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09-04 投稿


crucian 发音

英:[?kru???n]  美:[?kru???n]

英:  美:

crucian 中文意思翻译



crucian 词性/词形变化,crucian变形


crucian 短语词组

1、crucian dog ─── 鲫鱼

2、crucian people ─── 鲫鱼人

3、crucian carp ─── [医]鲫鱼; 鲋

4、crucian diet ─── 鲫鱼饮食

5、crucian d&d ─── 鲫鱼d&d

6、crucian carp soup ─── 鲫鱼汤

7、crucian name ─── 鲫鱼的名字

crucian 常用词组

crucian carp ─── 鲫鱼

crucian 相似词语短语

1、crucify ─── vt.折磨;十字架上钉死;克制

2、Grecian ─── adj.古希腊式的,(与)古希腊(有关)的;n.希腊人;希腊学家;希腊语

3、Lucian ─── n.琉善(腊修辞学家和讽刺诗人);卢西恩(男子名)

4、crucially ─── adv.关键地;至关重要地

5、crucial ─── adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的

6、cruciate ─── adj.十字状的,十字形的

7、cruciates ─── 十字架

8、traducian ─── 特拉杜森

9、crucians ─── n.欧洲鲫鱼

crucian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords the allotetraploid crucian-carp;red crucian carp;common carp;microsatellite; ─── 异源四倍体鲫鲤;红鲫;野鲤;微卫星;

2、Fried crucian carp in chili sauce ─── 干烧鲫鱼

3、multiple tetraploid pengze crucian carp ─── 复合四倍体彭泽鲫

4、The barometric pressure steady rises, when cloud layer release quantity of heat, is advantageous and looks for food in carp's activity, is also fishes time crucian carp's fine day. ─── 气压稳中走高,云层释放热量时,有利于鲫鱼的活动和觅食,也是钓鲫的好天时。

5、Quick-boiled crucian carp with shredded turnip ─── 氽鲫鱼萝卜丝

6、A Preliminary Study on the Proper Feed Particle Size for Crucian Carp Fry and Fingerling ─── 异育银鲫鱼苗和鱼种饲料适口粒径大小初步试验

7、Quick-boiled crucian carp with turnip ─── 氽萝卜鲫鱼

8、Effects of Bacillus licheniformis on digestive performance and growth of Allogynogenetic crucian ─── 地衣芽孢杆菌对异育银鲫消化机能和生长的影响

9、Allogynogemetic crucian carp ─── 异育银鲫

10、1 Nucleotide sequences and putative amino acid sequences of silver crucian carp myosin light chain cDNA. ─── 标题: 图1银鲫肌球蛋白轻链核苷酸序列和推测的对应氨基酸序列.

11、Electric conduction property of unfrozen and frozen-thawed crucian carp ─── 冰鲜和解冻鲫鱼的导电特性

12、Keywords DEHP;single cell gel electrophoresis technique;DNA damage;gold crucian carp;brain cell; ─── 单细胞凝胶电泳;DNA损伤;金鲫鱼;脑细胞;

13、The amount of major heterotrophic bacteriaEnterobacteriaceae rose 9.4% and Aeromonas reduced 7.5% in the Ictalurus punctatus fishponds; Pseudomonas reduced 16% and Enterobacteriaceae rose 21% in the Pengze crucian fishponds. ─── 斑点叉尾?养殖池的主要异养细菌肠杆菌科细菌提高 9.4% ,气单胞菌属降低7.5% ,彭泽鲫养殖池的主要异养细菌假单胞菌属降低 16% ,肠杆菌科提高 2 1% ;

14、We have often found fishing in the spring carp, crucian carp, catfish species, such as Sham Shui Po came from the shallow-water mating; ─── 我们在钓鱼中经常发现,春天鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲇鱼等鱼种从深水来到浅水交尾;

15、The gene tic regulation of body color for color and red crucian carp implies that the mul ticolors are controlled by recessive gene while the redness by dominant one. ─── 彩鲫与红鲫的体色遗传说明彩色受显性基因控制,红色受隐性基因控制;

