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09-04 投稿



hob 发音

英:[h?b]  美:[hɑb]

英:  美:

hob 中文意思翻译



hob 词性/词形变化,hob变形

动词过去分词: hoaxed |动词过去式: hoaxed |动词现在分词: hoaxing |动词第三人称单数: hoaxes |名词: hoaxer |

hob 短语词组

1、hob ovo ─── 滚开这个

2、worm gear hob ─── 蜗轮滚刀

3、hob-nob vi. ( ─── 与某人)过从甚密, 交往密切

4、caple hob ─── 霍布头

5、worm hob ─── 蜗杆滚刀

6、hob b y n. ─── 嗜好;业余爱好n.(Hobby)人名;(英)霍比

7、protuberance hob ─── 凸出滚刀

8、hob-and-nob a. ─── 亲近的, ─── 亲密的

9、hob makl ─── 马鲛鱼

10、conical hob ─── 锥形滚刀

11、tangential hob ─── 切向滚刀

12、ceramic hob ─── 电陶炉

13、spiral flute hob ─── 螺旋槽滚刀

14、hob process ─── 滚刀工艺

15、polygon hob ─── 多棱零件加工滚刀


17、form relieved hob ─── 减形滚刀

18、hob-nobs (hob-nob ─── 的复数) vi. (与某人)过从甚密, 交往密切

19、hob tap ─── [机] 标准螺丝攻

hob 习惯用语

hob 特殊用法

1、right-hand hob ─── 右旋滚刀

2、disk hob ─── 圆盘滚(齿)刀

3、worm-gearhob ─── 蜗轮滚(铣)刀, 蜗轮滚齿刀习惯用语

4、straight fluted hob ─── 直沟滚刀

5、seller hob ─── 简易滚刀

6、involute gear hob ─── 渐开线齿轮滚刀

7、sprocket hob ─── 链轮滚刀

8、multiple-thread hob ─── 多头螺纹滚刀

9、preshaving hob ─── 剃前滚刀

10、involute spline hob ─── 渐开线花键滚刀

11、spline (shaft) hob ─── 花键滚刀

12、tangential feed worm hob ─── 切向进给蜗轮滚刀

13、polygon hob ─── 多棱零件加工滚刀

14、solid hob ─── 整体滚刀

15、serration hob ─── 细齿滚铣刀

16、left-hand hob ─── 左旋滚刀

17、carbide hob ─── 硬质合金滚刀

18、single-thread hob ─── 单头螺纹滚刀

19、generating hob ─── 齿轮滚刀

20、tooth-rounding hob ─── 倒角滚刀(齿轮)

21、drum hob ─── 弧形齿顶花键滚刀

22、saw-tooth hob ─── 锯齿滚刀

23、threading hob ─── 螺纹滚铣刀

24、inserted tooth hob ─── 镶齿滚刀

25、form-relieved hob ─── 铲齿滚刀

26、die hob ─── 标准[板牙]丝锥

27、conical hob ─── 锥形[切向]滚刀

28、gear cutterhob ─── 齿轮滚刀

29、double-thread hob ─── 双头滚刀

30、parallel hob ─── 等径滚(铣)刀

31、ground hob ─── 磨齿滚刀

32、micron hob ─── 小模数滚刀

33、finishing hob ─── 精切滚刀

34、tangential hob ─── 切向滚刀

35、roughing hob ─── 粗切滚刀

36、Hindley hob ─── 亨德莱滚刀, 切削球状蜗轮滚刀

37、cycloidal gear hob ─── 摆线齿轮滚刀

38、chain wheel hob ─── 链轮滚刀[铣刀]

39、humpage hob ─── 镶齿滚刀

40、Novikov gear hob ─── 圆弧齿轮滚刀(诺维柯夫齿轮滚刀)

41、chamfering hob ─── 齿轮倒角滚刀

42、tap hob ─── 标准螺丝攻

43、spiral flute hob ─── 螺旋槽滚刀

44、shaving hob ─── 蜗轮剃齿刀

45、taper hob ─── 锥形(齿轮)滚刀, 切向(进给)滚刀

46、ratchet hob ─── 棘轮滚刀

hob 相似词语短语

1、fob ─── n.表袋;短表链及其饰物

2、Bob ─── v.(使)上下跳动,振动;(使)轻敲;把(头发)剪成波波头;乘大雪橇;突然出现(或消失);(沿某个方向)快速移动;点头;微微鞠躬行礼;n.摆动,颠簸;轻敲;快速的点头(或鞠躬);浮子;钟摆,悬挂的饰品;齐短发型,波波头;大雪橇,连橇;(一)先令;相当多的一笔钱;诗节末尾的短行;变序鸣钟;n.(Bob)鲍勃(人名)

