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09-04 投稿



daintily 发音

英:[?de?nt?li]  美:[?de?nt?li]

英:  美:

daintily 中文意思翻译



daintily 网络释义

adv. 讲究地;优美地;难以取悦地;可口地

daintily 短语词组

1、daintily decor ─── 精致的装饰

2、daintily llc ─── 精致有限责任公司

3、daintily definition ─── 精致的定义

4、daintily define ─── 精致地定义

5、daintily verb ─── 优美动词

6、daintily polished las vegas ─── 精致 ─── 精致的拉斯维加斯

7、daintily defined ─── 精致的定义

8、daintily polished ─── 精致的抛光

daintily 同义词

aesthetic | squeamish | recherche | nice |pretty | kickshaw | goody | graceful | elegant | fragile | treat | frail | exquisite | delicate | niminy-piminy | gossamer | neat | epicurean | refined | twee | delicacy | mincing | prim | fussy | valuable | breakable | cute | petite | overnice | deft | prissy | small | flimsy | fresh

daintily 词性/词形变化,daintily变形

名词: daintiness |名词复数: dainties |形容词最高级: daintiest |形容词比较级: daintier |副词: daintily |

daintily 反义词

vulgar | tasteless | unsavory | unpalatable |distasteful | coarse

daintily 相似词语短语

1、cantily ─── 干净利落

2、flintily ─── adv.无情地;坚硬地;冷酷地

3、jauntily ─── adv.洋洋得意地;活泼地;快活地

4、saintlily ─── 圣百合

5、daintier ─── 精致的;美味的(dainty的比较级)

6、rainily ─── 雨天

7、dainties ─── adj.美味的;讲究的;秀丽的;挑剔的;n.美味

8、dirtily ─── adv.龌龊地;下贱地

9、dainty ─── adj.美味的;讲究的;秀丽的;挑剔的;n.美味

daintily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Four skirts billowed modestly, eight small feet were daintily placed on low hassocks. The quiet breathing of Wade, Ella and Beau came through the open door of the nursery. ─── 四个人的裙子轻轻飘动,八只小巧的脚轻轻地搭在脚凳上,育儿室的门开着,可以听到从里面传出韦德、爱拉和小博的轻微的呼吸声。

2、If we are eating lamb we use mint sauce, which is mint chopped up very daintily and mixed with vinegar. ─── 绝大多数赴英的旅游者在餐馆吃三明治、匹萨和薯条,这就意味着他们吃的并非是英式食品而是舶来品,正宗的英式食品在餐馆里是找不到的。

3、"Have a good time, dearies!" Said Mrs. Marth, as the sisters went daintily down the walk. ─── 当姐妹俩从楼梯上姗姗而下时,玛基夫人说:“亲爱的,愿你们玩个痛快

4、supped the hot soup; supped away daintily. ─── 喝肉汤;挑剔地吃

5、besides, music here is daintily and quiet, i am fasicinated of it. ─── 要过雅思等我通过了考试再给你说说这边的情况哈!

6、Benefiting from daintily production technique and stability and durability performance,porcelain pots are good for tea storage.This product adopts special high-grade color ceramic glaze. ─── 陶瓷制作工艺讲究,坚实耐用,作茶叶储存罐可以更好的保持茶叶的醇香。

7、The matching boxes are also very daintily chosen, often made of purple sandalwood, and rosewood. ─── 此外,端砚的配盒也十分考究,多以紫檀木、花梨木、红木等制作。

8、In editing operation, he treated words, design and printed circuit with earnest and particularity and daintily. ─── 在编辑业务方面,他对待文字工作、装帧设计和印制质量都认真、细致而讲究。

9、The most important thing is letting us to feel/realize the protection/taking care of the Suzhou Garden.the unique and daintily points in construction. ─── 其中最主要的还是要让我们感受到苏州园林的爱护.建设方法的独特.讲究!

10、A daintily and useful information system for grape management ─── 一个美观实用的葡萄信息管理系统

11、Ellen dropped her towel that she had been washing the dishes with and walked daintily over to the door. ─── 艾伦放下了正在刷碗的毛巾,优雅地走到了门口。

12、Miss Adela Strangeworth came daintily along Main Street on her way to the grocery. ─── 埃德拉·斯特兰沃思小姐沿着梅因街步态轻盈地向蔬菜杂货店走去。

13、to eat daintily ─── 吃得很讲究

14、1.But I cannot tell: this same truth, is a naked, and open day light, mat doth not show, the masques, and mummeries, and triumphs of the world, half so stately, and daintily,as candlelights. ─── 我亦不懂得这是什么缘故:可是“真理”这件东西可说是一种无隐无饰的白昼之光,世间的那些歌剧、扮演、庆典在这种光之下所显露的,远不如灯烛之光所显露的庄严美丽。

15、The matching boxes are also very daintily chosen, often made of purple sandalwood, and rosewood. ─── 此外,端砚的配盒也十分考究,多以紫檀木、花梨木、红木等制作。

