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09-04 投稿


blanched 发音

英:[blɑ?nt?t]  美:[bl?nt?t]

英:  美:

blanched 中文意思翻译



blanched 词性/词形变化,blanched变形

名词: blancher |动词过去式: blanched/blenched |异体字: blench |动词第三人称单数: blanches/blenches |动词过去分词: blanched/blenched |动词现在分词: blanching/blenching |

blanched 短语词组

1、blanched kale ─── 漂白羽衣甘蓝

2、blanched peanut ─── 漂白花生

3、almond flour blanched ─── 漂白杏仁粉

4、blanched soldier ─── 漂白士兵

5、blanched almonds ─── 去皮杏仁

6、blanched definition ─── 漂白定义

blanched 相似词语短语

1、blancher ─── n.杀青机,杀菁机;热烫机,烫漂器;n.(Blancher)人名;(法)布朗谢

2、blanchers ─── n.杀青机,杀菁机;热烫机,烫漂器;n.(Blancher)人名;(法)布朗谢

3、blenched ─── v.(因惊吓而)退缩;(受惊吓)脸色发白;(使)变白

4、blanches ─── vt.漂白;使变白;vi.漂白;发白;变白;n.铅矿石;adj.漂白的;银白色的;n.(Blanch)人名;(英、西)布兰奇;(葡)布兰什;(瑞典)布兰克

5、bached ─── v.(尤指男子)过单身生活,过独居生活;n.度假小屋;n.(Bach)巴赫(德国作曲家)

6、-lanched ─── 左边

7、planched ─── 刨过的

8、Blanche ─── n.布兰奇(女子名)

9、branched ─── adj.分枝的;枝状的;有枝的;v.分叉;扩展(branch的过去分词);长出树枝

blanched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hydrogen peroxide solution is brushed try a tooth, blanch the effect fast? ─── 双氧水擦试牙齿,漂白效果快吗?

2、Additional, in oxidation hydrogen is being blanched and disinfecting a process too, do not produce pollution 2 times, because this is in,environmental protection asks increasingly strict today.. ─── 另外,过氧化氢在漂白和消毒过程中,不产生二次污染,因此在环保要求日益严格的今天...

3、The peanuts kernels of 10000mt, Groundnuts in shell of 5000mt, Blanched peanuts kernels of 3000mt.Roasted peanuts of 2000mt.Pumpkin seeds of 2000mt. ─── 公司的产品从1996年起销往世界各地,备受国际客户的赞赏,公司于2001年被授予进出口权,产品可从工厂直接出口。

4、BLANCH : What type of trial was conducted? ─── 伯朗什:是怎么一个试验过程?

5、BLANCH : How dense is this wool pile, did you breed a sheep for this or was it in feeding or what did you do? ─── 伯朗什:羊毛的密度又是什么一个标准?你们是否专门培育的一个羊种用于医用羊皮?

6、How about"blanched chicken"(8)? It is a famous dish in Guangzhou. ─── “白切鸡”怎么样,它是广州的一道名菜。

7、BLANCH : And the results were what? ─── 伯朗什:哪,结果如何?

8、"Parrot " the card blanchs eucalyptus wood pulp is production of Brazilian ARACRUZ company to not have chloric blanch pulp. ─── “鹦鹉”牌漂白桉木浆是巴西ARACRUZ公司生产的无氯漂白纸浆。

9、Why is skin beauty equal to the skin to blanch in vain? ─── 为什么皮肤美白不等于皮肤漂白?

10、Blanch walnuts for 1 minute, drain and leave to dry. ─── 将核桃肉拖水1分钟,取出隔乾。

11、Her face blanched with fear at the news of her daughter's accident. ─── 听到她女儿发生车祸的消息她吓得脸色刷白。

12、Remove the tough skin from asparagus. Cut into 1-inch sections. Blanch for 1 minute, then remove. Plunge into cold water to cool. Drain. ─── 削去芦笋的根部粗皮,冲洗后斜切成寸段备用。水烧开,入芦笋段焯1分钟左右。取出后放入凉水中。滤干。

