1940),英国人,殖民地长官,曾在北洋政府财政部任职。

62、In the legends of Charlemagne she is most famous for her association with Ogier the Dane, whom she takes to her mystical island palace to be her lover. ─── 在查理曼大帝传奇中,她最为著名的事件是她与Ogier the Dane交往,她将他带到自己的神秘的岛上宫殿里,使他成为自己的情人。

63、He is a Dane in Beijing ─── 他是个在北京的丹麦人。

64、The Dane said: 'This afternoon I scored my fourth goal of the season, I'm very happy. ─── 丹麦人说:“今天下午我攻入了本赛季的第四个进球,我非常高兴。

65、In February 2007, the Organization for the Protection of Animals noted that Artest's Great Dane at home by stocking Jishi Tian outside unattended, so they serve as a warning to the owner. ─── 2007年2月份,动物保护组织注意到阿泰斯特家的大丹犬被放养在外几十天无人看管,于是便给主人一个警告。

66、Dane Madsen loves a bargain, so when he spotted a $100 rebate offer on $699 Lenovo laptops at Office Depot, he bought two. ─── 丹麦马德森爱便宜,所以当他发现了一个100美元的退税报价699美元,联想的笔记本电脑在办公用品,他买了。

67、Dihydro Phenylglycine Sodium dane salt ─── 二羟基苯甘氨酸邓钠盐

68、dane salt of D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine ─── D-对羟基苯甘氨酸邓氏钾盐

69、The authorship of the Ordinance is a matter of controversy, but it seems probable that Rufus King and Nathan Dane were its principal authors ─── 关于谁是此法令的草拟者颇多争论,但鲁弗斯?金与内森?戴恩可能是主要执笔人。

70、He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark,but he became a British citizen at the age of 30. ─── 他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30 岁时成了英国公民.

71、Michael R.Hill.Adrian T.DeWald.Anne G.Demma.Lloyd A.Hackel,Hao-Lin Chen,C.Brent Dane,Robert C.Specht,Fritz B.Harris Laser peening technology 2003(161 ─── 周建忠.杜建钧.黄舒.杨超君金属板料的激光喷丸变形理论[期刊论文]-应用激光2007(6

72、He is a Dane inasmuchas he was born in Denmark, but he became a British citizen at the age of 30. ─── 他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30岁时成了英国公民。

73、The dane make numerous descent upon the english coast during the 10th century ─── 丹麦人在十世纪曾对英国海岸发动过无数次袭击

74、The Dane drinks tea. ─── 丹麦人喝茶;

75、a Great Dane ─── 丹麦种大狗

76、I said, Dane was your son too. ─── 我说,戴恩也是你的儿子。

77、Dane, Richard Morris ─── 丁恩爵士

78、Dane buried his head in his hands. "Floria and I have been all over the galaxy. I've met so many beings. He's one in a line of awful ones. " ─── Dane用手臂抱住头,“我和Floria去过银河系很多地方,见过无数的人,他给我的印象很差,我得仔细想想。”

79、He was a very active lad, fair-haired, freckled, with a touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him ─── 他是个性子好动的孩子,一头金发,满脸雀斑,有点像丹麦人或挪威人。

80、Hendricks County Sheriff's Department court Deputy Dane Morgan, slips on a pair of high heel women's shoes at the Metropolis shop-ping center in Plainfield on May 10, 2008. ─── 5月10日,美国平田市一家法院的职员在大都市购物中心穿着一双女式高跟鞋。

81、As a Dane, I naturally know Hans Christian Andersen's tales. ─── 作为丹麦人,我自然知道安徒生童话。

82、The company was started by a Swede and a Dane who contracted out much of their work to computer programmers in Estonia. ─── 这家公司最初由一个瑞典人和一个丹麦人发起设立,他们把许多工作外包给爱沙尼亚的计算机程序员。

83、Michael Douglas Susan Anspach Lawrence Dane ─── 主演:迈克尔·道格拉斯

84、The Dane spurned three gilt-edged opportunities as the Reds left it late to claim a 1-1 draw. ─── 丹麦人浪费了3次绝佳机会,而红军在最后时刻才取得1-1的平局。

85、Dane granule antigen of hepatitis B virus ─── 乙型肝炎病毒丹氏颗粒抗原

86、Mean while , many settles had slighter religious commitments than Dane's, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion . ─── 同时,许多定居者的宗教献身精神并不如迪恩强烈,一个牧师与从沿海居民那里了解到他们并非为信仰才来到新世界。

87、The world is dane and boring, ─── 世界是暗淡的

88、Meanwhile, many settlers had slighter religious commitments than Dane's, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion . ─── 与此同时,许多定居者并没有戴恩那样虔诚,就像一位牧师在海边遇到一些人时听到的那样,那些人嘲弄说他们不是为了宗教来到新大陆的。

89、Dhamma sadhu, kiyam cu dhamme ti?Apasinave, bahu kayane, daya, dane, sace, socaye//. ─── 佛法是好的,那佛法由什么组成呢?

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