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09-04 投稿



scrutinize 发音

英:[?skru?t?na?z]  美:[?skru?t?na?z]

英:  美:

scrutinize 中文意思翻译





scrutinize 词性/词形变化,scrutinize变形


scrutinize 反义词


scrutinize 短语词组

1、scrutinize antonyms ─── 仔细研究反义词

2、scrutinize definition ─── 仔细研究定义

3、scrutinize sentence examples ─── 仔细研究例句

4、scrutinize it ─── 仔细检查一下

5、scrutinize define ─── 仔细检查定义

6、scrutinize crossword clue ─── 仔细检查填字游戏线索

7、scrutinize with over crossword ─── 用填字游戏仔细检查

scrutinize 同义词

search | study | exploration | look | survey | probing | consideration | perusal |examination | investigation | research | inquiry | observation | close look | observance | close | inspection | check-up | probe | surveillance | canvass | audit | analysis

scrutinize 相似词语短语

1、scrutiniser ─── 监查员

2、scrutinises ─── vi.作仔细检查;细致观察;vt.细看;仔细观察或检查;核对(等于scrutinize)

3、scrutinizes ─── vi.细阅;作详细检查;vt.详细检查;细看;n.仔细或彻底检查

4、scrutinised ─── v.仔细检查;细致观察(scrutinise的过去式和过去分词)

5、scrutinise ─── vi.作仔细检查;细致观察;vt.细看;仔细观察或检查;核对(等于scrutinize)

6、cretinize ─── v.(使)变成白痴

7、scrutinized ─── v.详细检查(scrutinize的过去分词);adj.详细检查的;审核的

8、cutinize ─── v.使充满蜡状质,使角质化;被引起充满角质

9、scrutinizer ─── 监查员

scrutinize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、9. Since there is a potential in civil suits, however small, for people to carry hidden agendas, we are obliged to more closely scrutinize each case. ─── 因为无论多么细小,民事案件总有潜在的可能使人们暴露隐私,我们必须更仔细地审查每一件案子。

2、Your Light and majesty fully scrutinize, the boundaries of the world. ─── 在世界的每一个角落都可以感受到你的光芒和威严。

3、To these ends, this article will scrutinize between those works and issues before and after the initiation of the Tax Assignment System in 1994. ─── 在时问纵切面上,本文将贯穿一九九四年分税制之前与之后的文献,并在两者问兼顾其平衡性。

4、To maintain a low sodium diet, you need to scrutinize the "Nutritional Information" boxes on food cartons. ─── 要保持低钠饮食,你需要仔细查看食品包装盒上“营养信息”部分的内容。

5、She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces. ─── 她探身向前,端详他们的面容。

6、To scrutinize your pure eyes, staring you puzzled face, he looked forward to your hands a red rhododendron, I suddenly wake up, look at a bunch of fiery red, this is the real youth of color! ─── 端详你纯洁的双眼,凝视你疑惑的面容,打量着你手中的红杜鹃,我顿时醒悟,看那一束火红,这才是真正的青春色彩!

7、Like an ombudsman to whom the public can voice complaints, a respected member of a company's board, trusted because of his or her experience, must be available to receive and scrutinize criticism . ─── 如同公众可向调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员投诉一样,公司也应该选定董事会内一名受人尊敬、经验丰富的成员,以接受员工投诉并对事件加以调查。

8、You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. ─── 诗139:3我行路、躺卧、都细察、也深知我一切所行的。

9、Work dedicatedly and earnestly, always ready to scrutinize and study intensively.Cooperate with my supervisors and colleagues actively at work, and willing to take part in the organizing work as well. ─── 工作处事态度认真,能专研,能积极配合领导和同事工作,同时也乐意负责组织工作。

10、Members decided to form a Bills Committee to scrutinize the Bill. ─── 委员决定成立一个法案委员会,审议条例草案。