13、Stir in the horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, mace and blanched potatoes. Bring back to the boil over a low heat for 20-30 minutes until the potatoes are cooked. Add seasoning if desired. ─── 土豆-又名马铃薯、洋芋、地蛋、山药蛋。茄科茄属一年生草本。又称马铃薯、洋芋、山药蛋、薯仔(香港、广州人的惯称)等。块茎可供...详细所有土豆菜谱

14、Biology of Liriomyza Sativae Blanch and Its Chemical Control ─── 北京地区美洲斑潜蝇的生物学习性及药剂防治

15、He look up the brae, to where he saw a convolute road ascending into that conical and cross stele, the rock was blanched by the red-hot sunshine. ─── 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。

16、The twilight pallor of the sky blanched the earth, and the lane formed a livid line between two rows of dark bushes. ─── 天上苍白的微光把大地映成白色,那条巷子成了两行深黑的矮树中间的一条灰白道儿。

17、Feng Yun-ching gulped uncomfortably, and his face blanched as he sat dazedly down on the couch again and stared up into his friend's plump face. ─── 冯云卿喉间“呃”了一声,脸色倏又转为死白,不知不觉重复坐下,眼光瞅定了他朋友的那张胖脸。

18、In an ideal world, we would all buy and cook fresh food every day, pausing only to take from our freezers the surplus veg we had blanched in season and perfect pies we’d baked ourselves. ─── 在现实生活中,我们每天购买和烹饪新鲜食物,或只暂时将剩余的蔬菜放入冷冻箱,我们已经在在季节中脱化并烤好馅饼。

19、At the sight of Cowperwood he actually blanched. ─── 一看到柯帕乌,他真是面如纸色了。

20、You blanch almonds to remove their skins ─── 你把杏仁焯一下

21、Blanch the broccoli in boiling water for 30seconds - 1minute and then soak in cold water until cool. ─── 在沸水中将西兰花过水,约30秒-1分钟,然后泡在冷水中冷却,取出后晾干装盘。

22、The results indicated that after being blanched, the content of chlorophyll, saccharide, POD, and vitamin C were reduced evidently.However the percentage of protein and Ca2+ had no obviously change. ─── 实验表明,苦菜漂烫时,随漂烫温度的升高,叶绿素、糖、POD和维生素C的含量都有较大幅度的降低,而蛋白质和钙的含量则基本保持恒定。

23、His lips were bluish, his cheeks blanched. ─── 他嘴唇微微发青,脸色发白。

24、Prepare the asparagus to your taste; it can be blanched lightly in salt water or serve raw for a crunchier texture. ─── 各位可依自己口味调理,芦荀丝可放入滚水烫一下也可以生吃。

25、3.Because be surface layer only,bleach, use heavier to color tetracycline tooth, fluorine spot tooth with respect to need so inside blanch a law. ─── 3.因为只是表层变白,所以对颜色较重的四环素牙、氟斑牙等就需要使用内漂白法。

26、5. it’s unhealthy for the dog with too much white in eye, blanched or grimed eyeball, or with too much secretion at canthus. ─── 5.眼白过多,眼球发白或污浊,眼角分泌多者都是不健康的。

27、The doctor chose for her outside blanch a law. ─── 医生为她选择了外漂白法。

28、His face blanched. ─── 他脸色苍白。

29、Add blanched Tagliolini and stir-fry until flavor absorbed. ─── 加入已烫好的自制手工面(也可用一般义大利面)拌炒入味。

30、"She'll lose that leg, " Enzo heard one of the EMTs, whose face was blanched white from the cold, say. ─── “她要失去那条腿,”恩佐听到其中一位急诊医生——他的脸因为寒冷而发白——说。

31、Blanch and dye with colour for fabric ─── 对织物进行漂白和染色

32、Widely cultivated herb with leaves valued as salad green ; either curly serrated leaves or broad flat ones that are usually blanched . ─── 被广泛种植的一种植物,其叶可以制作沙拉菜;其叶可分为卷曲的齿状和宽平状。

33、Minced another 80g garoupa, blanch in hot oil until cooked, remove from wok. ─── 将另外约80克的星斑肉切碎,放入热油中走油,盛起备用。

34、He blanched (with fear) at the sight of the snake. ─── 他看见蛇(吓得)脸色煞白。

35、He blanched at being called old. ─── 一听到说他老,他的脸色立即变得苍白起来。

36、Cut the asparagus into 3 sections, blanch in boiling water until done. ─── 准备一锅热水,把嫩芦笋切成3段后焯熟。

