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09-04 投稿



reformatory 发音

英:[r?'f??m?t(?)r?]  美:[r?'f?rm?t?ri]

英:  美:

reformatory 中文意思翻译



reformatory 网络释义

adj. 改革的;感化的;革新的n. 少年管教所;妓女教养所

reformatory 词性/词形变化,reformatory变形

名词复数: reformatories |

reformatory 短语词组

1、reformatory era ─── 改革时代

2、reformatory centre ─── 改革中心

3、reformatory school ─── 感化院

4、reformatory movement ─── 改革运动

5、reformatory education ─── [法] 感化教育, 教育改造

6、reformatory hospital ─── 改造医院

reformatory 相似词语短语

1、dehortatory ─── 脱体的

2、perforatory ─── 穿孔机

3、reformado ─── 退休 了

4、performatory ─── adj.表演的;表述行为的

5、affirmatory ─── adj.确定的;承诺的

6、reformatories ─── n.少年犯管教所,青少年教养院;adj.改革的,革新的;感化的

7、informatory ─── adj.提供情报的(等于informative)

8、defamatory ─── adj.诽谤的;中伤的;破坏名誉的

9、reformations ─── n.革新;改善

reformatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Elmira Reformatory ─── 埃尔迈拉教养院

2、The article probes into the reason causing the dilemma from the three dimensions, the reconstruction in idea, content, method and form, and puts forward to the reformatory approach and method. ─── 应从观念改造、内容改造、方法和形式的改造三个维度,检视“两难困境’产生的原因,探索改革的路径和方法。

3、the Wushu Reformatory Movement ─── 戊戌维新


5、2002.6.2, Paraguay Tzu Chi volunteers donated ten sewing machines to a local female reformatory. ─── 2002年6月2日,巴拉圭慈济志工致赠十台缝纫车给予当地女子感化院。

6、For this crime he was tried, and was convicted of murder in the second degree, and at the time of the commencement of this action he was serving out his sentence in the state reformatory. ─── 被上诉人因此受到审判,被判构成二级谋杀罪,该上诉案提起时,被上诉人还在州少年犯管教所服刑。

7、Cattle mouth Longhua Reservoir in Bao 'an District of Shenzhen city near the second reformatory. ─── 牛嘴水库位于宝安区龙华深圳市第二劳教所附近。

8、Methods: A series of reformatory measures had implemented, including perfecting system, integrating management, standardization training, improving quality, rewarding and publishing properly. ─── 方法:对护工的工作进行一系列改革,包括制度的完善,管理的统一,规范的培训,素质的提升,适时的奖惩等。

9、If administered in the spirit of justice and conciliation, all the rising generation may be brought within the circle of its reformatory and elevating influences. ─── 假如在学校里执行公正和抚慰的精神教育,那么所有在其中成长的孩子都能受到其感化及振奋的力量所影响。

10、43 Note: Basic statistics excluded data of skilled workers' schools and reformatory schools. ─── 42注:基本情况中未含技工校、工读校数据。

11、Sent to the reformatory Ten years old, was his first glory ─── 十岁时被遣送少年管教所是他第一次荣誉

12、Magpie's brother just got out of the Nebraska State Reformatory and he is staying there with his old lady, and that's where Magpie is. ─── 喜鹊的哥哥刚从内布拉斯加州教养院出来,现在跟他的妻子就住在那儿,喜鹊也在。”

13、It was during the decade when the Paraguay economy was weak and the reformatory was out of budget. ─── 十年正值巴拉圭经济疲弱,感化院经费拮据、资源短缺。

14、Break out of the borderline: On the way out and reformatory tactics of the learned society ─── 边缘突围:论学会的出路与改革战略

15、Results 90 percent students agreed to take the reformatory solutions such as practicing the clinical teaching for small groups in different time and adopting modern teaching methods. ─── 结果90%的同学赞同实行“分期、分批、分散”的临床见习教学方法和在临床见习教学中采用现代化教学手段。

16、The juvenile delinquent was sent to the reformatory. ─── 该少年违者被关进少年管教所改造。

17、reformatory school ─── 工读学校

18、Analysis and Thinking on the Reformatory Situation of Drug and Medicine Separation in Community Health Service Centers of Wuhan ─── 对武汉市社区卫生服务中心医药分开改革的情况分析与思考

19、The implmentation of the treasury concentrated payment System is a very important reformatory way of state treasury, and the centralized accounting system is a try of accounting reform. ─── 摘要推行国库集中支付制度是我国财政改革的重要举措,会计集中核算制度是我国会计管理体制改革的一次尝试。

20、He was eventually sent to an institution for disturbed boys, and later to Wiltwyck reformatory. ─── 后来,他被送往一个专为心理失调的男孩而设的机构,这之后又被送至维尔特维克感化院。

21、Miss Ophelia, after passing her reformatory tour through all the other parts of the establishment, now entered the kitchen. ─── 奥菲丽亚小姐把家里其他部门的整顿工作依次做完之后,这时来到了厨房里。

