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09-04 投稿


quirk 发音

英:[kw??k]  美:[kw?k]

英:  美:

quirk 中文意思翻译



quirk 网络释义

n. 怪癖;急转;借口n. (Quirk)人名;(英)夸克

quirk 词性/词形变化,quirk变形

形容词: quirky |副词: quirkily |名词: quirkiness |

quirk 短语词组

1、quirk moulding ─── 鸟喙形线脚

2、quirk books ─── 怪书

3、bead and quirk ─── 圆凹饰

4、erasure quirk ─── 擦除怪癖

5、quirk ideas ─── 古怪的想法

6、oxidizing sweat quirk ─── 氧化性出汗怪癖

7、abnormality quirk crossword ─── 怪癖纵横字谜

8、quirk definition ─── 怪癖定义

9、quirk test ─── 怪癖试验

10、quirk molding un. ─── 鸟喙形线脚

11、magnetism quirk ─── 磁怪癖

12、illusion quirk ─── 幻觉怪癖

13、quirk malfunction ─── 异常故障

14、gentles quirk ─── 绅士怪癖

15、quirk bead ─── 槽隔小圆

quirk 相似词语短语

1、quirks ─── 怪癖;急转;借口(quirk的复数)

2、quicky ─── n.简短的事;瞬间完事的性交;匆忙做完的事;(板球)快投手(同quickie);adj.匆匆做成的,速成的(同quickie)

3、quick- ─── adj.快的,迅速的;敏捷的;灵敏的;int.快点;adv.迅速地;敏捷地;n.核心;伤口的嫩肉;(古)活着的人们;(非正式)快投手;n.(Quick)(美、英、加、德、印)奎克(人名)

4、quicks ─── adj.快的,迅速的;敏捷的;灵敏的;int.快点;adv.迅速地;敏捷地;n.核心;伤口的嫩肉;(古)活着的人们;(非正式)快投手;n.(Quick)(美、英、加、德、印)奎克(人名)

5、quire ─── n.一刀;一叠对折的手稿;n.(Quire)人名;(英)夸尔

6、quirt ─── n.辫式短柄马鞭;v.用辫式短柄马鞭抽打

7、quark ─── n.[高能][天]夸克(理论上一种比原子更小的基本粒子)

8、quirky ─── adj.古怪的;离奇的;诡诈的

9、quick ─── adj.快的,迅速的;敏捷的;灵敏的;int.快点;adv.迅速地;敏捷地;n.核心;伤口的嫩肉;(古)活着的人们;(非正式)快投手;n.(Quick)(美、英、加、德、印)奎克(人名)

quirk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Quirk and Greenbaum collaborated on the new grammar. ─── 柯克和格林邦合著這本新文法的書.

2、By a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel. ─── 真是天缘奇遇,他们住进了同一家旅馆。

3、bead and quirk ─── 圆凹饰

4、He had a strange quirk of addressing his wife as Mrs Smith. ─── 他很怪,把自己的妻子称作史密斯夫人。

5、Quantum Quirk: Stopped Laser Pulse Reappears a Short Distance Away Harvard University researchers have halted a pulse of laser light in its tracks and revived it a fraction of a millimeter away. ─── 哈佛大学的研究人员将一束激光脉冲在其径迹内停止,而在几分之一毫米的距离外该激光又得以再生。

6、An individual characteristic; a quirk. ─── 特性个人独特的特点;怪癖

7、I developed a bath to come out to sweating all the time today, quirk? ─── 今天我冲了个澡出来就一直在冒汗,怪事啦?

8、Quirk,R.,S.Greenbaum,G.Leech &J.svartvik.1985.A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language[M].London &New York:Longman Group Ltd. ─── 李国南.英语动词过去时的隐喻认知模式[J].外语教学与研究,2004,(1).

