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09-04 投稿


obstructing 发音

英:[?b?str?kt??]  美:[?b?str?kt??]

英:  美:

obstructing 中文意思翻译



obstructing 词性/词形变化,obstructing变形

动词第三人称单数: obstructs |动词现在分词: obstructing |动词过去分词: obstructed |副词: obstructively |动词过去式: obstructed |名词: obstructer |形容词: obstructive |

obstructing 短语词组

1、obstructing ilcs ─── 阻碍ILC

2、obstructing a public way pc ─── 妨碍公共通道pc

3、obstructing justice statute illinois ─── 伊利诺 ─── 伊州妨碍司法法规

4、obstructing mail ─── [法] 妨碍邮政罪

5、obstructing passage of other vehicle nj ─── 妨碍其他车辆通过nj

6、are produced by obstructing ─── 通过阻碍

7、obstructing process ─── [法] 妨碍诉讼程序, 阻止发生传票

8、obstructing justice ─── [法] 妨碍司法执法

9、obstructing a police officer ─── 妨碍警官

10、skipped obstructing working ─── 跳过妨碍工作

11、obstructing governmental operation ─── 妨碍政府运作

obstructing 同义词

stymie |hinder | frustrate | complicate | bar | obturate | prevent | impede | embarrass | jam | ban | prejudice | occlude | stymy | check | hold up | delay | abort | blockade | plug | thwart | prohibit | clog | stem | hamper | block | close up | barricade | inhibit | stop | retard

obstructing 反义词

free | help

obstructing 相似词语短语

1、destructing ─── 破坏(destruct的现在进行时)

2、instructing ─── vt.指导;教(instruct的现在分词);指示;adj.指令型

3、obstruction ─── n.障碍;阻碍;妨碍

4、abstracting ─── n.文摘;v.[图情]摘要(abstract的现在分词)

5、constructing ─── n.构造;v.构造(construct的现在分词)

6、obstructions ─── n.障碍(obstruction的复数);妨碍物

7、abstricting ─── vt.使缢离;vi.脱落;缢离

8、obstructive ─── adj.阻碍的;妨碍的;n.妨碍物;障碍物

9、substructing ─── 子结构

obstructing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No unit or individual may obstruct or delay the use of a flood storage and detention area. ─── 依法启用蓄滞洪区,任何单位和个人不得阻拦、拖延;

2、Those who render useful service in this connection will be rewarded; those who obstruct or sabotage will be punished. ─── 保护有功者奖,怠工破坏者罚。

3、F1's governing body on Wednesday criticised Ferrari for mounting a failed attempt to obstruct the 2010 regulations. ─── F1的管理机构周三批评法拉利安装失败企图阻挠2010年的条例.

4、No difficulty can ever obstruct the advance of the people. ─── 任何困难都阻挡不住人民的前进。

5、They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty. ─── 他们被指控妨碍警察执行任务。

6、Large trees may obstruct the passage of light. ─── 大树可能阻止光线穿过。

7、But wherever Zhao went he would cause traffic jams and obstruct pavements as stunned crowds gathered to gawp. ─── 但赵良所到之处,都会因惊讶的人们围观而造成塞车和道路阻塞。

8、Even in areas where it is legal to busk, make sure that if you draw a crowd you won't end up obstructing traffic. ─── 即使是在可以合法进行街头表演的地方,也要确保一点,那就是如果你吸引住一堆人群,你不能到最后因此而阻碍了交通。

9、Political differences between the two sides of the Straits should not be used as a pretext or obstacle for obstructing the "three direct links. ─── 两岸之间的政治分歧不应成为阻挠“三通”的借口和障碍。

10、In such a position as not to obstruct, hinder, or interfere. ─── 不挡道处在不挡道、不碍事或不干涉的位置之上

11、So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose; perversely. ─── 以便对抗,阻碍,或反对地; 任性地

12、But this kind " porch is right scene " obstructing is not complete keep out, and it is certain to should have appear a gender. ─── 但这种“玄关对景”的遮蔽并不是完全的遮挡,而要有一定的通透性。

13、A large staghorn calculus is seen obstructing the renal peli-calyceal system. The lower pole of the kidney shows areas of hemorrhage and necrosis with collapse of cortical areas. ─── 图中可见巨大的鹿角样结石嵌顿于肾盂肾盏系统。肾下极可见出血坏死区域,伴有肾皮质萎缩。

