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09-04 投稿



uraninite 发音

英:[['j?r?n?na?t]]  美:[['j?r?n??na?t]]

英:  美:

uraninite 中文意思翻译



uraninite 短语词组

1、uraninite msds ─── 铀矿msds

2、uraninite ff13 ─── 铀矿ff13

3、uraninite crystals ─── 铀矿晶体

uraninite 相似词语短语

1、Platinite ─── n.代铂钢;代白金

2、uraninites ─── n.[矿物]沥青铀矿

3、axinite ─── n.[矿物]斧石

4、aragonite ─── n.[矿物]霰石

5、franklinite ─── n.[矿物]锌铁尖晶石;锌铁矿

6、transfinite ─── adj.[数]超限的;无穷的;无限的

7、granitite ─── n.黑云花岗岩,花岗岩

8、Leninite ─── n.列宁主义者;adj.列宁主义者的

9、uranite ─── n.[矿物]云母铀矿;[矿物]铀云母类

uraninite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ore minerals in the Colorado-type deposits are of uraninite and coffinite, with associated vanadium and copper minerals. ─── 矿床中的铀矿物为晶质铀矿和水硅铀矿,与之共生的还有钒,铜矿物。

2、It is the first time to find scheelite and uraninite paragenetic orebody in Xiazhuang uranium ore field. ─── 在下庄铀矿田中首次发现了晶质铀矿与白钨矿的共生矿体。

3、Uraninite is the only ore mineral. ─── 唯一的矿石矿物为晶质铀矿。

4、A massive variety of the mineral uraninite. ─── 沥青铀矿铀矿的一种

5、uraninite in massive form is called pitchblende which is the chief uranium ore. ─── 块状的晶质铀矿称为沥青铀矿,是主要的铀矿石。

6、A massivevariety of the mineral uraninite. ─── 沥青铀矿铀矿的一种。

7、In the older rocks below these glacial deposits are detrital uraninite and pyrite, two minerals considered evidence for very low levels of atmospheric oxygen. ─── 这些冰河沉积物下方的较老岩层,是沥青铀矿与黄铁矿碎屑;这两种矿物被认定为大气中氧气极为稀少的证据。

8、Abundant uranyl minerals (especially, uranyl silicates and uranyl phosphates) are found because of intensive weathering of uraninite. ─── 而我国高放废物地质处置库拟建在花岗岩体中。

9、uraninite ore ─── 沥青铀矿石

10、7 A bright-field TEM image of the bacteria and the re-duced uraninite crystals. ─── 图7细菌及其还原出来的晶质铀矿晶体的明场TEM像。

11、It is the first time to find scheelite and uraninite paragenetic orebody in Xiazhuang uranium ore field. ─── 在下庄铀矿田中首次发现了晶质铀矿与白钨矿的共生矿体。

12、Ore minerals in the Colorado-type deposits are of uraninite and coffinite, with associated vanadium and copper minerals ─── 科罗拉多型矿床中的铀矿物为晶质铀矿和水硅铀矿,与之共生的还有钒,铜矿物。

13、Evidence shows that the uraninite is of polygenesis. ─── 岩体晶质铀矿复成因的证据。

14、Keywords Uranium ore-spot;Uraninite;Geochemistry;Prospecting; ─── 铀矿点;沥青铀矿;地球化学;找矿;

15、an orange-red to grayish yellow mixture of several uranium oxides,silicates,and salts occurring naturally in the oxidation and hydration of uraninite ─── 一种由桔红到黄灰色的多种铀氧化物、硅酸盐和盐的混和物,在铀矿物的自然氧化作用和水合作用中形成

16、Keywords Dabu uranium deposit;uraninite;characteristics; ─── 大布铀矿床;沥青铀矿;特征;

17、a mineral consisting of uranium oxide and trace amounts of radium and thorium and polonium and lead and helium; uraninite in massive form is called pitchblende which is the chief uranium ore. ─── 一种含有氧化铀和少量镭、钍、钋、铅、氦的矿物;块状的晶质铀矿称为沥青铀矿,是主要的铀矿石。

18、Keywords uranium deposit;altered mylonite;uraninite;scheelite;zhushanxia; ─── 铀矿床;蚀变糜棱岩;晶质铀矿;白钨矿;竹山下;

19、An orange-red to grayish yellow mixture of several uranium oxides, silicates, and salts occurring naturally in the oxidation and hydration of uraninite. ─── 脂铅铀矿一种由桔红到黄灰色的多种铀氧化物、硅酸盐和盐的混和物,在铀矿物的自然。

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