9、He has a strange quirk of addressing his wife as Mrs. Smith ─── 他很怪,把自己的妻子称作史密斯夫人

10、A tiny quirk in one of the human body's approximately 25,000 genes may be the culprit behind one of the world's most common, and painful, forms of arthritis, according to a study released recently. ─── 根据一项最近发表的研究显示,人体约2万5000个基因之中一个基因的小缺陷,很可能是全球最普遍、也最疼痛的一种关节炎的元凶。

11、I’d ignore every one of them now, embrace every quirk or unreasonableness to have him back. ─── 现在,对这些事情,我情愿都视而不见,情愿接受他的每一个借口或由着他不讲道理,只要他能回来。

12、Quirk is more than this one picket. ─── 怪事不止这一桩。

13、What do you think is 6's biggest unknown (hidden?) quirk (weird habit)? ─── 你认为6最大的不为人知的怪癖是什么?

14、The same irrational quirk is now playing out in the U. S. housing market. ─── 同样不合理的怪癖,正在美国房地产市场出现。

15、I thought of how my Shannon also liked her sauce on the side and suddenly that quirk, which had annoyed me so many times, seemed to make her so much more precious. ─── 一路上我想着我的香农也喜欢单独喝调味汁; 她这一奇怪的习惯曾经多次使我生气,但是现在想起来却反而使我感到她是那么可爱。

16、A mental peculiarity; a quirk. ─── 怪癖精神上的怪癖; 古怪的举动

17、answer lies in a quirk of history. ─── 答案就在奇妙的历史里面。

18、By a tantalizing quirk of fate, the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship. ─── 由于命运的捉弄,这对选手被抽中在锦标赛的第一轮相遇。

19、Another odd quirk of the movie's setting is the dizzying array of leopard, jaguar, tiger, and other animal prints. ─── 另一个奇怪的夸克电影的设置是令人眼花缭乱的豹,美洲虎,虎和其他动物的照片。

20、But if the same things are bothering you constantly, it helps to ask, "Whose quirk is this, anyway? ─── 但如果这些相同的事情老是烦扰你,你就应该这样问问,“这究竟是谁有怪癖?”

21、By a strange quirk of fate, the same players who were on target in the abandoned match were again on the scoresheet this time around. ─── 命运真是奇怪,在被取消的那场比赛中进球的那个球员在这次比赛中再次进球。

22、10. But if the same things are bothering you constantly, it helps to ask, “Whose quirk is this, anyway? ─── 但如果这些相同的事情老是烦扰你,你就应该这样问问,“这究竟是谁有怪癖?”收藏指正

23、Even if the Greenstein and Forman study is just a quirk, which I suspect is not the case, it still points to an interesting issue. ─── 即使格林斯坦和福尔曼的研究只是个异常现象(我觉得事实并非如此),它仍然指出了一个有趣的问题。

24、A tiny quirk in one of the human body's approximately25,000 genes may be the culprit behind one of the world's most common, and painful, forms of arthritis. ─── 人体约莫2万5000个基因之中一个基因的一丁点大的乱序,很可能是全球最普遍、很疼痛的、诸般形态的关节炎的元凶。

25、SearchStatus .SearchStatus 。Quirk has built a small toolbar that shows Alexa Rank and Google PageRank. ─── 夸克已经建立了一个小工具栏,显示Alexa的排名和谷歌的PageRank 。

26、However, through the quirk of history - under British Colonial Rule (including the period of Japanese occupation during the Second World War) - he was considered a “sinkeh” and I a “baba”. ─── 但是,在殖民地时代(这包括了日制时期),我是被称为“峇峇”人,而火炎则是“新客”。

27、quirk router ─── 狭槽刨

28、But after speaking to Paul, I'm pretty well convinced that this quirk is evident on the SL-II because it's not quite as stiff as the Jester or standard Fujin SL. ─── 但讲话后,以保罗的,我很清楚深信,这是奎克看出,对思亮二,因为它的不太作为刚性作为卡拉科夫或标准富锦市思亮。

29、But for a quirk of history that made Basutoland (Lesotho's forerunner) a British protectorate, it would probably have been a South African province. ─── 巴苏陀兰(莱索托的旧名)曾为英国的一个保护国,我们只用回顾一下这段历史就不难发现它可能曾是南非共和国的一个省份而已。

