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09-04 投稿



antis 发音

英:[??ntiz]  美:[??nta?z]

英:  美:

antis 中文意思翻译



antis 同义词

opposed | set against | antagonistic | averse | hostile | against | ill-disposed

antis 词性/词形变化,antis变形

名词复数: antis |

antis 反义词


antis 短语词组

1、in antis ─── 双柱门廊,墙角柱间

antis 相似词语短语

1、antics ─── n.滑稽动作;古怪姿态

2、mantis ─── n.[昆]螳螂;n.(Mantis)人名;(西)曼蒂斯

3、Fantis ─── 花哨

4、antas ─── n.壁端柱(anta的复数);n.(Antas)安塔斯(西班牙阿尔梅里亚省的一个市镇);n.(Antas)(波、巴、美、葡)安塔(人名)

5、anti- ─── adj.反对的;n.反对者,反对论者;n.(Anti)人名;(意)安蒂;(阿拉伯)安提

6、antic ─── adj.古怪的;滑稽可笑的;n.滑稽动作;丑角;vi.扮小丑;做滑稽动作;n.(Antic)人名;(法)安蒂克

7、anti ─── adj.反对的;n.反对者,反对论者;n.(Anti)人名;(意)安蒂;(阿拉伯)安提

8、antes ─── n.(Antes)人名;(德、捷)安特斯

9、anis ─── n.茴香酒

antis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We should launch an anti porn campaign. ─── 我们应发起扫黄运动。

2、A nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug. ─── 一种不含类固醇的抗发炎药。

3、Biological therapy, such as anti IL-6 antibody, has a good prospect in the treatment of HHD. ─── 抗白介素-6抗体等生物学疗效有望治疗本病。

4、However, I decided to change it to Anti School Socks Association (ASSO). ─── 所以到最后我还是答应了崇评和树荣我会去帮忙他们俩。

5、Several egg antis of chromatic color went. ─── 几只彩色的蛋不就行了。”

6、They have always been anti colonialism. ─── 他们一直是反对殖民主义的。

7、D Punching Oil BS also contains anti corrosion & lubricity additives. ─── 壳牌冲孔油bs含有防腐蚀添加剂和油性添加剂.

8、Anti shock polystyrene composite board No. ─── 抗冲击聚苯乙烯镜面复合装饰板项目。

9、The next day, Ah Si's wife again examined the eggs.Ha!Quite a few were turning green, anti a very shiny green at that! ─── 幸而再过了一天,四大娘再细心看那“布子”时,哈,有几处转成绿色了!而且绿的很有光彩。

10、Douglas,a pro slavery Democrat,was the incumbent. Lincoln was anti slavery. ─── 在职民主党参议员道格拉斯亲奴隶制,而林肯则持反奴隶制立

11、The anti stripping performance is significant improved by using cement and anti-stripping agent together. ─── 在联合使用时,安山岩集料沥青混凝土的抗水损害能力提高显著。

12、ISR is an independent democratic anti Capitalist international group run by young people. ─── ISR公司是一个独立的反资本主义民主的国际集团经营的年轻人。

13、Tighten the skin and loose the fat. Anti the crapes and be helpful for the looseness of the skin. ─── 强效收敛、紧实和减肥,防皱,调节皮脂,洁肤。对松垮的肌肤特别有帮助,减轻浮肿现象

14、It can be suitable for anti counterfeit and authentication of commercial bills. ─── 可适用于一般地商业票据的防伪。

15、Generally speaking, they might make some contribution to the anti - imperialist struggle. ─── 一般说来,他们对反帝斗争是可以做出一些贡献的。

16、They refused to join forces with the antis. ─── 他们拒绝与反对派合作。

17、Anti - tank weapons were trained upon all the possible approaches to the bridge . ─── 反坦克武器对准了所有能够接近大桥的通道。

18、Anti HP is an important treatment for the HP positive FD patients. ─── 抗HP感染是治疗HP阳性FD患者的一个重要手段。

