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09-04 投稿



hastens 发音

英:[?he?snz]  美:[?he?snz]

英:  美:

hastens 中文意思翻译



hastens 词性/词形变化,hastens变形

动词过去分词: hastened |动词第三人称单数: hastens |动词过去式: hastened |动词现在分词: hastening |

hastens 同义词

race | motivate | hie | incite | accelerate | forward | excite | lope | skip | forwards | vivify | fly | step on it | scuttle | move along | sprint | spurt | flit | run | or | speed | rouse | expedite | dash | on | dispatch | boost | trot | whisk | animate | scoot | exhort | propel | scamper | rush | provoke | goad | look sharp |hurry | bestir | impel | hotfoot | inspire | hightail | festinate | scurry | bustle | pelt along | it | make haste | quicken | press | induce | prompt | antedate | step | haste | advance | arouse | speed up | precipitate | trip | stimulate | flee | hustle | thrust | scramble | prod

hastens 反义词


hastens 相似词语短语

1、chastens ─── vt.惩罚;磨炼;抑制

2、fastens ─── vt.使固定;集中于;扎牢;强加于;vi.扣紧;抓住;集中注意力;n.(Fasten)人名;(英)法森

3、hastened ─── 加速;赶快

4、battens ─── n.帆骨;压条;吊杆(batten的复数形式)

5、chasten ─── vt.惩罚;磨炼;抑制

6、hastes ─── n.匆忙;急忙;轻率;vi.匆忙;赶紧;vt.赶快;n.(Haste)人名;(英)黑斯特;(法)阿斯特

7、heartens ─── vt.激励;鼓励;使振作;vi.振作

8、hasten ─── vt.加速;使赶紧;催促;vi.赶快;急忙

9、hastener ─── 加速器

hastens 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your sons hasten back, and those who laid you waste depart from you. ─── 17你的儿女必急速归回,毁坏你的,使你荒废的,必都离你出去。

2、The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it arose. ─── 太阳升起,太阳落下,急归所出之地。

3、I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands. ─── 60我急忙遵守你的命令、并不迟延。

4、He gets on dish end desk, second hastens taking a chopstick to be in dish in delimit come stroke, seek gallinaceous end. ─── 他把菜端上桌,乙赶忙拿着筷子在盘里划来划去,找鸡屁股。

5、They hated and killed and men praised them.But God in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grass. ─── 他们嫉妒,他们残杀,人反而称赞他们。然而上帝却害了羞,匆匆地把他的记忆埋藏在绿草下面。

6、"Yes, yes, I know how good a son you are, so now hasten away to see your father. ─── "不错,不错,我知道你是一个好儿子。那么去吧,去看你的父亲去吧。

7、I hasten to reply to your letter. ─── 匆匆敬覆大函。

8、The calamity of Moab is near to coming, And his affliction hastens quickly. ─── 16摩押的灾祸临近,他的苦难速速来到。

9、S: As we are in urgent need of these two grades, could you manage to hasten the delivery? ─── 史:我们现在急需这两个等级,能否加快装运?

10、Policymakers and ordinary citizens must demand action and challenge one another to hasten the transition. ─── 决策者与社会大众必须采取行动、相互砥砺,加快脚步跨越这过渡期。

11、Be-cause man hastens decrepitude and decay by holding the thought of old age always before him. ─── 因为人类总是抱着过去的旧思想加速着他们的衰老过程。)

12、Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore.So do our minutes hasten to their end. ─── 如同波浪向布满软石的岸边撞击一样,我们的岁月也匆匆流逝。

13、They knew that mistake would only hasten his downfall. ─── 他们知道,这个错误只会加速他的垮台。

14、If he knew she loved him, he would hasten to her side. ─── 如果他知道她爱他,他就会赶忙到她身边来。

15、The office is very untidy , hasten the sweep . ─── 办公室里很乱,赶紧打扫一下。

16、Adequate N and water can hasten the leaf growth and increase the leaf area and tiller. ─── 充足N肥和水分有利于促进春小麦叶片生长,明显提高叶面积和分蘖。

17、The sigh of the shore follows in vain the breeze that hastens the ship across the sea. ─── 海岸的叹息徒然追着微风,微风催促大船赶紧飘过海洋。

18、So when a person pours out his or her troubles to a man, the latter hastens to give advice. ─── 所以他们一听到有人,无论是男是女,向他们诉苦,就急于提出建议。

19、All over the north the first snowfall is a significant time, it heralds the coming season and hastens human preparations for the winter. ─── 在整个北方地区,第一场雪都代表着一个意义重大的时刻,它宣告着雪季的到来,催促人们赶快做好过冬的准备。

20、Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants . ─── 人工加热会加快植物的生长。

21、"I will hasten," replied Franz. ─── “我得赶紧去。”弗兰兹答道。

22、You should exert yourselves to hasten mechanization and make a greater contribution to the state. ─── 你们努力快一些机械化,多交一些给国家吧。

