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09-04 投稿



guru 发音

英:[?ɡu?ru?]  美:[?ɡ?ru?]

英:  美:

guru 中文意思翻译




guru 网络释义

n. 古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家n. (Guru)人名;(印)古鲁

guru 短语词组

1、comply guru ─── 古鲁遵从

2、summoners guru ─── 召唤师大师

3、fashion guru ─── 时装泰斗, ─── 时尚大师

4、chill guru ─── 寒意大师

5、Guru Nanak ─── [网络] 那纳克;圣人那纳克;古鲁那纳克

6、practice guru ─── 实践大师

7、battery guru ─── 电池专家

8、model guru ─── 模型大师

9、jai guru dev ─── 九个俱乐部

10、Salamander Guru and The Shadows ─── 蝾螈上师和阴影

11、fitness guru ─── 健身大师

12、skin care guru ─── 护肤大师

13、mar guru mar ─── 大师

14、instrumental guru ─── 器乐大师

15、computer guru ─── [网络] 电脑大师

16、UNIX guru ─── [网络] UNIX大师

17、media guru ─── [网络] 媒体大师

18、graffiti guru ─── 涂鸦大师

19、guru-nut ─── [医] 柯拉子

guru 词性/词形变化,guru变形


guru 相似词语短语

1、Aruru ─── n.女神阿露露

2、Buru ─── n.布鲁岛(印度尼西亚马鲁古群岛的岛屿)

3、gurus ─── n.古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家;n.(Guru)人名;(印)古鲁

4、ruru ─── n.(新西兰)莫波克蛙嘴夜鹰(同mopoke)

5、gurn ─── n.(Gurn)人名;(英)古恩

6、gurl ─── 古尔

7、Nauru ─── n.瑙鲁(岛)(西太平洋岛国,在赤道附近)

8、kuru ─── n.新几内亚震颤病;苦鲁病;n.(Kuru)人名;(土、芬、印、瑞典)库鲁;(日)久留(名)

9、ahuru ─── n.单指鳕

guru 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Similarly, Urgien Menhla shows how to identify Guru Rinpoche (and likewise your own Guru) with Medicine Guru Buddha, so as to pray to him for health. ─── 同样地,乌金门拉显示如何将古鲁仁波切(或者同样地将您自己的上师)与药师佛视为一体,以便向他祈求健康。

2、But today, if somebody were to do that, the attendants of any guru would get mad at that! ─── 但是今日,如果有人捐献一件旧衣裳,任何一个上师的侍从都会对此大发雷霆。

3、Mr Chou can sound more like a Californian management guru than an Asian corporate patriarch. ─── 周听起来更像是一位加州管理专家而不是一位亚洲公司的创始人。

4、"I can hold my breath thus for hours," said the Guru. ─── “我可以这样一连几个小时屏住呼吸,”法师说。

5、ERROR: ../src/plugins/alsa/alsa.c:599: Could not set hwparams, consult your local guru for meditation courses. ─── 其他播放器都可以的,不知这个要怎么设置。

6、She has fantasies of being a self-help guru, and she's a wonderful woman, but she has no idea of how the world works. ─── 她的幻想是成为自给自足的大师,她是一个很好的女人,可就是不知道这个世界如何运转。

7、Just think of your root guru and Avalokiteshvara. ─── 只要牢牢地想著你的上师与观世音菩萨。

8、The guru instructs the disciple to perform certain works and refrain from others. ─── 古鲁指导门徒要履行某些工作,抑制其他工作。

9、May I, the follower of the great Guru Padmasambhava, be aided by you just as well as you aided Him. ─── 祈愿我,莲华生大师的追随者,得蒙您们的庇护就如您们庇护他一般。

10、Software reliability guru C.K.Cho admonished the industrialist not to think of software as a product but as a portable factory. ─── 在网络式经济中,研发新产品的主要费用,主要用在设计生产流程上,而不在产品设计上。

11、He said that Guru Chen wrote a praise to Dakinis, but did not wrote one for the Dakas( male Sunyata practitioners). ─── 他说陈上师曾造空行母赞颂,但是并没有写一个空行勇父(性的空乐行者)赞颂之文。

12、Learn an English Word: [ guru /'guru:/ n. ─── 古鲁(印度的宗教领袖);

13、Media guru Yang Lan raises money for Specia. ─── 传媒大腕杨澜为特奥会筹资。

14、He was only following without questioning his ancient guru's instructions, and hoped thus to attain spiritual liberation. ─── 他只是毫不怀疑地遵循着远古灵性导师的教诲,希望藉此获得精神的解脱。

15、the guru strips the devotee of his or her truth and then walks the path for the devotee beaconing him or her to follow. ─── 古鲁剥去信徒们的知识,随之走上这条路,为信徒们引导,以便于他们跟随。