30、A mental peculiarity; a quirk ─── 怪癖精神上的怪癖;古怪的举动

31、a quirk of fate ─── 命运难料

32、Others among us, myself included, thought it just an odd quirk . ─── 包括我在内的其他人则认为这只是一种怪癖。

33、quirk moulding ─── 深凹圆线脚

34、a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel. ─── 真是天缘奇遇,他们住进了同一家旅馆。

35、The most annoying quirk of his is wearing a cap all the time. ─── 他最令人感到厌恶的怪癖就是无论何时都戴著帽子。

36、Bya quirk of fate, the last runner was called Ulot, which in the Frementongue means "Beloved Straggler. ─── 出于命运之神的玩笑,跑在最后的人名叫尤洛特,在弗里曼语里意思正好是“敬爱的掉队者”。

37、This quirk is that some flashing lights -- or in the jargon, steady-state visual evoked potentials -- produce reliable patterns of electrical activity in the brain. ─── 奇特之处是有一些闪亮点--或者按照行话说,稳态视觉诱发电位--在大脑产生出可靠的电流活动规律。

38、Sometimes I said the words out of context to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me. ─── 有时,我割裂地来说这些词,看看会不会通过偏离,通过某种物理的突然扭曲,我会突然想出其中的意义。

39、Despite the underlying inflation risks, a statistical quirk may push core inflation down in the coming months. ─── 尽管有着潜在的通胀风险,一个统计特性可能降低将来几个月的核心通胀率。

40、In an odd quirk, new research suggests the commission's plans could benefit those countries most opposed to it. ─── 但出人意料的是,新研究表明委员会的计划将使那些反对呼声最高的国家获益。

41、Everything from the moment they cross their arms to the quirk of their eyebrow, your characters are expressing themselves to you. ─── 任何动作,从手臂交叉到拧起眉头,你的人物都在表达他们自己。

42、In a strange quirk of fate, Macclesfield and Chelsea crossed paths last season when a match to help secure their future was arranged at Moss Road. ─── 命运总是难以琢磨,上赛季切尔西和曼斯费尔德相遇,决定两队未来的比赛被安排在毛斯路进行。

43、Replicating the genome is complicated by a quirk of DNA chemistry: DNA has polarity, and the two strands run like a two-lane highway in opposite directions. ─── 看似这篇文章完美无缺,但是个人觉得本文作者认为领头链复制的停顿归因于引物酶似乎有些武断了。

44、By a quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel. ─── 由于命运的捉弄, 他们住进同一家旅馆.

45、By some quirk of fate the two of us where on the same train. ─── 由于命运的巧妙安排,我们俩乘上了同一列火车。

46、Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the $215 million make over was "the best birthday present" the city could give its centrepiece. ─── 布里斯班市长格雷厄姆.夸克说,这项耗资2.15亿美元的翻新工程就是这个城市送给市政厅大楼“最好的生日礼物”。

47、It found that people with a "genetic quirk" drank more sugary drinks, ate more sweets, and consumed more calories from the extra sugar. ─── 研究表明人们喜欢喝更甜的饮料,吃更多甜食,而且能消耗更多的卡路里,是由于基因的变异。

48、quirk float ─── 深槽镘刀

49、Don't stop to quirk your little finger and simper over your plate, Amy," cried Jo, choking on her tea and dropping her bread, butter side down, on the carpet in her haste to get at the treat. ─── 别停下来弯起你的小手指边吃边傻笑,艾美,”乔嚷道,她因为急不可耐地要听信,被茶噎了一口,涂了奶油的面包也掉落到地毯上。

50、The reason why [ regular verbs ] are called regular is that we can predict what all the other three forms are (Randolph Quirk) ─── [规则动词]之所以称为规则是因为我们能够预知动词另三种形式的变化伦道夫 夸克)

51、IF A bank posts record results during the worst quarter in living memory for financial markets, it could be a quirk. ─── 如果说一家银行在金融市场陷入低谷时能获得创纪录的利润,这可能是偶发事件。

52、Growing up in the Iowa farm belt, Dr. Loren Olson always thought of himself as "heterosexual, with a little quirk. " ─── 罗伦·欧森医生生长在爱荷华州的农业区,一直以来总是觉得自己是“带有一点点怪癖的异性恋者”。

