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09-04 投稿



hereinto 发音

英:[h?r??ntu]  美:[?h??r??ntu?]

英:  美:

hereinto 中文意思翻译



hereinto 相似词语短语

1、hereunto ─── adv.迄今;到此为止(等于hereto)

2、here's to ─── 敬你一杯

3、whereinto ─── adv.进入这里,进入什么地方;conj.向其中;pron.入此者

4、hereto ─── adv.到此为止;关于这个;对于此事,于此;对此(地、物、问题等)

5、herein ─── adv.本文中,本书中;于此,在此;n.(Herein)(美、德)赫赖因(人名)

6、hoed into ─── v.津津有味地吃

7、thereinto ─── adv.在其中,进入其中;在那里面

8、hoes into ─── 锄入

9、tear into ─── 猛攻

hereinto 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hereinto, the limitation of the information disclosure system leads improving the quality of accounting information difficultly, and restricts the development of the security market healthy. ─── 其中,会计信息披露制度自身的缺陷导致会计信息质量难以进一步提高,制约着证券市场快速、健康发展。

2、Hereinto, Siemens Limited China takes up 65% of the Company's shareholding, and Shanghai Transformer Factory35%. ─── 其中西门子(中国)有限公司占合资公司的65%股份,上海互感器厂有限公司占35%股份。

3、Hereinto, related to the theory of reliance obligation, the most severely problem is that we can't obtain the notion of obligation from the reliance; ─── 其中,对于信赖义务理论而言,最为严重的问题在于无法顺利的由信赖引发出义务观念;

4、Hereinto, the problem of risk in BOT project is a important aspect. ─── 其中,BOT项目的风险问题是一个不容忽视的问题。

5、Hereinto, the design of Ethernet connectivity part has the reference significance for other embedded applications that need connecting to Ethernet. ─── 其中的以太网接入部分,对于其他需要接入以太网的嵌入式系统设计具有参考意义。

6、Hereinto, open removals of involved soft tissue were performed in 14 cases after MRI examinations, and arthroscopic exam inations and removals were accomplished in 22 cases. ─── 其中经MRI检查后行踝关节切开嵌夹软组织切除术14例,关节镜检查及镜下切除嵌夹软组织22例。

7、Listing abroad is getting to be a more and more important way for the Chinese mainland's enterprises to get financing, and listing in Hong Kong is hereinto the most popular. ─── 海外上市越来越成为内地企业融资的重要途径,其中又以香港上市深得青睐。

8、How the deal of cognitive agriculture hereinto? ─── 如何认知农业在此中的份量?

9、Hereinto, an outstanding change is human capital gradually participates in the distribution of residual income. ─── 其中尤为突出的变化是,人力资本逐渐参与剩余收益的分配。

10、Hereinto, the numeralization of 3D prototype is the firstly important process.The accuracy of the objects’ numeralization will influence the quality of the digital reconstruction of the objects. ─── 三维原型的数字化技术是逆向工程中的首要环节,其得到的原型数据精度将直接影响到重建模型的质量。

11、Hereinto, Structured Programming (SP) provides the abstraction in function level, but it does not hide the complexity of data. ─── 其中,结构化编程通过自顶向下逐层分解提供了功能层次的抽象,但它不隐藏数据的复杂性;

12、Hereinto, DSU is shorted for database storage unit. It is one subsystem of communication based train control (CBTC) system. ─── 其中,DSU是数据库存储单元的简称,它是CBTC系统所包含的诸多子系统之一。

13、For any affairs other than prescribed hereinto, other related laws shall apply. ─── 本条例未规定者,适用其他法律之规定。

14、For any affairs other than prescribed hereinto, other relevant laws shall apply. ─── 本法未规定者,适用其他法律之规定。

15、Furthermore,it smoothes the yarn-distribution without break ooff,lessen and soften the second filoplume which can stop the latitude break,hereinto upgrade the efficiency. ─── 纱线干分绞容易,几乎不会出现断头现象,二次毛羽减少,且毛羽柔软,纬向阻断改善,提高织造效率。

16、I couldn't have much XiongTu hereinto, can't expect his ambition to have jiangshan beauty. ─── 我不敢妄言自己有多大的雄图大志,更不敢奢望自己能拥有江山美人。

17、Hereinto, the management of receivable accounts is not a negligible part. ─── 其中应收账款的管理是不能忽视的一部分。

18、Now there're tens of hi-tech enterprises, hereinto 30 provincial ones, including Jiangyan UPM which produces semiconductor parts; ─── 主要是生产半导体器件的姜堰市优宾晶圆科技有限公司;

19、{0>For any affairs other than prescribed hereinto, other laws applied. ─── 本法未规定者,适用其他法律之规定。

20、The surface of slope was covered by a complex medium,hereinto,the up layer was soil and the down layer was rock,we called the distribution rock-soil dualistic structure. ─── 结果发现,坡地的表层被一层双重、非均匀的复杂介质所覆盖,具体表现为“上覆土壤、下伏岩石”的“岩土二元结构体”;

21、are many ways to take to address those energy issues. Hereinto one of the practical choices is to develop renewable energy and increase the share of it in the energy consumption structure. ─── 解决能源问题的途径是多方面的,其中,开发利用可再生能源资源,提高可再生能源在能源结构中的比例将是一个重要的选择。

22、Click hereInto a loud laugh. ─── 成为一个响亮笑声。

23、Marxism Practical Materialism is an intact whole and hereinto the axiology of practice is an indispensable part, constituting the axiological dimensionality of practice aesthetics. ─── 马克思主义实践唯物主义是一个完整的整体,其中实践价值论是一个不可或缺的部分,它构成了实践美学的价值论维度。

24、In the meantime, because hub airport has much fare and goods hereinto to turn, bring more commercial opportunities to the airport, raised economic benefits to create a condition for the airport. ─── 同时,枢纽机场由于有大量的旅客和货物在此中转,给机场带来更多的商业机会,为机场提高经济效益创造了条件。

25、" Yan mouth, the beam yue: "do not hereinto, family!" ─── 项梁急忙捂住他的嘴,说:“不要胡说,要满门抄斩的!”

26、Hereinto, postulate type of rule refers to such necessary qualifications as label, mark, related law and so on, barrier type of rule involves tariff barrier, quantity barrier, technology barrier, and anti-bump etc. ─── 条件型规则主要指进入他国市场所要求具备的标签、标识及相关法规法律等; 壁垒型规则包括关税壁垒、配额为代表的数量壁垒、技术壁垒、反倾销等;

27、Hereinto, the problem of risk in BOT project is a important aspect. ─── 其中,BOT项目的风险问题是一个不容忽视的问题。

28、Hereinto, DSU is shorted for database storage unit. It is one subsystem of communication based train control (CBTC) system. ─── 其中,DSU是数据库存储单元的简称,它是CBTC系统所包含的诸多子系统之一。

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