16、She walked daintily down the steps. ─── 她优雅轻盈地走下台阶。

17、Sour milk, a kind of popular dairy products, is nutritious, refrigerant, daintily, digestible and is fit for the old and young. ─── 酸奶是很多人喜欢吃的乳制品,它营养丰富、清凉、爽口,易被消化吸收,且老少皆宜。

18、Then you will find more consolation in having prayed devoutly than in having fared daintily; you will be happy that you preferred silence to prolonged gossip. ─── 热心祈祷,比丰盛宴席更有滋味。静默寡言,比彼此閒谈更觉畅快。

19、Xiaoming asked elder brother and he answered :"how daintily"when he was taking icecream,xiao ming then went to asked sister ,she was dating and sayed :"honey,let's go together. ─── 小明又去问哥哥,哥哥正在吃冰糕说:“好爽啊!”小明又去问姐姐,姐姐正在约会说:“亲爱的,我们一起走吧!”

20、She blew her nose as daintily as possible. ─── 她尽量文雅地擤了擤鼻涕。

21、Letty was in light blue silk, with a blue and white parasol held daintily over her shoulder, and looked very pretty. ─── 嫘底身上穿着一件浅蓝色的绸衫,肩上妩媚地扛着一柄蓝白两色的小阳伞,显得非常妩媚。

22、the invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold. ─── 邀请卡片是用白色和金色巧妙地搭配才写出来。

23、She blew her nose as daintily as possible. ─── 她尽量文雅地擤了擤鼻涕。

24、Half so stately and daintily ─── 半庄严与半阴暗地

25、At the last moment, Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare who drew Mr. Jones's trap, came mincing daintily in, chewing at a lump of sugar. ─── 在最后一刻,拉琼斯先生的马车的那匹愚蠢的、漂亮的白母马莫丽,矫情地走了进来,嘴里嚼着一块糖。

26、are very daintily selected. ─── 一看就知道非常讲究。

27、She is a daintily dressed young lady ─── 她是个装饰娇艳的少女。

28、Then she daintily removed Costigan's dinner things, tripping about the room as she had seen the dancers do at the play ─── 然后她温柔体贴地替科斯蒂根端菜,在屋里走来走去,脚步那么轻盈,就象她在戏院里看到的那些歌舞明星一样。

29、a daintily dressed doll ─── 服饰精美的娃娃.

30、Nancy was twelve, and her school friends breathed heavily as she went forward switching her skirt, and took a slip daintily from the box "Bill, Jr.," Mr. ─── 南西十二岁,她甩甩裙子走向前去,然后从箱子里优雅地取出了一张纸片,与此同时,她学校里的朋友们呼吸都变得沉重了。

31、With her head high and her body erect, Wen Xianglin daintily stepped forward.Giving Wen Xiang one of her hands and drawing up her skirts with the other, she very cautiously stepped into the gondola. ─── 文湘琳昂首挺胸,轻移莲步,一只柔荑搭著文祥的手心,另一只拉起裙角,小小心心地踏进了船舱。

32、Then she daintily removed Costigan's dinner things, tripping about the room as she had seen the dancers do at the play. ─── 然后她温柔体贴地替科斯蒂根端菜,在屋里走来走去,脚步那么轻盈,就象她在戏院里看到的那些歌舞明星一样。

33、Some people wear casu- ally and some people are dressed daintily. ─── 有的人穿衣很随便,有的人穿衣 却是很讲究。

34、a daintily dressed little girl ─── 衣着漂亮的小女孩

35、On one occasion I spotted her nibbling daintily from a saucer at the kitchen door ─── 有一回,我发现它津津有味地在小口吃着厨房门旁碟中的食物。

36、She nibbled daintily at her cake. ─── 她优雅地一点一点地吃着自己的蛋糕。

37、The orcas then daintily eat the motionless herring one at a time. ─── 虎鲸随后就优雅地把一动也不动的鲱鱼一只只吃掉。

38、My uncle the priest blessed the table and the chatter of Arabic began as cousins dipped their bread scooped up the tabouleh salad and daintily bit the sweet baklava pastry. ─── 担任牧师的伯父主持餐前祈祷。然后,餐桌上阿拉伯语不绝于耳。我的表兄弟们开始蘸着调料吃面包,舀一勺黎巴嫩风味的"tabouleh"色拉,再一小口一小口细细品尝蜜糖果仁酥饼。

39、"Have a good time, dearies! " said Mrs. Marth, as the sisters went daintily down the walk. ─── 当姐妹俩从楼梯上姗姗而下时,玛基夫人说:“亲爱的,愿你们玩个痛快!”