3、cob ─── n.雄天鹅;玉米穗轴;结实的矮脚马;圆块;vt.捣碎;n.(Cob)人名;(西)科夫

4、hobo ─── n.流浪汉;无业游民;单肩包;vi.过流浪生活;vt.流浪着过;n.(Hobo)人名;(葡)奥博

5、Job ─── n.工作;职业;vt.承包;代客买卖;vi.做零工;n.(Job)人名;(英)乔布;(法、葡)若布;(?-1605)约伯〈俄〉俄罗斯正教会莫斯科牧首。;(德、塞、捷、荷、意)约布

6、Tob ─── abbr.股票公开收购(TakeoverBid);起飞助推器(Take-OffBoost);技术操作委员会(TechnicalOperationsBoard)

7、hobs ─── n.滚铣刀(hob复数)

8、ho. ─── n.妓女;淫妇,荡妇;int.嗬,嗨;哈哈;n.(Ho)(韩、中、柬)霍(人名)

9、gob ─── n.凝块;水兵;vi.吐唾沫;n.(Gob)人名;(法)戈布

hob 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper puts forward a design method of pulley hob with parabolic tooth shape, which is used in the high torque drive. ─── 提出了高扭矩抛物线齿同步带轮滚刀齿形的设计方法。

2、Design of positive drive pulley hob ─── 同步带轮滚刀设计

3、universal hob testing instrument ─── 万能滚刀测试仪

4、HiN, HoN, HoA, HiB, HoB and HiA accounted for 29.7%, 26.5%, 21.1%, 13.4%, 5.1% and 4.2% of DOC, respectively. ─── DOM中HiN、HoN、HoA、HiB、HoB及HiA的含量分别为 2 9 7% ,2 6 5% ,2 1 1% ,13 4% ,5 1%及 4 2% .

5、The radius of this new hob has a great effect on the cutting interference,and this parameter must be rationally designed in order to avoid interference. ─── 新构形刀具的半径对切齿干涉的影响较大,因此要合理设计刀具半径,避免干涉。

6、Design of the convex hob for the traction gears on metro cars ─── 地铁牵引齿轮凸角留磨滚刀的设计

7、" "With you, hob and nob," returned the sergeant. ─── "遵命,彼此干一杯," 伍长回答说。

8、The wastage morphology and reasons of gear hob used in production are analyzed, the influence of the varying hobbing torque and temperature on wastage of hob is discussed in hobbing process. ─── 摘要对生产中使用的齿轮滚刀磨损和破损形貌进行了分析,探讨了滚刀磨损和破损的原因及滚齿过程中滚削力和滚削温度的变化对滚刀磨损和破损的影响。

9、This paper introduced the calculation of the maximum undercut and the involute length of gear after cutting with gear cutter hob. ─── 介绍了磨前滚刀滚切齿轮的最大根切量和磨后的渐开线长度计算,并建立了数学模型。

10、With it pinions can be machined with hob or single-tooth indexing, also can with shaft cut-in and radial cut-in method. ─── 可采用逆铣和顺铣方法加工齿轮,可以轴向或径向进行加工。

11、You can right click on the file names ands are generally 1.5Mbkto 3.5Mb each. It's about 2.15Mb for each hob of sermon. ─── 你可以在该档案处按老鼠右键,再选择'另存目标',视窗会问你储存的地方.储存后可用视窗媒体播放程式来播放.

12、Keywords AutoCAD;preshaving gear hob;development; ─── 剃前齿轮滚刀;开发;

13、Have another glass? With you, hob and nob, returned the sergeant ─── 再来一杯吗?遵命,彼此干一杯,伍长回答说。

14、New Method for Measuring Circular Pitch Error of Hob ─── 一种测量滚刀容屑槽周节误差的新方法

15、He is going to go out and raise hob. ─── 他今晚要出去纵情狂欢了。

16、He turned from the tray, lifted the kettle off the hob and set it sideways on the fire. ─── 他把视线从托盘移开,取下炉架上的开水壶,将它侧着坐在炉火上。

17、The article starts from the features of the tapered involute spline analyses the characters of hob design, expounds the main steps in the tapered involute spline hob design. ─── 从锥底渐开线花键的特征着手,分析了滚刀设计的特点,给出了锥底渐开线花键滚刀设计的主要步骤。