37、Liu took three coins and manipulated them to cast Blacky' s horoscope. He blanched at the result. ─── 二诸葛摸了摸脸,取出三个制钱占了一卦,占出之后吓得他面色如土。

38、to become blanched or whitened,as when grown without sunlight ─── 在没有阳光的情况下生长而变苍白

39、Edgar sprang to his unbidden guest, blanched with astonishment and rage. ─── 埃德加冲向这位不速之客,脸色因惊愕与愤怒而发白。

40、Blanched gourd did not show such a pattern.Low temperature storage appeared to be favorable for the control of nitrate nitrogen in veg... ─── 低温处理有利于控制蔬菜中硝态氮的含量,但对可溶性总糖含量的影响却较小。

41、Incessant plastic surgery and blanched skin gave him a bizarre, ghoulish look. ─── 一次次的整形手术,以及漂白过的皮肤,让他看上去像食尸鬼般可怖和怪异。

42、He blanched visibly when he heard the news. ─── 他听到这个消息,脸唰一下就白了。

43、Bring half pot of water to a boil, blanch beef slices in water rapidly and remove. ─── 先烧开半锅开水,放入牛肉片快速煮烫过捞出。

44、Stir in the horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, mace and blanched potatoes. ─── 土豆-又名马铃薯、洋芋、地蛋、山药蛋。

45、She was not sad, only wistful, blanched. ─── 她并不伤心,只是愁闷,苍白无力。

46、The implication of microwave radiation technique on plant fiber blanch ─── 在次氯酸钠植物纤维漂白中应用微波辐射的研究

47、Wash scallops and marinate with seasoning for 20 minutes. Blanch it in boiling water with some vinegar for 1/2 minute. Take out and wipe dry (1/2tbsp vinegar to 4 cups of water) . ─── 制法:1.带子洗净,加调味料腌二十分钟,放落滚水中灼半分钟,取起抹乾水。灼时水中加入少许醋,大约水四杯加醋半汤匙。

48、For fresh prawn meat, blanch in boiling water and drain before stir-frying. ─── 如用新鲜中虾肉,先放入沸水中略煮,沥乾后才炒。

49、Simon's face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform. ─── 西蒙看见夏普被血浸透的制服时,脸一下子就白了。

50、Cut cuttlefish in medium size pieces, then blanch in hot water for a few minutes. Drain. ─── 墨鱼切成中等大小,然后在滚水中烫数分钟后沥乾。

51、* For fresh prawn meat, blanch in boiling water and drain before stir-frying. ─── * 如用新鲜中虾肉,先放入沸水中略煮,沥乾后才炒。

52、You blanch almonds to remove their skins. ─── 你把杏仁焯一下,烫去表皮。

53、Her face blanched with fear at the news. ─── 听到这个消息她吓得脸色变得苍白。

54、blanched almond ─── n. 白杏色

55、Her eyes grew large, her nostrils dilated, and her lips blanched. ─── 她双目圆睁,鼻翼扩大,嘴唇泛白。

56、With blanched cheeks, she signaled her mother to come inside the door of a vacant room. ─── 她两颊苍白,招呼她母亲到一个空房间里去。

57、He blanched at the sight of blood. ─── 他看到鲜血吓得脸色煞白。

58、BLANCH : When you say it's helping to prevent bedsores, is it actually slowing down the process or is it stopping them? ─── 伯朗什:你所说的防治褥疮,是延缓褥疮的产生,还是阻止褥疮的产生?

59、Blanch linguine, add olive oil and salt for 5 mintues, than Drain. ─── 于沸水中加上少许橄榄油及盐烚扁意粉约五分钟,沥乾水备用。

60、BLANCH : And how dense does the wool pile have to be? ─── 伯朗什:羊毛的密度达到多少才算合格?

