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09-04 投稿


deferent 发音

英:[?def?r?nt]  美:[?def?r?nt]

英:  美:

deferent 中文意思翻译




deferent 短语词组

1、epicycle on deferent ─── 不同方向的本轮

2、deferent duct ─── [医] 输精管

deferent 相似词语短语

1、deference ─── n.顺从;尊重

2、deferents ─── adj.输送的,输出的;n.导管;(托勒密体系)均轮

3、deferment ─── n.延期;迁延

4、different ─── adj.不同的;个别的,与众不同的

5、referent ─── n.(语词的)所指事物,所指对象;指示物

6、deferments ─── n.延期;迁延

7、afferent ─── adj.[生理]传入的,输入的

8、referents ─── n.参照对象;指示物(referent的复数)

9、deterrent ─── adj.遏制的,威慑的;制止的;n.威慑;妨碍物;挽留的事物

deferent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It had taken all of Melanie's diplomacy to persuade them to defer their decision. ─── 媚兰尽全力解说协调,才说服她们暂不实行这项决定。

2、BMD was deferent individually in each range of ages and it decreased while ages increasing. ─── 同一年龄组间存在骨密度个体差异,且随年龄增大而增大。

3、read through British newspapers from the week before the 1981 Royal Wedding is to enter a more deferent era. ─── 翻阅1981年皇室婚礼前一周的英国报纸是一个不同的年代。

4、I'd be happy to defer to your wishes, but there's really nothing I can do about it. ─── 不是我不买你的面子,实在这事不好办。

5、He believes that the common people defer to birth but not to mere position: they dearly love a lord but they can't stand a bureaucrat. ─── 他相信普通人看重出身而不仅仅是地位:他们趋附贵族而不能容忍官僚。

6、Under the circumstances, we have to defer discussing this subject. ─── 在目前情况下,我们不得不推迟讨论这个问题。

7、They cannot defer their departure any longer. ─── 他们再不能推迟动身了。

8、Please defer non-essential travel to the Mexico City area for 72 hours. ─── 如非必要的访问,请推迟72小时去墨西哥的旅行计划。

9、Analyzing the land use patterns at CBD,the authors propose the principles and ideas for parking planning with deferent land use patterns. ─── 对中心商务区(CBD)的土地利用形态进行了分析并在此基础上提出了不同用地形态下中心商务区停车规划的原则和思路

10、To break through creativity, we must defer judgment. That is, learn to accept all ideas, without prejudice, and examine them each in turn. ─── 为了实现创造性的突破,判断必须从缓,即是说,要学会没有偏见地吸收各种看法,并一一予以论证。

11、This cut processing, memory and deferent cost. ─── 这就削减了处理、存储和传送费用。

12、Adopt the gantry multi - arms mechanically deferent manner, run steady. ─── 采用龙门多臂机械手输送方式,运行快捷。

13、We all defer to her in these matters. ─── 在这些事情上我们都听她的。

14、The different nerve block therapy was used for deferent parts of herpes zoster. ─── 不同部位的带状疱疹应用不同的神经阻滞治疗方法。

15、The Secretary of Agriculture was authorized to defer foreclosure on the loans, but he consistently declined to grant any deferrals. ─── 农业部部长得到授权推迟贷款的取消抵押品赎回权的期限,但他始终拒绝批准任何延期、若干上诉法院得出结论,认为农业部长拒绝执行法规构成滥用权限。

16、In other words, an application cannot completely defer to a message instance from the service interface definition alone. ─── 也就是说,应用程序可以不完全单独遵从来自服务接口定义的消息实例。

17、As an appeals-court judge, she was always obliged to defer to precedents set by the Supreme Court. ─── 作为一位上诉法院法官,她过去总是不得不遵循最高法院以前的判例。

18、Objective To investigate the scrotal ultrasonographic features of acquired obstructive azoospermia of proximal deferent duct. ─── 目的探讨近段输精管道获得性梗阻性无精子症的经阴囊超声表现。

19、In the case of financial aid, it is even trickier to defer. ─── 关于财务支持,延期会有一点麻烦。

20、Though the theory of safety management has been developed for many years, it varied from the deferent period and department. ─── 安全管理理论已发展多年,但不同时期、不同行业使其又具备不同的内容和特点。

21、The feudal concept that the wife should defer to her husband in everything has now been shattered. ─── 做妻子的事事都要服从丈夫这一封建观念已被粉碎了。

22、Collect more signs in deferent places. ─── 为学校设计更多的标识。

23、May sometimes, in backwardness situation, compete cannot always defer to your idea to carry on. ─── 可有时,落后的情况下,比赛不会总按照你的想法进行。”

24、Would you defer to an authority figure? ─── 你会顺从权威人物吗?