22、Socialism harmonious society is not a supernormal steadiness and invariable society but it is a stable, reformatory and developmental society. ─── 社会主义和谐社会不是一个静止不变的社会,而是一个既稳定,又改革和发展的社会。

23、The Paper presents some reformatory measures and suggestions on how to make enterprises freethernselves from current predicaments hey words. ─── 该文主要就如何使国有企业摆脱目前困境等问题提出了改革的措施与建议。

24、Where the addressee is placed under re-education through labor, the service shall be effected via the reformatory. ─── 受送达人是被劳动教养的,通过其所在劳动教养单位转交。

25、42 Note: Basic statistics excluded data of skilled workers' schools, reformatory schools, adult schools, incumbent learning for Master and Doctor's degree and network education. ─── 41注:本表未含技工校、工读校、成人学校、攻读硕士博士学位的在职人员及网络教育数据。

26、Reformatory education is not only a concept, but also can be used practically, and must be grasped and applied in prison administration education work by the police. ─── 感化教育不仅是一种理念,而且具有很强的实用性和可操作性,是从事监所管理教育工作的公安民警必须掌握和运用的。

27、reformative and rehabilitative agencies; reformatory punishment. ─── 起改善和恢复作用的媒介;感化式的惩罚。

28、A Survey and Reformatory Conception of Current Teaching of Swimming in Colleges and Universities Specialized in Marine and Ocean Studies ─── 海洋类院校游泳课程教学现状调查与改革构想

29、On the Practical Characteristics, Fundamental Category and Reformatory Strategies of China's Public Management ─── 我国公共管理的实践特点、基本理论与改革战略

30、"As to a juvenile delinquent, his criminal punishment shall be executed in a reformatory for juvenile delinquents. ─── “对未成年犯应当在未成年犯管教所执行刑罚。

31、As to a juvenile delinquent, his criminal punishment shall be executed in a reformatory for juvenile delinquents. ─── 对未成年犯应当在未成年犯管教所执行刑罚。

32、C.W. Moss: I spent a year in reformatory! ─── 莫斯:我在劳改所呆了一年。

33、WANG Tao is a famous reformatory thinker of modern China. ─── 摘要王韬是我国著名的早期维新思想家。

34、ABSTRACT The scientific reformatory methods which correspond to reality is of great significance for the success of reform . ─── 符合实际的科学的改革方法对于一个国家改革的成功具有极为重要的意义。

35、This paper also explains the feasibilities in polices , laws , social environment and the need of reformatory of the military economy. ─── 从政策、法律和社会环境、军事经济改革的需要和审计理论和实践等方面分析了军队开展绩效审计的可行性。

36、reformatory education ─── 感化教育

37、To seek for the reformatory road of state owned enterprises by looking through the dispute between lin and zhang ─── 透过“林”“张”之争看国有企业的改革之路

38、The part discusses reformatory schemes at the fiscal policy, the tax policy, the concerned matching measures aspect, for the disadvantageous factors in current policies. ─── 同时辅以不可或缺的相关配套措施支持前面的改革方案。

39、reformatory centre ─── 感化中心

40、children's reformatory ─── 儿童教养院

41、women's reformatory ─── 妇女感化院

42、reformatory institution ─── 感化机构

43、The housing finance of China has developed and perfected along the continuous going deep of the reformatory of housing and finance system and growing up of real estate market. ─── 我国的住房金融是伴随住房制度改革和金融体制改革的不断深入,以及房地产市场的日趋成熟而逐渐发展和完善起来的。

44、Reformatory attempts on students'physical quality examination and evaluation ─── 学生身体素质评分和评价改革性尝试

45、Son from an early age no school, poor grade, because once the theft was sent to the Juvenile Reformatory, when they grow up more drug addiction, but also suffering from AIDS. ─── 儿子从小就无心学业,成绩很差,曾经因为盗窃被送入少年管教所,长大后更加染上毒瘾,还患上了艾滋病。

46、Reformatory Act ─── 教养院法

47、Assume on mathematics course reformatory of common engineering course academy ─── 关于一般工科院校数学课程改革的设想

48、As to a juvenile delinquent, his criminal punishment shall be executed in a reformatory for juvenile delinquents. ─── 对未成年犯应当在未成年犯管教所执行刑罚。

49、"Wang Hua Told reporters that in 2004, when he reformatory know that they contracted the HIV virus. ─── 王华告诉记者,2004年,他在劳教所时知道自己染上了艾滋病毒。

50、Today the Ohio State Reformatory Historic Site receives visitors from all over the world. ─── 今天的俄亥俄州立大学课程改革的古迹接待来自世界各地的游客。

51、C. W. Moss: I spent a year in reformatory! ─── 莫斯:我在劳改所呆了一年。

52、Study of reformatory effect of teaching method of organic chemical experiments ─── 有机化学实验教学法改革效果的研究


54、Miss Ophelia, after passing her reformatory tour through all the other parts of the establishment, now entered the kitchen ─── 奥菲丽亚小姐把家里其他部门的整顿工作依次做完之后,这时来到了厨房里。