16、The guru or savior wishes to be perceived as perfect, beautiful and all-powerful or all-knowing. ─── 地球和每一个王国均有自己的提升难题与挣扎。

17、To show respect for his guru, Maitreya has a stupa on his forehead. ─── 为了表示对他的上师的尊敬,弥勒菩萨的前额上有一座佛塔。

18、He claimed that he killed the burglar; The guru claimed many followers. ─── 他声称他杀了强盗;那个宗教老师声称有很多信徒。

19、Go to a drumming gathering, qigong class, talk or meditation given by the latest local guru. ─── 参加一个击鼓的集会,轻功课程,本地的宗教大师的讲演或者默念。

20、In his white costume, scarlet scarf and sandals, President Rajapakse cultivates the image of a beneficent guru. ─── 在他白色的民族服装下,拉贾帕克萨总统身着绯红色的领带和凉鞋,陶醉在仁慈的印度教导师的塑像之中。

21、The wise old man evolved, over a number of dreams, into a sort of spiritual guru. ─── 在随后的若干个梦中,这位智慧老人逐渐成为某种精神导师。

22、in the truth of the matter , the guru may take one ' s karma , good and bad , and give it to another. ─── 确切的事实是,古鲁会将一个人的业力无论好坏而转移给别人。

23、Names of the first 50 patriarchs were written by the 50th patriarch, Great Acharya Feng who was the Guru of Guru Chen in Tang Tantra. ─── 前五十位祖师的名号是由陈上师的唐密上师冯大阿?梨亲书的。

24、Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra. ─── 冯大阿闍梨是陈上师的唐密教授师。

25、A preacher always considers them self a servant of Krsna, Guru and. ─── 传教士总是将自己视为奎师那,古茹和奉献者的仆人。

26、He instructed me to start chanting Om Mani Padme Hung for TM and to remind him of his Guru and his teaching. ─── 他指示我开始唱六字大明咒给TM,并且不断提醒他上师以及所受过的教授。

27、The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru. ─── 大众媒体倾向于把他描绘成环保领袖。

28、He further said that the mind at times becomes one's guru. ─── 他还进一步地说心智有时候会成为一个人的古鲁。

29、Hence the key is that it was from an authentic Guru, and that is all. ─── 因此其要点就是,那是从一个真正合格的上师处得到的,并且只要这样就好了。

30、In his case, his spirit guide or guru had been a commentator on the Vedas who had died centuries ago. ─── 以他的情形来看,他的精神导师或者古鲁是一个数百年前已经死去的《吠陀经》讲解者。

31、In the Vajrayana, we have the guru as the reminder, and also what we remember. ─── 在金刚乘中,上师是我们的提示者,也是我们所要忆念的。

32、Thus it is in accordance with the Dharma and seems to form a protection circle around the mandala of Medicine Guru Buddha in the center. ─── 如此就与佛法相吻合,而且看起来就像是在保护环绕在其中间的药师佛坛城。

33、Under instructions from Guru Amar Das Sahib, this city was founded by Guru Ram Das Sahib in 1574. ─── 在宗教老师阿玛先生的指挥下,这座城市于1574年成立。

34、He said that Guru Chen wrote a praise to Dakinis, but did not wrote one for the Dakas (male Sunyata practitioners). ─── 他说陈上师曾造空行母赞颂,但是并没有写一个空行勇父(男性的空乐行者)的赞颂之文。

35、Mr. Chou can sound more like a Californian management guru than an Asian corporate patriarch. ─── 周先生听起来更像是一位加州管理专家,而不是一位亚洲公司的创始人。

36、Photo 2.48 Guru Lau's Stupa (Made of Bronze and gold-plated). ─── 图2.48福德法幢(刘上师)之舍利塔(青铜铸成并贴上金箔)。

37、A preacher is prepared to travel constantly on the orders of Krsna and Guru, to spread Lord Caitanya's movement. ─── 为了传播主柴坦尼亚的运动,传教士愿意在奎师那和古茹的命令下不断旅游。

38、So learning from a guru or spiritual teacher should not be the same as killing a deer, extracting its musk and then discarding its body. ─── 因此从一位上师或精神导师那儿学习,不应当像宰鹿般,撷取了它的麝香后,就丢弃了它的躯体。

39、"Ramanuja upheld the doctrine of Qualified Non-dualism.But his guru was a pure non-dualist. ─── “罗摩奴者坚持限制不二论的信条,而他的古鲁却是一个完全不二论者。

40、My earlier reply to him, giving references to Guru Chen's teaching on the 21 Taras, is also included below. ─── 在我稍早给他参考陈上师21度母教授的回覆也包含在下面。