25、Two deferent NIM plug-in modules designed for deferent delay time scales are introduced in this article. ─── 介绍了两套不同原理的延时功能NIM插件的设计。

26、DISCUSSION The lower dose of Livial can defer the menopause period effectively, preventing to perimenopause syndronm. ─── [讨论]绝经前期口服小剂量利维爱可有效地延缓进入绝经期,且可预防围绝经期综合征的发生。

27、On technical matters, I defer to the experts. ─── 在技术问题上,我遵从专家的意见。

28、Why did he defer returning to London? ─── 他为什么推迟回伦敦?

29、PLAYER), you have successfully accomplished my request, and as payment I will defer the enactment of supreme judgment upon your head. ─── 你已经成功地完成了我的请求,作为报答,我将推迟对你进行审判的日期。

30、If you defer loading those DLLs unless they're actually called, you'll cut down on the loader's work. ─── 如果你延迟加载这些DLL,直到它们真正被调用的时候才加载,你就会减少加载器的工作。

31、Women defer children in response to one-off changes. ─── 女性为了适应一次性的改变,推迟了生育。

32、In modernity and global ages, deferent peoples and traditions began their new consciousness of culture tradition, as is still a problem in this age. ─── 不同文化传统及民族在现代性及全球时代开始了新的文化自觉,但文化传统如何显现为肯定性的现代性要素,仍然是不同民族、特别是后发展民族的时代课题。

33、In practice, most Japanese investors defer to managers. ─── 实际上,大部分的日本投资者都很顺从管理者。

34、But the new happiness gurus are much less willing to defer to people's choices. ─── 但是新的幸福专家不太愿意遵从人们的选择。

35、We are having some trouble in receiving payment, so we want to ask if we could defer payment until the end of the month. ─── 因我方在接受付款方面有些困难,所以我方想咨询下是否可以将付款。

36、The amalgamation of policy can defer over developmentin single area. ─── 全国统一性政策,有助于防止财团对一地区过度开发。

37、R3763A network analyzer is OK and accurate with fast measurement extent, phasic, group defer and impedance. ─── R3763A网路分析仪能够正确和迅速的测量幅度、相位、群延迟和阻抗。

38、An investment in certain business, activities, etc. That legally entitles the investor to avoid, reduce, or defer income taxes. ─── 在某些行业、活动等方面的投资,投资者合法地享受减、免或缓交所得税。

39、In most cases, you cannot defer financial aid until next year. ─── 在通常情况下,您不能把财务支持延期到明年。

40、After all, they defer gratification enough to “invest” in their homes and TV sets, so why not in their enterprises? ─── 但是,为什么他们宁愿把那些钱置办家庭所需和购买电视机,也不拿出来进行企业投资呢?

41、If you are keen to withdraw cash, you may be wise to defer upgrades until after the payout. ─── 如果你热衷于取出现金,你应该延迟升级直到支付以后。

42、After discovering these problems, changjiang Delta spring decides to defer to cooperate greenly with Zhao Song. ─── 在发现这些问题后,江南春决定暂缓与赵松青的合作。

43、But we had better defer our rejoicings. ─── 不过,还是等一等再高兴吧。”

44、I defer to your advice in these matters. ─── 在这些事情上,我听从你的忠告。

45、My Cabinet colleagues had expressed the kindly wish that my daughter Sarah should come with me, and it gave me pleasure to defer to their request. ─── 内阁同僚们表示关怀,希望我的女儿萨拉随我同行,我高兴地接受了他们的要求。

46、Do you always defer to your parents wishes ? ─── 你总是顺从父母的意志吗?

47、He has wisely resolved to defer the ceremony until he has saved the competence necessary to support a family. ─── 他已经明智地作出决定,把婚礼推迟,直到他的储蓄足以维持一家人生活时才举行。

48、We defer payment after delivery, because these goods are very expensive. ─── 因这批货物价格非常昂贵,所以我方在装运后延迟了付款。

49、The different therapy was used for deferent parts of herpes zoster. ─── 不同部位的带状疱疹应用不同疗法。

50、it is group of groups, OK to can be built much person chats, OK and deferent big file, and return supportive cater-cousin seniority. ─── 可以建立群组、可以多人聊天、可以传送大文件,并且还支持“密友排行”。

51、They wouldn't defer to my opinion. ─── 他们不肯听从我的意见。

52、Deferent fitness function was built for the feasible and infeasible individual in the population, respectively. ─── 为群体中的可行解和不可行解分别定义不同的适应度函数。

53、The CREATE INDEX statement gives the user the ability to build the index immediately, or to defer it until a more convenient time. ─── CREATE INDEX语句使用户可以立即建立索引,或者将索引的建立推迟到方便的时候。

54、If the dog displays any hesitancy, judges are asked to defer to the handler for presentation of the bite. ─── 如果狗显示出任何犹豫,评判员将询问并参照犬主关于咬合的陈述。

55、Chevron is the most widely cited of along line of cases requiring courts to defer to agencies' legal interpretations. ─── 在一长串的要求法院尊重行政机构对法规的解释的案例中,“切弗伦”案受到最广泛的援引。