16、new tetraploid and their parents-Japanese Phytophagous Crucian Carp (JPCC), Red Crucian Carp (RCC)were comparatively studied in this paper. ─── 作者比较了第一代异源四倍体鱼、异源三倍体鱼、新四倍体鱼与亲本白鲫、红鲫及其杂交一代的染色体组型。

17、It could ingest living crucian, frog and mouse voluntarily, it also could intake beef, pork and partridge egg voluntarily. ─── 在人工饲养条件下可以自主采食鲫鱼、青蛙和小白鼠等活的动物,也可自主采食牛肉、精猪肉和鹌鹑蛋;

18、Crab has been introduced, to build common carp, crucian carp Carassius 247,000 (only), the introduction of dry salted duck, white snail meat Yuanyang 5300, Lotus has started fish polyculture. ─── 已引进河蟹、建鲤、彭泽鲫24.7万尾(只),引进板鸭、白玉蜗牛、肉鸳鸯5300只,藕鱼混养也已起步。

19、Main breed has: Forked end of turtle, shrimp, crab, whitebait, stain is answered, fish of Gui Yu, carp, crucian carp. ─── 主要品种有:鳖、虾、蟹、银鱼、斑点叉尾回、桂鱼、鲤鱼、鲫鱼等。

20、frozen crucian shad ─── 冻鲱鲫鱼

21、transparent color crucian carp ─── 水晶彩鲫

22、In Ishikawa prefecture, on the Japan Sea coast, a resident found 13 crucian carp on and around his truck, each about 3cm long. ─── 在位于日本沿海地区的石川县,一居民在其卡车周围发现了13鲫鱼,每条约3厘米长。

23、Experiment on Induced Mature and Induced Breeding of Abortive Parent Fish of Allogynogenetic Silver Crucian Carp ─── 异育银鲫流产亲鱼的促熟催产试验

24、Trial in Red-White Crucian Carp Concentrated Culture in Pond ─── 池塘集约化养殖红白鲫的研究

25、Conventional fishing so, fishes the big crucian carp should so. ─── 常规钓鱼如此,钓大鲫更应如此。恕不赘述。

26、Effect of Beta-cypermethrin on Glutamic-pyruvic Transaminase and Glutamic-oxaloacetic Transaminase Activities in Crucian Carp ─── 氯氰菊酯对鲫鱼血清中谷丙转氨酶及谷草转氨酶活力的影响

27、Comparative Studies on the Soluble Protein Changes of Major Organs and Tissues in Normal and Hemorrhagic Diseased Crucian Carp ─── 患出血病鲫鱼主要组织可溶性蛋白质变化的研究

28、You shouldn't say that whale is big and the Africa crucian is small, human is noble and ant is humble, pine is high and Lantana is low, turtle is of long life and moth is of short life. ─── 你不能说鲸鱼比较大,吴郭鱼比较小;你不能说人比较高贵,蚂蚁比较低贱;松柏比较高,马樱丹比较矮;乌龟比较长寿,而飞蛾比较短命;

29、Some of the famous dishes are pork shreds with fish seasoning, chicken cubes with chili peppers, and spicy braised crucian carp. ─── 一些著名的菜肴如鱼香肉丝,辣子鸡丁,干烧鲫鱼。

30、Besides this, they also kept the high tariff of 40% on alive crucian, perch, frozen cod, frozen squid, alive eel, shrimp and fish sauce. ─── 另外,对进口的活加鲫鱼、活鲈鱼、冷冻明泰鱼、冷冻乌贼鱼、冷冻鱿鱼、活鳗鱼、虾酱仍实行调节关税徵收制或配额关税制(最高关税率为40%)。

31、Effects of different levels of xylo-oligosaccharide on growth performance and activity of digestive enzyme of intestinal canal of allogygenetic crucian carps ─── 低聚木糖梯度添加对异育银鲫生长及肠道消化酶活性的影响

32、Effects of sample disposal on determination of intestinal digestive enzyme of tilapia and silver crucian carp ─── 样品处理对罗非鱼和银鲫肠道消化酶活性测定的影响

33、Some famous Sichuan dishes are pork shreds with fish seasoning, chicken cubes with chili peppers, and spicy braised crucian carp. ─── 四川名菜有鱼香肉丝、辣子鸡丁和干烧鲤鱼。