41、Equality and the dance of the savior or guru are at odds with one another. ─── 事实上,地球和大自然正在寻找提升路径的伙伴。

42、They are ready to be taken over by any witch doctor, guru, or dictator. ─── 他们甘愿归附于巫医、古鲁或独裁者。

43、But his guru was a pure non-dualist. ─── 他们不同意对方,互相斥责。

44、He is now studying film in Madrid and has denounced the Buddhist order that elevated him to guru status. ─── 24岁的托里斯目前正在马德里学习电影,对于把自己提升到宗教领袖境界的佛教清规戒律,他公开表示了不满。

45、Experience with multiple game genres; a games guru. ─── 具备相关的游戏经验。

46、Mr Guru remains on death row. ─── 古鲁先生仍然被判死刑。

47、Ter( s) are esoteric teachings concealed mainly by Guru Padmasambhava in the9 th Century through his mystical power. ─── “德玛”是公元九世纪时莲花生大士以其神通力伏藏起来的密法。

48、It is not new in Tibetan Tantra that Guru is to be identified with your Yidam in this way. ─── 以这种方式将上师视为与您的本尊无二,这在藏传密续里并不是什么新奇的事。

49、The more you wish to attain buddhahood, the clearer you see the need for seeing your guru as Buddha. ─── 你愈想成佛,你就愈清晰的看出将你的上师视为佛的需要。

50、But the real casting coup[5] was enlisting Tom Cruise,one of the biggest stars anywhere,for a small but custom-written[6] role of a TV sex guru. ─── 但真正的绝妙之举在于汤姆·克鲁斯的加盟,这个无论在哪儿都是顶极的影星,来出演一个为他量身打造的小角色: 一个屏幕上的性指导者。

51、The master - the guru - embodies the crystallization of the blessings of all buddhas, masters, and enlightened beings. ─── 上师是诸佛、上师和觉悟者三者加持力的结晶。

52、But you don't need to become an investment guru to learn what you need to know. ─── 但您不必成为投资古鲁(印度教派领袖)才能了解到你需要了解的知识。

53、For thousands of years, on the day of the full moon in July, Hindus have celebrated the Guru Purnima Festival to give homage and love to their Masters. ─── 几千年来,印度教徒以庆祝古鲁普尔尼马节Guru Purnima Festival来向他们的明师表达尊敬与爱戴。

54、Posture becoming established, a yogi, master himself, eating salutary and moderate food, should practice pranayama, as instructed by his guru. ─── 一个瑜伽修炼者,能够控制自己,饮食有益适中,姿势稳固时应在导师的指导下开始练习调息。

55、His sect is noteworthy because it stresses absolute obedience to the guru (teacher). ─── 他的教派值得注目,因为它强调绝对服从古鲁(导师)。

56、In the dream Medicine Guru Buddha told him to repeat the name of Spotless Eyes Buddha to supplicate for blessing to his eye disease. ─── 在梦中药师如来佛告诉他持念无垢目如来以祈求加持他的眼疾。

57、His integrity, purity, renunciation, and unselfishness were beyond question.But Narendra could not accept a man, an imperfect mortal, as his guru. ─── 他的正直,纯洁,弃绝和无私是无可争辩的,但是纳兰德无法接触一位有缺点的人为自己的古鲁。

58、The rites completed, the disciple received from the guru the loincloth and ochre robe, the emblems of his new life. ─── 仪式完成了,门徒从古鲁那里得到一条缠腰带和一件赭色的僧袍,象征着他的新生命。

59、It's easy to install: You don't need to be a Web application guru to get Tapestry up and running. ─── 易于安装:不需要是Web应用程序高手,就可以让Tapestry启动并运行。

60、He invested the Adi Granth (or Granth Sahib) as the immortal Guru of the Sikhs and also compiled his writings in the Dasam Granth. ─── 他授予《阿第格兰斯》(或称为《本初经》)为锡克教不朽的古鲁,也把他的著作编纂入《第十经》里去。

61、In that state of watchfulness there is no sense of the superior and the inferior, there is no big man or little man, there is no guru. ─── 在这种觉醒的状态下没有自负与自卑的感觉,大人物与小人物的感觉,也没有受崇敬的上师。

62、Guru, shall we ask detong to record such event and put the Lineage title in the web page as well. ─── 上师,我们是不是应该请茶桶将这个事件记录下来,以及将传承的名称也放在我们的网页上。

63、But the real casting coup[5] was enlisting Tom Cruise, one of the biggest stars anywhere, for a small but custom-written[6] role of a TV sex guru. ─── 但真正的绝妙之举在于汤姆·克鲁斯的加盟,这个无论在哪儿都是顶极的影星,来出演一个为他量身打造的小角色:一个屏幕上的性指导者。

