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09-04 投稿



orthography 发音

英:[??r?θɑ?ɡr?fi]  美:[???θ?ɡr?fi]

英:  美:

orthography 中文意思翻译



orthography 网络释义

n. 正确拼字;正字法;正字学

orthography 同义词

writing system

orthography 反义词


orthography 词性/词形变化,orthography变形


orthography 相似词语短语

1、aortography ─── n.主动脉造影术

2、morphography ─── n.形态描绘学;描述地貌学;形态论

3、orthographic ─── adj.正字法的;拼字正确的;直角的

4、orthograph ─── n.正投影图

5、mythography ─── n.神话集;神话艺术

6、orthographs ─── n.正投影图

7、lithography ─── n.[印刷]平版印刷术,石印术

8、orthographer ─── n.正字法学者;拼字学者

9、arthrography ─── n.[特医]关节照相术;[特医]关节摄影术

orthography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you want to write beautiful Chinese characters, you should first clearly understand their orthography. ─── 想写好汉字就要先清楚正字法。

2、The thesis is made up of 5 parts as introduction, alphabet and orthography, vocabulary, features of vocabulary and brief summary. ─── 全文由绪论、字母与正字法、词法、词汇特点、小结等五个部分组成。

3、Spring Festival around, a few big travel agent roll out European shopping group in succession, hematic orthography appearance is become the directest solicit a symbol. ─── 春节前后,一些大的旅行社纷纷推出欧洲购物团,血拼字样成为最直接的招揽符号。

4、Orthography of Words in Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and their Application in the Teaching of Chinese to Foreign Students ─── 汉语拼音正词法及其在对外汉语教学中的应用

5、a particular orthography or writing system. ─── 一种特殊的正字法或书写系统。

6、The orthography is the written system and spelling of a language. ─── “拼字法”指的是一种语言的书写系统与语言拼写。

7、Besides, the paper introduces the main concept of the basic rules in the Orthography and puts forward the concept of lexical capitalization. ─── 介绍正词法基本规则的主要内容,提出词汇性大写的概念。

8、(Hebrew orthography; used of an accent) indicating that the word marked is separated to a greater or lesser degree rhythmically and grammatically from the word at follows it. ─── (希伯来正字法;用来指重音)表示所标记词在韵律和语法上或大或小的与紧接该词的词分离。

9、Such a mark used in orthography, as above an i. ─── 小点用于正字法中的小点,例如i上部分

10、The Role of Phonology and Orthography in Chinese Reading Comprehension: A Moving Window Study ─── 移动窗囗条件下语音、字形信息在汉语阅读中的作用

11、The constituents of Chinese character orthography shall cover at least the character structure, the radicals, and the radical positions. ─── 而实验2-2证实了这样的触发效果不会受到语音的影响。

12、The forming of words with letters in an accepted order;orthography. ─── 拼字,拼法以正确顺序将字母拼成字的行为;缀字法

13、Thai, however, does have rather interesting rules reflecting changes in orthography that are not reflected in spoken Thai at all. ─── 然而,泰国语的确有一些有趣的规则可以影响orthography的变化,但是它对于泰国口语不会产生任何影响。

14、orthography n. ─── 拼字法,拼字式;n.正确拼字;

15、Thai orthography is sensitive to surrounding text, not to spoken language. ─── 泰国语的拼字法对于周围的文本来说非常敏感,但是对于口语来说则并非如此。

16、These results show that the interactions of character frequency and orthography to phonology correspondence are the various impact of neighborhood characteristic across phonetic-sound correspondences. ─── 本研究结果显示形音对应关系与字频的交互作用是邻项特性搭配声旁-发音对应造成的效应。

17、They in turn revised its orthography and added a number of written vowels. ─── 他们又依次地修改了一些拼写,加上了许多手写的元音。

18、The forming of words with letters in an accepted order; orthography. ─── 拼字,拼法以正确顺序将字母拼成字的行为;缀字法

19、Fast Source Number Estimation Method Based on GS Orthography Projection ─── 基于GS正交投影快速估计信源个数的方法

20、Determination of Words and Handling Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Orthography ─── 词的确定和汉语拼音正词法的处理

21、Keywords Xixia characters;Xixia original dictionaries;orthography;variants;errors; ─── 西夏文;西夏文原始辞书;正字;异体字;讹体字;

22、* Many of us find English orthography difficult to master because so many of our words are written phonetically. ─── *我们中的许多人找到英文拼写法很难掌握,因为我们的许多话文字拼写。

23、orthography projection ─── 正交投影

24、Of or relating to orthography. ─── 正字法的属于或有关正字法的

25、orthography for the Chinese phonetic alphabet ─── 汉语拼音正词法, 汉语音拼音正词法

26、The developments of language and orthography in Vietnam, Korea, and Japan coincided with their political independent movements, and finally led to the birth of current modern nation states. ─── 越南、韩国、和日本在语言文字上的发展和其政治上的独立发展相辅相成,最后形成近代的民族国家。

27、orthography of geographic names ─── 地名正字法

28、Spelling Trouble? Language, Ideology And The Reform Of German Orthography ─── 拼写麻烦吗?语言,思想方式与德语拼法革新

29、Advocates for reinstating traditional characters exaggerate the break of the simplified system from the traditional orthography. ─── 恢复繁体字的主张夸大了繁、简体字间的差异。

