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09-04 投稿


contingence 发音

英:[k?n?t?nd??ns]  美:[k?n?t?nd??ns]

英:  美:

contingence 中文意思翻译



contingence 网络释义

n. 接触;相切;偶然性(等于contingency);意外事件;可能发生的附带事件

contingence 短语词组

1、contingence larousse ─── 意外事故

2、contingence french ─── 法国应急部队

3、angle of contingence ─── 切线角

4、contingence definition francais ─── 意外开支定义

5、contingence description ─── 应急描述

6、contingence table ─── [计] 列联表

7、contingence definition ─── 意外事故定义

8、contingence francais ─── 法国特遣队

9、contingence de risque ─── 突发事件

10、contingence company ─── 应急公司

contingence 相似词语短语

1、contingences ─── n.接触;相切;偶然性(等于contingency);意外事件;可能发生的附带事件

2、contingency ─── n.可能发生的事;偶发事件;不能确定的事件;应急措施;应急储备;应急开支;可能性,偶然性;不测,意外;胜诉酬金;adj.应变的

3、constringence ─── n.倒色散系数

4、contingents ─── adj.偶然(发生)的;(损失、责任等)附带的;以事实为依据的;依情况而变的;n.(代表某一组织或国家的)代表团;(军队的)分遣队

5、continence ─── n.自制,克制;节欲(尤指禁欲)

6、contingencies ─── n.临时费;不可预见费;意外事件(contingency的复数)

7、continuance ─── n.持续;停留;续篇;诉讼延期

8、continency ─── n.贞操;节制

9、contingent ─── adj.偶然(发生)的;(损失、责任等)附带的;以事实为依据的;依情况而变的;n.(代表某一组织或国家的)代表团;(军队的)分遣队

contingence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Framework for Establishing Priorities Cont. ─── 优先机制建立的框架。

2、At the same time,some new circumstances and cont r adictions emerge. ─── 与此同时,毕业生就业过程中出现了一些新情况、新矛盾。

3、Keywords coronary artery;IVUS;active cont our detection;Doppler;pressure;resistance;harm onic;curve; ─── 冠状动脉;血管内超声;动态轮廓提取;多普勒;压力;冠脉阻抗;谐波;曲线;

4、Building Your Capability to Better Motivate and Manage People and to develop the skills needed to manage people more effectively, in order to maximize their cont... ─── 你的能力建设,以更好地激励和管理人民和发展需要的人更有效地管理的技能,以最大限度地组织目标的贡献。

5、Starting from the aspects of remaining oil distribution and weterflooding rules,thinkings are expanded,thus well pattern adjustment experiment is scientifical and rational,the interlayer cont... ─── 二是"十"字号井转注试验),从剩余油研究、水驱规律多角度出发,实现了井网调整试验的科学性和合理性,减小了层间矛盾,为提高水驱效率提供了依据,并取得了可观的效益。

6、From the angle of micronucleus effect s of vicia faba roof tip cell , by statistical analysis : The positive cont rol of poison t readed by towin20 compared with the negative cont rol P

7、The decrease of the TGF cont eats weakened the effect of brain protection. ─── TGF水平降低,减弱对脑组织保护作用。

8、PID cont. ─── 专家PID控制

9、In the wastewater treatment plant, the bulking can be controlled effectively by reducing the MLSS in the aeration tank or alternative cont... ─── 对此提出采用减小曝气池污泥浓度或单池连续运行以提高负荷和鼓风机进风口空气加热提高曝气池水温的方法,可使膨胀得到有效控制。

10、Responsibilities:1 Evaluate, establish and develop reliable suppliers for quality, service, price and local cont...... ... ─── 公司名称:必盛自动门贸易(上海)有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2009-4-4

11、CONT ON: You can play back all messages in a folder continuously. ─── 可以连续播放一个文件夹中的所有讯息。

12、RYL 16/5 ABT APPLE WE WUD ADV U THAT CONT DA339 HAS BEEN READY FOR SHIPT. ─── 你们5月16日关于苹果的来信收到。我们通知你们,DA339合同的货物已备好待运。

13、Scientific Classification on Material Flow(Cont. ─── 关于物流的科学分类问题(续)