53、Some critics have questioned whether the linkage between income inequality and worse health is merely a mathematical quirk. ─── 有些批评者质疑,收入不均与健康情况不良之间的关联,可能只是数学的怪异表现。

54、By a quirk of fate, they return home to elect a new leader after Ogodai Khan, the grandson of Ghengis, drinks himself to death! ─── 命运急转,成思汗的孙子窝阔台嗜酒致死,蒙古人都回家去选举可汗的后继者。

55、By a quirk of fate they have booked into the same hotel ─── 由於命运的捉弄,他们住进同一家旅馆。

56、quirk: accident, vagary accident: an unforseenable or unplanned event;vagary: an erratic, unpredictable action; ─── 却最终令人惊奇的揭示了关于记忆结构原理的大量信息。

57、a quirk of fortune ─── 命运的播弄

58、quirk bead ─── 槽隔小圆

59、In other words, the ordering of the DNA code wasn't a quirk of nature. ─── 换句话说,DNA的有序编码不是大自然的随性之作。

60、Both Ranieri and Grant starting their Chelsea managerial careers with a visit to Old Trafford, strange quirk of fate. ─── 拉涅利和格兰特都是从老特拉福德开始他们的切尔西教练之路的,奇怪的巧合。

61、" " having sex in the university is not quirk any more, what we do not know than teachers is little, problem of necessary and evasive sex is done not have in the university. ─── “在大学里发生性关系已经不是怪事了,我们并不比老师们知道的少,在大学里没必要回避性问题。”

62、(Quirk, Paul. "Policy Making in the Contemporary Congress." Chap. 9 in Landy &Levin, The New Politics of Public Policy, 1995. ─── 保罗·奎克:“当代国会的政策制定”,兰迪与莱温:《公共政策的新政治学》,1995年版,第9章。

63、The carving craze is the grave of safe, carefree, efficient skiing, an irrational fantasy, a binding fashion, a quirk bent on putting basic physics to shame! ─── 对刻滑的狂热,葬送了滑雪的安全性、娱乐性和舒适性,是一个失去理性的白日梦,一个伪装的时髦,一个让基础物理学感到羞愧的怪癖。

64、Confirmations illustrate an interesting quirk of human behavior: They only work when they are unexpected. ─── 确认对话框显示了人类行为的一个有趣怪癖,即它们只在意想不到时起作用。

65、There is a quirk when enabling sound.First enable it with sound sync, exit it.Open it again, then the sound is enabled. ─── 其中在声音设置里有一项我打了个星号的,是因为我不知道该怎么翻译,所以照字面胡乱地译了一下,哪位高人帮忙确切地翻译一下?

66、A tiny quirk in one of the human body's approximately25,000 genes may be the culprit behind one of the world's most common, and painful, forms of arthritis, according to a study released recently. ─── 根据一项最近发表的研究显示,人体约2万5000个基因之中一个基因的小缺陷,很可能是全球最普遍、最疼痛的一种关节炎的元凶。

67、But the Cams liked clean, forthright people and didn't pay much attention to minor quirk, so she had already been with them two or three years and they took her along whenever they moved house. ─── 曹家喜欢用干净掺亮的人,而又不大注意那些小过节儿,所以她跟了他们已经二三年,就是曹家全家到别处去也老带着她。

68、Quirk, R. et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language[M], London Longman 1985. ─── 易仲良.英语动词语义语法学[M]长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,1999.