64、He soon got over it and realized his guru as the Guru of the whole universe. ─── 他很快地克服了妒忌,意识到他的古鲁是整个宇宙的古鲁。

65、Under the direction of his Mussalman guru he abandoned himself to his new sadhana. ─── 在穆斯林古鲁的指导下,他放弃了原有的宗教成就,重新投入新的修持上。

66、In our disciplic succession, my guru maharaja and I am preaching “Here is God”. ─── 在我们的师徒传系里,我的灵性导师和我自己都在传播:“这就是至尊主”。

67、It's imperative to exert yourselves in the practice of guru yoga until you have grasped the vital essence of this pracice. ─── 不断努力练习上师瑜珈直到能掌握其要点是极必须的。

68、From stylish sneakers to absolutely stunning heels, the famous fashion guru's latest lines feature several styles you're bound to love. ─── 从时髦的帆布鞋到绝对惊艳的跟鞋,这位有名的时尚先进近期作品点出你会喜爱的款式.

69、That which attracts any student to a particular teacher or guru, or any human to another, is either karma or soul agreements. ─── 吸引任何学生到一特别老师或古鲁,或吸引任何人到别人的事物,要么是业力,要么是灵魂协议。

70、But the Diavoli transfer guru has decided to strike back by poking fun at the Beneamata's achievements in Europe. ─── 但是红黑军团的转会大师决定嘲讽国米在欧洲的成就以示还击.

71、Vitas shot eight MVs (Opera # 2, Opera # 1, The Blissful Guru, Smile!, The Star, Mother, The Bird of Happiness, A Kiss As Long As Eternity). ─── 他拍摄了8个音乐电视(《歌剧2》,《歌剧1》,《圣徒》,《微笑吧!》,《星星》,《妈妈》,《幸福鸟》和《永恒的吻》)。

72、Praise to Kurukulla by Guru Chen in Calligraphy:As requested by disciple Jing Xing. ─── 古鲁古里佛母颂墨宝:应弟子敬行之请所书之墨宝。

73、So, are there any BA guru's willing to help on this project? ─── 因此,是否有任何广管局大师愿意帮助这个项目?

74、A greenhorn who has gotten burned may ask for a guru's track record. ─── 一个新手,如果受了伤害,他会找老师要交易记录。

75、Along with his close friend, computer guru Steve Wozniak, Apple Computer Company was born. ─── 在好友兼电脑达人史帝夫.沃兹尼克的协助下,苹果电脑公司诞生了。

76、Exercise guru George Morrison supplies the ests and training. But the idea for fitness group comes from reproductie endocrinologist Laurence Jacobs. ─── 在节食情况下,该组均穿着练习专用汗衫,每天锻炼两次,每次30分钟,即使是做家务或走在街上也坚持做。

77、He was called a management guru. ─── 他被称为管理学的始祖。

78、Does your teacher or guru perceive themselves as having the "only truth" about this or that subject? ─── 你的老师或者咕噜是否认为自己掌握关于这样或那样主题的“唯一真相”?

79、The offering up of the wisdom consort to the guru necessary in the high tantras was likewise practiced by the AUM sect. ─── 与喇嘛教中的师父弟子关系相同,奥姆真理教的学员也必须给“上师”献“智慧女”。

80、He is no blithe guru spray-painting smiley faces along Wall Street. ─── 他并非华尔街上假装笑脸、漠不关心的专家。

81、I first heard this question from strategy guru Gary Hamel, and I ask it of myself all the time. ─── 我最早是从策略大师加里·哈默尔处听到这个问题,我也一直在问自己这个问题。

82、The inner earth peoples have also manifest guru patterns. ─── 地心人类也显化了古鲁的模式。

83、In Vajrayana, though, the guru does something even more important. ─── 在金刚乘,上师所做的更重要。

84、Indian monotheistic religion founded in the late 15th century by Guru Nanak. ─── 5世纪后期由古鲁那纳克创建的一神宗教。

85、One must follow the teacher or guru parroting their truth in hopes that they know where they are going. ─── 你必须跟随教师或古鲁,模仿他们的真相,希望他们知道他们的目的地。

86、Photo 1.29 Kyabje Chadral Rinpoche was happy to meet his old Dharma brother Guru Lau Again. ─── 图1.29依怙主戚操甯波车很高兴能与其金刚兄弟刘上师再次会面。

87、Does your teacher or guru believe themselves to have "mastered? ─── 你的老师或者咕噜是否相信他们自己已经“掌握”?

88、"You can own fashion guru fey sommers' death car. ─── "你可以拥有致使时尚教主。Fey Sommers死亡的车子"。

89、As a disciple, one must regard one's guru as an enlightened being. ─── 做为一个弟子,你必需将你的上师视为是一位已经证悟的圣者。













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