11、Even though the Trader granted trading authority to another, Trader should be diligent to closely scrutinize what is going on in the account. ─── 尽管交易人授予其他人交易的权限,交易人应用心地密切察看账户的情况。

12、For example, if an administrator relies on scientific data which a committee found to be unreliable, those who review the administrator's decision are more likely to scrutinize the decision more closely. ─── 例如如果行政官员依赖的是咨询委员会认为不可靠的数据,那么那些行政决定的审查者就更可能对该决定作出严格缜密的审查。

13、They do have plants to scrutinize photographs more closely in an effort to spot instances of fraud, but that policy change had already been decided when the scandal struck. ─── 让编辑和科学工作者更为忧心的是不时出现的各种小问题,这些小问题几乎难以发现。

14、5. They study my report card the same way they scrutinize the newspaper's stock market page. ─── 他们审查我的成绩报告,就像仔细看报纸上的股票市场版一样认真。

15、Scrutinize the Problem of Paying Close Attention to Grass-Roots Units Through Investigating Some Long-time "Less Advanced Companies" ─── 从一些多年“未创先连队”看抓基层中的问题

16、1.On the other hand, if the evidence is in question such as incomplete documentation (or old documentation) then the auditor would have to scrutinize these areas of the count more closely. ─── 另一方面,如果证据是可疑的,比如不充分的文档记载或旧的文档,则审计师将不得不深入仔细地审核这些地方。

17、Rationally scrutinize the new curriculum reform by the coupling principle of the theory of education field ─── 应用教育场论耦合原理理性审视新课改

18、98. Although under Chenery the courts must carefully scrutinize administrative opinions, they generally will not probe for motives hidden beneath the surface of those opinions. ─── 虽然根据"切内里"案,法院必须小心谨慎地仔细核查行政意见,但通常它们并不探究隐藏在这些问题表面之下的动机。

19、As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to move on. ─── 由于董事会迫于股东们的压力而严格审查公司的接任方案,那些未获得许可的高管们也可能会想辞职。

20、The very act of measuring is often enough to raise your unconscious habits into your consciousness, where you then have a chance to scrutinize and change them. ─── 当丈量的举静通常足以把你的无意识习惯提升到意识层面,如彼你才有机会仔细检视并改动它们。

21、Selden had retained her hand, and continued to scrutinize her with a strange sense of foreboding ─── 赛尔登一直紧握着她的手,用预感到大祸临头的惊恐目光仔细观察她。

22、Suddenly these cliches are scientific questions, as researchers scrutinize the power of positive thinking. ─── 当研究者仔细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调突然间都成了科学问题。

23、Scrutinize the different ages of lichen that have taken up residence on a stone wall. ─── 观察寄居在石墙上的地衣的不同成长阶段。

24、to scrutinize one's visa ─── 仔细查看某人的签证

25、The Delegation thanked Ambassador Gauto for his efforts and stated that it would closely scrutinize the Kyrgyz proposals. ─── 该代表团感谢Gauto大使的所作的努力,并表示它将严格审核吉尔吉斯的提案。

26、gaze at ... fixedly; look fixedly and scrutinize ─── 定睛细看

27、Finally, thank you to scrutinize me once more to offer to volunteer the material. ─── 最后,再次感谢您审阅我的自荐材料。

28、By oneself one must censure oneself and scrutinize oneself . The self-guarded and mindful monk will always live in happiness. ─── 比丘,你应训诫自己、检讨自己、防护自己及保持正念,如此你将生活安乐。

29、A new independent auditing body's being set up to scrutinize the expenses of British members of Parliament. ─── 一个新的独立审核机构正在筹备建立以审核英国议会议员的开支。

30、Scrutinize the words you use like a lawyer picking apart clauses in a contract. Ask, "Is there anything here that someone could potentially resist, or object to?" ─── 你可以像律师一样挑出合同中的分离的条款。可以这么问“这里有人反对或不同意这件事么?”