34、The histological structure of digestive tract and change tendency from esophagus to hindgut of Qihe crucian carp. were observed by the common paraffin section technique. ─── 摘要利用常规石蜡切片技术对淇河鲫的消化道组织结构进行了观察,并比较了消化道各段的变化规律。

35、Stream of people is like the commercial activity spot of crucian carp, "70 hind " Lei Liang resembles a good student, sitting very straightly. ─── 人流如鲫的商业活动现场,“70后”的雷量像个乖学生,笔挺地坐着。

36、Studies on Mitochondrial DNA in Different Ploidy Level Fish and Sox Genes in Triploid Crucian Carp ─── 不同倍性鱼类mtDNA及三倍体湘云鲫Sox基因研究

37、multiple tetraploid allogynogenetic silver crucian carp ─── 复合四倍体银鲫

38、Keywords Exorchis Dongting huensis;Red crucian carp;Goldfish;Inection; ─── 关键词洞庭湖外睾吸虫;红鲫;金鱼;感染;

39、My that cut shows the balcony at the back of the move caustically: ? of stone tablet of human relations crucian carp raises Wen inclined joint of bones here directly. ─── 上海猪肉有股腥气,我怀念安徽老家的肥猪。我那口子指着后面的阳台讥讽道:你有本事做猪倌,在这里养一头。

40、rhagia with artificially induced interferon from crucian carp(Carassius auratus). ─── 效果亦见明显。

41、Former writer Su Xun Ren-cheng ANALYSIS collected together at the German folk customs, local farmers in order to be of silver crucian carp. ─── 昔日文豪苏洵任文安县丞时到德聚采集民风,当地农民以银鲫待之。

42、Former writer Su Xun Ren-cheng ANALYSIS collected together at the German folk customs, local farmers in order to be of silver crucian carp. ─── 昔日文豪苏洵任文安县丞时到德聚采集民风,当地农民以银鲫待之。

43、The gene cloned from gibel carp is named Carassius auratus gibelio hira (Caghira) and that from coloreded crucian carp is named Carassius auratus hira (Cahira) . ─── 从银鲫中新克隆的基因被命名为Carassius auratus gibelio hira(Caghira),从彩鲫中新克隆的基因被命名为Carassius auratus hira(Cahira)。

44、Historical records, known as the Tang Dynasty in the Xingkai Lake Mae powered by the lake, rich, "Mae powered by the crucian carp," Chi Yu. ─── 史书记载,兴凯湖在唐代称为湄沱湖,以盛产“湄沱之鲫”驰誉。

45、Keywords chitosan;molecular weig ht;chitosan coating;crucian carp;preservation; ─── 壳聚糖;分子量;涂膜;鲫鱼;保鲜;

46、The Applied results on the different types of bacitracin zincs supplied in allogynogenetic crucian carp diet ─── 不同类型杆菌肽锌在异育银鲫饲料中应用效果研究

47、Artificial tetraploid crucian carp ─── 人工四倍体鲤鲫

48、She is one of the few rivers with the least pollution in the world.Dozens of kinds of fish live and multiply here, the most well known include salmon, carp, and crucian carp. ─── 她是迄今世界上污染最少的河流之一, 数十种鱼类在此得以繁衍生息,其中尤以鲑鱼、鲤鱼、鲫鱼最为著名。

49、Fangzheng silver crucian carp ─── 方正银鲫

50、There are more than 30 varieties of fish in the lake, such as carp, crucian carp, silver carp, catfish, etc ─── 它水深鱼多,盛产鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼、白鲢鱼等30多种鱼类。

51、How to raise carp and crucian best? ─── 如何养鲤鱼和鲫鱼最好?