19、Antinomianism is derived from two Greek words (“anti” and “nomos”) that literally mean “against the law. ─── 反律法主义来源于两个希腊词语,义为“反对律法”。

20、Apoptosis could be observed without the expression of FasL when anti Fas antibody was added to RMA cells. ─── 在无FasL表达情况下 ,抗Fas单克隆抗体能诱导RMA细胞凋亡。

21、Resound through inside the same industry by chemical mullite brick which has unique strong anti acid and alkali. ─── 以独特抗酸碱腐蚀性强的化工莫来石而驰名业内。

22、Antis make up rumors all the time in Korea but they all get ignored by fans and media, unless they have a proof. ─── 末了弥补谣言在韩国时间,但他们都得到了球迷和媒体忽视,除非他们有一个证明。

23、Anti Tank Guns - Increases the Anti-Tank bonus of Infantry. ─── 反坦克炮:增加步兵反坦克能力。

24、They exist only a short time anti then slowly waste away just as unnoticed. ─── 冰山仅存在短短的一段时间就慢慢地悄无声息地融化掉。

25、Our anti - aircraft company accounted for five enemy planes . ─── 我们的防空连击落了五架敌机。

26、A anti?resonant ring(ARR) was introduced to a conventional passively Q?switched laser. ─── 在普通被动调Q激光器中引入抗共振环(ARR)结构。

27、Tesa 4252 takes modified rubber adhesive. It has a excellent adhesion and anti maturing. ─── 德莎4252使用改性橡胶胶粘剂,在各种应用中具有优良的粘接性及抗老化性。

28、The positive rate exceeded 90% when anti DNase B was used together with ASO in AGN group. ─── 抗DNA酶B联合ASO的阳性率在上感组和皮损组均超过90%。

29、Clinical Significancc of Anti?Scl?70 and Anti?Jo?1 in Systemic Scleroderma and Dermatomyositis. ─── 抗Scl-70和抗Jo-1抗体在系统性硬皮病和皮肌炎中的临床意义

30、Douglas,a pro? slavery Democrat,was the incumbent.Lincoln was anti? slavery. ─── 在职民主党参议员道格拉斯亲奴隶制,而林肯则持反奴隶制立场。

31、This paper aims to study in Gansu province ", the implementation of the " three antis movement. ─── 本文旨在研究甘肃省“三反”运动的开展情况。

32、The specificity of anti ASGPR for diagnosis of AIH were 89.6%. ─── 抗 ASGPR检测对AIH诊断的特异性为89 .6%。


34、Punching Oil BS also contains anti corrosion & lubricity additives. ─── 壳牌冲孔油bs含有防腐蚀添加剂和油性添加剂

35、Anti Trojan Elite is a trojan/keylogger remover. ─── 1反木马精英是一种木马程式/键盘记录程序去除。

36、Now when you returned to Buenos Aires: do you perceive that the redondistas and the Round anti are? ─── 当你回到布宜诺斯艾利斯的时候,你怎么看待那些支持你和反对你的人?

37、Serves also as anti clipboard logger. ─── 同时担任反剪贴板记录。

38、No significant difference of fasting serum SOD, T-AOC, Anti O2. ─── EH与NS空腹血清SOD、T-AOC、Anti O2。

39、The anti - feudal sloganof freedom, equality and fraternity. ─── 反封建自由、平等、博爱的口号口号明确无误。

40、They refused to join forces with the antis. ─── 他们拒绝与反对派合作。

41、Antis had all their ideas from this emotional feeling of "UNCONDITIONAL LOVING". When talk about emotion, then there is no room for reasons. ─── [所有与此相悖的观点都来自于人们情感上的“无条件的爱”。但是,当情感胜于理智时,我们也就没有必要再探讨这个话题了。

42、Central Asia: From Anti - Terrorism Cooperation to Mutual Strategic Contention between Russia and the U.S. ─── 中亚:俄美从反恐合作到战略竞争。