55、The implmentation of the treasury concentrated payment System is a very important reformatory way of state treasury,and the centralized accounting system is a try of accounting reform. ─── 推行国库集中支付制度是我国财政改革的重要举措,会计集中核算制度是我国会计管理体制改革的一次尝试。

56、The Systematic Analysis and Reformatory Thinking of the Administrative Supervision of China Today ─── 当代中国行政监督体制分析与改革思路

57、Marriage is not a reformatory,and spouses need to reach out to each other without criticism or reservations. ─── 婚姻不是管教所,夫妻之间理应毫无责备、毫无保留的把手伸向对方。

58、juvenile reformatory ─── 少年感化机构; 少年教养院

59、I have nothing left but to send you to reformatory school. What do you think about that? ─── 除了送你到少教所我别无选择了。你觉得呢?

60、She had not only revolutionary character but also reformatory inclination. ─── 它既具有革命性,又带有改良倾向;不是会党组织,又兼有会党色彩。

61、Magpie's brother just got out of the Nebraska State Reformatory and he is staying there with his old lady, and that's where Magpie is. ─── 喜鹊的哥哥刚从内布拉斯加州教养院出来,现在跟他的妻子就住在那儿,喜鹊也在。

62、We used a questionnaire to survey and collect data from 917 male juvenile delinquents in Taiwan's reformatory schools. ─── 本研究以问卷调查台湾各少年辅育院及矫正学校里917位男性非行少年。

63、For a two-dollar licence fee and a guarantee from a responsible shopkeeper, any man could come to the reformatory and pick a wife. ─── 到这儿来领女人的,只须花两块钱的手续费和找一个妥实的铺保就够了。

64、reformatory hospital ─── 改造医院

65、Reformatory for juvenile delinquents; correctional institution for juvenile offenders ─── 少管所

66、the reformatory passion among teachers rises; ─── 教师的改革热情高涨;

67、In order to explore the psychological condition and countermeasure of the minor crime,we arranges examination papers in the juvenile offenders in custody in Henan Province Zhengzhou Reformatory. ─── 为了探索未成年人犯罪前的心理状况及干预对策,运用自编问卷对河南省郑州少管所在押的少年犯进行抽样调查。

68、Designing Laboratory Teaching Reformatory Explore ─── 设计性实验教学改革的探索

69、After my arrest, I was sent to a reformatory where I was taught to work - washing clothes, cooking, knitting. ─── 抓了去,他们把我放在了感化院,有人教给我作工。

70、Objective to evaluate the effects of reformatory PFM in clinic. ─── 目的探讨改良式烤瓷冠的临床应用效果。

71、The thesis makes a summary about the practice and theory of the reformatory experiment, which is about the Integration of IT and Research Study. ─── 本文对信息技术和研究性学习整合的改革实验进行了实践总结和理论探讨。

72、Many juveniles in the United States were arrested and held in reformatory for shooting on campus. ─── 在美国,许多少年因在校园开枪伤人百被逮捕并关进少年管教所。

73、The exteriors were filmed at the defunct Mansfield State Reformatory in Ohio. ─── 外景是在俄亥俄州已经荒废的MansfieldStateReformatory拍摄的。

74、China's Reformatory System of Juvenile Delinquency and Japan's Protective Measure System ─── 从日本的保护处分制度看我国的少年教养制度

75、During reformatory of mechanism and system, information technique subsidiary company is exploring, and encircling" Innovating and increasing benefit" to establish perfect management system. ─── 在进行机制体制改革的过程中,信息技术分公司不断探索,围绕"创新增效"建立了日斟完善的经营管理体系。

76、Keywords waste water stripping tower;operation analysis;reformatory plan;NH_3 refinement system improvement; ─── 污水汽提塔;操作分析;改造方案;氨精制;改进;

77、home-like reformatory ─── 家庭式教养院

78、reformatory system ─── 改造制度

79、reformatory movement ─── 教养院运动

80、drug-relief reformatory ─── 戒毒所

81、According to this edict annats were retained, but were reduced to one-fifth of the amount formerly paid, and most of the reformatory decrees of Basle were adopted for use in France. ─── 根据诏书,年费得以保留,但减少到以往的五分之一。巴塞尔的大部分改革条令在法国被采用。

82、a reformatory school ─── 感化院

83、Marriage is not a reformatory , and spouses need to reach out to each other without criticism or reservations. ─── 婚姻不是管教所,夫妻之间理应毫无责备、毫无保留的把手伸向对方。

84、Reformatory Schools Act ─── 教养学校法

85、state reformatory ─── 州(立)教养院

86、Note: Basic statistics excluded data of skilled workers' schools and reformatory schools. ─── 注:基本情况中未含技工校、工读校数据。

87、reformatory era ─── 教养院时代

88、P>When a turn of the century prison reformatory is slated for demolition, a grisly discovery is made. ─── 当一座经历了世纪之交的监狱由于毁损而发现一可怕的真相。

89、Reformatory exploration of performance monitor on clinical majors ─── 临床医学专业实习教学检查的改革与探索

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