52、The effect of Rhodopseudomonas palustris-loaded montmorillonite on water quality and growth performances was studied in cultured allogynogenetic crucian carp (Carassius auratus). ─── 摘要以附载益生菌-沼泽红假单胞菌的蒙托石为研究对象,通过对鲫养殖水质指标和生长性能的测定,研究了其作用效果。

53、Effects of chinese herbal medicine on non-specific immunity of pengze crucian carp ─── 复方中草药对彭泽鲫非特异性免疫功能的影响

54、allogynogentic crucian fingerlings ─── 异育银鲫鱼种

55、Melanin observation of visceral peritoneum in transparent color crucian carp, red crucian carp and Koi carp ─── 水晶彩鲫、红鲫和锦鲤的腹膜脏层黑色素观察

56、Experiment on using the extract of perilla seed as feed additives for Allogynogenetic crucian carp ─── 利用紫苏子提取物作为异育银鲫饲料添加剂的生产试验

57、I would recommend the Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce, the Sauted Chicken Cubes with Chili and Peanuts, Twice-Cooked Pork Slices and the Crucian Carp with Chili Bean Sauce. ─── 我向您推荐鱼香肉丝、宫保鸡丁、回锅肉和豆瓣鲫鱼。

58、This is not a caribe, you can regard it as a goldfish, crucian, flatfish . ─── 这不是吃人鱼哦,你可以看成是金鱼,鲫鱼,比目鱼。

59、Growth and body color of hybrids produced between transparent color crucian carp, red crucian carp, ornamental carp and red purse carp ─── 水晶彩鲫、红鲫、锦鲤、荷包红鲤杂交子代的生长和体色研究

60、The ordinary regulations and anatomy were selected tos tidy the morphological features of Triploid crucian carp and Triploid common carp. ─── 采用常规测量法和解剖法测定了湘云鲫、湘云鲤的形态特征。

61、frozen crucian carp ─── 冻鲫鱼

62、After waiting for about 30 minutes, I caught my first fish, it was a crucian. ─── 在等待约30分钟,引起了我的第一条鱼我,这是一个鲫鱼。

63、Genetic Basis of the Economic Trait Superiority of the Para-Hybrids of Allogynogenetic Silver Crucian Carp and Red Common Carp Determined by RAPD Analysis ─── 异育银鲫准回交世代经济性状优势的遗传基础研究

64、Meanwhile, the fish price such as fish of the weever of each free market of agricultural products, crucian carp, bream keeps basically stable, without big change. ─── 与 此同 时,各农 贸市 场 的鲈 鱼、鲫鱼 、鳊 鱼等 鱼 类价 格基 本 保持 稳定 ,没 有 大的 变化 。

65、The distribution law and comparison of heavy metal Cu and radioactive nuclein 3H in different tissues and organs of crucian are carried out. ─── 对重金属铜和放射性核素3H在鲫鱼不同组织和器官内的分布规律进行了研究并作了比较。

66、Methods:DNA adducts in gill of wild crucian from Wenjiayan,Lan River and Qu River in Qiantang valley were detected and compared with those from Chunan Qiandao lake(control). ─── 方法:以淳安千岛湖作为对照点,以钱塘江水系中闻家堰、兰江和衢江段为调查区,对各个采样点野生鲫鱼鳃DNA加合物水平进行测定。

67、To a certain degree, sperm head membrane maybe is the key factor to the androgenesis of the gynogenetic silver crucian carp eggs. ─── 在某种程度上表明:精子膜蛋白可能是雌核发育银鲫卵子进行雄核发育的关键因素。

68、Keywords polychlorinated biphenyls(PCB_(1254));allogynogenetic silver crucian carp;testosterone;estradiol; ─── 多氯联苯;异育银鲫;睾酮;雌二醇;

69、and spicy braised crucian carp. ─── 和干烧鲫鱼。

70、Produced in Germany to the silver crucian carp, mullet cone, iron thorns, such as freshwater medusa,rou hou juicy, refreshing taste for the history of the Song reputation. ─── 德归出产的银鲫、乌鱼锥、铁刺、雪莲等淡水鱼,肉厚多汁,鲜美爽口,为历代所颂誉。

71、Effect of Feed-based Hatchery and Traditional Pond Production Technologies on the Advanced Fry Production Performance of Crucian Carp ─── 传统池塘与孵化水泥池投饲饲养技术对异育银鲫鱼苗培育效果的影响

72、This article introduces a new freezing method to crucian fillet.It freezes the fish fillet of crucian using the low temperature calcium chloride solution. ─── 本文介绍了一种罗非鱼冻结的新工艺,即利用低温氯化钙溶液对鱼片进行冻结的新工艺。