31、to scrutinize balloting; to watch for irregularities in a voting ─── 监票

32、Don't always criticize others. Dao is to examine your own thoughts, words, and deeds. Dao is to scrutinize yourself, and use your own spiritual light to enlighten yourself. ─── 不要常常去检讨别人。道就是反省自己,回光返照。

33、As the Chinese media continued to scrutinize the case, the main sponsor of the research, MOST, launched a second inquiry that laid the blame at Chen's feet. ─── 由于中国的新闻媒介继续细究这个案件,该项研究的主要赞助者科技部,发起了最后怪罪于陈进的第二次调查。

34、Whenever a dispute arises, the contracting parties will scrutinize the specifications for instructions or requirements spelled out in writing before consulting any other part of the construction documents. ─── 一旦发生争执,签约各方便首先推敲说明书,查对所作的说明及要求,然后才去研究其它的建筑文件。

35、Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man. ─── 她的目的是仔细察看他的特征看他是不是个诚实的人。

36、to scrutinize for one's teeth ─── 仔细检查某人的牙齿

37、The boss came to scrutinize how things were going on for himself. ─── 老板亲自详察工作进展情况。

38、look sb. up and down; scrutinize sb. from head to foot ─── 上下打量

39、7.Looking at a small unit in combat allows the historian the chance to analyze and to scrutinize doctrine in the test of battle. ─── 对一支战斗中的小部队的观察,使历史学家有机会对实战考验中的条令进行分析和审查。

40、In a few moments the young girl had attracted the attention of the whole house, and even the occupants of the boxes leaned forward to scrutinize her magnificent diamonds. ─── 后者的美丽和她那种眩目的装束所引起的轰动不久就传遍了戏院的每一个角落,太太小姐们都从她们的包厢里探出身来,观看那闪闪发光的繁星般的钻石。

41、The first is to scrutinize all functions, and attempt to compensate for the bulk of the errors. ─── 第一个是彻底地检查所有函数,并尝试弥补大多数错误。

42、This is exactly why we can extend our greatest goodwill towards American people at large, but we have to scrutinize their mainstream media and government for their worst intent. ─── 所以我们可以不惮以最大善意看待美国的人民,但是我们也要不惮以最坏的恶意来揣测美国的主流媒体和政府。

43、It forces leaders to scrutinize people more closely than they would ordinarily and to provide more consistent, candid feedback. ─── 它迫使领导们更紧密地考察人们且提供更持续和更坦诚的反馈。

44、When you scrutinize his works, each of them is permeated with the style of the Chang'an school: vigorous and masculine, unrestrained, and profound in artistic conception. ─── 触目细看每一幅山水画,无不渗透着长安派的润迹,苍雄、大器、意境深幽。

45、Since the monk must continuously turn his thoughts toward God, he must scrutinize the actual course of his thought. ─── 因为僧侣必须不断地将他的思想转向上帝,他必须审察他思想的过程。

46、Another scientist indicates to Ralph, Jr. to open his mouth. He opens it, three feet wide. Four scientists with flashlights stick their heads inside his mouth and carefully scrutinize it. ─── 另一个科学家示意小拉尔夫张开嘴。他张开嘴,嘴有三英尺宽。四个拿着手电筒的科学家把头伸进去,仔细地察看着。

47、examine carefully; scrutinize ─── 细看

48、The authorities scrutinize your application and evaluate your work record and medical reports to determine whether you are a genuine candidate. ─── 有关当局审核您的申请,并评估您的工作记录和医疗报告,以确定是否你是一个真正的候选人。

49、MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively. ─── 议员可能缺乏严格审查立法所必备的专业知识。

50、c. make a mental note to scrutinize your things before bedtime, then pick relentlessly on every oversized feature on his body untill your mother begs you both to stop. ─── 脑子里提醒自己睡前仔细检查所有的东西,然后毫不留情地挑出他身上每一处夸张的特征数落直到母亲恳求你们休战。