14、He was charged for obstructing the highway. ─── 他因阻碍交通而受控告。

15、They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty. ─── 他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务。

16、She said the police officer who ticketed her on Feb. 15 told her she was obstructing traffic. ─── 她表示警察在二月十五日开了她一张罚单,说她阻碍交通。

17、Obstructing the Exiters will only delay them, and the Enterers seem to be in such a rush that this is surely not in their best interests. ─── 挡住要出来的人只能耽误他们自己,可是要进去的人还是那么着急,这样肯定不符合他们自己的最大利益。

18、But if the tension is too heavy, it will cause the culture obstruct and is doubt to be existed in PE reform currently. ─── 在当前的体育课程改革中,就存在着二者张力过大的嫌疑。

19、They took much longer to get her to the ER because of the disgusting reporters, you think they were not obstructing the way? ─── 人多就梗系乱啦,但行家系咪真系阻住条路唔俾阿肥入急症先?

20、He was charged obstructing the highway. ─── 他因阻碍公路交通而受控告。

21、Five colors bewilder our eyes and obstruct our insights. ─── 五种变化多端的颜色,迷惑我们的眼睛,妨碍我们的洞察力。

22、You can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway. ─── 你不能在这里停车,你挡住了我家的车道。

23、The construction lorries should not obstruct the driveway and parking area of the Staff Quarters. ─── - 交通:施工车辆不得阻塞道路和员工宿舍停车场。

24、You must be careful. Maybe someday she will do something secretly in her power to obstruct your development. ─── 你一定要小心她。说不上什么时候,她就会暗地里给你使绊子,防止你发展。

25、Any unit and individual shall provide convenience for fire alarm reporting gratis and shall not obstruct the reporting. ─── 任何单位、个人都应当无偿为报警提供便利,不得阻拦报警。

26、Media tycoon Conrad Black is convicted of fraud and obstructing justice, but cleared of racketeering. ─── 媒体企业界的大亨康拉德黑色被判诈欺而且阻隔正义,但是诈取钱财清除的。

27、You may be considered to be obstructing pedestrian traffic. ─── 你可能会认为是故意在阻碍行人通过。

28、A parked car was obstructing the highway. ─── 一辆停放的汽车堵住了通道。

29、His goal throughout the Hiss case was to obstruct our efforts to uncover the facts. ─── 在整个希斯案件中,他的目的是阻碍我们揭露真相。

30、At Shantarakshita's suggestion, the King of Tibet invited Padmasambhava to Tibet, requesting him to pacify the negative and obstructing forces. ─── 在静命大师的建议下,藏王邀请莲花生大师入藏,请大师平息各种阻力。

31、Mps attempt to obstruct the passage of the bill . ─── 下院议员企图阻止议案的通过。

32、As their leader passed them under an olive tree that was obstructing the entrance to a small opening, a strong odor reached all of their noses. ─── 他们的首领在一棵 橄榄 树下面从他们面前走过,橄榄树把一个小洞的入口 堵住 了,一股奇怪的 气味 直冲他们的鼻子。

33、The question of Taiwan was the crucial issue obstructing the normalization of relations between China and the USA. ─── 台湾问题曾经是阻碍中美两国实现关系正常化的关键问题。

34、The act or an instance of hindering, obstructing, or impeding. ─── 妨碍:妨碍,阻碍或阻止的行为或事例。

35、His car was tagged by cops for obstructing traffic. ─── 他的车因阻塞交通而被警察贴上了违章传票。

36、If you fail to forgive, then the dark have succeeded at their goal of obstructing ascension. ─── 如果你无法宽恕,随后黑暗成功地达到他们阻塞提升的目标。

37、However,some problems related to utilization of land resources obstruct the development of power network. ─── 但电网规划与建设中仍存在着一些与土地资源利用相关的问题,阻碍了电网的发展。

38、Conclusions To keep the pneogaster from obstructing and improve the cerebral and cardial anoxia, tracheotomy or tracheal intubation in early ... ─── 另外,应积极预防和处理气管切开后的并发症。

39、In fact you are businesslike by inefficient obstruct, know very hard to hold rate businesslikely. ─── 事实上你有效率被无效率遮蔽,就很难知道有效率的占比率。

40、His house faced south and beyond his doorway stood the two great peaks, Taihang and Wangwu, obstructing the way. ─── 他的家门南面有两座大山挡住他家的出路,一座叫做太行山,一座叫做王屋山。