61、Rinse Chinese almonds; soak snow fungus until soft, trim and tear into small pieces, blanch in boiling water with a slice of ginger, remove. ─── 南北杏冲水;雪耳浸发修好,撕成细朵,放滚水内加姜片拖水。

62、Her cheeks blanched slightly. ─── 她的面色略微转白了些。

63、She blanched at the thought of his suspecting something, and explained as best she could. ─── 她怕他要起疑心,直吓得脸色发白,急忙对他竭力的解释。

64、Everything he had said had been a mistake. He blanched at his miscalculations. ─── 他所说过的一切都是错的。他对自己的失算感到懊恼不已。

65、Instantly she drew herself into a more reserved position.Her cheeks blanched slightly. ─── 你一定要让我出了丑,事情弄得不可收拾了才告诉我。

66、But according to Francisco Blanch of Merrill Lynch, the rising cost of capital is likely to outweigh all these benefits. ─── 但是参考美林证券弗朗西斯分部的话,资金成本的上涨将可能消耗掉其它所有利润。

67、BLANCH : So how do the medical sheepskins work for the patient in helping prevent bedsores? ─── 伯朗什:澳大利亚医用羊皮是怎样在防止褥疮产生上发挥功效的哪?

68、She blanched with shock. ─── 她吓得脸都白了。

69、Old age blanched his hair. ─── 他因年老而满头白发。

70、Most major magazine publishers, when shown this screen by Apple (AAPL) representatives, blanched. ─── 当苹果公司(Apple)的销售代表向主要的杂志出版商显示此弹出窗口时,多数人脸都吓得煞白。

71、Clean and cut cabbage into pieces. Bring a pot of water to boil and blanch carrots and cabbage briefly. Drain. ─── 卷心菜洗净切片,和胡萝卜片放入沸水锅中稍焯,捞出沥水。

72、The very thought of going make her blanch. ─── 一想到去就使她脸色煞白。

73、With blanched cheeks, she signaled her mother to come inside the door of a vacant room. ─── 她两颊苍白,招呼她母亲到一个空房间里去。

74、blanched sirloin in stock ─── 上汤灼美国薄牛肉

75、Tom blanched and dropped his eyes. ─── 汤姆脸色煞白,垂下了眼睛。

76、blanched almonds ─── 去皮杏仁

77、The result can reasonable explain the "blanch" Phenomena and plasma instability in laser propulsion experimentation that is mentioned in some paper. ─── 以氢气和氢氩爲爲工质进行了算例计算,计算结果可对国外文献提到的试验中出现的等离子体“漂白”和等离子体不稳定现象进行合理的解释。

78、Do blanch an operation how to much Qian Heneng want to maintain how long probably? ─── 做漂白手术大概要多少钱和能保持多长时间?

79、Nambu blanched. ─── / Nambu 漂白。

80、Fear blanched her lips. ─── 她因恐惧而嘴唇煞白。

81、Trim bamboo fungus, blanch in half wok of boiling water with 2 slices of ginger(crushed). Drain, squeeze out excess water. ─── 修剪好竹笙,烧半镬水,加2片姜(略拍),把竹笙飞水,取出,榨乾水份。

82、Dice the broccoli. Blanch the broccoli for 3 minutes. Drain it well and dish it up as per fig.1. Mix well the egg and milk. ─── 先将西兰花切成粒,出水(约3分钟),隔水,排碟,花围成圈,其他则放于碟中(图1),奶和蛋浆搅匀

83、Keywords Spiced fried blanched peanut Oxidative rancidity Shelf-life; ─── 去皮椒盐油炸花生;酸败;货架寿命;

84、He blanched with shock. ─── 他吓得脸都白了。

85、Blanch lobster for 30 seconds then take out the flesh and brain. ─── 将波士顿龙虾汆烫约30秒后起锅,取出虾肉及虾膏备用。

86、Blanch the udon in boiling water for 2 minutes. Rinse under cold running water and drain. ─── 乌冬在滚水中煮2分钟,取出在水龙头下过冷河沥乾。

87、BLANCH : Can you rely solely do you think on the sheepskin to prevent bedsores? ─── 伯朗什:你是否认为仅仅使用医用羊皮就足以防止褥疮的产生了?

88、At the end of summer, Chinese chive are often blanched and covered to protect them from the light and conserve the yellowish color of the stems. ─── 在夏季末,将中国香葱经常用隐蔽的方式使之变白,避免受光照,保护茎持淡黄颜色。

89、Their faces blanched in terror. ─── 他们的脸因恐惧而吓得发白

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