51、The forum source code, may help the user to establish the oneself on-line forum, may directly publish also may scrutinize the publication, this document has not encrypted, PHP, Web ─── 论坛源码,可以帮助用户建立自己网上的论坛,可以直接发表也可以审阅发表,本文件未加密

52、A useful way to hold yourself accountable is to scrutinize your to-do lists, see what you accomplished and what you did not. ─── 学会承担责任的有用的方法仔细检查你的表,看看做了,没做。

53、Graduate from forest technical secondary school or forest senior high school after three months scrutinize on site probation The one who has 1-2 years work experience in plantation establish is preferred. ─── 经三个月以上的林地实习锻炼的林业院校大中专毕业生;具有1-2年以上营林工作经验的为佳。

54、However, we cannot disregard the insight of eco-socialist, but we should scrutinize once more and develop historical materialism to maintain its age feature forever. ─── 但我们应当正视生态社会主义者的洞见,在争鸣中发展历史唯物主义。

55、We scrutinize the crime scene, collect the evidence recreate what happened without ever having been there. ─── 我们仔细检查犯罪现场,收集证据并重建犯罪过程。

56、A philosophical movement of the18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms. Used with the. ─── 启蒙运动18世纪的一个哲学运动,强调运用理智来审视先前被接受了的信条和传统,该运动带来了许多人道主义改革,与the连用。

57、I often by the side of the soil wall of the high gravamen, the side of agrestal HUA TAI2, squat down under own body, make body and spend a pedestal similar and high, settle to scrutinize. ─── 我常在高洼不平的土墙边,杂草丛生的花台旁,蹲下自己的身子,使身子和花台一样高,定睛细看。

58、Scrutinize: To examine or observe with great care; inspect critically. ─── 细看,仔细检查:详细检查或仔细观察;很挑剔地检查。

59、You certainly in the hat if the huge shade under a tree of the cover, scrutinize slowly, small and soft tasty. ─── 您当然在冠如华盖的巨大树荫下,慢慢端详,细细品味。

60、Assertions allow JMeter users to scrutinize the responses from the database server and "assert" that certain data is resident in the response. ─── 断言允许JMeter用户审核数据库服务器的响应,并“断言”响应中确实存在某项数据。

61、Decoration ago to scrutinize the original waterway, and heating pipelines is critical, aging. ─── 装修前要仔细检查原有水路、暖气管线是否锈蚀、老化。

62、Observers of politics in the Arab world and the broader Middle East continue to scrutinize China's place in the region. ─── 阿拉伯世界乃至中东地区的政治观察家在审视着中国在该地区中的位置。

63、Objective To scrutinize the association of psychosocial factors especially emotional factors with peptic ulcer. ─── 摘要目的探讨胃溃疡患者心理社会因素,尤其是情绪因素与溃疡的关系。

64、Suddenly these clichs are scientific questions, as researchers scrutinize the power of positive thinking. ─── 当研究者们仔细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调突然间都成了科学问题。

65、Fit a chain and an eye hole to scrutinize callers ─── 安装链子和视孔仔细观察来访者

66、examine closely; scrutinize ─── 谛视

67、A philosophical movement of the18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms.Used with the. ─── 启蒙运动18世纪的一个哲学运动,强调运用理智来审视先前被接受了的信条和传统,该运动带来了许多人道主义改革,与the连用

68、Nonetheless, Monroe set out to scrutinize such states, dedicating much of himself to understanding the process behind an out of body experience (and consequently, understanding himself). ─── 然而,门罗开始对这种状态进行细察,他致力于了解脱体经验背后的过程(并因而了解自己)。

69、scrutinize all the documents relating to the trial ─── 仔细审阅与该案审判有关的所有文件.