18、The computing method for calculating the axial edgeof the spherical hob is introduced, and the formulae of basic parameter are presented. ─── 介绍了球形滚刀轴向廓形的设计方法,给出了滚刀基本参数的计算公式。

19、Research on Cutting Edge Grinding Interference of New Gear Hob ─── 新构形齿轮刀具刃磨干涉的研究

20、Hanguang Iron Crafts Manufactory has many years experience of hob making .We are specializes in producting all kinds of porcelain cup&saucer hob 、porcelain plate hob、clothes rack、kitchenware and other fittings. ─── 本厂具有多年制作经验,专业生产各类厨卫、衣架、杯架、盘架以及各种陶瓷铁配件。

21、Strictly speaking,theworm surface of the hob must be an involute helicoid which possesses an intersectingcurve in axial plane convex. ─── 严格地说,渐开线齿轮滚刀的基本蜗杆曲面应是渐开线螺旋面,其轴断面内的截线是一条中凸的曲线。

22、The article starts from the features of the tapered involute spline analyses the characters of hob design, expounds the main steps in the tapered involute spline bob design. ─── 摘要从锥底渐开线花键的特征着手,分析了滚刀设计的特点,给出了锥底渐开线花键滚刀设计的主要步骤。

23、CAD is applied to the design of spherical hob, and the result is satisfactory. ─── 应用计算机辅助设计,并通过实例计算,得到了满意的结果。

24、VB-Based CAD System for Gear Cutter Hob ─── 基于VB环境的滚齿刀辅助设计系统

25、This paper produces a new way of grinding the hole of a helix flute Archimedes spiral hob: a bob is orientated in three tapers. ─── 介绍了一种采用三圆推销定位磨削阿基米德螺线滚刀内孔的新方法,该方法避免了圆周齿距误差和螺旋槽导程误差的影响。

26、Worm-wheel hob design using Case-Based Reasoning method ─── 基于实例推理的蜗轮滚刀设计

27、multi-start lengthening gear hob ─── 加长多头齿轮滚刀

28、In this paper, it introduced the max. undercutting value of gear with pre-grinding hob cutter and the calculation of ground involute length. ─── 本文介绍了磨前滚刀滚切齿轮的最大根切量和磨后的渐开线长度计算,并建立了数学模型。

29、Keywords Preshaving Hob without Feeler;Design Optimizing; ─── 无触角;剃前滚刀;优化设计;

30、In power gear transmission, the equation of the basic rack profile must be known in general.It"s the equation of the hob and the gear profile that need be deduced. ─── 在动力齿轮传动中,滚刀的设计一般是已知基本齿条的齿廓方程,求解的是滚刀和齿轮的齿廓方程。

31、Pat mini series from Tom - hob is not known, but this does not hinder him in the film would later become the important part of Hollywood. ─── 拍迷你剧出身的汤姆-霍伯并不为人熟知,但这不妨碍他在本片之后成为好莱坞的重要一份子。

32、her feet encased in heavy hob-nailed boots, this hot and shapeless little person toiled up the mountain. ─── 她的脚裹在沉重的钉靴里,这个热的不像样的小孩艰难地爬上了山。

33、double circular-arc gear hob ─── 双圆弧齿轮滚刀

34、Stress Experimental Research on Protruding Fixed Hob with Arc End ─── 带圆弧头突起式固定安装滚刀的应力试验研究

35、Now that Lucille and hob have had that little heart to heart talk, may we have another word, hob? ─── 既然露西尔和霍布已经推心置腹地谈了话,那么霍布,我们可不可以说另一个词呢?

36、Oh, hob,I'd like you to meet sheila rhoda, a famous film star in hollywood. ─── 哦,霍伯,我想要你见见好莱坞著名影星,希拉罗达。

37、CAD System of Gear Hob with Small Modulu Based on Feature Modeling ─── 基于特征建模的小模数齿轮滚刀CAD系统

38、This is better done by placing it on the hob than by the usual method of swilling it out with hot water. ─── 把茶壶直接放到炉盘上加热比通常所用的加入热水冲洗效果要好。

39、On artistic style, can imitate " Luo Shi " the balcony, do net of some of small hob, iron to climb add wall, kind liana, form portable chic green wall. ─── 在艺术风格上,可以模拟“罗式”阳台,做些小铁架、铁网攀附墙壁,种藤蔓植物,形成一幅可移动的别致绿墙。