43、The mechanism of anti oxidative activity of Ginger essential oil was also discussed. ─── 在实验基础上,还对姜油的抗氧化机理进行了探讨。

44、To the Hong Kong Anti Cancer Society. ─── 与香港防癌会。

45、Under the condition of constant temperature, Ginger Essential oil was used as a anti oxidant to concentrated fish oil. ─── 在一定的强化保存条件下,考察了姜油对浓缩鱼油抗氧化能力。

46、Free Kaspersky Internet Security key and Free Kaspersky Anti Virus key. ─── 免费卡巴斯基互联网安全钥匙,并提供免费卡巴斯基反病毒的钥匙。

47、NTOS ANTI MASS WEAPONS DEFENCE SYSTEM. ─── 反大规模杀伤性武器防御系统。需要升级探测器技术。

48、Anti Tank Guns ? Increases the Anti-Tank bonus of Infantry. ─── 反坦克炮:增加步兵反坦克能力。

49、Under the condition of constant temperature, Ginger Essential oil was used as an anti oxidant to concentrated fish oil. ─── 在一定的强化保存条件下,考察了姜油对浓缩鱼油的抗氧化能力。

50、How can I render to a texture and make use of Anti Aliasing? ─── 我怎么样才能绘制到一张纹理上,并且用上反走样?

51、The helmet has the hot radiation of good reflection and antis, outstanding obviously refreshing color. ─── 头盔具有良好的反光性和抗热辐射性,突出明显的醒目色彩。

52、Of course, any decent anti spamproduct will penalize this email when it detects something like this. ─── 当然,任何像样的反垃圾邮件产品将惩罚此邮件时,发现像这样。

53、Effects: diuretic-milk, only Xiaoke, anti drug. ─── 功效:利尿通乳,止消渴,解酒毒。

54、No differences in the anti CD3 mAb mediated InsP 3 generation were found between the two groups ( P =0.537). ─── 二者InsP3 的生成量无差异 (P =0 .5 37)。

55、Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antis eptic has been largely discontinued. ─── 由亍苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已丌再被弼作常用癿防腐刼了。

56、Anti HBsAg ScFv genes have been successfully constructed and expressed in COS 7 cells. ─── 成功地构建了抗人HBsAg单链抗体基因 ,并可在COS 7细胞中分泌性表达

57、In addition, Silymarin has the function of anti radiation and, arteriosclerosis preventing, skin-aging delaying. ─── 另外水飞蓟素具有抗辐射、防止动脉硬化、延缓皮肤老化等功效。

58、Above mentioned results show that NP of HFRS virus play an important role in anti infectious immune. ─── 以上结果表明:HFRS的病毒NP组分在抗感染免疫中起重要作用。

59、No specific ANA pattern were seen in AIH by IIF, and anti Actin was present only in patients with AIH. ─── 其ANA以核膜型为主 (7 14 ) ; AIH患者ANA抗体未见特定的荧光类型 ,而抗 Actin仅见于AIH者。

60、It is clear that the charge of bureaucratism that was made in the New Three-Antis Movement was valid, but only partially valid. ─── 毫无疑问,新三反运动中有关反官僚主义的批判,是有其确切之处,但并不全部确切。

61、Indwelling hepatoma after MTC treatment could activize the anti tumor immunity of the patients. ─── 微波固化后留置可以刺激宿主的抗肿瘤免疫力。

62、Just cover me with your golden bell anti in seven days and seven nights I'll become a man. ─── 只要您把我放在金钟里,七天七夜我就能变成人。”

63、Despite their tough anti - American rhetoric,the government is privately trying to maintain good relation with the U.S. ─── 尽管他们发表强硬的反美言论,政府仍试图私下与美国保持良好关系。

64、Effects of norcantharidin on angiogenesis of human gallbladder carcinoma and its anti?angiogenic mechanisms. ─── 去甲斑蝥素对胆囊癌肿瘤血管生成的作用及机制研究。