40、Just then, Marguerite emerged from her dressing-room, daintily wearing a night-cap decorated with bunches of yellow ribbons, known in the trade as cabbage-bows. ─── 讲到这里,玛格丽特从梳妆间走了出来,娇媚地戴着一顶睡帽,帽上缀着一束黄色的缎带,内行人把这种装饰叫做甘兰式缎结。

41、At the last moment Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare who drew Mr Jones's trap, came mincing daintily in, chewing at a lump of sugar. ─── 然后那头给琼斯先生拉车的傻乎乎的白色母驴莫丽以一种自以为很美妙的姿态走进来,嘴里还不忘嚼一块糖。

42、She pointed her toes daintily. ─── 她优美地踮起双脚。

43、The sitting room is the key area of the bedroom, decorate very daintily commonly, stage nature also is very showily, have atmosphere of a lot of foil of renown wine beverage. ─── 客厅是居室的重点区域,一般都装饰得非常讲究,吧台自然也是颇为华贵,并有许多名酒饮料烘托气氛。

44、Sour milk, a kind of popular dairy products, is nutritious, refrigerant, daintily , digestible and is fit for the old and young. ─── 酸奶是很多人喜欢吃的乳制品,它营养丰富、清凉、爽口,易被消化吸收,且老少皆宜。

45、For a thousand years or more the well was never dry or overflow which is clear and transparent sweet and daintily with rich mineral substances. ─── 千余年来,此井不溢不涸,井水清亮透明,味甜爽口,含有丰富的矿物质。

46、Here we are discussing is another daintily snack of old Beijing.It came from the Chunxuan Yao's couple in Guangxu year. ─── 这说的就是老北京的另一道美味小吃了,褡裢火烧这道美味出自光绪年间的姚春宣夫妇之手。

47、Then she ran her fingers daintily along the smooth marble top of the many-coloured Sicilian table ─── 后来,她又用手指轻轻地在色彩斑斓的大理石桌面上滑动着。

48、"Have a good time, dearies!" said Mrs. Marth, as the sisters went daintily down the walk ─── 当姐妹俩从楼梯上姗姗而下时,玛基夫人说:“亲爱的,愿你们玩个痛快!”

49、Daintily, so daintily! ─── 优美啊,多么优美!

50、The production not only keeps down Chinese date mostly alimentation nurturance,but also touches greasy,tasty and refreshing daintily,flavor single,edible facility. ─── 产品不仅保留了大枣的主要营养成分,且口感细腻、爽口,风味独特,食用方便。

51、Meg sat upon her cushion, sewing daintily with her white hands, and looking as fresh and as sweet as a rose, in her pink dress among the green. ─── 如此这般过了两个月,天行佣兵团收入与日俱增,早已解决了最基本的生存问题。

52、It uses tradition , daintily, thick and bright color, the line rough but baptized, the form is clumsy but exaggerated. ─── 它用色传统而讲究、色彩浑厚而鲜艳、线条粗犷而洗炼,造型古拙而夸张。

53、77.But I cannot tell: this same truth, is a naked, and open day light, mat doth not show , the masques, and mummeries, and triumphs of the world, half so stately, and daintily, as candlelights. ─── 我亦不懂得这是什么缘故:可是“真理”这件东西可说是一种无隐无饰的白昼之光,世间的那些歌剧、扮演、庆典在这种光之下所显露的,远不如灯烛之光所显露的庄严美丽。

54、my younger daughter brought her napkin to her lips and daintily ejected every single molecule of Seafood Lasagna from her mouth;and, as usual, my older daughter had something to say. ─── 我小女儿拿来餐巾擦了下嘴唇,胆怯地把留在嘴边的‘烤海鲜宽面条’的痕迹擦掉,通常我大女儿是有话要说的。

55、Miss Adela Strangeworth came daintily along Main Street on her way to the grocery ─── 埃德拉?斯特兰沃思小姐沿着梅因街步态轻盈地向蔬菜杂货店走去。

56、Through many experiments to ascertain optimal addition of beer and xylitol.The final product tastes more fine and daintily,meanwhile,it also has more nutritious and hygienical function. ─── 通过多次试验确定啤酒和木糖醇的最佳添加量,使产品口感更细腻、爽口,营养更丰富,且具有特殊嗜好口感和保健功能。

57、Syringing tea need to daintily ─── 洗茶有讲究,可洗

58、Ukraine woman premier Yulia Tymoshenko is always famous as her cold and resolution, and attachment and daintily to cloth is known to all. ─── 乌克兰女总理季莫申科素以冷艳决断著称,她对衣着的重视和讲究也是人所共知。

59、6.But I cannot tell: this same truth, is a naked, and open day light, mat doth not show, the masques, and mummeries, and triumphs of the world, half so stately, and daintily,as candlelights. ─── 我亦不懂得这是什么缘故: 可是“真理”这件东西可说是一种无隐无饰的白昼之光,世间的那些歌剧、扮演、庆典在这种光之下所显露的,远不如灯烛之光所显露的庄严美丽。

60、We control thickness of paper ,degree of colour type of paper and back working procedure daintily. ─── 纸的厚薄、色彩的鲜艳度、纸质的选择到后道工序的监控都会一一讲究。

61、The little creature was daintily decked out in soft, snowy muslin ─── 那可爱的小姑娘打扮得很漂亮,穿着柔软白净的薄纱衫。

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