23、Suddenly, hastens to ground the golden nine silvers ten the contest as if has begun the prologue. ─── 一时间,抢滩“金九银十”的争夺战似乎已拉开了序幕。

24、In order to hasten healing the wound is closed by suture at a later date, an event called secondary suture. ─── 为了加快愈合,在晚些时候,通过缝合将伤口闭合,这种做法,称为延期缝合。

25、"Fighting " the elder sister hastens perfunctory he. ─── “在打架啦”姐姐赶忙敷衍他。

26、Dreams quickly evaporate unless we hasten to put them into words. ─── 做梦以后若不马上把梦境形诸言词很快就会忘得干干净净。

27、Relatives can pray or pay money for their relatives' souls to hasten their move to heaven. ─── 亲属们可以通过多多祷告或者捐钱使他们故去的亲人早日离开炼狱去天堂。

28、"Shanghai the mood with clinking joyance, disease hasten is embraced Summer 1999. ─── "时维九月,序属三秋。"上海以无比喜悦的心情,疾趋拥抱1999年秋天。

29、The hated and killed and men praised them. But god in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grass. ─── 他们愤世嫉俗,他们残酷杀戮,人类反而赞扬他们。然而上帝却羞愧地急忙把他的回忆埋藏在青草下面。

30、He hastens to add that individual actions cannot be a substitute for the policy changes needed to curb emissions and promote clean energy. ─── 他接着补充,个人的行动并不能取代政策的改变,而这些政策能促进温室气体排放的减少和清洁能源的开发。

31、Further, it will hasten the demise of China's remaining state-owned industries and the creation of a plutocracy. ─── 再者,该法将催促中国剩余的国有资产缩水,催生财阀阶层。

32、Yes, yes, I know how good a son you are, so now hasten away to see your father. ─── 不错,不错,我知道你是一个好儿子。那么去吧,去看你的父亲去吧。

33、Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards. ─── 夫兵形象水,水之行避高而趋下

34、But hasten to add, I would feel exactly the same way if your colleague were a woman. ─── 不过我要指出我也会有同样的感觉即使你的同事是个女人。

35、But I am afflicted and needy; Hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay. ─── 但我是困苦穷乏的.神阿、求你速速到我这里来.你是帮助我的、搭救我的.耶和华阿、求你不要耽延。

36、He and others also pointed out that sun exposure hastens the aging process, by damaging deeper collagen fibers and creating sagging and wrinkles. ─── 他和其他人还指出,晒太阳会通过破坏深层胶原纤维和产生皮肤松垂与皱纹加速衰老过程。

37、Let them hasten to intone a funeral song, and let us weep, our eyes running with tears. ─── 叫她们迅速前来,对我们啼哭,使我们的眼睛流下眼泪,使我们的睫毛涌出泪水,

38、Man is a creature of haste: soon (enough) will I show you My Signs; then ye will not ask Me to hasten them! ─── 人是生来急躁的,我将要昭示你们我的迹象,所以你们不必催促我。

39、Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected. ─── 出其所必趋,趋其所不意。

40、Donald Dak hastens to the aid! ─── 唐老鸭火速救援来啦。

41、I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan. ─── 为了避免可能引起的误解,我得赶紧指出,他决不是一个惯于招摇撞骗的江湖郎中。

42、Hence, attempts to hasten the significant task is uncalled for. ─── 因此这种千秋大业的工作,是急不来的。

43、Additions of organic matter to soil hasten calcium losses. ─── 土壤增施有机质会促进钙的损失。

44、The charity that hastens to proclaim its good deeds, ceases to be charity, and is only pride and ostentation. ─── 急于宣告她的善行的慈悲,不再是慈悲,而只是骄傲与夸示。

45、You must hasten and publish your results. ─── 你必须赶紧公布你的结果。

46、Then she hastens to stand up, says goodbye to the grandpa and quickens her pace a bit upstairs to her home. ─── 她赶忙站起来,跟老爷爷说了再见,稍稍加快脚步上楼回家。

47、Sonnet -- Ye Hasten To The Grave! ─── 十四行诗:你匆匆进了坟墓!

48、Do thou hasten to the king's side. ─── 你赶快到国王这边来。

49、Forging a GTP will promote the EMR's overall competitiveness and hasten its economic restructuring. ─── GTP的建成运作可以提升该都会经济区的总体竞争力,加快其经济重构的步伐。

50、They are not trying to hasten the departure of the train;they are trying to get a seat. ─── 他们不是催促列车快开,而是在抢座位。

51、As this is a bad bargain for the land-lord, he hastens to do the repairs. ─── 地主为斗谷一工划不来,赶快自己修。

52、Help the general manager to coordinate and hasten the departmental works. ─── 协助总经理对各部门工作协调和催办。

53、Two developments may hasten the demise. ─── 两种发展可能加速消亡。

54、Visits should be short, like winters day, lest you're too trouble some hasten away. ─── 到别人家中去拜访,要像冬季的白天那样短,免得被别人嫌弃和追赶。

