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09-04 投稿


excavation 发音

英:[?eksk??ve??(?)n]  美:[?eksk??ve??(?)n]

英:  美:

excavation 中文意思翻译



excavation 词性/词形变化,excavation变形


excavation 短语词组

1、bulk excavation ─── 大量开挖

2、physiologic excavation ─── [医] 生理性陷凹

3、atrophic excavation ─── [医] 萎缩性陷凹

4、glaucomatous excavation ─── [医]青光眼性陷凹

5、excavation bottom ─── 挖掘基底

6、Expedient Excavation of Soils ─── 快速挖掘土壤

7、excavation work ─── 挖土工程

8、dry excavation ─── 干法开挖

9、deep excavation ─── 深挖

10、excavation costs ─── 挖掘费用

11、excavation line ─── 开挖线

12、dental excavation ─── [医] 龋质挖除

13、belled excavation ─── 分层挖掘

14、depth of excavation ─── 采掘深度

15、limit of excavation ─── 挖掘的极限

16、plaucomatous excavation ─── [医] 青光眼性陷凹

17、dry excavation technique ─── 干开挖技术

18、excavation of the optic disk ─── [医] 视神经乳头陷凹

19、excavation works ─── 开挖工程

excavation 同义词

mine | pan | mining | pit | opening |dig | archaeological site | diggings | digging | quarry

excavation 常用词组

deep excavation ─── 深挖[工]

underground excavation ─── 地下挖掘

excavation work ─── 挖土工程

excavation 反义词

interment | burial

excavation 相似词语短语

1、excitation ─── n.激发,刺激;激励;激动

2、excavations ─── n.挖掘,发掘

3、excurvation ─── n.外弯

4、exclamation ─── n.感叹;惊叫;惊叹词

5、excarnation ─── n.脱离肉体,肌肉的剔除

6、excavating ─── v.挖掘(excavate的现在分词)

7、excavational ─── 挖掘

8、excavator ─── n.挖掘机;开凿者;打洞机;挖泥工

9、excarnations ─── n.脱离肉体,肌肉的剔除

excavation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Taking Baofeng Times Square deep excavation as an example,effect of the deep-well dewatering on supporting structure and surroundings is analysed. ─── 以汉口宝丰时代广场深基坑为例,探讨了深井降水对基坑支护结构和周边建筑物的影响。

2、Hopefully, further excavation of Catalhoyuk will yield more clues. ─── 但愿在加泰土丘的进一步挖掘能提供更多的线索。

3、The last century the late seventies, Xianxian culture sector to carry out excavation of the ancient art finishing, it renewed a brilliant luster. ─── 上世纪七十年代末,景县文化部门对这一古老艺术进行挖掘整理,使它重新焕发出绚丽的光彩。

4、The excavation work as the first step in the Stonehenge archaeologists dug a deep ditch house. ─── 作为此次挖掘工作的第一步,考古学家在巨石阵内部开凿了一条深沟。

5、The major work to be done after excavation would be on how to preserve the remnants discovered during excavation. ─── 对于出土遗迹及出土文物的保存对策,将是后续工作的重点。

6、An excavation for the interment of a corpse. ─── 坟墓用于埋葬尸体的地穴

7、Rile excavation machine industry guided by her has become king-post industry of company, and made an indelible contribution for prosperity of company. ─── 她所率领的日立挖掘机产业成为公司的支柱产业,为公司的蒸蒸日上做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

8、The fracturing process induced by different excavation sequence under final highwall with auger mining was numerically simulated. ─── 对到界边坡下采用螺旋钻机开采煤柱不同开采顺序引起的破坏过程进行了数值模拟。

9、He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into an excavation. ─── 他怒气冲天地把绸伞猛地掷进一个坑里。

10、Excavation and embankment of earth. ─── 土木工程土地的挖掘和筑根

11、In construction, supporting measures such as steel pipe pile, high-pressure impervious board wall were adopted, ensuring the excavation of base pits. ─── 在施工中采用了钢管桩、高压防渗板墙、槽内降水、槽外注水回灌,外加复合土钉墙支护措施,保证了基坑开挖。

12、Whether open pit or underground excavation, is a strength and a scene of heavy engineering, human and material inputs is unimaginable. ─── 不论是露天开采,还是地下挖掘,都是一项声势和场面浩大的工程,人力物力的投入是难以想象的。

13、Nevertheless, if preservation is impracticable to carry out, the Office permits a rescue excavation and publishes record as a compromise alternative. ─── 不过,要保留所有遗址当然困难重重,办事处只得在土地发展势在必行的遗址进行抢救发掘,把出土的文物和田野的纪录发表存案。