40、The structure, principle and application of a simple centring device used for the sharpening of hob cutters are described. ─── 介绍了用于刃磨齿轮滚刀的简易对中装置的结构、原理及使用方法。

41、She dragged herself to the stove and shifted the kettle from the hob to the hotplate. ─── 她拖着沉重的脚步走到电炉前,把水壶从架子上拿下来,放到炉子上。

42、Mary raised hob with her husband for being back late ─── 丈夫回来晚了,玛丽就对他大发脾气。

43、circular grinding build-up gear hob ─── 圆磨法装配式滚刀

44、"Have another glass?" "With you, hob and nob," returned the sergeant. ─── “再来一杯吗?”“遵命,彼此干一杯,”伍长回答说。

45、A cored apple, filled with brown sugar , roasting for her at the hob on a dark autumn evening. ─── 在昏暗的秋日傍晚,炉架上为她焙着的一个去了核、填满红糖的苹果。

46、And it introduced the relation gear tooth concave hole parameter and hob used of tooth cut and rub tooth surplus and match gear geometry parameter. ─── 介绍了齿轮齿根凹圆坑参数与所用滚刀的关系。

47、The paper give out a new structure of non-relieved gea r hob and its design procedures. It makes the design and manufacture of this kin d of cutter become possible. ─── 介绍了一种集工艺刀夹与刀体于一体的转位式圆磨法滚刀的结构,并对该刀具设计的关键问题--刀槽和刃形的设计计算进行了公式推导。

48、In this paper,a new methd about the design of triangular spline hob cutter with chamfer has been introduced. ─── 具有倒角的三角花键滚刀的设计一直采用近似的方法。

49、Contrary to all advice he gave up his hob and left for the south. ─── 他不所任何劝告,辞了工作,去了南方。

50、His absence played hob with our party. ─── 他的缺席打乱了我们的晚会。

51、Vertical outline hob can be defined as a series of change site screw gear, and process error is eliminated as possible. ─── 将其定义为一系列变位的螺旋齿轮,并尽可能消除工艺误差。

52、She raised such hob with her questions that the meeting broke up. ─── 她拼命提出各种问题使会议流产了。

53、The binding technique for hob cutter inserts is useful for small and middle tool works. ─── 其中,关于滚刀刀片的粘结工艺对中小工具厂家有借鉴意义。

54、protuberance type pre-grinding hob ─── 凸角型磨前滚刀

55、Taper of hob arbor fitting Morse no. ─── 主轴锥孔。

56、The war raised hob with international trade. ─── 战争破坏了国际贸易。

57、Hob and nob, Doctor, which do you choose, white or red? ─── 一起干一杯,医生,白酒还是红酒?

58、Profile formula for hard gear chamfered edge hob and its error analysis are introduced. A new kind of chamfered edge hob structure and manufacturing engineering are investigated. ─── 介绍了硬齿面滚刀倒棱的齿形计算公式和误差分析,探讨了新型的倒棱滚刀结构方式及制造工艺。

59、Single head, gear hob around the axis turned itself a tooth; DuoTou hob around, the number of teeth gear hob broken down and turned equal. ─── 单头滚刀转一转﹐齿轮绕本身轴线转过一个齿﹔多头滚刀转一转﹐齿轮转过的齿数与滚刀头数相等。

60、Keywords double thread hob;design;application; ─── 关键词双头滚刀;设计;应用;

61、Taking Pro/ENGINEER software as a platform, the case based turbine hob CAD system is developed by using case based reasoning (CBR) technology. ─── 以Pro/ENGINEER软件为平台 ,采用实例推理技术开发了基于实例的蜗轮滚刀CAD系统。

62、Do you notice the hob - and - nob character of their friendship? ─── 你注意到他们之间亲密的友谊吗?

