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09-04 投稿



satiable 发音

英:[?se???bl]  美:[?se????b?l]

英:  美:

satiable 中文意思翻译



satiable 网络释义

adj. 可满足的

satiable 短语词组

1、law of satiable wants ─── [经] 欲望满足定律

satiable 词性/词形变化,satiable变形

名词: satiability |副词: satiably |

satiable 相似词语短语

1、amiable ─── adj.和蔼可亲的,亲切的;n.(Amiable)人名;(法)阿米亚布勒;(英)阿米娅布尔

2、saturable ─── adj.可饱和的;能浸透的

3、unsatiable ─── adj.贪求无厌的;不知足的

4、batable ─── 可打击的

5、dutiable ─── adj.应纳税的;应征税的;(输入品)应课关税的

6、fatigable ─── adj.易疲劳的

7、datable ─── adj.可确定时代的,可确定年代的

8、satiably ─── 令人满意

9、insatiable ─── adj.贪得无厌的;不知足的

satiable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In year 1973 to 1975, there are also satiable results derived from the researches on cases of reducible matrix. ─── 在1973~1975年,对可约矩阵情形的研究也取得令人满意的成果。

2、So, what about you? Are you satiable in the workplace? ─── 那么你呢?你在职场中容易满足吗?

3、law of satiable wants ─── [经] 欲望满足定律

4、I n the High and Far off times, O Best Beloved, there were young scientists who were full of 'satiable curiosities about the molecules of bygone life. ─── 在遥远的过去,有着许多对古代生命分子充满了好奇的年轻科学家。

5、satiable thirst;a satiable appetite. ─── 能够满足的饥渴;可以满足的食欲

6、a satiable thirst; a satiable appetite. ─── 可满足的欲望;可满足的欲望。

7、After I entered the university in Jimei, I felt satiable without any complaint about the poor fame of it at that time; ─── 他叫你老婆,他是你的老公。他不再为你献殷勤,可是,当你冷了,他会为你披一件衣服;

8、The arithmetic based on the set theory analyzes the satiable conditions of all type of paper generating request, and gives out the implementation. ─── 该算法以集合论为基础,分析了各种组卷要求的可满足条件,并给出了具体的实现方法。

9、satiable thirst; a satiable appetite. ─── 能够满足的饥渴;可以满足的食欲

10、I see her off to work after a satiable breakfast. ─── 等她饱饱地吃完早餐后安全地送她去上班。

11、Keywords Inverter supply;soft-switching;waveform control;detect of the short circuit signal;wavelet transform;DSP;satiable inductor; ─── 逆变电源;软开关;波形控制;短路信号检测;小波变换;DSP;可饱和电感;

12、1. She is a satiable woman. ─── 她是个容易满足的女人。

13、The concern of mankind to his self being has been no more limited to the retrospection of ancestors with direct relative relations, nor has he been satiable with the quest for the origin of homo and race. ─── 人类对自身的关注,不再满足于与她有直亲关系的祖先的追溯,不再满足于寻求人属或人种起源的答案。

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