14、As a effective support form for excavation, the soil nailed wall has been suggested and widely used in recent years. ─── 土钉支护结构作为一种有效支护基坑的形式得到了广泛应用。

15、Ensure that proper access is provided before entering any excavation and note the position of this access. ─── 在进入挖掘坑之前,确认有适当地进出通道并牢记其位置。

16、He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into a excavation. ─── 他愤怒地把伞狠狠地投进已经挖开的地沟里。

17、In the excavation area with weak or stagnant hydrodynamics, the gas outburst usually happed with large a... ─── 在水动力比较弱的采煤区,瓦斯突出事故就比较多,或者瓦斯涌出量比较大。

18、Based on that, the parameters of SSC model were gained and validated by field monitoring deformations in some excavation engineering at Nanjing. ─── 以此为基础,再根据南京某基坑工程现场变形监测结果,由反分析获取SSC模型参数,并对模型参数进行验证。

19、Numerical modeling of excavation process in geotechnical engineering. ─── 土方施工开挖过程的数值模拟。

20、Construction Technology of Adjacent Foundation Pits Excavation for Reconstruction of South Railway Station of Shanghai Metro No. ─── 地铁一号线上海南站站改建工程相邻基坑开挖施工技术。

21、She worked on the excavation of a Mayan archaeological site. ─── 她那时从事一个玛雅考古遗址的挖掘工作。

22、For better protection, Hassan suggested that the tomb excavation to repair, as a unit at or above the county heritage. ─── 为更好的保护,建议将哈珊墓进行挖掘修复,定为县级以上文物保护单位。

23、This way to structuring has long been employed in the history, as proofed in the excavation of the Yin Shang remains. ─── 其建筑历史由来已久,在殷商考古遗址里,就有这种建筑的遗迹;

24、Before you know it, a project to build a building becomes numerous smaller projects, such as excavation, foundation work, and marketing. ─── 大楼建造项目可被分成许多更小的项目,例如,挖掘、打地基和建材采购。

25、In point of view of the principle of inreversible process, the energy dissipation of rockmass excavation is analysed. ─── 从不可逆过程的原理出发,分析了岩体开挖中的能量耗散。

26、Preliminary findings from the main excavation suggest that denning saber-toothed cats may have collected them. ─── 他们在主要发掘区的初步发现是,那儿可能是剑齿虎的巢穴,骨头是剑齿虎堆放的。

27、The excavation was so deep and dark that I needed a lantern to be able to see the construction layers. ─── 这个挖掘的洞很深,也很暗,导致我需要一盏灯才能看清结构层。

28、In fact, the deformation control goal of deep excavation not only includes retaining system, but also includes the adjoin environment. ─── 实际上,深基坑变形控制目标不仅包括支护体系,而且包括相邻环境。

29、It was at this second site that, in May of 1979, Avdonin and Ryabov conducted a clandestine excavation. ─── 1979年5月,阿夫多宁和里亚波夫就是在这第二个坟地秘密发掘,取走了三具头骨。

30、Ground water is lowered by the drainage which can be caused by any deep excavation. ─── 任何一种深的挖方都能造成排水现象从而使地下水位降低。

31、The main reason that makes tunnel surrounding loess unstable is excavation -disturbance and moistening in loess. ─── 力、水耦合作用使黄土结构性降低,开挖扰动和增湿是黄土隧道围岩失稳的主要原因。

32、He dug out some Turkish gold coins at the excavation site. ─── 他在挖掘现场挖到几枚土耳其金币。

33、British colloquialism) an excavation; usually a quarry or mine. ─── 出土的文物(英国的口语);通常是指采石或矿石。

34、De Gong Bao Ensi the ruins of the excavation work is under way to explore underground treasures of concern. ─── 大报恩寺遗址的地宫挖掘工作正在进行,地下宝藏发掘备受关注。

35、Before you know it, a project to build a building becomes numerous smaller projects, such as excavation, foundation work, and marketing. ─── 大楼建造项目可被分成许多更小的项目,例如,挖掘、打地基和建材采购。

36、In June and July, the AMO conducted a rescue excavation at Siu Lam, Tuen Mun, which was necessitated by the Castle Peak Road Extension Project. ─── 因青山公路进行扩建工程的关系,古物古迹办事处于六、七月间在屯门小榄进行了一次抢救发掘工作。

37、Usually at least three fell to traps and magic during the entranceway excavation. ─── 一般的人在进入入口处时就会在陷阱和魔法下倒下至少三个。

38、About nine metres of the boat's length was recovered; one end lay beyond the excavation and had to be left. ─── 大约九米长的船身,其一端所在的地方超出挖掘范围,必须留在原地。