63、Gives a new method which designs tooth forms of pre-grinding hob according to thepartical demands on hob of gear,and designs a kind of pre-grinding hob used in high-speed trac-tion gears. ─── 介绍了一种计算与作图相结合的直齿锥齿轮粗铣刀齿形设计方法,推导了精确计算公式,详述了计算步骤和计算机作图方法,并给出了设计实例。

64、On the base,it also put forward the suggestion to correct the convex angle size of preshaving hob cutter. ─── 在此基础上,提出了剃前滚刀凸角尺寸修改的建议。

65、The cutting principle and the optimum design mathematical model of such non-feeler preshaving hob are introduced and effect of the design is validated by its example. ─── 介绍了这种无触角剃前齿轮滚刀的切削原理、优化设计数学模型,并通过实例验证了设计效果。

66、Keywords complex cutter wormgear hob CAD multi parameter design; ─── 复杂刀具;蜗轮滚刀;CAD;多参数设计;

67、semi-automatic hob grinding machine ─── 半自动滚刀磨床


69、And,having placed the former on the hob,drew in her seat,evidently pleased to find me so companionable. ─── 她把盆子放在炉台上后,又把椅子拉过来,显然发现有我作伴而高兴呢。

70、Based on the point that the speeds of the hob and gear are equal along the tangent line at the cutting point, which is consistent with pure rolling between the pitch curves of the hob and gear, a group of equations is set up. ─── 以切削点处工件和刀具的切向速度相等(滚刀节曲线和非圆齿轮节曲线保持相互纯滚动)基本依据,推导出坐标轴联动控制的一组方程式。

71、Study of Profiling Error and Parameter Optimization of New Type Hob ─── 新型滚刀构形误差及优化的研究

72、The unwillingness with which Hob comes to a grammar lesson, and speed with which he goes away from it, have always amused me. ─── 霍布上语法课时的那种不高兴劲儿和下课时走的那个快劲儿总是逗得我发笑。

73、In this paper, the equation of the projection of hob helicoid has also been deduced and the projection is compared with the basic rack nomal profile. ─── 文中还求出了滚刀螺旋面的投影方程式,并与媒介齿条法面齿廓方程做了比较。

74、The undifferential hobbing technology for helical cylindrical gear was systematically analyzed,and a new method to hob helical cylindrical gear with undifferential method was introduced. ─── 对无差动滚切技术进行了系统的研究,提出了一种用无差动法滚切斜齿圆柱齿轮及其挂轮选择的新方法。

75、"Have another glass"With you,hob and nob"returned the sergeant. ─── 一起干一杯,医生,白酒还是红酒?

76、Then,the axial-section profile equation of grinding wheel that is used to relieve hob is derived from relieving surface and the reliving moving relation between wheel a... ─── 再利用齿背曲面和铲磨运动的关系求出铲磨滚刀的砂轮轴向截面廓形,并给出了负前角双圆弧滚刀铲磨砂轮截面的具体算例。

77、I was just going to give hob a private lesson ─── 我刚准备给霍布单独上一次课。

78、A new calculating method of axial tooth angle is put forward, which leads to forming error distribution of hob tooth forms. ─── 提出新的轴向齿形角计算方法,使滚刀刀齿形误差分布较为合理。


80、"Have another glass? ""With you, hob and nob, " returned the sergeant . ─── "再来一杯吗?""遵命,彼此干一杯,"伍长回答说。

81、There was a plate on the hob, the plate got so hot it exploded, burnt broken pieces of plate were all over the floor. ─── 炉盘上的餐盘变得那么热,于是它炸开了,地板上到处都是烤焦的盘子碎片。

82、I know Hob won't believe this, but it's true. ─── 我知道霍布是不会相信这一点的,但这是千真万确的。

83、The profiling error of a new type skiving hob with convex curved rake face is analyzed and the change law of profiling error affected by parameters is expounded. ─── 对新型凸曲前刀面刮削滚刀的理论构形误差进行了全面分析,探讨了各特征参数对构形误差的影响规律。

84、He accepted it as he put the coffee on the hob: She's left me. ─── 他把咖啡放在铁架上时他接受了:她离开我了。

85、Based on the preshaving hob cutter spotal structure, authors analyse thecalcuiation two kinds of contact ratio on hob-shaving technology,and give the commutingformulae and examples. ─── 基于剃前滚刀特殊结构,分析了滚-剃工艺下二种重合度的计算问题,给出了计算公式和实例。

86、Oh, Hob, I'd like you to meet Sheila Rhoda, a famous film star in Hollywood. ─── 哦,霍伯,我想要你见见好莱坞著名影星,希拉·罗达。

87、An improved algorithm based on the equal arc length method is presented to solve substitutive arc parameters of spline hob curve section. ─── 提出一种基于等弧长法的改进算法,用于求解花键滚刀理论齿形的代用圆弧参数。

88、"Have another glass?""With you, hob and nob, " returned the sergeant. ─── "进屋来吧,我来给你们煮 一杯 热可可茶。

89、Hob is not a bad fellow on the whole. ─── 霍布,总的来看,并不是一个坏人。

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