55、Now, I hasten to add that the statement doesn't happen to be true, but that's not the point. ─── 不过别急,我所说的话并没有成为现实。但问题并不在此。

56、A heated snifter hastens the release of the brandy's bouquet. ─── 加热后的白兰地杯可以更快地释放白兰地中的芳香。

57、Regard the sorrows and sufferings of others as yours and hasten to assuage them. ─── 关注他人的悲痛与苦难并尽快安抚他们。

58、use of standards assures consistency throughout the enterprise, which in turn simplifies delivery and hastens support. ─── 使用标准可以确保整个企业中的一致性,从而简化交付和促进支持。

59、But Abou-Zahr hastens to add that countries in Africa do not present a uniformly bleak picture. ─── 但是,阿布-察尔很快的补充说,非洲国家并不是都情况暗淡。

60、You must hasten and publish your result . ─── 你必须赶快公布你的结果。

61、A chemical additive which hastens a chemical reaction under specific conditions. A term used in the telecommunications cable manufacturing industry. ─── 一种化学添加剂,在特定条件下加速化学反应。一种用于点信电缆生产工业的术语。

62、Hasten and come, all you surrounding nations, And gather yourselves there Bring down, O LORD, Your mighty ones. ─── 四围的列国阿、你们要速速地来、一同聚集.耶和华阿、求你使你的大能者降临。

63、For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I? ─── 传2:25论到吃用、享福、谁能胜过我呢。

64、I hasten to offer you my most sincere congratulation, and hearty good wishes. ─── 匆鸣燕贺,且祝新禧。

65、Yet no shower falls unpermitted from the threatening cloud;every drop has its order ere it hastens to the earth. ─── 临到我们的试验是为了证明并加强我们的信心。

66、Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants. ─── 人工供暖能促进植物生长。

67、BR>They hated and killed and men praised them.But God in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grass. ─── 他们嫉妒,他们残杀,人反而称赞他们。然而上帝却害了羞,匆匆地把他的记忆埋藏在绿草下面。

68、"Grenoble will open her gates to him with enthusiasm--all Lyons will hasten to welcome him. ─── “格勒诺布尔会热情地为他大开城门的,全里昂的人也都会赶快出来欢迎的。

69、Do not hasten to bid me adieu. ─── 不要告别得那样匆忙。

70、In the office very untidy , Hasten the sweep . ─── 办公室里很整洁,赶紧打扫一下。

71、To hasten or cause to hasten. ─── 催促或使赶快

72、He has been described as a 'charmless bore',not by me,I hasten to add. ─── 他被说成是“无聊的啰唆鬼”,不是我说的,我赶忙加了一句。

73、Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend;march swiftly to places where you are not expected. ─── 出其所不趋,趋其所不意。

74、The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it arose. ─── 太阳升起,太阳落下,急归所出之地。

75、They hated and killed and men praised them. But God in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grass. ─── 他们仇恨,他们残杀,反而得到赞扬。但羞愧的上帝匆匆把记忆藏在绿草下。

76、For their feet run toward evil, And they hasten to shed blood. ─── 因为他们的脚向恶奔跑;他们急速流人的血。

77、Which hastens the execution of GMP standard and prompts the development of Chinese pharmaceutic machine manufacture. ─── 加快了实施GMP规范的步伐.促进中国制药机械行业的发展.

78、Hasten ye then (at once) to Allah: I am from Him a Warner to you, clear and open! ─── 你说:“你们应当逃归真主,我对于你们确是一个坦率的警告者。

79、They will all hasten to help you. ─── 他们一定会来帮助你。

80、It also could hasten the melting of Arctic sea ice and help hurricanes strengthen. ─── 也可能加速融化北极海样冰并助长飓风强化。

81、Will you be the sun that sends the shadow into hiding, the tree that stands still and is swallowed, or the dark cloud that hastens the night? ─── 你会成为令阴影躲藏起来的耀日吗,还是成为伫立原地忍气吞声的树木,或者成为遮天的乌云加速夜的到来?

82、For example, when crouching, we can choose the most appropriate hour hip reach before hasten open wide double arm. ─── 例如,在蹲下的时候,我们能选择最恰当的时刻把臀部趋前及敞开双臂。

83、PLAYER), the gross imbalances in your empire will only hasten your eventual destruction. ─── 即使是大体上的不平衡,同样会加速你的王国走向灭亡。

84、She shows loving care for me and hastens to add more food on my plate until I eat myself sick.Definitely her darling is fed like a Beijing duck! ─── 夫人关怀备至,赶紧在盘子里加食,直到我吃得撑死.她那亲爱的简直被当成北京烤鸭填喂!

85、The driver hastens next handlebar grandpa uprear, apologize again and again. ─── 司机赶忙下车把老大爷扶起,并连连道歉。

86、The doctor said that sunshine and rest would hasten his recovery from illness. ─── 医生说阳光和休息会促使他的疾病早日痊愈。

87、The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his. ─── 女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。

88、BR>Could you manage to hasten the delivery? ─── 你们能否加快装运?

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