56、Deferent fitness function was built for the feasible and infeasible individual in the population, respectively. ─── 为群体中的可行解和不可行解分别定义不同的适应度函数。

57、You may defer payment until next week. ─── 你可延期至下周支付。

58、The company agree to defer payment for three month. ─── 公司同意延期三个月后付款。

59、Contain the essence, SOD of abundant grape, mighty anti-oxygenation defer decrepitude. ─── 富含葡萄籽精华、SOD,超强的抗氧化作用于延缓衰老。

60、There are each deferent process of development and perfection with pretrial procedure of all country,and there are characteristic respectively. ─── 各国庭前准备程序有各自的发展和完善过程,有各自的特色。

61、A month eats urgent prophylactic twice, this menses meeting defer? ! ─── 一个月吃两次紧急避孕药,这个月经期会延迟吗?!

62、Although there were many deferent ideas about individuated technology of architecture, the main tendency was the admixture of every variety. ─── “个性化的技术”形式表现虽然存在众多的观念,同时又显示出了相互渗透融合的总体趋势。

63、You could defer the matter to your colleague. ─── 你可把这件事委托给同事去办。

64、To further allay the concern, we agree to defer the commencement of the relevant provision by one year. ─── 为了进一步消除疑虑,我们同意将这项建议延迟一年实施。

65、Further analysis shows that the reference model supports three deferent degrees of system configuration. ─── 分析表明该参考模型可支持三级程度的系统配置。

66、They all defer to him in these matters. ─── 在这类事情上他们都听从他的意见。

67、She has made up her mind to defer her departure for two day. ─── 她决定将行程推迟两天。

68、He, like his teammates, is very humble, and prefers to defer to Duncan. ─── 和他谦逊的队友们一样,他也表示邓肯才是更合适的人选。

69、Some business use tax shelters in an effort to reduce or defer their income tax. ─── 一些公司采取合法减免所得税的手段来减少或迟交所得税。

70、Deferent from the traditional media,blog is an open dynamic text. Interactivity and hypertext is the dynamic feature of blog. ─── 与传统媒介不同,博客是一种开放性的动态文本,交互性与超文本性是博客动态特征的体现。

71、Will you give me leave to defer your raptures till I write again? ─── 可否请你通融一下,让我把你的喜欢,延迟到下一次写信时再告诉她?

72、We all defer to him in these matters. ─── 在这类事情上我们都听从他。

73、Objective To investigate postgraduates ' coping styles within deferent extent of stress. ─── 目的研究不同程度的心理压力下研究生的应对方式。

74、She learnt that he had actually written home to defer his return. ─── 她听说他写信给家里,居然要推迟他的归期。

75、I defer to your greater experience in such things. ─── 在这些问题上,我尊重你丰富的经验。

76、Trigeorgis consider that real options include growth option, defer option, switch scale option, abandon option and switch option. ─── Trigeorgis认为实物期权包括增长期权、延迟期权、改变运营规模期权、放弃期权和转换期权。

77、Deferent from the traditional media, blog is an open dynamic text.Interactivity and hypertext is the dynamic feature of blog. ─── 与传统媒介不同,博客是一种开放性的动态文本,交互性与超文本性是博客动态特征的体现。

78、Divided into deferent phases,the process of critical thinking in the scheme is fully integrated with all the links of the teaching process. ─── 在这个设计方案中,将批判性思维培养过程划分为不同的阶段,使其充分融入整个会计课程的各个教学环节中。

79、"Will you give me leave to defer your raptures till I write again? ─── “可否请你通融一下,让我把你的喜欢,延迟到下一次写信时再告诉她?

80、In the dynamic setting, it is rational for banks to defer writing-off their NPL. ─── 在动态环境下,银行推迟处置其不良贷款是一种理性的表现。

81、R3763B network analyzer is OK and accurate with fast measurement extent, phasic, group defer and impedance. ─── R3763B网路分析仪能够正确和迅速的测量幅度、相位、群延迟和阻抗。

82、You should defer to your father's wish. ─── 你必须服从你父亲的心愿。

83、We should defer a decision until we know more about the facts. ─── 在我们了解更多事实之前,暂不作出决定。

84、Perhaps you will give me leave to defer your raptures. ─── 你应该会准我延后你的着迷。

85、He will defer his visit abroad till next spring. ─── 他的出国访问将延期到明年春天。

86、Assure alignment of your deferent departments to the goals or the broader organization. ─── 使不同的部门在目标或更广阔的组织中对齐。

87、Also may defer to your request disposition. ─── 也可按照您的要求配置。

88、If in a blowout he can't defer, when the hell can he?I'm done with Redd. ─── 如果在一个他不能阻止的爆裂中,他能去地狱吗?

89、Please defer to the work of author, No allow distribute and change! ─── ‘# 请尊重作者的劳动,不要随意散播、动软件!

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