14、Many substances in the pyrolytic products of PDS were similar to the aroma components in cigarette smoke, and the smoking quality of cigarette containing PDS was better than that of cigarette cont... ─── PDS的裂解产物中含有多种与烟草致香物质相近的成分,同等条件下其改善烟气的作用优于丙二醇。

15、All individuals cont ain 3DL3, 2DL4, 3DL2 and 3DL1; ─── 3 DL 3、2 DL 4、3 DL 2和 3 DL 1存在于所有个体 ;

16、BABS (CONT'D.):The chap set a trap, but the monkeys did not fall for the trap. And the chap did not get his caps back. The end. ─── 小伙子设了一个陷阱,可是猴子没有上当。小伙子没有把他的帽子要回来。故事结束了。

17、They cont on it as the place where they can relax and prepare themselves for the negotiations ahead. ─── 他们把希尔顿宾馆当作是放松自己为一轮轮的洽谈作好准备的场所。

18、bus cont roller ─── 总线控制器

19、PE may be beneficial as an escalating treatment in a subset of patients with severe ON.A cont... ─── 作为一种增强治疗,PE对重症ON患者可能有效,但要保证有对照组进行比?..

20、The Investment Canada Act (cont. ─── 天内,向加拿大投资局提交通知。

21、CLEO (CONT'D):Oh, and the hunters are fast approaching! ─── 哦!这个通讯员好像被猎人的网给网住了。

22、Turbulent BL Structure: Wake, Wall Layers. Inner, Outer Variables. Effects of Roughness. (cont. ─── 26紊流边界层结构:尾流,壁面层,内、外变数。粗糙度效应。(接续

23、GENERAL SUMMARY: The financial manager position reports to China Finance controller, and plans, directs and cont...... ... ─── 公司名称:任仕高企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-11

24、Det terminat tion of nit trat te and nit trit te cont tent ts. ─── 参考名称: Met thods for analysis of dried milk and dried milk product ts.

25、Palladium and platinum can be extracted and separated if acid concentration in water phase and MSO concentration in organic phase are cont... ─── 也考察了氯化铵的氨水溶液反萃取钯的适宜条件。

26、Tne contacts of intelligent DC contactor realize the no-arc closed and broken control.So the electrical endurance of intelligent DC cont... ─── 从而,提高了直流接触器的性能指标,增强了控制功能、节银节材。

27、It is more sensitive of LST change on the influence of NDVI in the area of higher CONT or lower SHDI. ─── 土地利用多样性越丰富、聚集度越小的区域,其温度对地表植被覆盖的敏感性越弱。

28、Sort any type of data in a ListView Cont - Sort any type of data in a ListView without subclassing or API calls. Very low overhead. ─── 在列表视图中不需使用子类化或者API调用就能排序任何类型的数据。具有非常低的开销。

29、Therefore, the process and equipment technicians can moni-tor the equipment state and adopt useful measure to cont... ─── 工艺设备人员对设备进行状态监测,并采取相应措施,有效地控制工序因素,降低不良品损失。

30、16. The writers' selfism finally brings on the dense and strong subjectivity of the narrative cont of the Van-guard Novel when they created it. ─── 先锋小说审美主体对文学书写对象和文学价值功用的“唯我主义”思想,最终导致了其叙事内容带有浓厚强烈的主观性色彩。

31、For example: When selecting middle-level managers, we must notice their competence of contingence, using personnel, business and leadership, etc. ─── 例如:在选拔国有企业行政中层管理者时,应特别注重应变能力、激励指导用人能力、经营能力和组织领导能力等指标;

32、The principles of direct torque cont rol and the characteristics of the DSP are introduced. ─── 介绍了异步电动机直接转矩控制系统的基本组成和工作原理。

33、Solid state power cont roller ─── 固态功率控制器

34、prothr. cont. ─── (=prothrombin content) 凝血酶原含量

35、donation and cont ─── 募捐

36、Equilibrium BL's: Clauser Hypothesis. Dissipation Formulas and Integral Closure. (cont. ─── 29紊流模式与封闭性。代数模式。传输模式。

37、contingence table ─── [计] 列联表

38、Aircraft gunnery fire cont comps ─── 射击飞行器部件

39、Some Suggestions and Research of the IP Coordinated Management and Protection(cont. ─── 对我国知识产权协调管理与保护的研究与建议(下)

40、Job Responsibility The Piping Stress Engineer is responsible, in conjunction with the Lead Piping Engineer, for the cont...... ... ─── 公司名称:赫氏工程咨询(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-17

41、BABS (CONT'D):Is this a book you would put in your library? ─── 你们会把这本书放进图书馆吗?