69、BALTIMORE -- When Adam Loewen became the first man to face a former Cy Young Award winner in each of his first four big-league starts, it seemed like a scheduling quirk. ─── 巴尔第摩--亚当罗文成为第一个在他头四场大联盟先发中每次都面对赛扬奖得主的投手,这似乎成了既定的怪事一桩。

70、Sometimes I said the words out of con- text to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me. ─── 有时我脱离上下文把它说出来,想看看如果通过偏离语境,我能否突然获取一些物理学上的巧合,即意思。

71、A quirk of nature means that their island consists of some of the world's purest phosphate - the legacy of millions of years of sea bird droppings reacting with an uplifted coral. ─── 在大自然巧妙的安排下,他们的岛屿遍地都是全世界最精纯的磷肥-是几百万年来海鸟的粪便与隆起的珊瑚起了化学作用所形成的。

72、"the diaspora of English into several mutually incomprehensible languages" (Randolph Quirk) ─── “英语传播成几种彼此难以理解的语言”(伦道夫·夸克)

73、By some quirk of fate the two of us were on the same train. ─── 出于命运安排,我们两人乘上了同一列火车。

74、Sometimes I said the words out of context to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me. ─── 有时我断章取义地说出几个单词,以便看看是否有偏差,是否来自物理学的一些巧合,是否来自突然朝我而生的意思。

75、But if the same things are bothering you constantly,it helps to ask,"Whose quirk is this,anyway? ─── 但如果这些相同的事情老是烦扰你,你就应该这样问问:“这究竟是谁有怪癖?”

76、A tiny quirk in one of the human bodys approximately 25,000 genes may be the culprit behind one of the worlds most common, and painful, forms of arthritis. ─── 人体约莫2万5000个基因之中一个基因的一丁点大的乱序,很可能是全球最普遍、也很疼痛的、有诸般形态的关节炎的元凶。

77、The latest quirk to be examined is momentum, or the tendency for stocks that did well in the past to do well in the future. ─── 最后要研究的怪现象是惯性,即过去回报很好的股票在将来也会给出很好回报。

78、If David were able to see that he is the one with the quirk, he would be able to laugh at himself and stop putting such high expectations on his wife. ─── 如果戴维能认识到自己是一个有怪癖的人,他就会笑话自己,并且不会再对他的妻子寄予这么高的期望。

79、Well, the answer lies in a quirk of history. ─── 答案就在奇妙的历史里面。

80、Changing horses in the middle of the stream is another small quirk in the Gemini personality which makes decision making, and sticking to a decision, particularly hard for them. ─── 中途变卦是双鱼座性格中的另一个小怪癖,这种性格对于他们做决定以及坚持决定都是特别的不容易!

81、Even Americans are inclined to think of Canada as the 51st state, a part of America that through some quirk of history is not one (or more) of the United States. ─── 甚至美国人习惯性地认为加拿大的是美国的第五十一个州,是美国的一部分。这可以通过关于美国历史的一些双关语可以看出。历史上加拿大不是美国的一个(或多个)部分。

82、On the other hand, if Pamela were able to understand David's quirk and see it as his problem, she would be able to brush it off without taking it too personally. ─── 另一方面,假如帕梅拉能理解戴维的怪癖,并且把它看成是他的毛病,她也就能不带太多的情绪地把赃物洗掉。

83、But if the same things are bothering you constantly, it helps to ask, "Whose quirk is this, anyway?" ─── 但如果这些相同的事情老是烦扰你,你就应该这样问问,“这究竟是谁有怪癖?

84、Not to mention the advantage of nights that are four months long, allowing continuous monitoring of every quirk and burp in the South Polar sky. ─── 南极冰穹A的研究优势还包括一年长达四个月的漫漫黑夜,可以进行不间断跟踪监测南极点天空的异常变化。

85、By a quirk of fate, the couple took the same flight after years of being apart. ─── 命运的安排让这对失散多年的恋人搭上了同一班飞机。

86、Ironically, another quirk comes to our help here. ─── 实际上,另外一个因素在这里提供了帮助。

87、I suppose you're not serious, are you? (Quirk, p.811 ─── 我想你不是认真的,是不是?

88、For in a delicious quirk, Chaum's digital cash is untraceable except if you try to cheat by spending money more than once. ─── 因为乔姆的数字现金有个非常有趣的怪癖:除非你想要作弊花钱超过一次,否则这钱是不可追查的。

89、"The reason why[regular verbs] are called regular is that we can predict what all the other three forms are" (Randolph Quirk) ─── “[规则动词]之所以称为规则是因为我们能够预知动词另三种形式的变化” (伦道夫·夸克)

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