70、It was a failure to scrutinize his own "ideology of freedom" which largely accounts for the deficiencies in Marx's theory and critique of ideology. ─── 至于他是如何从一系列问题重重的假设出发,从而建构出他的意识型态理论和批判,即是本文尝试厘清的课题。

71、He would be like a philologist refusing to examine a fact in language, a philosopher hesitating to scrutinize a fact in humanity. ─── 这也好比是一个不大想根究语言的实际问题的语言学家,一个不大想钻研人类的实际问题的哲学家。

72、the critical normal distribution method and the inquiry into theoretical hypothesis of the development of Wushu provide us a new visual angle to scrutinize the internationalized development of Wushu. ─── 运用“临界正态分布方法”对武术运动发展理论假设的探讨,为审视武术运动的国际化发展提供了新视角;

73、Therefore, it is of great significance and importance for domestic academia to systematically outline and scrutinize all the achievements and existing problems. ─── 认真地梳理这一过程中所取得的成绩和出现的问题,对于国内学术界的现代西方理论研究具有一定的借鉴意义。

74、And corporate governance issues will likely emerge, though Friday's announcement of a committee to scrutinize IPOs on the market is some comfort. ─── 公司治理预计也将成为一个不容忽视的问题,虽然上周五宣布成立的创业板发行审核委员会使人略感宽慰。

75、It occurs to me that until we can scrutinize SPOT and its patent claims in detail, ─── 我是想,在没有仔细看过spot这产品和它的专利声明以前,

76、You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize ─── 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言

77、Turn-of-the-century eras have historically been times when people are more than usually inclined to scrutinize the present and speculate about the future. ─── 以历史的角度观之,世纪变换的年代已成为人们更倾向去检视现在及思索未来的时刻。

78、Before we put the new plan into practice, we had better scrutinize every aspect of it to make sure that it is practicable. ─── 在执行计划之前,我们最好把它的每一个方面仔细考虑,看看是否切实可行。

79、Scrutinize ourselves with a sense of shame, but view the world with a sense of gratitude. ─── 用惭愧心看自己,用感恩心看世界。

80、We must scrutinize and evaluate. ─── 我们必须细细察看并做出评价。

81、This will enable you to scrutinize the rate of turnover and whether key people are abandoning ship. ─── 这样你能够详细了解公司的人员流动率,以及一些重要员工是不是将要离开公司。

82、to scrutinize ─── 精查

83、A lawyer familiar with CFIUS said Pentagon representatives would scrutinize how the deal would affect U.S. military allies in Asia, where Unocal has huge natural gas assets. ─── 与美国海外投资委员会关系密切的律师说,五角大楼的代表将详查收购将对美国在亚洲的军事盟友造成什么样的影响,尤尼科在那里有巨大的天然气资产。

84、Ad we must scrutinize and investigate the true character of faith with greater care and zeal because many are dangerously deluded today in this respect. ─── 我们研究信仰的本质,更要特别小心谨慎,以免陷入现代一般人所堕进的迷惑。

85、She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces. ─── 她探身向前,端详他们的面容。

86、I, the egoist in grain , forgot to scrutinize my own emotions, or to trouble my happiness by comparison with others’ happier fortune. ─── 我,这样一个彻头彻尾的自我主义者,忘记了细细体察自己的情绪,也忘记了要同其他更加幸运的人作一番比较,从而扰乱自己的幸福了。

87、We scrutinize the crime scene. ─── 我们仔细观察犯罪现场。

88、This paper argues that Dudgeon was prompted to scrutinize the shortcomings of public health measures in Britain by his medical observations in China. ─── 本文分析德贞对中国卫生状况的观察和评论,指出他和他的海关同僚在中国观察到西方公共卫生学说难以解释的异常现象,促使他反思英国公共卫生运动的局限。

89、I scrutinize her, still growing the long hair, pure eye, similar to past, look in the eyes the inside always takes on putting on to worry and love pity. ─── 我端详她的, 还成长这长毛, 纯粹的眼睛, 类似于过去的, 顺便看望这眼睛这内部时常呈现穿戴着到担心和爱怜悯.

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