39、Even the bad weather did not hang up the work of excavation . ─── 即使那恶劣的天气也没有使发掘工作停顿。

40、Innovation itself is a resource with potential to be advanced by management and excavation. ─── 创新本身是一种可以经过管理和发掘而提升其潜力的资源。

41、Remnants of the Marble Boat.After excavation and clearing.the boat-shaped base has been restored to its original form. ─── 别有洞天“活画舫”残迹,其基座用青石雕砌成船舫样式。现经挖掘整理,增砌石料舫面。

42、The second is the long term, and the Government to collaborate on the excavation of the domestic market, jonit. ─── 二是做好长期的准备,与政府协作,共同发掘国内潜在的市场,扩大内需。

43、Also Saturday, deputy curator Cao told reporters that the state ministration has approved a five-year excavation plan submitted by the museum. ─── 同时周六,代理主管曹伟告诉记者,政府援助已批准由博物馆提交的“五年挖掘计划”。

44、The modified ADINA-IM program can simulate whole construction processes of excavation and filling. ─── 修改后的ADINA-IM程序能够对开挖与填筑的全部施工过程进行三维数值模拟。

45、At points where vehicles may approach the excavation, stop logs must be placed at a safe distance. ─── 在车辆可能靠近挖掘作业区的地点,必须在安全距离处设置停止标志。

46、An artificial structure or excavation made to resemble a cave or cavern. ─── 人工挖开的洞室类似山洞或洞穴的人工建筑或人工洞室

47、Interchangeable spare parts for tractors and excavation machines. ─── 分类标题:农业机械|农用拖拉机和拖斗...

48、Eight intact "yue" were found in a tomb on Tuesday during the excavation. ─── 凌家滩遗址第五次发掘工作取得突破,考古专家在一个墓葬中出土了8块保存完整的玉钺。

49、The deformation failure and evolution of the rook slope before and after the excavation was simulated by discrete element method (DEM). ─── 利用离散单元方法(DEM),模拟分析了该岩质边坡采石切坡前及采石切坡后的变形破坏及其演变过程。

50、Second, thorough market survey, excavation high quality enterprise customer. ─── 二、深入市场调查,挖掘优质企业客户。

51、During the eight months employed in the excavation the preparatory works of the casting had simultaneously been carried on with extreme rapidity. ─── 在掘井的这八个月间,铸造的准备工作也在火速地进行。

52、The measures for argumentation of the excavation of fossils shall be formulated by the Ministry of Land and Resources. ─── 古生物化石采掘评审办法由国土资源部制定。

53、A tiny excavation may remain. ─── 会留下一个小洞窟。

54、The discoveries made by the excavation at Pompeii tell volumes regarding the life of the people of that buried city. ─── 发掘庞贝城所取得的种种发现向人们揭示了大量有关这座被掩埋的城市的居民生活情况。

55、The excavation focused on two parts of the site: the built pedestal vestige and the living area. ─── 发掘工作,是在前期工作的基础上继续对堆筑台迹和文化生活区两个部位进行揭露。

56、An excavation for the removal of mineral deposits; a mine. ─── 坑道,矿为矿产的开发而进行的挖掘;矿

57、An artificial structure or excavation made to resemble a cave or cavern . ─── 一名游客在山下发现了一个大洞穴。

58、The bad weather has hung up the work of excavation. ─── 天气不好耽误了挖掘工作。

59、Yu Jiabao groundwater is rich in complex geological structure, difficult to create deep excavation project in history. ─── 于家堡地区地下水丰富、地质结构复杂,工程难度创深基坑工程历史之最。

60、Rock burst is often met in excavation unloading of underground engineering in high geo-stress areas. ─── 岩爆是高地应力区地下工程开挖卸荷产生的动力现象。

61、In 1949 a Mexican archaeologist began an excavation that exploded the temple theory. ─── 在1949年一位墨西哥考古学家进行了一次挖掘,这次挖掘驳倒了庙宇论。

62、Theyalso have to slow the loss of some of the discovery and excavation. ─── 于是便也慢慢得丧失了本该有的发现与挖掘。

63、Dam, dam foundation of anti-plugging, excavation around the gushing water and basal sand Chung grouting can be used to deal with. ─── 坝体、坝基的防渗堵漏、基坑周边渗水和基底涌水涌沙都可采用注浆法处理。

64、"Island excavation" is conducted according to such principles as symmetry, zoning, equilibrium and time limiting. ─── 基坑采用“岛式开挖”,按照“对称、分区、平衡、限时”的原则进行开挖。

65、A case study showed that the method was reasonable and effective to optimize bracing projects for deep excavation of metro. ─── 实例分析表明,用该方法进行深基坑支护方案优选是可行的、有效的。