41、The efficacy rate was 55.9%. [Conclusions] Obstructing tracheobronchial aspergillus is an uncommon form of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. ─── 临床主要表现为进行性胸闷、气促和呼吸困难30例(88.2%),刺激性咳嗽29例(85.3%),咯血14例(41.2%)。

42、Even thousands of mountains and rivers cannot oBstruct our close friendship. ─── 即使相隔千山万水,不能阻挡我们的深情厚谊。

43、Still, the effects of deep altitude don't obstruct the strong will of taking the hilltop away. ─── 但是严重的高原反应也阻挡不止把山头拿下来的强烈的心愿。

44、Please do not obstruct the switch of the elevator door. Stand back from the door while the elevator is in use. ─── 七、请勿用任何杂物塞住厅门或轿门的门锁开关,使电梯行驶,电梯运行中请勿倚靠轿门。

45、Perjuries that have the effect of obstructing the adjudication of a case may be given increased punishment for that reason. ─── 如果伪证妨碍对案件作出正确的判断,对伪证者可以加重惩罚。

46、Don't worry, if you think the gun is obstructing your vision then you can just lower the weapon to waist level. ─── 你不用担心,如果你认为枪正在阻碍着你的视野,然后你可以降低核武器,以腰部的水平。

47、Enterprises and work units being supervised and examined shall not hinder or obstruct such supervision and examination for any reason. ─── 任何被查企业和单位不得以任何借口阻止或妨碍这种检查。

48、They do not obstruct most individuals who use patented products. ─── 他们不会妨碍个人使用专利产品。

49、European officials in Brussels, unable to stop such actions, have charged Israel with illegality and obstructing peace. ─── 在布鲁塞尔的欧盟官员,无法停止这种行动,指控以色列的非法行为和阻碍和平进程。

50、No organization or individual shall obstruct frontier inspectors from lawfully executing their duties. ─── 任何组织和个人不得妨碍边防检查人员依法执行公务。

51、The main effect of shade is to lie between a heat preservation inside, obstruct sunshine. ─── 内帘的主要作用是隔间保暖、遮蔽阳光。

52、He became still more dissatisfied with it and secretly did everything in his power to obstruct it. ─── 他对此更不满意, 尽在暗里使绊子。

53、You could move your head a bit and look around an item in the foreground in order to see the view it had previously been obstructing. ─── 你可以稍微挪动一下你的头,环顾前景中一个物体的四周,以便看见原先被挡住的景物。

54、As Sophia Loren said, "A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view. " ─── 正如索菲亚?罗兰说的,“一个女人的衣服应该像一张带刺的铁丝栅栏:既发挥了应有的作用,又不会遮挡住里面的风景”。

55、Israel does not obstruct Palestinians from receiving medical treatment Written by Arjan El Fassed and Nigel Parry. ─── 以色列并没有阻止巴勒斯坦人接受医疗治疗。

56、Libby was convicted of lying and obstructing an investigation into leaks revealing the identity of a CIA agent. ─── 利比因涉嫌泄露中央情报局特工身份,作不实陈述,妨碍调查罪名成立。

57、No units or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何单位和个人不得限制和阻挠。

58、Today, the phrase “A mantis tries to obstruct a chariot” is used to describe those who overrate their own abilities. ─── 后来人们根据这个故事引申出“螳螂当车”这句成语,比喻那种不自量力的人。

59、When lifting objects large enough to obstruct the drivers view the truck must be reversed. ─── 不超载,货物要捆绑好,物上不准站人;不准驾驶员用湿手、油手开车。

60、But we wont let the different interpretations obstruct the two sides exchanges in other areas. ─── 但我们不会让彼此不同的表述方式,去阻碍两岸在其他方面的各种交流。

61、stand away from the window, please, madam; you're obstructing the other passengers! ─── 得了,夫人,请离窗口远一点,你在妨碍其他乘客!