73、This characteristic of Crucian carp can be used for the evaluation of pollution amount of water quality, and as a biological index for environmental monitoring. ─── 可利用鱼的这种特性评价水质污染程度,作为环境监测的生物学指标。

74、It could ingest living crucian, frog and mouse voluntarily.It also could intake bovine meat, pork and partridge egg voluntarily. ─── 在人工饲养条件下可以自主采食鲫鱼、青蛙和小白鼠等活的动物,也可自主采食牛肉、精猪肉和鹌鹑蛋;

75、Thus, so called "allogynogenetic Crucian Carp" was thought as the progeny of gynogenesis. ─── 因而认为异育淇鲫是雌核发育的产物,父本遗传物质对子代无影响。

76、Studies on Age and Growth of Crucian carp from Nanwan ─── 南湾鲫鱼年龄与生长的研究

77、Effect of Amino Acid Balance on the Growth and Apparent Digestibility of Allogynogenetic Crucian Carp ─── 氨基酸平衡对异育银鲫鱼生长及表观消化率的影响

78、Flow of business activities such as the crucian carp at the scene, "after 70" of the mine like a Guai students, Biting the sitting.瘦小the build, a suit was not fit. ─── 人流如鲫的商业活动现场,“70后”的雷量像个乖学生,笔挺地坐着。瘦小的身材,西装并不是那么合身。

79、a new type of triploid crucian carp ─── 新型三倍体鲫鱼

80、crucian carp( Carassius auratus gibelio) ─── 彩鲫

81、Discussing the scarfskins from the point of evolution, it implied that red Chinese crucian is more evolutional than Chinese crucian, fish without scales than fish with scales, Amphibia than Pisces (fish),and tiger frog than pond green frog. ─── 从进化的角度来看,认为红鲫较鲫鱼进化,无鳞鱼较有鳞鱼进化,两栖类较鱼类进化,虎纹蛙较黑斑蛙进化。

82、Preliminary Observation on peritoneum's chromatophore of carp and crucian carp ─── 几种鲤、鲫鱼腹膜色素细胞的初步观察

83、The LC50 on fries of red crucian carp and tadpole were 171.13mg/L and 72.77mg/L respectively, the coefficient of ground bait were 5.84 and 13.74. The EC had low toxicity on fish and frog. ─── 对红鲫鱼和泽蛙96h时的LC50分别为171.13 mg/L和72.77mg/L,投毒系数为5.84和13.74。 0.2%苦皮藤素乳油对鱼类及蛙类低毒。

84、Juang-tz was very angry, and he said to the official, "Yesterday I saw a crucian carp in a ditch that had dried up. ─── 庄子很气忿,就对蓝河侯说:“昨天我在路旁的干水沟里看见一条鲫鱼,他说是从东海来的,今天不幸掉在干水沟里,眼看就要干死了,快点儿给扦一桶水救救他。”

85、Pengze crucian carp eggs and sea carp sperm, which were artificially produced by the injection of LRH-A2 and HCG for females and pituitary for males, were mixed in fry production. ─── 摘要种苗生产过程中,通过人工催情(彭泽卿雌鱼两次注射LRH-A2与HCG的混合物,尖鳍鲤雄鱼一次注射鲤鱼脑垂体)获得卵和精,人工再行两种配子的混合。

86、, Mustard, quail, kumquat, crab, orange, wheat, crucian carp. ─── 、芥菜、鹌鹑、金橘、蟹、橙、麦、鲫鱼。

87、This study developed a method to detect danofloxacin mesylate(DFM) in crucian carp plasma using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography(RP-HPLC). ─── 建立了测定鲫血浆中甲磺酸达氟沙星浓度的反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)。

88、The mutation pattern of silver crucian carp was very complexional, as well as some loci did not follow the Stepwise Mutation Model. ─── (4) 序列分析表明, 雌核发育银鲫的微卫星突变模式并不严格遵守逐步突变模型。

89、Both bait flavor, protein high, bright colors, but also creep into the water after, crucian carp, carp to see such a meal, how can we miss? ─── 这两种钓饵腥味重、蛋白质高、颜色鲜艳,下水后又能蠕动,鲫鱼、鲤鱼见到如此美餐,岂能错过?

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