66、Dewatering is always necessary in foundation pit excavation and hand dig piles. ─── 基坑开挖或施行人工挖孔桩常常需要进行人工降水。

67、In such cases excavation must be preceded by thorough scientific evaluation of the significance of the site. ─── 在这种情况下,发掘之前必须首先对遗址的重要性进行全面的科学评估。

68、By this time, however the building was gone, the excavation was completed. ─── 不过,到这时候,大楼已经拆完了,挖掘工作也完成了。

69、Ventilation is a very important process in rock excavation by blasting in underground engineering. ─── 地下工程钻爆开挖过程中,通风排烟是重要的一环。

70、Furthermore, total energy release of surrounding rockmass obtained by LERR can be used as optimal index for optimal design of excavation schemes. ─── 对太平驿水电站引水隧洞工程不同开挖步长下能量释放率指标的算例进行分析。

71、They have railed the meadows off from the new railway cutting excavation. ─── 他们已用栏杆把草地和新铁道的路堑隔开来。

72、The Indus civilization was brought to light in excavation by Sir John Marshall in the 1920s. ─── 印度河文化是约翰·马歇尔爵士20世纪20年代进行的发掘中发现的。

73、During the excavation of deep foundation pit, the seepage of groundwater forms a drawdown cone around the foundation pit. ─── 利用该模型分析了在软土地区深基坑开挖引起地下水渗流场的变化。

74、Do you perform any underground work, including digging, excavation or tunneling? ─── 从事地面下的工作,包括挖、掘或隧道工程?

75、Obtain work permit prior to commencing work. Barricade all excavation areas with suitable materials. Put up suitable warning signs. ─── 在开始工作前,必须申请工作许可证。使用适当的材料将挖掘工作区域隔离防护起来。并设置适当的警示标志。

76、In addition, Turkmen excavation period also Margin Mau Building, Century Avenue and the surrounding sensitive environment security. ─── 另外,土方开挖期间还要保证金茂大厦、世纪大道等周边敏感环境安全等。

77、The reclamation of land from the sea, or other projects to enclose sea areas, and the excavation of sand and gravel shall be strictly controlled. ─── 对围海造地或其他围海工程,以及采挖砂石,应当严格控制。

78、The excavation of Yangshao culture and Zhoukoudian ape man relics laid a foundation to the Chinese archaeology. ─── 仰韶文化的发现及周口店猿人遗址的发掘 ,奠定了中国考古学发展的坚实基础。

79、A case study of the building excavation in Kaohsiung city is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of this model. ─── 为验证模式的有效性与实用性,本文以高雄市建筑物挡土开挖发生崩坍的事故为案例进行探讨。

80、The excavation of the bur city take a long time. ─── 发掘埋在地下的城市花了很长时间。

81、During a 1912 Egyptian excavation, German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovered the bust of Nefertiti, a 14th Century BC Egyptian queen. ─── 1912年,在埃及的一个考古挖掘中,德国的路德维格.波哈特发现了公元前十四世纪,埃及皇后勒菲绨缇的半身像。

82、In the excavation of foundation pit and foundation trench in shallow aq uifer area,the problem of dewatering will be involved. ─── 在含水层较浅的地区开挖基坑及基槽,都涉及到降水问题。

83、Excavation of the community needs with a volunteer-oriented base. Provide assistance to collaborate comprehensive activity and service. ─── 以义工发掘的社区需要为本,并与之筹办多元化的服务和活动。

84、"Found down in the Dirksen excavation, " he says. "Thought I could stash them in here a few days, but phew. Can you believe it? " ─── “德克森中心挖地基的时候发现的,”他说。“我原打算可以把他们在这里藏几天,谁想这么臭。难以置信吧?”

85、Light duty operations like the excavation of clays and the loading of sand, earth, and gravel, etc. ─── 一般黏土的挖掘和沙、土砾石和装载等轻作业环境。

86、During the eight months employed in the excavation the preparatory works of the casting had simutaneously been carried on with extreme rapidity. ─── 在掘井的这八个月间,铸造的准备工作也在火速地进行。

87、But this time everyone was entirely in Merry's favour. They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them. ─── 但这一回所有的人都倾向于墨利,他们一边开始爬出土坑,一边回头用愤怒的眼光瞥一眼我们。

88、They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them. ─── 他们一边开始往土坑外爬,一边回头怒视着我们。

89、The report includes the excavation materials of 5 sites: Laohushan, Yuanzigou, Xibaiyu, Mianpo and Damiaopo. ─── 其中在老虎山、西白玉和大庙坡发现史前古城墙,在园子沟等遗址有保存良好的白灰面窑洞式房屋。

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