42、Their combined function and affects will determine the regional distribution of conventional cruddes.Of these cont... ─── 在诸多控制因素中,尤以源区源岩热演化程度以及成藏时及其后的保存条件最为重要。

43、Job Responsibilities:- Coaching/training the department‘s staff so that department‘s target can be achieved;Cont...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京西门子西伯乐斯电子有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-6-13

44、The capacitor is charged by controlling a MOSFET, it then would discharge by controlling a GTO in a short time.In order to ensure full charge, there is a period of time between the cont... ─── 为了保证充电充分,在控制充放电脉冲之间加一段时间间隔,实现中给出了本设计的具体操作,最后得出电源电压与产生电流之间的关系。


46、Test situation of smelting nitrided ferromanganese in rotary kiln i s introduced,the method of sealing furnace gas and factors affecting nitrogen cont ent in FeMn are especially expouneded. ─── 介绍了在回转窑中生产氮化锰铁的试验情况,着重阐述了炉气密封的方法和影响合金氮含量的因素。

47、Our company specialize in paper gypsum board production line, if you need this machinery,please cont... ─── 发布者:刘园园所在地:河北石家庄市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:

48、Shanghai Cont Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd, is a integrated company based on designing, developing and selling the cleaning appliances used in hotel bathroom. ─── 上海康特环保科技发展有限公司,是一家集设计、研制、开发、销售酒店卫浴清洁电器产品为基础的公司。

49、Location: ShanghaiResponsibility:1. Report Layer Development (TSQL/SSRS/PPS/SSAS)2. Data Quality Auditing &Cont...... ... ─── 公司名称:微软全球技术支持中心工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-5

50、lac & cont ─── (=lacerations and contusions) 裂伤与挫伤

51、so,u muz cont pray n 'give' this relationship 2 God. ─── 也许这段时间是磨练你,重整和建立你与神之间的关系。

52、Job Description:The employee is allocated to one or more projects as Structure Engineer.The employee is, within the cont...... ... ─── 公司名称:恩宜珐玛(天津)工程有限公司工作地点:天津市发布时间:2009-7-11

53、Cont's goal is to improve quality of manufacture environment, develop the technology and appliance research continuously, and provide best services and products to customers. ─── 康特公司将不断改善客户生产环境质量订立为企业追求的目标,坚持不懈地进行相关技术开发与应用研究,为客户提供最优质的服务和产品。

54、As a result, emphasis on humane qu ality education and initiation of personality education become an important cont ent of the quality education in medical higher learning institutes . ─── 于是,加强医学院校大学生人文素质教育,倡导人格教育理念,成为医学院校加强素质教育的重要内容。

55、angle of contingence ─── 切线角

56、Lesson 17, Reading, Structure Explanation, Drill Practice (cont. ─── 44第17课阅读,聚焦结构讲解,练习(继续上一节课的内容)

57、Experienced both hull, machinery and offshore.2) The inspectors will be seconded to work in ABS China as cont...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市嘉航检验技术咨询有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-11

58、Working at Home) in Hong Kong by Ethnicity and Place of Work, 2006 (Cont'd. ─── 在港有固定工作地點(不包括於家中工作的人士)的工作人口比例(百分比)

59、Which kind of collection will you cont? ─── 你会为哪种类型捐款?