65、EPL can be cured by anti inflammatory therapy. ─── EPL予抗炎治疗可治愈。

66、The article gives you the reason of convertor corrosion and anti - corrosi. ─── 分析了转化器腐蚀原因,并提出相应的防腐措施。

67、I am lying in bed, unable to sleep anti go to rehabilitation. ─── 我躺在床上反来覆去的无法入睡。

68、The results of HAI test were negative when assayed with anti sera of Flu A (H1N2 and H3N2) and FluB viruses. ─── 它们与流感病毒甲型 (H1N1和 H3N2 )以及乙型流感抗血清均无血抑反应。

69、Meaurement of anti - acetaldehyde protein adduct antibody titers in the sera of different people. ─── 抗乙醛蛋白加合物抗体在不同人群血清中的检测及临床意义。

70、Decrease of TNF releasing might be one of the mechanisms of anti inflammation of EsA. ─── 减少TNF的释放可能是EsA的抗炎作用机制之一。

71、Anti tank fire teams and Panzertoten now have 2 ATW weapons and one leader in a squad. ─── 反坦克活力组及坦克歼击(组,队?)现在拥有两个反坦克武器及一个指挥官.

72、Finally Iran had to abandon neutrality and joined the Allies in a unique way in the Anti Fascist war. ─── 伊朗最终以特殊的形式 ,参与了这场伟大的反法西斯战争。

73、The big ash wolf anti understands the sensus of the fox. ─── 大灰狼不明白狐狸的意思。

74、Anti Mi 2 antibodies were tested in 40 normal controls and 315 patients with CTD by double immunodiffusion. ─── 应用免疫双扩散法检测 315份CTD和 4 0份正常对照血清中的抗Mi 2抗体。

75、It introduced on the anti interference of the city atmospheric quality telemetering system using PLC as the core. ─── 介绍了以可编程序控制器(PLC)为核心的城市大气质量遥测系统的抗干扰问题;

76、Construction and Expression of Anti human Gastric Cancer mAb 3H11 Fab. ─── 抗胃癌单抗3H11可变区氨基端序列对抗体活性的影响

77、However, statin intolerance has been a major limitation in the use of st - antis, especially at higher doses. ─── 然而,他汀类药物不耐受是限制其使用的一个重要原因,尤其是大剂量时。

78、They're completely anti the new proposals. ─── 他们完全反对新的提议。

79、An anti hijacking system for an airplane to be operated during flight. ─── 在飞行期间飞机上的一个反劫持作业系统。

80、The patients were treated by anti-tuberculosis and anti epiphyte at the same time, the ratio of cure was 95%. ─── 在抗结核治疗的同时给予抗真菌治疗,好转治愈率达95%。

81、The sensitivity of LBT was not significantly different from that of ANA and anti dsDNA antibody ( P >0 05). ─── LBT与抗核抗体(ANA) ,抗dsDNA抗体对SLE诊断的敏感性相近 (P >0 0 5 )。

82、They say you don't have to use special anti bacteria soap. ─── 他们表示不必使用专门的除菌肥皂。

83、In mFHNR group,TDP &CS had better features than Gamma nail and Jewett nail in anti bent and anti torsion tests(P

84、Chinese Agriculture: Who Is to Lodge Anti - Dumping Complaints? ─── 中国的农业谁来反倾销?

85、ESD proof and anti high temperature material. ─── 国外进口防静电高温材料。

86、In the case of reference,Putnam rejected not only external realist perspective but anti realist one. ─── 在指称问题上,普特南既反对外在实在论的观点,又不同意反实在论的看法。

87、Below this line is the anti cheat link. If you wish to be removed from the site click this link. ─── 在此线之下是防欺骗链接。如果你想取消你的账号,点击以下链接。

88、Conclusion: Sihuang capsule possesses a certain anti-inflammatory and antis... ─── 结论:四黄胶囊具有一定的抗炎、抗菌效果。

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