30、In music, in dancing, in orthography, in every variety of embroidery and needlework, she will be found to have realized her friends' fondest wishes. ─── 在音乐、舞蹈、拼法以及刺绣缝纫方面,她的造诣一定能副亲友的期望。

31、Keywords sound absorbing structure;optimization design;orthography method .; ─── 吸声结构;优化设计;正交法;

32、A Study on the Relationship Between English Orthography and Transcription ─── 英语读音与拼写之关系对英语教学的启示

33、Study on Calculating Outdoor Sunshine of House with Orthography ─── 正投影法测算住宅日照的研究

34、The analysis indicates that the implicit knowledge has a potential influence on the recognition ability and the acquisition of Chinese orthography of CRCC model. ─── 统计分析表明,模拟文本中潜在的知识结构对模型汉字识别能力的发展以及汉字构形知识的获得具有潜在的影响。

35、Try to watch out more on grammar and orthography: I am eating SOME food, the man is DRINKING.A girl is on the table.The boy is eating. ─── 用肯定特征和否定特征分别描述六个人在做什么: 一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我。

36、The orthography is the written system and spelling of a language. ─── 正字法是指一种语言的书写和拼写系统。

37、3. Second, use the constructism theory to analyze and abandon the out-dated orthography theory. ─── 其次,用“构字法”理论来分析现代汉字,摈弃已不适应现代汉字构字特点的“造字法”理论。收藏指正

38、Chinese phonetic transcription orthography ─── 正词法

39、American and English orthography are very much alike. ─── 美语与英语的拼字方法非常想象。

40、In dictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography. ─── 按字母顺序。

41、Repeating creoleness. Perspective from history, from orthography, from literature and from sociology. ─── 表现克理奥尔特质。从历史、拼字法、文学和社会学的观点。

42、This non-Bonoparte orthography touched the King and he began to smile. ─── 这个波拿巴味道不浓的写法感动了国王,他开始带点笑容了。

43、Chinese Pinyin orthography ─── 汉语拼音正词法

44、a style of orthography characterized by somewhat rounded capital letters; found especially in Greek and Latin manuscripts of the 4th to 8th centuries ─── 一种以稍微圆形的大写字母为特征的字体或正字法;尤其可以从4到8世纪的希腊或拉丁手稿中见到


46、of words with letters in an accepted order; orthography. ─── 拼字,拼法以正确顺序将字母拼成字的行为;

47、Among the subjects we discussed was Bengali orthography. ─── 在我们讨论过的话题当中,有孟加拉语的拼字法。

48、a style of orthography characterized by somewhat rounded capital letters; found especially in Greek and Latin manuscripts of the 4th to 8th centuries. ─── 一种以稍微圆形的大写字母为特征的字体或正字法;尤其可以从4到8世纪的希腊或拉丁手稿中见到。

49、The Deveopment of Chinese Children's Awareness of the Orthography of Two-Character Words and Its Relationship with Reading Comprehension ─── 小学儿童双字词意识的发展与阅读理解

50、It might, however, be reforming orthography. ─── 但是,或许可以改革正确的文字拼写。

51、"Well, read the letter again. Look at the writing, and find if you can, any blemish in the language or orthography." ─── “那好吧,再读读那封信吧,瞧吧那一手字,再找一找有没有白字文句不通的地方。”

52、The mid tone is not indicated in the orthography. ─── 在书面语并不会显示出来。

53、There was the same writing, the same style, the same orthography, the same paper, the same odor of tobacco. ─── 同样的字迹,同样的笔调,同样的别字,同样的信纸,同样的烟草味儿。

54、orthography property(of maps) ─── 正形性

55、Twice he repeated this cry, of whose orthography the following barely conveys an idea:-- "Kirikikiou!" ─── 他连续喊了两次,下面的这种文字记录也只是近似而已:“叽里叽咕!”

56、But researches in China on developmental reading dyslexia are mainly confined to fields of phonology, orthography and some brain regions, failing to examine the root of it ,such as eye movement from different aspects. ─── 汉语发展性阅读障碍研究主要局限在语音和正字法领域,也涉及局部脑区的功能缺陷,但还未从多角度测查其成因,如眼动。


58、of or relating to or expressed in orthography. ─── 属于、有关正字法的,或以正字法表达的。

59、The art or study of orthography. ─── 拼字法,缀字法缀字法的艺术或研究

60、Second, use the constructism theory to analyze and abandon the out-dated orthography theory. ─── 其次,用“构字法”理论来分析现代汉字,摈弃已不适应现代汉字构字特点的“造字法”理论。


62、the forming of words with letters in an accepted order; orthography ─── 以正确顺序将字母拼成字的行为;正字法

63、In writing, words must have formal representation, called orthography . ─── 以书面形式,必须有正式的话代表性,所谓正字法。

64、This orthography might have confounded the pretensions put forward in the last century by the Vicomte de Gestas, of a descent from the wicked thief. ─── 政府还发给她们一点点津贴,小比克布斯的修女们热忱地接待了她们。那是一种光怪陆离的杂拌儿。各人遵守着各人的教规。

65、Indictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography. ─── 在词典中,词是按照字母拼写顺序排列的。

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