60、Economic efficiency indicators of industrial enterprises I (Cont'd) ─── 工业企业主要行业经济效益指标 I (续)

61、A real time testi ng system of displacement is introduced.It has been used in crystallizer of cont inuous casting machine for testing value s of displacement on multiple points whi le in vibration. ─── 介绍了一种位移动态实时测试系统,并用来测试连铸机结晶器在振动过程中的多点位移值,将测得的原始数据由软件进行处理,并以图形方式输出。

62、Experimental Study On Limit Cutting Depth by Optimal Cont rolling Spindle Speed ─── 优控主轴转速系统极限切削深度

63、On the Strategy and Implementation of Intelligence Business(cont. ─── 也谈情报生意的战略与执行(下篇)

64、Background; Sounds and Symbols; Unit 1 (cont. ─── 学习背景资料,语音和拼音符号,单元一(续)

65、Reviewed studies about moleculebiological of social recognition, it mainly based on gene-knockout mice and antisense to discuss AVP、OT and ER receptor cont... ─── 回顾有关社会识别分子生物学方面的研究,主要是通过诸如基因敲除和反义核酸等技术来探讨升压素、催产素和雌激素受体对小鼠社会识别的功能。

66、The yield of bio-oil can be as high as 65% under optimal conditions of reactor,and the oil mainly cont... ─── 在最佳的反应条件下,生物质油的产率可达65%,其主要组分为有机酸和呋喃。

67、Info:We offer professional training or fighting head guards in diffrent models and qualities, pls do cont ...... ─── 主要材质:仿皮次要材质:仿皮适用对象:中性款式:空顶帽

68、Spraying,heat spraying,baking,time setting,lighting switch,failure indicator,tempe ratu re cont roller,power supply switcheme rgency stop,hour meter,tempe rature Iimit cont roller ─── 喷漆、升温喷漆、烤漆、烤漆时间设定、照明开关、故障指示灯、温控仪、电源开关、急停开关、累时器、配限温器。

69、Keywords oxygen making;control system;automatic start;surge-proof cont rol; ─── 关键词制氧;控制系统;自动启动;防喘振控制;

70、WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Death ratesfrom cancer cont Women nue to fall in the United States,jqropping morewo than 2 percentber year from Women 002 through 2004, cancerh experts reported on Monday. ─── 华盛顿(路透社)癌症专家在周一(2007年10月15日)的报告中指出,美国癌症的死亡率持续下降。从2002年到2004年,死亡率每年下降2%以上。

71、Rus sia's natural conditions, characteristic of vast land, sparse population and la ck of labour force, and the characteristics of its geopolitical status both cont ributed to the shaping of serfdom there. ─── 俄国地广人稀、动力匮乏的自然条件和地缘政治地位的特点,是形成俄国农奴制度的前提。

72、If the player violates the cont ract , the game corporation hasright to suspend the playerps account . ─── 如果玩家违反服务合同约定,游戏服务商有权停止玩家游戏账号的使用。

73、An on-line analysis and measurement system of percentage of water and gas cont ents in petroleum by using radiation isotope is described. ─── 介绍了利用射线辐射衰减方法实现的原油含水率、含气率在线分析与计量系统。

74、CONT OFF: Playback stops at the end of each message. ─── 在每条讯息的末尾,播放停止。

75、However, there are still some problems which we have to take effective measures to resolve, so that it can promote its development in the whole, and make more cont... ─── 只有采取针对性的有效措施,解决这些问题,科技档案工作才会不断地发展,从而为国家的经济建设做出更大的贡献。

76、Automatic apparatus should take effect in contingence analysis function. ─── 分析与自动故障选择应考虑自动装置的作用;

77、contingence table analysis ─── 列联表分析

78、Theory and practice of specialities offered (cont. ─── 专业设置理论与实践(下)

79、Organization Relationships: Frequent contact with management personnel in business units for whom systems are being implemented. Frequent cont... ─── 公司性质:合资经验要求:5-10年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历职位月薪:1000-50000元/月

80、THEO: (CONT'D) ...hombre to wear a well-pressed vest of buckskin on his manly chest. ─── 他总穿着熨烫整整齐齐的皮背心,雄壮威武.

81、On October 13, 1994, Kendzaburo Oa, as a well-known Japanese modem novelist, won the Nobel Prize for literature. This is the result of contingence and inevitability. ─── 1994年10月13日,日本当代著名小说家大江健三郎获得诺贝尔文学奖,这是偶然性与必然性的结果。

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