62、However, poverty is still obstructing the progress of economic globalization and human development seriously. ─── 但是,贫困仍然在严重阻碍着经济全球化的进程和人类的发展。

63、You do not have the authority, legally or morally, to obstruct public communication. ─── 不论就法律或道德而言,你都无权阻碍大众通讯。

64、Castro on Tuesday in which he said he would not obstruct the rise of a new generation of leaders. ─── 卡斯特罗在信函中说,他不会阻挡新一代领导人的崛起。

65、Press down on his forehead and raise his chin to open up the airway and clear any obstructing body inside the mouth. ─── 保持伤者气道畅通,按额提颏,张开气道,清除其口腔内的阻塞物。

66、Total planning seems to obstruct growth in direct proportion to the scale of the economy. ─── 全面规划似乎阻碍了经济规模与增长成正比例的发展。

67、He became still more dissatisfied for it and secretly did everything in his power to obstruct it. ─── 他对此更不满意, 尽在暗里使绊子。

68、No organizations or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何组织和个人不得阻挠和限制。

69、The fallen trees obstruct the road . ─── 倒下的树将路堵住了。

70、Do not let anything obstruct the lens. ─── 别让任何东西挡住镜头。

71、Don't obstruct the lens with your finger . ─── 别让手指遮住镜头。

72、Internet addiction is a serious obstruct to the development of physical and mental health of young people. ─── 上网成瘾严重阻碍了青少年身心健康的发展,如何进行青少年网瘾矫治是本文所要探讨的主要问题。

73、Traditional Chinese medicine holds that the pathogenesis of thrombosis is blood stasis obstructing blood vessels. ─── 中医理论认为,血栓性疾病的病理实质是瘀血阻滞脉络。

74、They must not obstruct any main attractions and yet must be close enough to the attractions to be perceived as connected to them. ─── 它们既不能离景物或者展品太近以避免阻挡,也不能离得太远,这样人们才知道这些是和景物或者展品是有关系的。

75、He expects measures to slow, but not obstruct, flows of foreign portfolio investment. ─── 他希望当局采取的措施不会阻止但能减缓外国投资的涌入。

76、But the bald fact remains that Khartoum instigated the killing and continues to obstruct the peacekeepers. ─── 但最明显的事实仍然是喀土穆鼓动杀戮并且继续阻碍维和人员的布署。

77、It also found it not guilty of using a smaller party to frame Thai Rak Thai and obstructing a candidate from registering in Songkhla. ─── 同时法院也裁决民主党利用一家小政党来诬陷泰爱泰党,以及阻止一个候选人在宋卡市登记的行为并不构成犯罪。

78、So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose;perversely. ─── 以便对抗,阻碍,或反对地;

79、Press down on his forehead and raise his chin to open up the airway and clear any obstructing body inside the mouth. ─── 保持伤者气道畅通,按额提颏,张开气道,清除其口腔内的阻塞物。

80、The obsession with short selling is obstructing what should be a comprehensive look at excessive short-run volatility. ─── 在狂热的市场气氛下,投资者更有可能滥用交易,因此有必要踩下急刹车。

81、and for the "phlegm-heat obstructing the lung syndrome" on the 14th day, there was no significant difference among the three groups(P0. 05). ─── 风热闭肺证、痰热闭肺证第14天各组愈显率比较差异亦均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。

82、Benevolence, righteousness, loyalty, credit and love actually restricted his deed and brought unhappiness and obstruct. ─── 仁,义,忠,信,爱等实际限制了他的行为范畴,给他带来不快及不顺畅。

83、What they cannot defeat by reason and argument they obstruct by delay and legalistic guile. ─── 凡是他们不能通过理智和辩论战胜的东西,他们便采用拖延的办法和玩弄法律的手段来加以阻挠。

84、You could move your head a bit and look around an item in the foreground in order to see the view it had previously been obstructing. ─── 你可以稍微挪动一下你的头,环顾前景中一个物体的四周,以便看见原先被挡住的景物。

85、Parked so as to obstruct access to a fire hydrant from the carri age-way (section 7(2)(c)). ─── 在違反交通標誌或道路標記的情況下在泊車處停泊(條例第8(1)條)。

86、No difficulty can ever obstruct the advance of the Chinese people. ─── 任何困难都阻挡不住中国人民的前进。

87、Libby was convicted of lying and obstructing in an investigation into leaks revealing the identity of a CIA agent. ─── 在关于一名中情局特工身份泄密的案件中,利比被指控犯有作虚假陈述和妨碍司法调查。

88、Most benign tumors are incidental submucosal lesions, though rarely they can be large enough to obstruct the lumen. ─── 大多数良性肿瘤偶尔可引起黏膜下层损坏,但是它们很少形成一个较大的肿物阻塞肠腔。

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